Source code for pennylane.devices.default_mixed
# Copyright 2018-2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
The default.mixed device is PennyLane's standard qubit simulator for mixed-state computations.
It implements the necessary :class:`~pennylane.Device` methods as well as some built-in
qubit :doc:`operations </introduction/operations>`, providing a simple mixed-state simulation of
qubit-based quantum circuits.
import functools
import itertools
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from string import ascii_letters as ABC
import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
import pennylane.math as qnp
from pennylane import BasisState, QubitDensityMatrix, Snapshot, StatePrep
from pennylane.logging import debug_logger, debug_logger_init
from pennylane.measurements import (
from pennylane.operation import Channel
from pennylane.ops.qubit.attributes import diagonal_in_z_basis
from pennylane.wires import Wires
from .._version import __version__
from ._qubit_device import QubitDevice
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ABC_ARRAY = np.array(list(ABC))
tolerance = 1e-10
[docs]class DefaultMixed(QubitDevice):
"""Default qubit device for performing mixed-state computations in PennyLane.
.. warning::
The API of ``DefaultMixed`` will be updated soon to follow a new device interface described
in :class:`pennylane.devices.Device`.
This change will not alter device behaviour for most workflows, but may have implications for
plugin developers and users who directly interact with device methods. Please consult
:class:`pennylane.devices.Device` and the implementation in
:class:`pennylane.devices.DefaultQubit` for more information on what the new
interface will look like and be prepared to make updates in a coming release. If you have any
feedback on these changes, please create an
`issue <>`_ or post in our
`discussion forum <>`_.
wires (int, Iterable[Number, str]): Number of subsystems represented by the device,
or iterable that contains unique labels for the subsystems as numbers
(i.e., ``[-1, 0, 2]``) or strings (``['ancilla', 'q1', 'q2']``).
shots (None, int): Number of times the circuit should be evaluated (or sampled) to estimate
the expectation values. Defaults to ``None`` if not specified, which means that
outputs are computed exactly.
readout_prob (None, int, float): Probability for adding readout error to the measurement
outcomes of observables. Defaults to ``None`` if not specified, which means that the outcomes are
without any readout error.
name = "Default mixed-state qubit PennyLane plugin"
short_name = "default.mixed"
pennylane_requires = __version__
version = __version__
author = "Xanadu Inc."
operations = {
_reshape = staticmethod(qnp.reshape)
_flatten = staticmethod(qnp.flatten)
_transpose = staticmethod(qnp.transpose)
# Allow for the `axis` keyword argument for integration with broadcasting-enabling
# code in QubitDevice. However, it is not used as DefaultMixed does not support broadcasting
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
_gather = staticmethod(lambda *args, axis=0, **kwargs: qnp.gather(*args, **kwargs))
_dot = staticmethod(
measurement_map = defaultdict(lambda: "")
measurement_map[PurityMP] = "purity"
def _reduce_sum(array, axes):
return qnp.sum(array, tuple(axes))
def _asarray(array, dtype=None):
# Support float
if not hasattr(array, "__len__"):
return np.asarray(array, dtype=dtype)
res = qnp.cast(array, dtype=dtype)
return res
def __init__(
if isinstance(wires, int) and wires > 23:
raise ValueError(
"This device does not currently support computations on more than 23 wires"
self.readout_err = readout_prob
# Check that the readout error probability, if entered, is either integer or float in [0,1]
if self.readout_err is not None:
if not isinstance(self.readout_err, float) and not isinstance(self.readout_err, int):
raise TypeError(
"The readout error probability should be an integer or a floating-point number in [0,1]."
if self.readout_err < 0 or self.readout_err > 1:
raise ValueError("The readout error probability should be in the range [0,1].")
# call QubitDevice init
super().__init__(wires, shots, r_dtype=r_dtype, c_dtype=c_dtype, analytic=analytic)
self._debugger = None
# Create the initial state.
self._state = self._create_basis_state(0)
self._pre_rotated_state = self._state
self.measured_wires = []
"""List: during execution, stores the list of wires on which measurements are acted for
applying the readout error to them when readout_prob is non-zero."""
def _create_basis_state(self, index):
"""Return the density matrix representing a computational basis state over all wires.
index (int): integer representing the computational basis state.
array[complex]: complex array of shape ``[2] * (2 * num_wires)``
representing the density matrix of the basis state.
rho = qnp.zeros((2**self.num_wires, 2**self.num_wires), dtype=self.C_DTYPE)
rho[index, index] = 1
return qnp.reshape(rho, [2] * (2 * self.num_wires))
[docs] @classmethod
def capabilities(cls):
capabilities = super().capabilities().copy()
"autograd": "default.mixed",
"tf": "default.mixed",
"torch": "default.mixed",
"jax": "default.mixed",
return capabilities
def state(self):
"""Returns the state density matrix of the circuit prior to measurement"""
dim = 2**self.num_wires
# User obtains state as a matrix
return qnp.reshape(self._pre_rotated_state, (dim, dim))
[docs] @debug_logger
def density_matrix(self, wires):
"""Returns the reduced density matrix over the given wires.
wires (Wires): wires of the reduced system
array[complex]: complex array of shape ``(2 ** len(wires), 2 ** len(wires))``
representing the reduced density matrix of the state prior to measurement.
state = getattr(self, "state", None)
wires = self.map_wires(wires)
return qml.math.reduce_dm(state, indices=wires, c_dtype=self.C_DTYPE)
[docs] @debug_logger
def purity(self, mp, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Returns the purity of the final state"""
state = getattr(self, "state", None)
wires = self.map_wires(mp.wires)
return qml.math.purity(state, indices=wires, c_dtype=self.C_DTYPE)
[docs] @debug_logger
def reset(self):
"""Resets the device"""
self._state = self._create_basis_state(0)
self._pre_rotated_state = self._state
[docs] @debug_logger
def analytic_probability(self, wires=None):
if self._state is None:
return None
# convert rho from tensor to matrix
rho = qnp.reshape(self._state, (2**self.num_wires, 2**self.num_wires))
# probs are diagonal elements
probs = self.marginal_prob(qnp.diagonal(rho), wires)
# take the real part so probabilities are not shown as complex numbers
probs = qnp.real(probs)
return qnp.where(probs < 0, -probs, probs)
def _get_kraus(self, operation): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""Return the Kraus operators representing the operation.
operation (.Operation): a PennyLane operation
list[array[complex]]: Returns a list of 2D matrices representing the Kraus operators. If
the operation is unitary, returns a single Kraus operator. In the case of a diagonal
unitary, returns a 1D array representing the matrix diagonal.
if operation in diagonal_in_z_basis:
return operation.eigvals()
if isinstance(operation, Channel):
return operation.kraus_matrices()
return [operation.matrix()]
def _apply_channel(self, kraus, wires):
r"""Apply a quantum channel specified by a list of Kraus operators to subsystems of the
quantum state. For a unitary gate, there is a single Kraus operator.
kraus (list[array]): Kraus operators
wires (Wires): target wires
channel_wires = self.map_wires(wires)
rho_dim = 2 * self.num_wires
num_ch_wires = len(channel_wires)
# Computes K^\dagger, needed for the transformation K \rho K^\dagger
kraus_dagger = [qnp.conj(qnp.transpose(k)) for k in kraus]
kraus = qnp.stack(kraus)
kraus_dagger = qnp.stack(kraus_dagger)
# Shape kraus operators
kraus_shape = [len(kraus)] + [2] * num_ch_wires * 2
kraus = qnp.cast(qnp.reshape(kraus, kraus_shape), dtype=self.C_DTYPE)
kraus_dagger = qnp.cast(qnp.reshape(kraus_dagger, kraus_shape), dtype=self.C_DTYPE)
# Tensor indices of the state. For each qubit, need an index for rows *and* columns
state_indices = ABC[:rho_dim]
# row indices of the quantum state affected by this operation
row_wires_list = channel_wires.tolist()
row_indices = "".join(ABC_ARRAY[row_wires_list].tolist())
# column indices are shifted by the number of wires
col_wires_list = [w + self.num_wires for w in row_wires_list]
col_indices = "".join(ABC_ARRAY[col_wires_list].tolist())
# indices in einsum must be replaced with new ones
new_row_indices = ABC[rho_dim : rho_dim + num_ch_wires]
new_col_indices = ABC[rho_dim + num_ch_wires : rho_dim + 2 * num_ch_wires]
# index for summation over Kraus operators
kraus_index = ABC[rho_dim + 2 * num_ch_wires : rho_dim + 2 * num_ch_wires + 1]
# new state indices replace row and column indices with new ones
new_state_indices = functools.reduce(
lambda old_string, idx_pair: old_string.replace(idx_pair[0], idx_pair[1]),
zip(col_indices + row_indices, new_col_indices + new_row_indices),
# index mapping for einsum, e.g., 'iga,abcdef,idh->gbchef'
einsum_indices = (
f"{kraus_index}{new_row_indices}{row_indices}, {state_indices},"
self._state = qnp.einsum(einsum_indices, kraus, self._state, kraus_dagger)
def _apply_channel_tensordot(self, kraus, wires):
r"""Apply a quantum channel specified by a list of Kraus operators to subsystems of the
quantum state. For a unitary gate, there is a single Kraus operator.
kraus (list[array]): Kraus operators
wires (Wires): target wires
channel_wires = self.map_wires(wires)
num_ch_wires = len(channel_wires)
# Shape kraus operators and cast them to complex data type
kraus_shape = [2] * (num_ch_wires * 2)
kraus = [qnp.cast(qnp.reshape(k, kraus_shape), dtype=self.C_DTYPE) for k in kraus]
# row indices of the quantum state affected by this operation
row_wires_list = channel_wires.tolist()
# column indices are shifted by the number of wires
col_wires_list = [w + self.num_wires for w in row_wires_list]
channel_col_ids = list(range(num_ch_wires, 2 * num_ch_wires))
axes_left = [channel_col_ids, row_wires_list]
# Use column indices instead or rows to incorporate transposition of K^\dagger
axes_right = [col_wires_list, channel_col_ids]
# Apply the Kraus operators, and sum over all Kraus operators afterwards
def _conjugate_state_with(k):
"""Perform the double tensor product k @ self._state @ k.conj().
The `axes_left` and `axes_right` arguments are taken from the ambient variable space
and `axes_right` is assumed to incorporate the tensor product and the transposition
of k.conj() simultaneously."""
return qnp.tensordot(qnp.tensordot(k, self._state, axes_left), qnp.conj(k), axes_right)
if len(kraus) == 1:
_state = _conjugate_state_with(kraus[0])
_state = qnp.sum(qnp.stack([_conjugate_state_with(k) for k in kraus]), axis=0)
# Permute the affected axes to their destination places.
# The row indices of the kraus operators are moved from the beginning to the original
# target row locations, the column indices from the end to the target column locations
source_left = list(range(num_ch_wires))
dest_left = row_wires_list
source_right = list(range(-num_ch_wires, 0))
dest_right = col_wires_list
self._state = qnp.moveaxis(_state, source_left + source_right, dest_left + dest_right)
def _apply_diagonal_unitary(self, eigvals, wires):
r"""Apply a diagonal unitary gate specified by a list of eigenvalues. This method uses
the fact that the unitary is diagonal for a more efficient implementation.
eigvals (array): eigenvalues (phases) of the diagonal unitary
wires (Wires): target wires
channel_wires = self.map_wires(wires)
eigvals = qnp.stack(eigvals)
# reshape vectors
eigvals = qnp.cast(qnp.reshape(eigvals, [2] * len(channel_wires)), dtype=self.C_DTYPE)
# Tensor indices of the state. For each qubit, need an index for rows *and* columns
state_indices = ABC[: 2 * self.num_wires]
# row indices of the quantum state affected by this operation
row_wires_list = channel_wires.tolist()
row_indices = "".join(ABC_ARRAY[row_wires_list].tolist())
# column indices are shifted by the number of wires
col_wires_list = [w + self.num_wires for w in row_wires_list]
col_indices = "".join(ABC_ARRAY[col_wires_list].tolist())
einsum_indices = f"{row_indices},{state_indices},{col_indices}->{state_indices}"
self._state = qnp.einsum(einsum_indices, eigvals, self._state, qnp.conj(eigvals))
def _apply_basis_state(self, state, wires):
"""Initialize the device in a specified computational basis state.
state (array[int]): computational basis state of shape ``(wires,)``
consisting of 0s and 1s.
wires (Wires): wires that the provided computational state should be initialized on
# translate to wire labels used by device
device_wires = self.map_wires(wires)
# length of basis state parameter
n_basis_state = len(state)
if not set(state).issubset({0, 1}):
raise ValueError("BasisState parameter must consist of 0 or 1 integers.")
if n_basis_state != len(device_wires):
raise ValueError("BasisState parameter and wires must be of equal length.")
# get computational basis state number
basis_states = 2 ** (self.num_wires - 1 - device_wires.toarray())
num = int(, basis_states))
self._state = self._create_basis_state(num)
def _apply_state_vector(self, state, device_wires):
"""Initialize the internal state in a specified pure state.
state (array[complex]): normalized input state of length
device_wires (Wires): wires that get initialized in the state
# translate to wire labels used by device
device_wires = self.map_wires(device_wires)
state = qnp.asarray(state, dtype=self.C_DTYPE)
n_state_vector = state.shape[0]
if state.ndim != 1 or n_state_vector != 2 ** len(device_wires):
raise ValueError("State vector must be of length 2**wires.")
if not qnp.allclose(qnp.linalg.norm(state, ord=2), 1.0, atol=tolerance):
raise ValueError("Sum of amplitudes-squared does not equal one.")
if len(device_wires) == self.num_wires and sorted(device_wires.labels) == list(
# Initialize the entire wires with the state
rho = qnp.outer(state, qnp.conj(state))
self._state = qnp.reshape(rho, [2] * 2 * self.num_wires)
# generate basis states on subset of qubits via the cartesian product
basis_states = qnp.asarray(
list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=len(device_wires))), dtype=int
# get basis states to alter on full set of qubits
unravelled_indices = qnp.zeros((2 ** len(device_wires), self.num_wires), dtype=int)
unravelled_indices[:, device_wires] = basis_states
# get indices for which the state is changed to input state vector elements
ravelled_indices = qnp.ravel_multi_index(unravelled_indices.T, [2] * self.num_wires)
state = qnp.scatter(ravelled_indices, state, [2**self.num_wires])
rho = qnp.outer(state, qnp.conj(state))
rho = qnp.reshape(rho, [2] * 2 * self.num_wires)
self._state = qnp.asarray(rho, dtype=self.C_DTYPE)
def _apply_density_matrix(self, state, device_wires):
r"""Initialize the internal state in a specified mixed state.
If not all the wires are specified in the full state :math:`\rho`, remaining subsystem is filled by
`\mathrm{tr}_in(\rho)`, which results in the full system state :math:`\mathrm{tr}_{in}(\rho) \otimes \rho_{in}`,
where :math:`\rho_{in}` is the argument `state` of this function and :math:`\mathrm{tr}_{in}` is a partial
trace over the subsystem to be replaced by this operation.
state (array[complex]): density matrix of length
``(2**len(wires), 2**len(wires))``
device_wires (Wires): wires that get initialized in the state
# translate to wire labels used by device
device_wires = self.map_wires(device_wires)
state = qnp.asarray(state, dtype=self.C_DTYPE)
state = qnp.reshape(state, (-1,))
state_dim = 2 ** len(device_wires)
dm_dim = state_dim**2
if dm_dim != state.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Density matrix must be of length (2**wires, 2**wires)")
if not qml.math.is_abstract(state) and not qnp.allclose(
qnp.trace(qnp.reshape(state, (state_dim, state_dim))), 1.0, atol=tolerance
raise ValueError("Trace of density matrix is not equal one.")
if len(device_wires) == self.num_wires and sorted(device_wires.labels) == list(
# Initialize the entire wires with the state
self._state = qnp.reshape(state, [2] * 2 * self.num_wires)
self._pre_rotated_state = self._state
# Initialize tr_in(ρ) ⊗ ρ_in with transposed wires where ρ is the density matrix before this operation.
complement_wires = list(sorted(list(set(range(self.num_wires)) - set(device_wires))))
sigma = self.density_matrix(Wires(complement_wires))
rho = qnp.kron(sigma, state.reshape(state_dim, state_dim))
rho = rho.reshape([2] * 2 * self.num_wires)
# Construct transposition axis to revert back to the original wire order
left_axes = []
right_axes = []
complement_wires_count = len(complement_wires)
for i in range(self.num_wires):
if i in device_wires:
index = device_wires.index(i)
left_axes.append(complement_wires_count + index)
right_axes.append(complement_wires_count + index + self.num_wires)
elif i in complement_wires:
index = complement_wires.index(i)
right_axes.append(index + self.num_wires)
transpose_axes = left_axes + right_axes
rho = qnp.transpose(rho, axes=transpose_axes)
assert qml.math.is_abstract(rho) or qnp.allclose(
qnp.trace(qnp.reshape(rho, (2**self.num_wires, 2**self.num_wires))),
self._state = qnp.asarray(rho, dtype=self.C_DTYPE)
self._pre_rotated_state = self._state
def _snapshot_measurements(self, density_matrix, measurement):
"""Perform state-based snapshot measurement"""
meas_wires = self.wires if not measurement.wires else measurement.wires
pre_rotated_state = self._state
if isinstance(measurement, (ProbabilityMP, ExpectationMP, VarianceMP)):
for diag_gate in measurement.diagonalizing_gates():
if isinstance(measurement, (StateMP, DensityMatrixMP)):
map_wires = self.map_wires(meas_wires)
snap_result = qml.math.reduce_dm(
density_matrix, indices=map_wires, c_dtype=self.C_DTYPE
elif isinstance(measurement, PurityMP):
map_wires = self.map_wires(meas_wires)
snap_result = qml.math.purity(density_matrix, indices=map_wires, c_dtype=self.C_DTYPE)
elif isinstance(measurement, ProbabilityMP):
snap_result = self.analytic_probability(wires=meas_wires)
elif isinstance(measurement, ExpectationMP):
eigvals = self._asarray(measurement.obs.eigvals(), dtype=self.R_DTYPE)
probs = self.analytic_probability(wires=meas_wires)
snap_result = self._dot(probs, eigvals)
elif isinstance(measurement, VarianceMP):
eigvals = self._asarray(measurement.obs.eigvals(), dtype=self.R_DTYPE)
probs = self.analytic_probability(wires=meas_wires)
snap_result = self._dot(probs, (eigvals**2)) - self._dot(probs, eigvals) ** 2
elif isinstance(measurement, VnEntropyMP):
base = measurement.log_base
map_wires = self.map_wires(meas_wires)
snap_result = qml.math.vn_entropy(
density_matrix, indices=map_wires, c_dtype=self.C_DTYPE, base=base
elif isinstance(measurement, MutualInfoMP):
base = measurement.log_base
wires0, wires1 = list(map(self.map_wires, measurement.raw_wires))
snap_result = qml.math.mutual_info(
raise qml.DeviceError(
f"Snapshots of {type(measurement)} are not yet supported on default.mixed"
self._state = pre_rotated_state
self._pre_rotated_state = self._state
return snap_result
def _apply_snapshot(self, operation):
"""Applies the snapshot operation"""
measurement = operation.hyperparameters["measurement"]
if self._debugger and
dim = 2**self.num_wires
density_matrix = qnp.reshape(self._state, (dim, dim))
snapshot_result = self._snapshot_measurements(density_matrix, measurement)
if operation.tag:
self._debugger.snapshots[operation.tag] = snapshot_result
self._debugger.snapshots[len(self._debugger.snapshots)] = snapshot_result
def _apply_operation(self, operation):
"""Applies operations to the internal device state.
operation (.Operation): operation to apply on the device
wires = operation.wires
if == "Identity":
if isinstance(operation, StatePrep):
self._apply_state_vector(operation.parameters[0], wires)
if isinstance(operation, BasisState):
self._apply_basis_state(operation.parameters[0], wires)
if isinstance(operation, QubitDensityMatrix):
self._apply_density_matrix(operation.parameters[0], wires)
if isinstance(operation, Snapshot):
matrices = self._get_kraus(operation)
if operation in diagonal_in_z_basis:
self._apply_diagonal_unitary(matrices, wires)
num_op_wires = len(wires)
interface = qml.math.get_interface(self._state, *matrices)
# Use tensordot for Autograd and Numpy if there are more than 2 wires
# Use tensordot in any case for more than 7 wires, as einsum does not support this case
if (num_op_wires > 2 and interface in {"autograd", "numpy"}) or num_op_wires > 7:
self._apply_channel_tensordot(matrices, wires)
self._apply_channel(matrices, wires)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] @debug_logger
def execute(self, circuit, **kwargs):
"""Execute a queue of quantum operations on the device and then
measure the given observables.
Applies a readout error to the measurement outcomes of any observable if
readout_prob is non-zero. This is done by finding the list of measured wires on which
BitFlip channels are applied in the :meth:`apply`.
For plugin developers: instead of overwriting this, consider
implementing a suitable subset of
* :meth:`apply`
* :meth:`~.generate_samples`
* :meth:`~.probability`
Additional keyword arguments may be passed to this method
that can be utilised by :meth:`apply`. An example would be passing
the ``QNode`` hash that can be used later for parametric compilation.
circuit (QuantumTape): circuit to execute on the device
QuantumFunctionError: if the value of :attr:`~.Observable.return_type` is not supported
array[float]: measured value(s)
if self.readout_err:
wires_list = []
for m in circuit.measurements:
if isinstance(m, StateMP):
# State: This returns pre-rotated state, so no readout error.
# Assumed to only be allowed if it's the only measurement.
self.measured_wires = []
return super().execute(circuit, **kwargs)
if isinstance(m, (SampleMP, CountsMP)) and m.wires in (
# Sample, Counts: Readout error applied to all device wires when wires
# not specified or all wires specified.
self.measured_wires = self.wires
return super().execute(circuit, **kwargs)
if isinstance(m, (VnEntropyMP, MutualInfoMP)):
# VnEntropy, MutualInfo: Computed for the state
# prior to measurement. So, readout error need not be applied on the
# corresponding device wires.
self.measured_wires = qml.wires.Wires.all_wires(wires_list)
return super().execute(circuit, **kwargs)
[docs] @debug_logger
def apply(self, operations, rotations=None, **kwargs):
rotations = rotations or []
# apply the circuit operations
for i, operation in enumerate(operations):
if i > 0 and isinstance(operation, (StatePrep, BasisState)):
raise qml.DeviceError(
f"Operation {} cannot be used after other Operations have already been applied "
f"on a {self.short_name} device."
for operation in operations:
# store the pre-rotated state
self._pre_rotated_state = self._state
# apply the circuit rotations
for operation in rotations:
if self.readout_err:
for k in self.measured_wires:
bit_flip = qml.BitFlip(self.readout_err, wires=k)
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