Source code for pennylane.devices.default_clifford

# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module contains the Clifford simulator using ``stim``.

import concurrent.futures
from import Sequence
from dataclasses import replace
from functools import partial
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.measurements import (
from pennylane.ops.qubit.observables import BasisStateProjector
from pennylane.tape import QuantumScript, QuantumScriptBatch
from pennylane.transforms import convert_to_numpy_parameters
from pennylane.transforms.core import TransformProgram
from pennylane.typing import Result, ResultBatch

from . import Device
from .default_qubit import accepted_sample_measurement
from .execution_config import DefaultExecutionConfig, ExecutionConfig
from .modifiers import simulator_tracking, single_tape_support
from .preprocess import (

has_stim = True
    import stim
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as import_error:  # pragma: no cover
    has_stim = False

# Updated observable list

# Clifford gates and error channels
    "Identity": "I",
    "PauliX": "X",
    "PauliY": "Y",
    "PauliZ": "Z",
    "Hadamard": "H",
    "S": "S",
    "Adjoint(S)": "S_DAG",
    "SX": "SX",
    "Adjoint(SX)": "SX_DAG",
    "CNOT": "CNOT",
    "SWAP": "SWAP",
    "ISWAP": "ISWAP",
    "Adjoint(ISWAP)": "ISWAP_DAG",
    "CY": "CY",
    "CZ": "CZ",
    "GlobalPhase": None,
    "BasisState": None,
    "StatePrep": None,
    "Snapshot": None,
    "Barrier": None,
    "PauliError": "CORRELATED_ERROR",
    "BitFlip": "X_ERROR",
    "PhaseFlip": "Z_ERROR",
    "DepolarizingChannel": "DEPOLARIZE1",

[docs]def operation_stopping_condition(op: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool: """Specifies whether an operation is accepted by ``DefaultClifford``.""" return in _OPERATIONS_MAP
[docs]def observable_stopping_condition(obs: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool: """Specifies whether an observable is accepted by ``DefaultClifford``.""" return in _OBSERVABLES_MAP
@qml.transform def _validate_channels(tape, name="device"): """Validates the channels for a circuit.""" if not tape.shots and any(isinstance(op, qml.operation.Channel) for op in tape.operations): raise qml.DeviceError(f"Channel not supported on {name} without finite shots.") return (tape,), null_postprocessing def _pl_op_to_stim(op): """Convert PennyLane operation to a Stim operation""" try: stim_op = _OPERATIONS_MAP[] stim_tg = map(str, op.wires) except KeyError as e: raise qml.DeviceError( f"Operator {op} not supported with default.clifford and does not provide a decomposition." ) from e # Check if the operation is noisy if isinstance(op, qml.operation.Channel): stim_op += f"({op.parameters[-1]})" # get the probability if == "PauliError": stim_tg = [pauli + wire for pauli, wire in zip(op.parameters[0], stim_tg)] return stim_op, " ".join(stim_tg) def _pl_obs_to_linear_comb(meas_obs): """Convert a PennyLane observable to a linear combination of Pauli strings""" meas_rep = meas_obs.pauli_rep # Use manual decomposition for enabling Hermitian and partial Projector support if isinstance(meas_obs, (qml.Hermitian, BasisStateProjector)): meas_rep = qml.pauli_decompose(meas_obs.matrix(), wire_order=meas_obs.wires, pauli=True) # A Pauli decomposition for the observable must exist if meas_rep is None: raise NotImplementedError( f"default.clifford doesn't support expectation value calculation with {type(meas_obs).__name__} at the moment." ) coeffs, paulis = np.array(list(meas_rep.values())), [] meas_op_wires = list(meas_obs.wires) for pw in meas_rep: p_wire, p_word = pw.keys(), pw.values() if not p_word: # empty pauli word correspond to identity r_wire, r_word = meas_op_wires[:1], "I" else: # reorder the wires based on original meas_op # reorder the pauli terms based on above. r_wire = sorted(p_wire, key=meas_op_wires.index) r_word = "".join(map(pw.get, r_wire)) paulis.append((r_word, r_wire)) return coeffs, paulis # pylint:disable = too-many-instance-attributes
[docs]@simulator_tracking @single_tape_support class DefaultClifford(Device): r"""A PennyLane device for fast simulation of Clifford circuits using `stim <>`_. Args: wires (int, Iterable[Number, str]): Number of wires present on the device, or iterable that contains unique labels for the wires as numbers (i.e., ``[-1, 0, 2]``) or strings (``['aux_wire', 'q1', 'q2']``). Default ``None`` if not specified. shots (int, Sequence[int], Sequence[Union[int, Sequence[int]]]): The default number of shots to use in executions involving this device. check_clifford (bool): Check if all the gate operations in the circuits to be executed are Clifford. Default is ``True``. tableau (bool): Determines what should be returned when the device's state is computed with :func:`qml.state <pennylane.state>`. When ``True``, the device returns the final evolved Tableau. Alternatively, one may make it ``False`` to obtain the evolved state vector. Note that the latter might not be computationally feasible for larger qubit numbers. seed (Union[str, None, int, array_like[int], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator]): A seed-like parameter matching that of ``seed`` for ``numpy.random.default_rng``, or a request to seed from numpy's global random number generator. The default, ``seed="global"`` pulls a seed from numpy's global generator. ``seed=None`` will pull a seed from the OS entropy. max_workers (int): A ``ProcessPoolExecutor`` executes tapes asynchronously using a pool of at most ``max_workers`` processes. If ``max_workers`` is ``None``, only the current process executes tapes. If you experience any issue, try setting ``max_workers`` to ``None``. **Example:** .. code-block:: python dev = qml.device("default.clifford", tableau=True) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1]) qml.X(1) qml.ISWAP(wires=[0, 1]) qml.Hadamard(wires=[0]) return qml.state() >>> circuit() array([[0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1, 1]]) The devices execution pipeline can be investigated more closely with the following: .. code-block:: python num_qscripts = 5 qscripts = [ qml.tape.QuantumScript( [qml.Hadamard(wires=[0]), qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])], [qml.expval(qml.Z(0))] ) ] * num_qscripts >>> dev = DefaultClifford() >>> program, execution_config = dev.preprocess() >>> new_batch, post_processing_fn = program(qscripts) >>> results = dev.execute(new_batch, execution_config=execution_config) >>> post_processing_fn(results) (array(0), array(0), array(0), array(0), array(0)) .. details:: :title: Clifford Tableau :href: clifford-tableau-theory The device's internal state is represented by the following ``Tableau`` described in the `Sec. III, Aaronson & Gottesman (2004) <>`_: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} x_{11} & \cdots & x_{1n} & & z_{11} & \cdots & z_{1n} & &r_{1}\\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & &\vdots\\ x_{n1} & \cdots & x_{nn} & & z_{n1} & \cdots & z_{nn} & &r_{n}\\ & & & & & & & & \\ x_{\left( n+1\right) 1} & \cdots & x_{\left( n+1\right) n} & & z_{\left( n+1\right) 1} & \cdots & z_{\left( n+1\right) n} & & r_{n+1}\\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & & \vdots\\ x_{\left( 2n\right) 1} & \cdots & x_{\left( 2n\right) n} & & z_{\left( 2n\right) 1} & \cdots & z_{\left( 2n\right) n} & & r_{2n} \end{bmatrix} The tableau's first `n` rows represent a destabilizer generator, while the remaining `n` rows represent the stabilizer generators. The Pauli representation for all of these generators are described using the :mod:`binary vector <pennylane.pauli.binary_to_pauli>` made from the binary variables :math:`x_{ij},\ z_{ij}`, :math:`\forall i\in\left\{1,\ldots,2n\right\}, j\in\left\{1,\ldots,n\right\}` and they together form the complete Pauli group. Finally, the last column of the tableau, with binary variables :math:`r_{i},\ \forall i\in\left\{1,\ldots,2n\right\}`, denotes whether the phase is negative (:math:`r_i = 1`) or not, for each generator. Maintaining and working with this tableau representation instead of the complete state vector makes the calculations of increasingly large Clifford circuits more efficient on this device. .. details:: :title: Probabilities for Basis States :href: clifford-probabilities As the ``default.clifford`` device supports executing quantum circuits with a large number of qubits, the ability to compute the ``analytical`` probabilities for ``all`` computational basis states at once becomes computationally expensive and challenging as the system size increases. While we don't manually restrict users from doing so for any circuit, one can expect the underlying computation to reach its limit with ``20-24`` qubits on a typical consumer grade machine. As long as number of qubits are below this limit, one can simply use the :func:`qml.probs <pennylane.probs>` function with its usual arguments to compute probabilities for the complete computational basis states. We test this for a circuit that prepares the ``n``-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state. This means that the probabilities for the basis states :math:`|0\rangle^{\otimes n}` and :math:`|1\rangle^{\otimes n}` should be :math:`0.5`, and :math:`0.0` for the rest. .. code-block:: python import pennylane as qml import numpy as np dev = qml.device("default.clifford") num_wires = 3 @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.Hadamard(wires=[0]) for idx in range(num_wires): qml.CNOT(wires=[idx, idx+1]) return qml.probs() >>> circuit() tensor([0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5], requires_grad=True) Once above the limit (or even otherwise), one can obtain the probability of a single target basis state by computing the expectation value of the corresponding projector using :mod:`qml.expval <pennylane.expval>` and :mod:`qml.Projector <pennylane.Projector>`. .. code-block:: python num_wires = 4 @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(state): qml.Hadamard(wires=[0]) for idx in range(num_wires): qml.CNOT(wires=[idx, idx+1]) return qml.expval(qml.Projector(state, wires=range(num_wires))) >>> basis_states = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0]]) >>> circuit(basis_states[0]) tensor(0.5, requires_grad=True) >>> circuit(basis_states[1]) tensor(0.0, requires_grad=True) >>> circuit(basis_states[2]) tensor(0.0, requires_grad=True) .. details:: :title: Error Channels :href: clifford-errors This device supports the finite-shot execution of quantum circuits with the following error channels that add Pauli noise, allowing for one to perform any sampling-based measurements. - *Multi-qubit Pauli errors:* :mod:`qml.PauliError <pennylane.PauliError>` - *Single-qubit depolarization errors:* :mod:`qml.DepolarizingChannel <pennylane.DepolarizingChannel>` - *Single-qubit flip errors:* :mod:`qml.BitFlip <pennylane.BitFlip>` and :mod:`qml.PhaseFlip <pennylane.PhaseFlip>` .. code-block:: python import pennylane as qml import numpy as np dev = qml.device("default.clifford", shots=1024, seed=42) num_wires = 3 @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.Hadamard(wires=[0]) for idx in range(num_wires): qml.CNOT(wires=[idx, idx+1]) qml.BitFlip(0.2, wires=[1]) return qml.counts() >>> circuit() {'0000': 417, '0100': 95, '1011': 104, '1111': 408} .. details:: :title: Tracking :href: clifford-tracking ``DefaultClifford`` tracks: * ``executions``: the number of unique circuits that would be required on quantum hardware * ``shots``: the number of shots * ``resources``: the :class:`~.resource.Resources` for the executed circuit. * ``simulations``: the number of simulations performed. One simulation can cover multiple QPU executions, such as for non-commuting measurements and batched parameters. * ``batches``: The number of times :meth:`~.execute` is called. * ``results``: The results of each call of :meth:`~.execute`. .. details:: :title: Accelerate calculations with multiprocessing :href: clifford-multiprocessing See the details in :class:`~pennylane.devices.DefaultQubit`'s "Accelerate calculations with multiprocessing" section. Additional information regarding multiprocessing can be found in the `multiprocessing docs page <>`_. """ @property def name(self): """The name of the device.""" return "default.clifford" # pylint:disable = too-many-arguments def __init__( self, wires=None, shots=None, check_clifford=True, tableau=True, seed="global", max_workers=None, ) -> None: if not has_stim: raise ImportError( "This feature requires stim, a fast stabilizer circuit simulator. " "It can be installed with:\n\npip install stim" ) super().__init__(wires=wires, shots=shots) self._max_workers = max_workers self._check_clifford = check_clifford self._tableau = tableau seed = np.random.randint(0, high=10000000) if seed == "global" else seed self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self._debugger = None def _setup_execution_config(self, execution_config: ExecutionConfig) -> ExecutionConfig: """This is a private helper for ``preprocess`` that sets up the execution config. Args: execution_config (ExecutionConfig) Returns: ExecutionConfig: a preprocessed execution config """ updated_values = {} if execution_config.gradient_method == "best": # pragma: no cover updated_values["gradient_method"] = None updated_values["use_device_jacobian_product"] = False if execution_config.grad_on_execution is None: updated_values["grad_on_execution"] = False updated_values["device_options"] = dict(execution_config.device_options) # copy if "max_workers" not in updated_values["device_options"]: updated_values["device_options"]["max_workers"] = self._max_workers if "rng" not in updated_values["device_options"]: updated_values["device_options"]["rng"] = self._rng if "tableau" not in updated_values["device_options"]: updated_values["device_options"]["tableau"] = self._tableau return replace(execution_config, **updated_values)
[docs] def preprocess( self, execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig, ) -> tuple[TransformProgram, ExecutionConfig]: """This function defines the device transform program to be applied and an updated device configuration. Args: execution_config (Union[ExecutionConfig, Sequence[ExecutionConfig]]): A data structure describing the parameters needed to fully describe the execution. Returns: TransformProgram, ExecutionConfig: A transform program that when called returns QuantumTapes that the device can natively execute as well as a postprocessing function to be called after execution, and a configuration with unset specifications filled in. This device currently does not intrinsically support parameter broadcasting. """ config = self._setup_execution_config(execution_config) transform_program = TransformProgram() transform_program.add_transform(validate_device_wires, self.wires, transform_program.add_transform(qml.defer_measurements, allow_postselect=False) # Perform circuit decomposition to the supported Clifford gate set if self._check_clifford: transform_program.add_transform( decompose, stopping_condition=operation_stopping_condition, ) transform_program.add_transform(_validate_channels, transform_program.add_transform( validate_measurements, sample_measurements=accepted_sample_measurement, ) transform_program.add_transform( validate_observables, stopping_condition=observable_stopping_condition, ) # Validate multi processing max_workers = config.device_options.get("max_workers", self._max_workers) if max_workers: transform_program.add_transform(validate_multiprocessing_workers, max_workers, self) # Validate derivatives transform_program.add_transform(validate_adjoint_trainable_params) if config.gradient_method is not None: config.gradient_method = None return transform_program, config
[docs] def execute( self, circuits: Union[QuantumScript, QuantumScriptBatch], execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig, ) -> Union[Result, ResultBatch]: max_workers = execution_config.device_options.get("max_workers", self._max_workers) if max_workers is None: seeds = self._rng.integers(2**31 - 1, size=len(circuits)) return tuple( self.simulate(c, seed=s, debugger=self._debugger) for c, s in zip(circuits, seeds) ) vanilla_circuits = convert_to_numpy_parameters(circuits)[0] seeds = self._rng.integers(2**31 - 1, size=len(vanilla_circuits)) _wrap_simulate = partial(self.simulate, debugger=None) with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: exec_map =, vanilla_circuits, seeds) results = tuple(exec_map) self._rng = np.random.default_rng(self._rng.integers(2**31 - 1)) return results
# pylint:disable=no-member,too-many-branches
[docs] def simulate( self, circuit: qml.tape.QuantumScript, seed=None, debugger=None, ) -> Result: """Simulate a single quantum script. Args: circuit (QuantumTape): The single circuit to simulate debugger (_Debugger): The debugger to use Returns: tuple(TensorLike): The results of the simulation This function assumes that all operations are Clifford. >>> qs = qml.tape.QuantumScript([qml.Hadamard(wires=0)], [qml.expval(qml.Z(0)), qml.state()]) >>> qml.devices.DefaultClifford().simulate(qs) (array(0), array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]])) """ # Account for custom labelled wires circuit = circuit.map_to_standard_wires() # Build a stim circuit, tableau and simulator stim_circuit = stim.Circuit() tableau_simulator = stim.TableauSimulator() if self.wires is not None: tableau_simulator.set_num_qubits(len(self.wires)) # Account for state preparation operation prep = None if len(circuit) > 0 and isinstance(circuit[0], qml.operation.StatePrepBase): prep = circuit[0] use_prep_ops = bool(prep) # TODO: Add a method to prepare directly from a Tableau if use_prep_ops: stim_tableau = stim.Tableau.from_state_vector( qml.math.reshape(prep.state_vector(wire_order=list(circuit.op_wires)), (1, -1))[0], endian="big", ) stim_circuit += stim_tableau.to_circuit() # Iterate over the gates --> manage them manually or apply them to circuit global_phase_ops = [] for op in circuit.operations[use_prep_ops:]: gate, wires = _pl_op_to_stim(op) if gate is not None: # Note: This is a lot faster than doing `stim_ct.append(gate, wires)` stim_circuit.append_from_stim_program_text(f"{gate} {wires}") else: if isinstance(op, qml.GlobalPhase): global_phase_ops.append(op) if isinstance(op, qml.Snapshot): self._apply_snapshot(circuit, stim_circuit, op, global_phase_ops, debugger) tableau_simulator.do_circuit(stim_circuit) global_phase = qml.GlobalPhase(qml.math.sum([0] for op in global_phase_ops)) # Perform measurements based on whether shots are provided if circuit.shots: meas_results = self.measure_statistical(circuit, stim_circuit, seed=seed) else: meas_results = self.measure_analytical( circuit, stim_circuit, tableau_simulator, global_phase ) return meas_results[0] if len(meas_results) == 1 else tuple(meas_results)
@property def _analytical_measurement_map(self): """Maps measurement type to the desired analytic measurement method.""" return { DensityMatrixMP: self._measure_density_matrix, StateMP: self._measure_state, # kwargs -> circuit, global_phase ExpectationMP: self._measure_expectation, # kwargs -> circuit, stim_circuit VarianceMP: self._measure_variance, VnEntropyMP: self._measure_vn_entropy, # kwargs -> circuit MutualInfoMP: self._measure_mutual_info, # kwargs -> circuit PurityMP: self._measure_purity, # kwargs -> circuit ProbabilityMP: self._measure_probability, # kwargs -> circuit, stim_circuit } @property def _statistical_measurement_map(self): """Maps measurement type to the desired sampling measurement method.""" return { ExpectationMP: self._sample_expectation, VarianceMP: self._sample_variance, ClassicalShadowMP: self._sample_classical_shadow, ShadowExpvalMP: self._sample_expval_shadow, } def _apply_snapshot( self, circuit: qml.tape.QuantumScript, stim_circuit, operation: qml.Snapshot, global_phase_ops: Sequence[qml.GlobalPhase], debugger=None, ): """Apply a snapshot operation to the stim circuit.""" if debugger is not None and meas = operation.hyperparameters["measurement"] or StateMP() measurement_func = self._analytical_measurement_map.get(type(meas), None) if measurement_func is None: # pragma: no cover raise qml.DeviceError( f"Snapshots of {type(meas)} are not yet supported on default.clifford." ) # Build a temporary simulator for obtaining state snap_sim = stim.TableauSimulator() if self.wires is not None: snap_sim.set_num_qubits(len(self.wires)) snap_sim.do_circuit(stim_circuit) global_phase = qml.GlobalPhase(qml.math.sum([0] for op in global_phase_ops)) snap_result = measurement_func( meas, snap_sim, circuit=circuit, stim_circuit=stim_circuit, global_phase=global_phase, ) # Add to the debugger snapshot debugger.snapshots[operation.tag or len(debugger.snapshots)] = snap_result @staticmethod def _measure_observable_sample(meas_obs, stim_circuit, shots, sample_seed): """Compute sample output from a stim circuit for a given Pauli observable""" meas_dict = {"X": "MX", "Y": "MY", "Z": "MZ", "_": "M"} if isinstance(meas_obs, BasisStateProjector): stim_circ = stim_circuit.copy() stim_circ.append_from_stim_program_text("M " + " ".join(map(str, meas_obs.wires))) sampler = stim_circ.compile_sampler(seed=sample_seed) return [qml.math.array(sampler.sample(shots=shots), dtype=int)], qml.math.array([1.0]) coeffs, paulis = _pl_obs_to_linear_comb(meas_obs) samples = [] for pauli, wire in paulis: stim_circ = stim_circuit.copy() for op, wr in zip(pauli, wire): if op != "I": stim_circ.append(meas_dict[op], wr) sampler = stim_circ.compile_sampler(seed=sample_seed) samples.append(qml.math.array(sampler.sample(shots=shots), dtype=int)) return samples, qml.math.array(coeffs) # pylint:disable=protected-access
[docs] def measure_statistical(self, circuit, stim_circuit, seed=None): """Given a circuit, compute samples and return the statistical measurement results.""" # Compute samples via circuits from tableau num_shots = circuit.shots.total_shots sample_seed = seed if isinstance(seed, int) else self._rng.integers(2**31 - 1, size=1)[0] results = [] for meas in circuit.measurements: measurement_func = self._statistical_measurement_map.get(type(meas), None) if measurement_func is not None: res = measurement_func(meas, stim_circuit, shots=num_shots, seed=sample_seed) else: # Decide wire order meas_wires = meas.wires if meas.wires else range(stim_circuit.num_qubits) wire_order = {wire: idx for idx, wire in enumerate(meas.wires)} # Decide measurement op meas_op = meas.obs or*[qml.Z(idx) for idx in meas_wires]) samples = self._measure_observable_sample( meas_op, stim_circuit, num_shots, sample_seed )[0] # Check if the rotation was permissible if len(samples) > 1: raise qml.QuantumFunctionError( f"Observable {} is not supported for rotating probabilities on {}." ) # Process the result from samples res = meas.process_samples(samples=np.array(samples), wire_order=wire_order) # Post-processing for special cases if isinstance(meas, CountsMP): res = res[0] elif isinstance(meas, SampleMP): res = np.squeeze(res) results.append(res) return results
[docs] def measure_analytical(self, circuit, stim_circuit, tableau_simulator, global_phase): """Given a circuit, compute tableau and return the analytical measurement results.""" results = [] for meas in circuit.measurements: # signature: measurement_func(meas, tableaus_simulator, **kwargs) -> meas_result measurement_func = self._analytical_measurement_map.get(type(meas), None) if measurement_func is None: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError( f"default.clifford doesn't support the {type(meas)} measurement analytically at the moment." ) results.append( measurement_func( meas, tableau_simulator, circuit=circuit, stim_circuit=stim_circuit, global_phase=global_phase, ) ) return results
@staticmethod def _measure_density_matrix(meas, tableau_simulator, **_): """Measure the density matrix from the state of simulator device.""" wires = list(meas.wires) state_vector = qml.math.array(tableau_simulator.state_vector(endian="big")) return qml.math.reduce_dm(qml.math.einsum("i, j->ij", state_vector, state_vector), wires) def _measure_state(self, _, tableau_simulator, **kwargs): """Measure the state of the simualtor device.""" wires = kwargs.get("circuit").wires global_phase = kwargs.get("global_phase", qml.GlobalPhase(0.0)) if self._tableau: # Stack according to Sec. III, arXiv:0406196 (2008) tableau = tableau_simulator.current_inverse_tableau().inverse() x2x, x2z, z2x, z2z, x_signs, z_signs = tableau.to_numpy() pl_tableau = np.vstack( ( np.hstack((x2x, x2z, x_signs.reshape(-1, 1))), np.hstack((z2x, z2z, z_signs.reshape(-1, 1))), ) ).astype(int) if pl_tableau.shape == (0, 1) and len(wires): return np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) return pl_tableau state = qml.math.array(tableau_simulator.state_vector(endian="big")) if state.shape == (1,) and len(wires): # following is faster than using np.eye(length=1, size, index) state = qml.math.zeros(2 ** len(wires), dtype=complex) state[0] = 1.0 + 0.0j return state * qml.matrix(global_phase)[0][0] def _measure_expectation(self, meas, tableau_simulator, **kwargs): """Measure the expectation value with respect to the state of simulator device.""" meas_obs = meas.obs if isinstance(meas_obs, BasisStateProjector): kwargs["prob_states"] = qml.math.array([[0]]) return self._measure_probability( qml.probs(wires=meas_obs.wires), tableau_simulator, **kwargs ).squeeze() # Get the observable for the expectation value measurement coeffs, paulis = _pl_obs_to_linear_comb(meas_obs) expecs = qml.math.zeros_like(coeffs) for idx, (pauli, wire) in enumerate(paulis): pauli_term = ["I"] * max(np.max(list(wire)) + 1, tableau_simulator.num_qubits) for op, wr in zip(pauli, wire): pauli_term[wr] = op stim_pauli = stim.PauliString("".join(pauli_term)) expecs[idx] = tableau_simulator.peek_observable_expectation(stim_pauli) return, expecs) def _measure_variance(self, meas, tableau_simulator, **_): """Measure the variance with respect to the state of simulator device.""" meas_obs1 = meas.obs.simplify() meas_obs2 = (meas_obs1**2).simplify() # use the naive formula for variance, i.e., Var(Q) = ⟨𝑄^2⟩−⟨𝑄⟩^2 return ( self._measure_expectation(ExpectationMP(meas_obs2), tableau_simulator) - self._measure_expectation(ExpectationMP(meas_obs1), tableau_simulator) ** 2 ) def _measure_vn_entropy(self, meas, tableau_simulator, **kwargs): """Measure the Von Neumann entropy with respect to the state of simulator device.""" wires = kwargs.get("circuit").wires tableau = tableau_simulator.current_inverse_tableau().inverse() z_stabs = qml.math.array([tableau.z_output(wire) for wire in range(len(wires))]) return self._measure_stabilizer_entropy(z_stabs, list(meas.wires), meas.log_base) def _measure_mutual_info(self, meas, tableau_simulator, **kwargs): """Measure the mutual information between the subsystems of simulator device.""" wires = kwargs.get("circuit").wires tableau = tableau_simulator.current_inverse_tableau().inverse() z_stabs = qml.math.array([tableau.z_output(wire) for wire in range(len(wires))]) indices0, indices1 = getattr(meas, "_wires") return self._measure_stabilizer_entropy( z_stabs, list(indices0), meas.log_base ) + self._measure_stabilizer_entropy(z_stabs, list(indices1), meas.log_base) def _measure_purity(self, meas, tableau_simulator, **kwargs): r"""Measure the purity of the state of simulator device. Computes the state purity using the monotonically decreasing second-order Rényi entropy form given in `Sci Rep 13, 4601 (2023) <>`_. We utilize the fact that Rényi entropies are equal for all Rényi indices ``n`` for the stabilizer states. Args: stabilizer (TensorLike): stabilizer set for the system wires (Iterable): wires describing the subsystem log_base (int): base for the logarithm. Returns: (float): entanglement entropy of the subsystem """ wires = kwargs.get("circuit").wires if wires == meas.wires: return qml.math.array(1.0) tableau = tableau_simulator.current_inverse_tableau().inverse() z_stabs = qml.math.array([tableau.z_output(wire) for wire in range(len(wires))]) return 2 ** (-self._measure_stabilizer_entropy(z_stabs, list(meas.wires), log_base=2)) # pylint: disable=protected-access @staticmethod def _measure_stabilizer_entropy(stabilizer, wires, log_base=None): r"""Computes the Rényi entanglement entropy using stabilizer information. Computes the Rényi entanglement entropy :math:`S_A` for a subsytem described by :math:`A`, :math:`S_A = \text{rank}(\text{proj}_A {\mathcal{S}}) - |A|`, where :math:`\mathcal{S}` is the stabilizer group for the system using the theory described in Appendix A.1.d of `arXiv:1901.08092 <>`_. Args: stabilizer (TensorLike): stabilizer set for the system wires (Iterable): wires describing the subsystem log_base (int): base for the logarithm. Returns: (float): entanglement entropy of the subsystem """ # Get the number of qubits for the system num_qubits = qml.math.shape(stabilizer)[0] # Von Neumann entropy of a stabilizer state is zero if len(wires) == num_qubits: return 0.0 # Build a binary matrix desribing the stabilizers using the Pauli words pauli_dict = {0: "I", 1: "X", 2: "Y", 3: "Z"} terms = [ qml.pauli.PauliWord({idx: pauli_dict[ele] for idx, ele in enumerate(row)}) for row in stabilizer ] binary_mat = qml.pauli.utils._binary_matrix_from_pws(terms, num_qubits) # Partition the binary matrix to represent the subsystem partition_mat = qml.math.hstack( ( binary_mat[:, num_qubits:][:, wires], binary_mat[:, :num_qubits][:, wires], ) ) # Use the reduced row echelon form for finding rank efficiently # tapering always come in handy :) rank = qml.math.sum( qml.math.any(qml.qchem.tapering._reduced_row_echelon(partition_mat), axis=1) ) # Compute the entropy entropy = qml.math.log(2) * (rank - len(wires)) # Determine wether to use any log base if log_base is None: return entropy return entropy / qml.math.log(log_base) # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements def _measure_probability(self, meas, _, **kwargs): r"""Measure the probability of each computational basis state. Computes the probability for each of the computational basis state vector iteratively according to the follow pseudocode. 1. First, a complete basis set is built based on measured wires' length `l` by transforming integers :math:`[0, 2^l)` to their corresponding binary vector form, if the selective target states for computing probabilities have not been specified in the ``kwargs``. 2. Second, We then build a `stim.TableauSimulator` based on the input circuit. If an observable `obs` is given, an additional diagonalizing circuit is appended to the input circuit for rotating the computational basis based on the `diagonalizing_gates` method of the observable. 3. Finally, for every basis state, we iterate over each measured qubit `q_i` and peek if it can be collapsed to the state :math:`|0\rangle` / :math:`\rangle`1` corresponding to the bit `0` / `1` in the basis state vector at `i`th index. 4. If the qubit can be collapsed to the correct state, we do the post-selection and continue. If not, we identify it as an `unattainable` state and assign them with a zero probability. We do so for all the other basis states with the same `i`th index and keep this information stored in a visit-array. 5. Alternatively, if the qubit is in a superposition state, then it can collapse to either of the states :math:`|0\rangle` / :math:`\rangle`1`. We identify this as a `branching` scenario. We half the current probability and post-select based on the `i`th index of the basis state we are iterating. """ circuit = kwargs.get("circuit") # Set the target states tgt_states = kwargs.get("prob_states", None) # Obtain the measurement wires for getting the basis states mobs_wires = meas.obs.wires if meas.obs else meas.wires meas_wires = mobs_wires if mobs_wires else circuit.wires # Build the complete computational basis, # this will be expensive for larger circuits (> 24 qubits onwards) if tgt_states is None: num_wires = len(meas_wires) basis_vec = np.arange(2**num_wires)[:, np.newaxis] tgt_states = (((basis_vec & (1 << np.arange(num_wires)[::-1]))) > 0).astype(int) # Rotate the circuit basis to computational basis diagonalizing_cit = kwargs.get("stim_circuit").copy() diagonalizing_ops = [] if not meas.obs else meas.obs.diagonalizing_gates() for diag_op in diagonalizing_ops: # Check if it is Clifford if not in _OPERATIONS_MAP: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( f"Currently, we only support observables whose diagonalizing gates are Clifford, got {diag_op}" ) # Add to the circuit to rotate the basis stim_op = _pl_op_to_stim(diag_op) if stim_op[0] is not None: diagonalizing_cit.append_from_stim_program_text(f"{stim_op[0]} {stim_op[1]}") # Build the Tableau simulator from the diagonalized circuit circuit_simulator = stim.TableauSimulator() circuit_simulator.do_circuit(diagonalizing_cit) if not self._tableau: state = self._measure_state(meas, circuit_simulator, circuit=circuit) return meas.process_state(state, wire_order=circuit.wires) if len(meas_wires) >= tgt_states.shape[1]: meas_wires = meas_wires[: tgt_states.shape[1]] else: # pragma: no cover cgc_states = [] for state in tgt_states: if list(state[meas_wires]) not in cgc_states: cgc_states.append(list(state[meas_wires])) tgt_states = np.array(cgc_states) # Maintain a representaiton of basis states to build a visit-array tgt_integs = np.array([int("".join(map(str, tgt_state)), 2) for tgt_state in tgt_states]) # Iterate over the required basis states and for each of them compute the probability # If an impossible branch occur keep a note of it via a visit-array # Worst case complexity O(B * M * N), where N is #measured_qubits and B is #basis_states. visited_probs = [] prob_res = np.ones(tgt_states.shape[0]) for tgt_index, (tgt_integ, tgt_state) in enumerate(zip(tgt_integs, tgt_states)): if tgt_integ in visited_probs: continue prob_sim = circuit_simulator.copy() for idx, wire in enumerate(meas_wires): expectation = prob_sim.peek_z(wire) # (Eig --> Res) | -1 --> 1 | 1 --> 0 | 0 --> 0 / 1 | outcome = int(0.5 * (1 - expectation)) if not expectation: prob_res[tgt_index] /= 2.0 else: nope_idx = ( np.where( np.squeeze(np.all(tgt_states[:, :idx] == tgt_state[:idx], axis=-1)) & tgt_states[:, idx] != outcome )[0] if idx else np.where(tgt_states[:, idx] != outcome)[0] ) nope_idx = np.setdiff1d(nope_idx, visited_probs) prob_res[nope_idx] = 0.0 visited_probs.extend(tgt_integs[nope_idx]) if tgt_state[idx] != outcome: prob_res[tgt_index] = 0.0 break prob_sim.postselect_z(wire, desired_value=tgt_state[idx]) visited_probs.append(tgt_integ) return prob_res def _sample_expectation(self, meas, stim_circuit, shots, seed): """Measure the expectation value with respect to samples from simulator device.""" # Get the observable for the expectation value measurement meas_op = meas.obs samples, coeffs = self._measure_observable_sample(meas_op, stim_circuit, shots, seed) if isinstance(meas_op, BasisStateProjector): matches = np.where((samples[0] ==[0]).all(axis=1))[0] return len(matches) / shots expecs = [ qml.math.mean(qml.math.power([-1] * shots, qml.math.sum(sample, axis=1))) for sample in samples ] return, expecs) def _sample_variance(self, meas, stim_circuit, shots, seed): """Measure the variance with respect to samples from simulator device.""" # Get the observable for the expectation value measurement meas_obs1 = meas.obs.simplify() meas_obs2 = (meas_obs1**2).simplify() # use the naive formula for variance, i.e., Var(Q) = ⟨𝑄^2⟩−⟨𝑄⟩^2 return ( self._sample_expectation(qml.expval(meas_obs2), stim_circuit, shots, seed) - self._sample_expectation(qml.expval(meas_obs1), stim_circuit, shots, seed) ** 2 ) @staticmethod def _measure_single_sample(stim_ct, meas_ops, meas_idx, meas_wire): """Sample a single qubit Pauli measurement from a stim circuit""" stim_sm = stim.TableauSimulator() stim_sm.do_circuit(stim_ct) res = [0] * meas_idx + meas_ops + [0] * (meas_wire - meas_idx - 1) res = [int(r) for r in res] return stim_sm.measure_observable(stim.PauliString(res)) def _sample_classical_shadow(self, meas, stim_circuit, shots, seed): """Measures classical shadows from the state of simulator device""" meas_seed = meas.seed or seed meas_wire = stim_circuit.num_qubits bits = [] recipes = np.random.RandomState(meas_seed).randint( 3, size=(shots, meas_wire) ) # Random Pauli basis to be used for measurements for recipe in recipes: bits.append( [ self._measure_single_sample(stim_circuit, [int(rec) + 1], idx, meas_wire) for idx, rec in enumerate(recipe) ] ) return np.asarray(bits, dtype=int), np.asarray(recipes, dtype=int) def _sample_expval_shadow(self, meas, stim_circuit, shots, seed): """Measures expectation value of a Pauli observable using classical shadows from the state of simulator device.""" bits, recipes = self._sample_classical_shadow(meas, stim_circuit, shots, seed) # TODO: Benchmark scaling for larger number of circuits for this existing functionality wires_map = list(range(stim_circuit.num_qubits)) shadow = qml.shadows.ClassicalShadow(bits, recipes, wire_map=wires_map) return shadow.expval(meas.H, meas.k)