Source code for pennylane.devices.legacy_facade

# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Defines a LegacyDeviceFacade class for converting legacy devices to the
new interface.
import warnings

# pylint: disable=not-callable, unused-argument
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from dataclasses import replace

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.measurements import MidMeasureMP, Shots
from pennylane.transforms.core.transform_program import TransformProgram

from .device_api import Device
from .execution_config import DefaultExecutionConfig
from .modifiers import single_tape_support
from .preprocess import (

def _requests_adjoint(execution_config):
    return execution_config.gradient_method == "adjoint" or (
        execution_config.gradient_method == "device"
        and execution_config.gradient_keyword_arguments.get("method", None) == "adjoint_jacobian"

def _set_shots(device, shots):
    """Context manager to temporarily change the shots
    of a device.

    This context manager can be used in two ways.

    As a standard context manager:

    >>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit.legacy", wires=2, shots=None)
    >>> with _set_shots(dev, shots=100):
    ...     print(dev.shots)
    >>> print(dev.shots)

    Or as a decorator that acts on a function that uses the device:

    >>> _set_shots(dev, shots=100)(lambda: dev.shots)()
    # note, this function duplicates qml.workflow.set_shots
    # duplicated here to avoid circular dependency issues
    # qml.workflow.set_shots can be independently deprecated soon
    # this version of the function is private to LegacyDeviceFacade
    shots = qml.measurements.Shots(shots)
    shots = shots.shot_vector if shots.has_partitioned_shots else shots.total_shots
    if shots == device.shots:

    original_shots = device.shots
    original_shot_vector = device._shot_vector  # pylint: disable=protected-access

        device.shots = shots
        device.shots = original_shots
        device._shot_vector = original_shot_vector  # pylint: disable=protected-access

def null_postprocessing(results):
    """A postprocessing function with null behavior."""
    return results[0]

def legacy_device_expand_fn(tape, device):
    """Turn the ``expand_fn`` from the legacy device interface into a transform."""
    new_tape = _set_shots(device, tape.shots)(device.expand_fn)(tape)
    return (new_tape,), null_postprocessing

def legacy_device_batch_transform(tape, device):
    """Turn the ``batch_transform`` from the legacy device interface into a transform."""
    return _set_shots(device, tape.shots)(device.batch_transform)(tape)

def adjoint_ops(op: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool:
    """Specify whether or not an Operator is supported by adjoint differentiation."""
    if isinstance(op, qml.QubitUnitary) and not qml.operation.is_trainable(op):
        return True
    return not isinstance(op, MidMeasureMP) and (
        op.num_params == 0 or (op.num_params == 1 and op.has_generator)

def _add_adjoint_transforms(program: TransformProgram, name="adjoint"):
    """Add the adjoint specific transforms to the transform program."""
    program.add_transform(no_sampling, name=name)

    def accepted_adjoint_measurements(mp):
        return isinstance(mp, qml.measurements.ExpectationMP)


[docs]@single_tape_support class LegacyDeviceFacade(Device): """ A Facade that converts a device from the old ``qml.Device`` interface into the new interface. Args: device (qml.device.LegacyDevice): a device that follows the legacy device interface. >>> from pennylane.devices import DefaultMixed, LegacyDeviceFacade >>> legacy_dev = DefaultMixed(wires=2) >>> new_dev = LegacyDeviceFacade(dev) >>> new_dev.preprocess() (TransformProgram(legacy_device_batch_transform, legacy_device_expand_fn, defer_measurements), ExecutionConfig(grad_on_execution=None, use_device_gradient=None, use_device_jacobian_product=None, gradient_method=None, gradient_keyword_arguments={}, device_options={}, interface=None, derivative_order=1, mcm_config=MCMConfig(mcm_method=None, postselect_mode=None))) >>> new_dev.shots Shots(total_shots=None, shot_vector=()) >>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], [qml.sample(wires=0)], shots=5) >>> new_dev.execute(tape) array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) """ # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called def __init__(self, device: "qml.devices.LegacyDevice"): if isinstance(device, type(self)): raise RuntimeError("An already-facaded device can not be wrapped in a facade again.") if not isinstance(device, qml.devices.LegacyDevice): raise ValueError( "The LegacyDeviceFacade only accepts a device of type qml.devices.LegacyDevice." ) self._device = device @property def tracker(self): """A :class:`~.Tracker` that can store information about device executions, shots, batches, intermediate results, or any additional device dependent information. """ return self._device.tracker @tracker.setter def tracker(self, new_tracker): self._device.tracker = new_tracker @property def name(self) -> str: return self._device.short_name def __repr__(self): return f"<LegacyDeviceFacade: {repr(self._device)}>" def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._device, name) # These custom copy methods are needed for Catalyst def __copy__(self): return type(self)(copy(self.target_device)) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return type(self)(deepcopy(self.target_device, memo)) @property def target_device(self) -> "qml.devices.LegacyDevice": """The device wrapped by the facade.""" return self._device @property def wires(self) -> qml.wires.Wires: return self._device.wires # pylint: disable=protected-access @property def shots(self) -> Shots: if self._device._shot_vector: return Shots(self._device._raw_shot_sequence) return Shots(self._device.shots) @property def _debugger(self): return self._device._debugger @_debugger.setter def _debugger(self, new_debugger): self._device._debugger = new_debugger
[docs] def preprocess(self, execution_config=DefaultExecutionConfig): execution_config = self._setup_execution_config(execution_config) program = qml.transforms.core.TransformProgram() program.add_transform(legacy_device_batch_transform, device=self._device) program.add_transform(legacy_device_expand_fn, device=self._device) if _requests_adjoint(execution_config): _add_adjoint_transforms(program, name=f"{} + adjoint") if self._device.capabilities().get("supports_mid_measure", False): program.add_transform( qml.devices.preprocess.mid_circuit_measurements, device=self, mcm_config=execution_config.mcm_config, ) else: program.add_transform(qml.defer_measurements, device=self) return program, execution_config
def _setup_backprop_config(self, execution_config): tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript() if not self._validate_backprop_method(tape): raise qml.DeviceError("device does not support backprop.") if execution_config.use_device_gradient is None: return replace(execution_config, use_device_gradient=True) return execution_config def _setup_adjoint_config(self, execution_config): tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], []) if not self._validate_adjoint_method(tape): raise qml.DeviceError("device does not support device derivatives") updated_values = { "gradient_keyword_arguments": {"use_device_state": True, "method": "adjoint_jacobian"} } if execution_config.use_device_gradient is None: updated_values["use_device_gradient"] = True if execution_config.grad_on_execution is None: updated_values["grad_on_execution"] = True return replace(execution_config, **updated_values) def _setup_device_config(self, execution_config): tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], []) if not self._validate_device_method(tape): raise qml.DeviceError("device does not support device derivatives") updated_values = {} if execution_config.use_device_gradient is None: updated_values["use_device_gradient"] = True if execution_config.grad_on_execution is None: updated_values["grad_on_execution"] = True return replace(execution_config, **updated_values) # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements def _setup_execution_config(self, execution_config): if execution_config.gradient_method == "best": tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], []) if self._validate_device_method(tape): config = replace(execution_config, gradient_method="device") return self._setup_execution_config(config) if self._validate_backprop_method(tape): config = replace(execution_config, gradient_method="backprop") return self._setup_backprop_config(config) if execution_config.gradient_method == "backprop": return self._setup_backprop_config(execution_config) if _requests_adjoint(execution_config): return self._setup_adjoint_config(execution_config) if execution_config.gradient_method == "device": return self._setup_device_config(execution_config) return execution_config
[docs] def supports_derivatives(self, execution_config=None, circuit=None) -> bool: circuit = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], [], shots=self.shots) if circuit is None else circuit if execution_config is None or execution_config.gradient_method == "best": validation_methods = ( self._validate_backprop_method, self._validate_device_method, ) return any(validate(circuit) for validate in validation_methods) if execution_config.gradient_method == "backprop": return self._validate_backprop_method(circuit) if _requests_adjoint(execution_config): return self._validate_adjoint_method(circuit) if execution_config.gradient_method == "device": return self._validate_device_method(circuit) return False
# pylint: disable=protected-access def _create_temp_device(self, batch): """Create a temporary device for use in a backprop execution.""" params = [] for t in batch: params.extend(t.get_parameters(trainable_only=False)) interface = qml.math.get_interface(*params) if interface == "numpy": return self._device mapped_interface = qml.workflow.execution.INTERFACE_MAP.get(interface, interface) backprop_interface = self._device.capabilities().get("passthru_interface", None) if mapped_interface == backprop_interface: return self._device backprop_devices = self._device.capabilities().get("passthru_devices", None) if backprop_devices is None: raise qml.DeviceError(f"Device {self} does not support backpropagation.") if backprop_devices[mapped_interface] == self._device.short_name: return self._device if self.target_device.short_name != "default.qubit.legacy": warnings.warn( "The switching of devices for backpropagation is now deprecated in v0.38 and " "will be removed in v0.39, as this behavior was developed purely for the " "deprecated default.qubit.legacy.", qml.PennyLaneDeprecationWarning, ) # create new backprop device expand_fn = self._device.expand_fn batch_transform = self._device.batch_transform if hasattr(self._device, "_debugger"): debugger = self._device._debugger else: debugger = "No debugger" tracker = self._device.tracker with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( action="ignore", category=qml.PennyLaneDeprecationWarning, message=r"use 'default.qubit'", ) # we already warned about backprop device switching new_device = qml.device( backprop_devices[mapped_interface], wires=self._device.wires, shots=self._device.shots, ).target_device new_device.expand_fn = expand_fn new_device.batch_transform = batch_transform if debugger != "No debugger": new_device._debugger = debugger new_device.tracker = tracker return new_device # pylint: disable=protected-access def _update_original_device(self, temp_device): """After performing an execution with a backprop device, update the state of the original device.""" # Update for state vector simulators that have the _pre_rotated_state attribute if hasattr(self._device, "_pre_rotated_state"): self._device._pre_rotated_state = temp_device._pre_rotated_state # Update for state vector simulators that have the _state attribute if hasattr(self._device, "_state"): self._device._state = temp_device._state def _validate_backprop_method(self, tape): if tape.shots: return False params = tape.get_parameters(trainable_only=False) interface = qml.math.get_interface(*params) if tape and any(isinstance(m.obs, qml.SparseHamiltonian) for m in tape.measurements): return False if interface == "numpy": interface = None mapped_interface = qml.workflow.execution.INTERFACE_MAP.get(interface, interface) # determine if the device supports backpropagation backprop_interface = self._device.capabilities().get("passthru_interface", None) if backprop_interface is not None: # device supports backpropagation natively return mapped_interface in [backprop_interface, "Numpy"] # determine if the device has any child devices that support backpropagation backprop_devices = self._device.capabilities().get("passthru_devices", None) if backprop_devices is None: return False return mapped_interface in backprop_devices or mapped_interface == "Numpy" def _validate_adjoint_method(self, tape): # The conditions below provide a minimal set of requirements that we can likely improve upon in # future, or alternatively summarize within a single device capability. Moreover, we also # need to inspect the circuit measurements to ensure only expectation values are taken. This # cannot be done here since we don't yet know the composition of the circuit. required_attrs = ["_apply_operation", "_apply_unitary", "adjoint_jacobian"] supported_device = all(hasattr(self._device, attr) for attr in required_attrs) supported_device = supported_device and self._device.capabilities().get("returns_state") if not supported_device or bool(tape.shots): return False program = TransformProgram() _add_adjoint_transforms(program, name=f"{} + adjoint") try: program((tape,)) except (qml.operation.DecompositionUndefinedError, qml.DeviceError, AttributeError): return False return True def _validate_device_method(self, _): # determine if the device provides its own jacobian method return self._device.capabilities().get("provides_jacobian", False)
[docs] def execute(self, circuits, execution_config=DefaultExecutionConfig): dev = ( self._create_temp_device(circuits) if execution_config.gradient_method == "backprop" else self._device ) kwargs = {} if dev.capabilities().get("supports_mid_measure", False): kwargs["postselect_mode"] = execution_config.mcm_config.postselect_mode first_shot = circuits[0].shots if all(t.shots == first_shot for t in circuits): results = _set_shots(dev, first_shot)(dev.batch_execute)(circuits, **kwargs) else: results = tuple( _set_shots(dev, t.shots)(dev.batch_execute)((t,), **kwargs)[0] for t in circuits ) if dev is not self._device: self._update_original_device(dev) return results
[docs] def execute_and_compute_derivatives(self, circuits, execution_config=DefaultExecutionConfig): first_shot = circuits[0].shots if all(t.shots == first_shot for t in circuits): return _set_shots(self._device, first_shot)(self._device.execute_and_gradients)( circuits, **execution_config.gradient_keyword_arguments ) batched_res = tuple( self.execute_and_compute_derivatives((c,), execution_config) for c in circuits ) return tuple(zip(*batched_res))
[docs] def compute_derivatives(self, circuits, execution_config=DefaultExecutionConfig): first_shot = circuits[0].shots if all(t.shots == first_shot for t in circuits): return _set_shots(self._device, first_shot)(self._device.gradients)( circuits, **execution_config.gradient_keyword_arguments ) return tuple(self.compute_derivatives((c,), execution_config) for c in circuits)