Source code for pennylane.devices.default_qubit
# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
The default.qubit device is PennyLane's standard qubit-based device.
import concurrent.futures
import logging
from dataclasses import replace
from functools import partial
from numbers import Number
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.logging import debug_logger, debug_logger_init
from pennylane.measurements import ClassicalShadowMP, ShadowExpvalMP
from pennylane.measurements.mid_measure import MidMeasureMP
from pennylane.ops.op_math.condition import Conditional
from pennylane.tape import QuantumScript, QuantumScriptBatch, QuantumScriptOrBatch
from pennylane.transforms import convert_to_numpy_parameters
from pennylane.transforms.core import TransformProgram
from pennylane.typing import PostprocessingFn, Result, ResultBatch, TensorLike
from . import Device
from .execution_config import DefaultExecutionConfig, ExecutionConfig
from .modifiers import simulator_tracking, single_tape_support
from .preprocess import (
from .qubit.adjoint_jacobian import adjoint_jacobian, adjoint_jvp, adjoint_vjp
from .qubit.sampling import jax_random_split
from .qubit.simulate import get_final_state, measure_final_state, simulate
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def stopping_condition(op: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool:
"""Specify whether or not an Operator object is supported by the device."""
if == "QFT" and len(op.wires) >= 6:
return False
if == "GroverOperator" and len(op.wires) >= 13:
return False
if == "Snapshot":
return True
if op.__class__.__name__[:3] == "Pow" and qml.operation.is_trainable(op):
return False
return (
(isinstance(op, Conditional) and stopping_condition(op.base))
or isinstance(op, MidMeasureMP)
or op.has_matrix
[docs]def stopping_condition_shots(op: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool:
"""Specify whether or not an Operator object is supported by the device with shots."""
return (
(isinstance(op, Conditional) and stopping_condition_shots(op.base))
or isinstance(op, MidMeasureMP)
or stopping_condition(op)
[docs]def observable_accepts_sampling(obs: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool:
"""Verifies whether an observable supports sample measurement"""
if isinstance(obs, qml.ops.CompositeOp):
return all(observable_accepts_sampling(o) for o in obs.operands)
if isinstance(obs, qml.ops.SymbolicOp):
return observable_accepts_sampling(obs.base)
return obs.has_diagonalizing_gates
[docs]def observable_accepts_analytic(obs: qml.operation.Operator, is_expval=False) -> bool:
"""Verifies whether an observable supports analytic measurement"""
if isinstance(obs, qml.ops.CompositeOp):
return all(observable_accepts_analytic(o, is_expval) for o in obs.operands)
if isinstance(obs, qml.ops.SymbolicOp):
return observable_accepts_analytic(obs.base, is_expval)
if is_expval and isinstance(obs, (qml.ops.SparseHamiltonian, qml.ops.Hermitian)):
return True
return obs.has_diagonalizing_gates
[docs]def accepted_sample_measurement(m: qml.measurements.MeasurementProcess) -> bool:
"""Specifies whether a measurement is accepted when sampling."""
if not isinstance(
return False
if m.obs is not None:
return observable_accepts_sampling(m.obs)
return True
[docs]def accepted_analytic_measurement(m: qml.measurements.MeasurementProcess) -> bool:
"""Specifies whether a measurement is accepted when analytic."""
if not isinstance(m, qml.measurements.StateMeasurement):
return False
if m.obs is not None:
return observable_accepts_analytic(m.obs, isinstance(m, qml.measurements.ExpectationMP))
return True
[docs]def all_state_postprocessing(results, measurements, wire_order):
"""Process a state measurement back into the original measurements."""
result = tuple(m.process_state(results[0], wire_order=wire_order) for m in measurements)
return result[0] if len(measurements) == 1 else result
def _conditional_broastcast_expand(tape):
"""Apply conditional broadcast expansion to the tape if needed."""
# Currently, default.qubit does not support native parameter broadcasting with
# shadow operations. We need to expand the tape to include the broadcasted parameters.
if any(isinstance(mp, (ShadowExpvalMP, ClassicalShadowMP)) for mp in tape.measurements):
return qml.transforms.broadcast_expand(tape)
return (tape,), null_postprocessing
def adjoint_state_measurements(
tape: QuantumScript, device_vjp=False
) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]:
"""Perform adjoint measurement preprocessing.
* Allows a tape with only expectation values through unmodified
* Raises an error if non-expectation value measurements exist and any have diagonalizing gates
* Turns the circuit into a state measurement + classical postprocesssing for arbitrary measurements
tape (QuantumTape): the input circuit
if all(isinstance(m, qml.measurements.ExpectationMP) for m in tape.measurements):
return (tape,), null_postprocessing
if any(len(m.diagonalizing_gates()) > 0 for m in tape.measurements):
raise qml.DeviceError(
"adjoint diff supports either all expectation values or only measurements without observables."
params = tape.get_parameters()
if device_vjp:
for p in params:
if (
and qml.math.get_interface(p) == "tensorflow"
and qml.math.get_dtype_name(p) in {"float32", "complex64"}
raise ValueError(
"tensorflow with adjoint differentiation of the state requires float64 or complex128 parameters."
complex_data = [qml.math.cast(p, complex) for p in params]
tape = tape.bind_new_parameters(complex_data, list(range(len(params))))
new_mp = qml.measurements.StateMP(wires=tape.wires)
state_tape = tape.copy(measurements=[new_mp])
return (state_tape,), partial(
all_state_postprocessing, measurements=tape.measurements, wire_order=tape.wires
[docs]def adjoint_ops(op: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool:
"""Specify whether or not an Operator is supported by adjoint differentiation."""
return not isinstance(op, (Conditional, MidMeasureMP)) and (
op.num_params == 0
or not qml.operation.is_trainable(op)
or (op.num_params == 1 and op.has_generator)
[docs]def adjoint_observables(obs: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool:
"""Specifies whether or not an observable is compatible with adjoint differentiation on DefaultQubit."""
return obs.has_matrix
def _supports_adjoint(circuit, device_wires, device_name):
if circuit is None:
return True
prog = TransformProgram()
prog.add_transform(validate_device_wires, device_wires, name=device_name)
except (qml.operation.DecompositionUndefinedError, qml.DeviceError, AttributeError):
return False
return True
def _add_adjoint_transforms(program: TransformProgram, device_vjp=False) -> None:
"""Private helper function for ``preprocess`` that adds the transforms specific
for adjoint differentiation.
program (TransformProgram): where we will add the adjoint differentiation transforms
Side Effects:
Adds transforms to the input program.
name = "adjoint + default.qubit"
program.add_transform(no_sampling, name=name)
decompose, stopping_condition=adjoint_ops, name=name, skip_initial_state_prep=False
program.add_transform(validate_observables, adjoint_observables, name=name)
program.add_transform(adjoint_state_measurements, device_vjp=device_vjp)
class DefaultQubit(Device):
"""A PennyLane device written in Python and capable of backpropagation derivatives.
wires (int, Iterable[Number, str]): Number of wires present on the device, or iterable that
contains unique labels for the wires as numbers (i.e., ``[-1, 0, 2]``) or strings
(``['ancilla', 'q1', 'q2']``). Default ``None`` if not specified.
shots (int, Sequence[int], Sequence[Union[int, Sequence[int]]]): The default number of shots
to use in executions involving this device.
seed (Union[str, None, int, array_like[int], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator, jax.random.PRNGKey]): A
seed-like parameter matching that of ``seed`` for ``numpy.random.default_rng``, or
a request to seed from numpy's global random number generator.
The default, ``seed="global"`` pulls a seed from NumPy's global generator. ``seed=None``
will pull a seed from the OS entropy.
If a ``jax.random.PRNGKey`` is passed as the seed, a JAX-specific sampling function using
``jax.random.choice`` and the ``PRNGKey`` will be used for sampling rather than
max_workers (int): A ``ProcessPoolExecutor`` executes tapes asynchronously
using a pool of at most ``max_workers`` processes. If ``max_workers`` is ``None``,
only the current process executes tapes. If you experience any
issue, say using JAX, TensorFlow, Torch, try setting ``max_workers`` to ``None``.
.. code-block:: python
n_layers = 5
n_wires = 10
num_qscripts = 5
shape = qml.StronglyEntanglingLayers.shape(n_layers=n_layers, n_wires=n_wires)
rng = qml.numpy.random.default_rng(seed=42)
qscripts = []
for i in range(num_qscripts):
params = rng.random(shape)
op = qml.StronglyEntanglingLayers(params, wires=range(n_wires))
qs = qml.tape.QuantumScript([op], [qml.expval(qml.Z(0))])
>>> dev = DefaultQubit()
>>> program, execution_config = dev.preprocess()
>>> new_batch, post_processing_fn = program(qscripts)
>>> results = dev.execute(new_batch, execution_config=execution_config)
>>> post_processing_fn(results)
This device currently supports backpropagation derivatives:
>>> from pennylane.devices import ExecutionConfig
>>> dev.supports_derivatives(ExecutionConfig(gradient_method="backprop"))
For example, we can use jax to jit computing the derivative:
.. code-block:: python
import jax
def f(x):
qs = qml.tape.QuantumScript([qml.RX(x, 0)], [qml.expval(qml.Z(0))])
program, execution_config = dev.preprocess()
new_batch, post_processing_fn = program([qs])
results = dev.execute(new_batch, execution_config=execution_config)
return post_processing_fn(results)
>>> f(jax.numpy.array(1.2))
DeviceArray(0.36235774, dtype=float32)
>>> jax.grad(f)(jax.numpy.array(1.2))
DeviceArray(-0.93203914, dtype=float32, weak_type=True)
.. details::
:title: Tracking
``DefaultQubit`` tracks:
* ``executions``: the number of unique circuits that would be required on quantum hardware
* ``shots``: the number of shots
* ``resources``: the :class:`~.resource.Resources` for the executed circuit.
* ``simulations``: the number of simulations performed. One simulation can cover multiple QPU executions, such as for non-commuting measurements and batched parameters.
* ``batches``: The number of times :meth:`~.execute` is called.
* ``results``: The results of each call of :meth:`~.execute`
* ``derivative_batches``: How many times :meth:`~.compute_derivatives` is called.
* ``execute_and_derivative_batches``: How many times :meth:`~.execute_and_compute_derivatives` is called
* ``vjp_batches``: How many times :meth:`~.compute_vjp` is called
* ``execute_and_vjp_batches``: How many times :meth:`~.execute_and_compute_vjp` is called
* ``jvp_batches``: How many times :meth:`~.compute_jvp` is called
* ``execute_and_jvp_batches``: How many times :meth:`~.execute_and_compute_jvp` is called
* ``derivatives``: How many circuits are submitted to :meth:`~.compute_derivatives` or :meth:`~.execute_and_compute_derivatives`.
* ``vjps``: How many circuits are submitted to :meth:`~.compute_vjp` or :meth:`~.execute_and_compute_vjp`
* ``jvps``: How many circuits are submitted to :meth:`~.compute_jvp` or :meth:`~.execute_and_compute_jvp`
.. details::
:title: Accelerate calculations with multiprocessing
Suppose one has a processor with 5 cores or more, these scripts can be executed in
parallel as follows
>>> dev = DefaultQubit(max_workers=5)
>>> program, execution_config = dev.preprocess()
>>> new_batch, post_processing_fn = program(qscripts)
>>> results = dev.execute(new_batch, execution_config=execution_config)
>>> post_processing_fn(results)
If you monitor your CPU usage, you should see 5 new Python processes pop up to
crunch through those ``QuantumScript``'s. Beware not oversubscribing your machine.
This may happen if a single device already uses many cores, if NumPy uses a multi-
threaded BLAS library like MKL or OpenBLAS for example. The number of threads per
process times the number of processes should not exceed the number of cores on your
machine. You can control the number of threads per process with the environment
where the last two are specific to the MKL and OpenBLAS libraries specifically.
.. warning::
Multiprocessing may fail depending on your platform and environment (Python shell,
script with a protected entry point, Jupyter notebook, etc.) This may be solved
changing the so-called start method. The supported start methods are the following:
* Windows (win32): spawn (default).
* macOS (darwin): spawn (default), fork, forkserver.
* Linux (unix): spawn, fork (default), forkserver.
which can be changed with ``multiprocessing.set_start_method()``. For example,
if multiprocessing fails on macOS in your Jupyter notebook environment, try
restarting the session and adding the following at the beginning of the file:
.. code-block:: python
import multiprocessing
Additional information can be found in the
`multiprocessing doc <>`_.
def name(self):
"""The name of the device."""
return "default.qubit"
[docs] def get_prng_keys(self, num: int = 1):
"""Get ``num`` new keys with ``jax.random.split``.
A user may provide a ``jax.random.PRNGKey`` as a random seed.
It will be used by the device when executing circuits with finite shots.
The JAX RNG is notably different than the NumPy RNG as highlighted in the
`JAX documentation <>`_.
JAX does not keep track of a global seed or key, but needs one anytime it draws from a random number distribution.
Generating randomness therefore requires changing the key every time, which is done by "splitting" the key.
For example, when executing ``n`` circuits, the ``PRNGkey`` is split ``n`` times into 2 new keys
using ``jax.random.split`` to simulate a non-deterministic behaviour.
The device seed is modified in-place using the first key, and the second key is fed to the
circuit, and hence can be discarded after returning the results.
This same key may be split further down the stack if necessary so that no one key is ever
if num < 1:
raise ValueError("Argument num must be a positive integer.")
if num > 1:
return [self.get_prng_keys()[0] for _ in range(num)]
self._prng_key, *keys = jax_random_split(self._prng_key)
return keys
[docs] def reset_prng_key(self):
"""Reset the RNG key to its initial value."""
self._prng_key = self._prng_seed
_state_cache: Optional[dict] = None
A cache to store the "pre-rotated state" for reuse between the forward pass call to ``execute`` and
subsequent calls to ``compute_vjp``. ``None`` indicates that no caching is required.
_device_options = ("max_workers", "rng", "prng_key")
tuple of string names for all the device options.
# pylint:disable = too-many-arguments
def __init__(
) -> None:
super().__init__(wires=wires, shots=shots)
self._max_workers = max_workers
seed = np.random.randint(0, high=10000000) if seed == "global" else seed
if qml.math.get_interface(seed) == "jax":
self._prng_seed = seed
self._prng_key = seed
self._rng = np.random.default_rng(None)
self._prng_seed = None
self._prng_key = None
self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
self._debugger = None
[docs] @debug_logger
def supports_derivatives(
execution_config: Optional[ExecutionConfig] = None,
circuit: Optional[QuantumScript] = None,
) -> bool:
"""Check whether or not derivatives are available for a given configuration and circuit.
``DefaultQubit`` supports backpropagation derivatives with analytic results, as well as
adjoint differentiation.
execution_config (ExecutionConfig): The configuration of the desired derivative calculation
circuit (QuantumTape): An optional circuit to check derivatives support for.
Bool: Whether or not a derivative can be calculated provided the given information
if execution_config is None:
return True
no_max_workers = (
execution_config.device_options.get("max_workers", self._max_workers) is None
if execution_config.gradient_method in {"backprop", "best"} and no_max_workers:
if circuit is None:
return True
return not circuit.shots and not any(
isinstance(m.obs, qml.SparseHamiltonian) for m in circuit.measurements
if execution_config.gradient_method in {"adjoint", "best"}:
return _supports_adjoint(circuit, device_wires=self.wires,
return False
[docs] @debug_logger
def preprocess(
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
) -> tuple[TransformProgram, ExecutionConfig]:
"""This function defines the device transform program to be applied and an updated device configuration.
execution_config (Union[ExecutionConfig, Sequence[ExecutionConfig]]): A data structure describing the
parameters needed to fully describe the execution.
TransformProgram, ExecutionConfig: A transform program that when called returns QuantumTapes that the device
can natively execute as well as a postprocessing function to be called after execution, and a configuration with
unset specifications filled in.
This device supports any qubit operations that provide a matrix
config = self._setup_execution_config(execution_config)
transform_program = TransformProgram()
transform_program.add_transform(validate_device_wires, self.wires,
mid_circuit_measurements, device=self, mcm_config=config.mcm_config
if config.mcm_config.mcm_method == "tree-traversal":
# Validate multi processing
max_workers = config.device_options.get("max_workers", self._max_workers)
if max_workers:
transform_program.add_transform(validate_multiprocessing_workers, max_workers, self)
if config.gradient_method == "backprop":
transform_program.add_transform(no_sampling, name="backprop + default.qubit")
if config.gradient_method == "adjoint":
transform_program, device_vjp=config.use_device_jacobian_product
return transform_program, config
def _setup_execution_config(self, execution_config: ExecutionConfig) -> ExecutionConfig:
"""This is a private helper for ``preprocess`` that sets up the execution config.
execution_config (ExecutionConfig)
ExecutionConfig: a preprocessed execution config
updated_values = {}
for option in execution_config.device_options:
if option not in self._device_options:
raise qml.DeviceError(f"device option {option} not present on {self}")
gradient_method = execution_config.gradient_method
if execution_config.gradient_method == "best":
no_max_workers = (
execution_config.device_options.get("max_workers", self._max_workers) is None
gradient_method = "backprop" if no_max_workers else "adjoint"
updated_values["gradient_method"] = gradient_method
if execution_config.use_device_gradient is None:
updated_values["use_device_gradient"] = gradient_method in {
if execution_config.use_device_jacobian_product is None:
updated_values["use_device_jacobian_product"] = gradient_method == "adjoint"
if execution_config.grad_on_execution is None:
updated_values["grad_on_execution"] = gradient_method == "adjoint"
updated_values["device_options"] = dict(execution_config.device_options) # copy
for option in self._device_options:
if option not in updated_values["device_options"]:
updated_values["device_options"][option] = getattr(self, f"_{option}")
return replace(execution_config, **updated_values)
[docs] @debug_logger
def execute(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
) -> Union[Result, ResultBatch]:
max_workers = execution_config.device_options.get("max_workers", self._max_workers)
self._state_cache = {} if execution_config.use_device_jacobian_product else None
interface = (
if execution_config.gradient_method in {"backprop", None}
else None
prng_keys = [self.get_prng_keys()[0] for _ in range(len(circuits))]
if max_workers is None:
return tuple(
"rng": self._rng,
"debugger": self._debugger,
"interface": interface,
"state_cache": self._state_cache,
"prng_key": _key,
"mcm_method": execution_config.mcm_config.mcm_method,
"postselect_mode": execution_config.mcm_config.postselect_mode,
for c, _key in zip(circuits, prng_keys)
vanilla_circuits = convert_to_numpy_parameters(circuits)[0]
seeds = self._rng.integers(2**31 - 1, size=len(vanilla_circuits))
simulate_kwargs = [
"rng": _rng,
"prng_key": _key,
"mcm_method": execution_config.mcm_config.mcm_method,
"postselect_mode": execution_config.mcm_config.postselect_mode,
for _rng, _key in zip(seeds, prng_keys)
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
exec_map =, vanilla_circuits, simulate_kwargs)
results = tuple(exec_map)
# reset _rng to mimic serial behaviour
self._rng = np.random.default_rng(self._rng.integers(2**31 - 1))
return results
[docs] @debug_logger
def compute_derivatives(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
max_workers = execution_config.device_options.get("max_workers", self._max_workers)
if max_workers is None:
return tuple(adjoint_jacobian(circuit) for circuit in circuits)
vanilla_circuits = convert_to_numpy_parameters(circuits)[0]
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
exec_map =, vanilla_circuits)
res = tuple(exec_map)
# reset _rng to mimic serial behaviour
self._rng = np.random.default_rng(self._rng.integers(2**31 - 1))
return res
[docs] @debug_logger
def execute_and_compute_derivatives(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
max_workers = execution_config.device_options.get("max_workers", self._max_workers)
if max_workers is None:
results = tuple(_adjoint_jac_wrapper(c, debugger=self._debugger) for c in circuits)
vanilla_circuits = convert_to_numpy_parameters(circuits)[0]
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
results = tuple(
return tuple(zip(*results))
[docs] @debug_logger
def supports_jvp(
execution_config: Optional[ExecutionConfig] = None,
circuit: Optional[QuantumScript] = None,
) -> bool:
"""Whether or not this device defines a custom jacobian vector product.
``DefaultQubit`` supports backpropagation derivatives with analytic results, as well as
adjoint differentiation.
execution_config (ExecutionConfig): The configuration of the desired derivative calculation
circuit (QuantumTape): An optional circuit to check derivatives support for.
bool: Whether or not a derivative can be calculated provided the given information
return self.supports_derivatives(execution_config, circuit)
[docs] @debug_logger
def compute_jvp(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
tangents: tuple[Number, ...],
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
max_workers = execution_config.device_options.get("max_workers", self._max_workers)
if max_workers is None:
return tuple(adjoint_jvp(circuit, tans) for circuit, tans in zip(circuits, tangents))
vanilla_circuits = convert_to_numpy_parameters(circuits)[0]
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
res = tuple(, vanilla_circuits, tangents))
# reset _rng to mimic serial behaviour
self._rng = np.random.default_rng(self._rng.integers(2**31 - 1))
return res
[docs] @debug_logger
def execute_and_compute_jvp(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
tangents: tuple[Number, ...],
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
max_workers = execution_config.device_options.get("max_workers", self._max_workers)
if max_workers is None:
results = tuple(
_adjoint_jvp_wrapper(c, t, debugger=self._debugger)
for c, t in zip(circuits, tangents)
vanilla_circuits = convert_to_numpy_parameters(circuits)[0]
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
results = tuple(
return tuple(zip(*results))
[docs] @debug_logger
def supports_vjp(
execution_config: Optional[ExecutionConfig] = None,
circuit: Optional[QuantumScript] = None,
) -> bool:
"""Whether or not this device defines a custom vector jacobian product.
``DefaultQubit`` supports backpropagation derivatives with analytic results, as well as
adjoint differentiation.
execution_config (ExecutionConfig): A description of the hyperparameters for the desired computation.
circuit (None, QuantumTape): A specific circuit to check differentation for.
bool: Whether or not a derivative can be calculated provided the given information
return self.supports_derivatives(execution_config, circuit)
[docs] @debug_logger
def compute_vjp(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
cotangents: tuple[Number, ...],
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
r"""The vector jacobian product used in reverse-mode differentiation. ``DefaultQubit`` uses the
adjoint differentiation method to compute the VJP.
circuits (Union[QuantumTape, Sequence[QuantumTape]]): the circuit or batch of circuits
cotangents (Tuple[Number, Tuple[Number]]): Gradient-output vector. Must have shape matching the output shape of the
corresponding circuit. If the circuit has a single output, `cotangents` may be a single number, not an iterable
of numbers.
execution_config (ExecutionConfig): a datastructure with all additional information required for execution
tensor-like: A numeric result of computing the vector jacobian product
**Definition of vjp:**
If we have a function with jacobian:
.. math::
\vec{y} = f(\vec{x}) \qquad J_{i,j} = \frac{\partial y_i}{\partial x_j}
The vector jacobian product is the inner product of the derivatives of the output ``y`` with the
Jacobian matrix. The derivatives of the output vector are sometimes called the **cotangents**.
.. math::
\text{d}x_i = \Sigma_{i} \text{d}y_i J_{i,j}
**Shape of cotangents:**
The value provided to ``cotangents`` should match the output of :meth:`~.execute`. For computing the full Jacobian,
the cotangents can be batched to vectorize the computation. In this case, the cotangents can have the following
shapes. ``batch_size`` below refers to the number of entries in the Jacobian:
* For a state measurement, the cotangents must have shape ``(batch_size, 2 ** n_wires)``
* For ``n`` expectation values, the cotangents must have shape ``(n, batch_size)``. If ``n = 1``,
then the shape must be ``(batch_size,)``.
max_workers = execution_config.device_options.get("max_workers", self._max_workers)
if max_workers is None:
def _state(circuit):
return (
None if self._state_cache is None else self._state_cache.get(circuit.hash, None)
return tuple(
adjoint_vjp(circuit, cots, state=_state(circuit))
for circuit, cots in zip(circuits, cotangents)
vanilla_circuits = convert_to_numpy_parameters(circuits)[0]
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
res = tuple(, vanilla_circuits, cotangents))
# reset _rng to mimic serial behaviour
self._rng = np.random.default_rng(self._rng.integers(2**31 - 1))
return res
[docs] @debug_logger
def execute_and_compute_vjp(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
cotangents: tuple[Number, ...],
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
max_workers = execution_config.device_options.get("max_workers", self._max_workers)
if max_workers is None:
results = tuple(
_adjoint_vjp_wrapper(c, t, debugger=self._debugger)
for c, t in zip(circuits, cotangents)
vanilla_circuits = convert_to_numpy_parameters(circuits)[0]
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
results = tuple(
return tuple(zip(*results))
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
[docs] def eval_jaxpr(
self, jaxpr: "jax.core.Jaxpr", consts: list[TensorLike], *args
) -> list[TensorLike]:
from .qubit.dq_interpreter import DefaultQubitInterpreter
if self.wires is None:
raise qml.DeviceError("Device wires are required for jaxpr execution.")
if self.shots.has_partitioned_shots:
raise qml.DeviceError("Shot vectors are unsupported with jaxpr execution.")
if self._prng_key is not None:
key = self.get_prng_keys()[0]
import jax
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(self._rng.integers(100000))
interpreter = DefaultQubitInterpreter(
num_wires=len(self.wires), shots=self.shots.total_shots, key=key
return interpreter.eval(jaxpr, consts, *args)
def _simulate_wrapper(circuit, kwargs):
return simulate(circuit, **kwargs)
def _adjoint_jac_wrapper(c, debugger=None):
c = c.map_to_standard_wires()
state, is_state_batched = get_final_state(c, debugger=debugger)
jac = adjoint_jacobian(c, state=state)
res = measure_final_state(c, state, is_state_batched)
return res, jac
def _adjoint_jvp_wrapper(c, t, debugger=None):
c = c.map_to_standard_wires()
state, is_state_batched = get_final_state(c, debugger=debugger)
jvp = adjoint_jvp(c, t, state=state)
res = measure_final_state(c, state, is_state_batched)
return res, jvp
def _adjoint_vjp_wrapper(c, t, debugger=None):
c = c.map_to_standard_wires()
state, is_state_batched = get_final_state(c, debugger=debugger)
vjp = adjoint_vjp(c, t, state=state)
res = measure_final_state(c, state, is_state_batched)
return res, vjp
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