Source code for pennylane.devices.capabilities
# Copyright 2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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Defines the DeviceCapabilities class, and tools to load it from a TOML file.
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace
from enum import Enum
from itertools import repeat
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union
import tomlkit as toml
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Operator
class InvalidCapabilitiesError(Exception):
"""Exception raised from invalid TOML files."""
[docs]def load_toml_file(file_path: str) -> dict:
"""Loads a TOML file and returns the parsed dict."""
with open(file_path, "r") as file:
return toml.load(file)
[docs]class ExecutionCondition(Enum):
"""The constraint on the support of something."""
FINITE_SHOTS_ONLY = "finiteshots"
"""If the operator or measurement process is only supported with finite shots."""
"""If the operator or measurement process is only supported in analytic execution."""
TERMS_MUST_COMMUTE = "terms-commute"
"""If the composite operator is supported only when its terms commute."""
VALID_CONDITION_STRINGS = {condition.value for condition in ExecutionCondition}
class OperatorProperties:
"""Information about support for each operation."""
invertible: bool = False
"""Whether the adjoint of the operation is also supported."""
controllable: bool = False
"""Whether the operation can be controlled."""
differentiable: bool = False
"""Whether the operation is supported for device gradients."""
conditions: list[ExecutionCondition] = field(default_factory=list)
"""Execution conditions that the operation must meet."""
def __and__(self, other: "OperatorProperties") -> "OperatorProperties":
# Take the intersection of support but the union of constraints (conditions)
return OperatorProperties(
invertible=self.invertible and other.invertible,
controllable=self.controllable and other.controllable,
differentiable=self.differentiable and other.differentiable,
conditions=list(set(self.conditions) | set(other.conditions)),
def _get_supported_base_op(op_name: str, op_dict: dict[str, OperatorProperties]) -> Optional[str]:
"""Checks if the given operator is supported by name, returns the base op for nested ops"""
if op_name in op_dict:
return op_name
if match := re.match(r"Adjoint\((.*)\)", op_name):
base_op_name =
deep_supported_base = _get_supported_base_op(base_op_name, op_dict)
if deep_supported_base and op_dict[deep_supported_base].invertible:
return deep_supported_base
if match := re.match(r"C\((.*)\)", op_name):
base_op_name =
deep_supported_base = _get_supported_base_op(base_op_name, op_dict)
if deep_supported_base and op_dict[deep_supported_base].controllable:
return deep_supported_base
return None
class DeviceCapabilities: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
"""Capabilities of a quantum device."""
operations: dict[str, OperatorProperties] = field(default_factory=dict)
"""Operations natively supported by the backend device."""
observables: dict[str, OperatorProperties] = field(default_factory=dict)
"""Observables that the device can measure."""
measurement_processes: dict[str, list[ExecutionCondition]] = field(default_factory=dict)
"""List of measurement processes supported by the backend device."""
qjit_compatible: bool = False
"""Whether the device is compatible with qjit."""
runtime_code_generation: bool = False
"""Whether the device requires run time generation of the quantum circuit."""
dynamic_qubit_management: bool = False
"""Whether the device supports dynamic qubit allocation/deallocation."""
overlapping_observables: bool = True
"""Whether the device supports measuring overlapping observables on the same tape."""
non_commuting_observables: bool = False
"""Whether the device supports measuring non-commuting observables on the same tape."""
initial_state_prep: bool = False
"""Whether the device supports initial state preparation."""
supported_mcm_methods: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
"""List of supported methods of mid-circuit measurements."""
[docs] def filter(self, finite_shots: bool) -> "DeviceCapabilities":
"""Returns the device capabilities conditioned on the given program features."""
return (
if finite_shots
else self._exclude_entries_with_condition(ExecutionCondition.FINITE_SHOTS_ONLY)
def _exclude_entries_with_condition(
self, condition: ExecutionCondition
) -> "DeviceCapabilities":
"""Removes entries from the capabilities that has the given condition."""
operations = {k: v for k, v in self.operations.items() if condition not in v.conditions}
observables = {k: v for k, v in self.observables.items() if condition not in v.conditions}
measurement_processes = {
k: v for k, v in self.measurement_processes.items() if condition not in v
return replace(
[docs] @classmethod
def from_toml_file(cls, file_path: str, runtime_interface="pennylane") -> "DeviceCapabilities":
"""Loads a DeviceCapabilities object from a TOML file.
file_path (str): The path to the TOML file.
runtime_interface (str): The runtime execution interface to get the capabilities for.
Acceptable values are ``"pennylane"`` and ``"qjit"``. Use ``"pennylane"`` for capabilities of
the device's implementation of `Device.execute`, and ``"qjit"`` for capabilities of
the runtime execution function used by a qjit-compiled workflow.
document = load_toml_file(file_path)
capabilities = parse_toml_document(document)
update_device_capabilities(capabilities, document, runtime_interface)
return capabilities
[docs] def supports_operation(self, operation: Union[str, Operator]) -> bool:
"""Checks if the given operation is supported by name."""
operation_name = operation if isinstance(operation, str) else
return bool(_get_supported_base_op(operation_name, self.operations))
[docs] def supports_observable(self, observable: Union[str, Operator]) -> bool:
"""Checks if the given observable is supported by name."""
observable_name = observable if isinstance(observable, str) else
return bool(_get_supported_base_op(observable_name, self.observables))
def _get_toml_section(document: dict, path: str, prefix: str = "") -> dict:
"""Retrieves a section from a TOML document using a given path.
document (dict): The TOML document loaded from a file.
path (str): The title of the section to retrieve, typically in dot-separated format.
prefix (str): Optional prefix to the path. For example, if `path` is "operators.gates"
and `prefix` is "qjit", the "qjit.operators.gates" section will be retrieved.
dict: the requested section from the TOML document.
if prefix:
path = f"{prefix}.{path}"
for k in path.split("."):
if not isinstance(document, dict) or k not in document:
return {}
document = document[k]
return document
def _validate_conditions(conditions: list[ExecutionCondition], target=None) -> None:
"""Validates the execution conditions."""
if (
ExecutionCondition.ANALYTIC_MODE_ONLY in conditions
and ExecutionCondition.FINITE_SHOTS_ONLY in conditions
raise InvalidCapabilitiesError(
"Conditions cannot contain both 'analytic' and 'finiteshots'"
if ExecutionCondition.TERMS_MUST_COMMUTE in conditions and target not in (
raise InvalidCapabilitiesError(
"'terms-commute' is only applicable to Prod, SProd, Sum, and LinearCombination."
def _get_operators(section: dict) -> dict[str, OperatorProperties]:
"""Parses an operator section into a dictionary of OperatorProperties."""
operators = {}
iterator = section.items() if hasattr(section, "items") else zip(section, repeat({}))
for o, attributes in iterator:
if unknowns := set(attributes) - {"properties", "conditions"}:
raise InvalidCapabilitiesError(
f"Operator '{o}' has unknown attributes: {list(unknowns)}"
properties = attributes.get("properties", {})
if unknowns := set(properties) - {"invertible", "controllable", "differentiable"}:
raise InvalidCapabilitiesError(
f"Operator '{o}' has unknown properties: {list(unknowns)}"
condition_strs = attributes.get("conditions", [])
if unknowns := set(condition_strs) - VALID_CONDITION_STRINGS:
raise InvalidCapabilitiesError(
f"Operator '{o}' has unknown conditions: {list(unknowns)}"
conditions = [ExecutionCondition(c) for c in condition_strs]
_validate_conditions(conditions, o)
operators[o] = OperatorProperties(
invertible="invertible" in properties,
controllable="controllable" in properties,
differentiable="differentiable" in properties,
return operators
def _get_operations(document: dict, prefix: str = "") -> dict[str, OperatorProperties]:
"""Gets the supported operations from a TOML document.
document (dict): The TOML document loaded from a file.
prefix (str): Optional prefix corresponding to the runtime interface.
section = _get_toml_section(document, "operators.gates", prefix)
return _get_operators(section)
def _get_observables(document: dict, prefix: str = "") -> dict[str, OperatorProperties]:
"""Gets the supported observables from a TOML document.
document (dict): The TOML document loaded from a file.
prefix (str): Optional prefix corresponding to the runtime interface.
section = _get_toml_section(document, "operators.observables", prefix)
return _get_operators(section)
def _get_measurement_processes(
document: dict, prefix: str = ""
) -> dict[str, list[ExecutionCondition]]:
"""Gets the supported measurement processes from a TOML document.
document (dict): The TOML document loaded from a file.
prefix (str): Optional prefix corresponding to the runtime interface.
section = _get_toml_section(document, "measurement_processes", prefix)
measurement_processes = {}
iterator = section.items() if hasattr(section, "items") else zip(section, repeat({}))
for mp, attributes in iterator:
if unknowns := set(attributes) - {"conditions"}:
raise InvalidCapabilitiesError(
f"Measurement '{mp}' has unknown attributes: {list(unknowns)}"
condition_strs = attributes.get("conditions", [])
if unknowns := set(condition_strs) - VALID_CONDITION_STRINGS:
raise InvalidCapabilitiesError(
f"Measurement '{mp}' has unknown conditions: {list(unknowns)}"
conditions = [ExecutionCondition(c) for c in condition_strs]
measurement_processes[mp] = conditions
return measurement_processes
def _get_compilation_options(document: dict, prefix: str = "") -> dict[str, bool]:
"""Gets the capabilities in the compilation section.
document (dict): The TOML document loaded from a file.
prefix (str): Optional prefix corresponding to the runtime interface.
section = _get_toml_section(document, "compilation", prefix)
if unknowns := set(section) - VALID_COMPILATION_OPTIONS:
raise InvalidCapabilitiesError(
f"The compilation section has unknown options: {list(unknowns)}"
if not section.get("overlapping_observables", True) and section.get(
"non_commuting_observables", False
raise InvalidCapabilitiesError(
"When overlapping_observables is False, non_commuting_observables cannot be True."
return section
[docs]def parse_toml_document(document: dict) -> DeviceCapabilities:
"""Parses a TOML document into a DeviceCapabilities object.
This function will ignore sections that are specific to either runtime interface, such as
``"qjit.operators.gates"``. To include these sections, use :func:`update_device_capabilities`
on the capabilities object returned from this function.
schema = int(document["schema"])
assert schema in ALL_SUPPORTED_SCHEMAS, f"Unsupported config TOML schema {schema}"
operations = _get_operations(document)
observables = _get_observables(document)
measurement_processes = _get_measurement_processes(document)
compilation_options = _get_compilation_options(document)
return DeviceCapabilities(
[docs]def update_device_capabilities(
capabilities: DeviceCapabilities, document: dict, runtime_interface: str
"""Updates the device capabilities objects with additions specific to the runtime interface."""
if runtime_interface not in {"pennylane", "qjit"}:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid runtime interface: {runtime_interface}")
operations = _get_operations(document, runtime_interface)
observables = _get_observables(document, runtime_interface)
measurement_processes = _get_measurement_processes(document, runtime_interface)
compilation_options = _get_compilation_options(document, runtime_interface)
for option, value in compilation_options.items():
setattr(capabilities, option, value)
if runtime_interface == "qjit" and "qjit" in document and not capabilities.qjit_compatible:
raise InvalidCapabilitiesError(
"qjit-specific sections are found but the device is not qjit-compatible."
[docs]def observable_stopping_condition_factory(
capabilities: DeviceCapabilities,
) -> Callable[[qml.operation.Operator], bool]:
"""Returns a default observable validation check from a capabilities object.
The returned function checks if an observable is supported, for composite and nested
observables, check that the operands are supported.
def observable_stopping_condition(obs: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool:
if not capabilities.supports_observable(
return False
if isinstance(obs, qml.ops.CompositeOp):
return all(observable_stopping_condition(op) for op in obs.operands)
if isinstance(obs, qml.ops.SymbolicOp):
return observable_stopping_condition(obs.base)
return True
return observable_stopping_condition
[docs]def validate_mcm_method(capabilities: DeviceCapabilities, mcm_method: str, shots_present: bool):
"""Validates an MCM method against the device's capabilities."""
if mcm_method is None or mcm_method == "deferred":
return # no need to validate if requested deferred or if no method is requested.
if mcm_method == "one-shot" and not shots_present:
raise qml.QuantumFunctionError(
'The "one-shot" MCM method is only supported with finite shots.'
if capabilities is None:
# If the device does not declare its supported mcm methods through capabilities,
# simply check that the requested mcm method is something we recognize.
if mcm_method not in ("deferred", "one-shot", "tree-traversal"):
raise qml.QuantumFunctionError(
f'Requested MCM method "{mcm_method}" unsupported by the device. Supported methods '
f'are: "deferred", "one-shot", and "tree-traversal".'
if mcm_method not in capabilities.supported_mcm_methods:
supported_methods = capabilities.supported_mcm_methods + ["deferred"]
supported_method_strings = [f'"{m}"' for m in supported_methods]
raise qml.QuantumFunctionError(
f'Requested MCM method "{mcm_method}" unsupported by the device. Supported methods '
f"are: {', '.join(supported_method_strings)}."
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