Source code for

Module for containing graphql functionality for interacting with the Datasets Service API.

import os
from typing import Any, Optional

from requests import post


class GraphQLError(BaseException):
    """Exception for GraphQL"""

def get_graphql(url: str, query: str, variables: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None):
        url: The URL to send a query to.
        query: The main body of the query to be sent.
        variables: Additional input variables to the query body.

        string: json response.
        GraphQLError: if there no response is received or errors are received in the json response.

    json = {"query": query}

    if variables:
        json["variables"] = variables

    response = post(url=url, json=json, timeout=10, headers={"content-type": "application/json"})
    if "errors" in response.json():
        all_errors = ",".join(error["message"] for error in response.json()["errors"])
        raise GraphQLError(f"Errors in request: {all_errors}")

    return response.json()

def get_dataset_urls(class_id: str, parameters: dict[str, list[str]]) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
        class_id: Dataset class id e.g 'qchem', 'qspin'
        parameters: Dataset parameters e.g 'molname', 'basis'

        list of tuples (dataset_id, dataset_url)

    Example usage:
    >>> get_dataset_urls("qchem", {"molname": ["H2"], "basis": ["STO-3G"], "bondlength": ["0.5"]})
    [("H2_STO-3G_0.5", "")]

    response = get_graphql(
        query GetDatasetsForDownload($datasetClassId: String!, $parameters: [DatasetParameterInput!]) {
          datasetClass(id: $datasetClassId) {
            datasets(parameters: $parameters) {
        {"datasetClassId": class_id, "parameters": parameters},

    return [
        (resp["id"], resp["downloadUrl"]) for resp in response["data"]["datasetClass"]["datasets"]

[docs]def list_data_names() -> list[str]: """Get list of dataclass IDs.""" response = get_graphql( GRAPHQL_URL, """ query GetDatasetClasses { datasetClasses { id } } """, ) return [dsc["id"] for dsc in response["data"]["datasetClasses"]]
[docs]def list_attributes(data_name) -> list[str]: r"""List the attributes that exist for a specific ``data_name``. Args: data_name (str): The type of the desired data Returns: list (str): A list of accepted attributes for a given data name .. seealso:: :func:`~.load_interactive`, :func:`~.list_data_names`, :func:`~.load`. **Example** >>>"qchem") ['basis_rot_groupings', 'basis_rot_samples', 'dipole_op', ... 'vqe_gates', 'vqe_params'] """ response = get_graphql( GRAPHQL_URL, """ query ListAttributes($datasetClassId: String!) { datasetClass(id: $datasetClassId) { attributes { name } } } """, {"datasetClassId": data_name}, ) return [attribute["name"] for attribute in response["data"]["datasetClass"]["attributes"]]
def _get_parameter_tree(class_id) -> tuple[list[str], list[str], dict]: """Returns the (parameters, attributes, parameter_tree) for a given ``class_id``.""" response = get_graphql( GRAPHQL_URL, """ query GetParameterTree($datasetClassId: String!) { datasetClass(id: $datasetClassId) { attributes { name } parameters { name } parameterTree } } """, {"datasetClassId": class_id}, ) parameters = [param["name"] for param in response["data"]["datasetClass"]["parameters"]] attributes = [atr["name"] for atr in response["data"]["datasetClass"]["attributes"]] return (parameters, attributes, response["data"]["datasetClass"]["parameterTree"])