Source code for pennylane.devices.qubit.adjoint_jacobian

# Copyright 2018-2023 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Functions to apply adjoint jacobian differentiation"""
import logging
from numbers import Number
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.logging import debug_logger
from pennylane.operation import operation_derivative
from pennylane.tape import QuantumTape

from .apply_operation import apply_operation
from .initialize_state import create_initial_state
from .simulate import get_final_state

# pylint: disable=protected-access, too-many-branches

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _dot_product_real(bra, ket, num_wires):
    """Helper for calculating the inner product for adjoint differentiation."""
    # broadcasted inner product not summing over first dimension of the bra tensor
    sum_axes = tuple(range(1, num_wires + 1))
    return qml.math.real(qml.math.sum(qml.math.conj(bra) * ket, axis=sum_axes))

def _adjoint_jacobian_state(tape: QuantumTape):
    """Calculate the full jacobian for a circuit that returns the state.

        tape (QuantumTape): the circuit we wish to differentiate

        TensorLike: the full jacobian.

    See ```` for details on the algorithm.
    jacobian = []

    has_state_prep = isinstance(tape[0], qml.operation.StatePrepBase)
    state = create_initial_state(tape.wires, tape[0] if has_state_prep else None)

    param_idx = has_state_prep
    for op in tape.operations[has_state_prep:]:
        jacobian = [apply_operation(op, jac) for jac in jacobian]

        if op.num_params == 1:
            if param_idx in tape.trainable_params:
                d_op_matrix = operation_derivative(op)
                    apply_operation(qml.QubitUnitary(d_op_matrix, wires=op.wires), state)

            param_idx += 1
        state = apply_operation(op, state)

    return tuple(jac.flatten() for jac in jacobian)

[docs]@debug_logger def adjoint_jacobian(tape: QuantumTape, state=None): """Implements the adjoint method outlined in `Jones and Gacon <>`__ to differentiate an input tape. After a forward pass, the circuit is reversed by iteratively applying adjoint gates to scan backwards through the circuit. .. note:: The adjoint differentiation method has the following restrictions: * Cannot differentiate with respect to observables. * Cannot differentiate with respect to state-prep operations. * Observable being measured must have a matrix. Args: tape (QuantumTape): circuit that the function takes the gradient of state (TensorLike): the final state of the circuit; if not provided, the final state will be computed by executing the tape Returns: array or tuple[array]: the derivative of the tape with respect to trainable parameters. Dimensions are ``(len(observables), len(trainable_params))``. """ # Map wires if custom wire labels used tape = tape.map_to_standard_wires() if isinstance(tape.measurements[0], qml.measurements.StateMP): return _adjoint_jacobian_state(tape) ket = state if state is not None else get_final_state(tape)[0] n_obs = len(tape.observables) bras = np.empty([n_obs] + [2] * len(tape.wires), dtype=np.complex128) for kk, obs in enumerate(tape.observables): bras[kk, ...] = 2 * apply_operation(obs, ket) jac = np.zeros((len(tape.observables), len(tape.trainable_params))) param_number = len(tape.get_parameters(trainable_only=False, operations_only=True)) - 1 trainable_param_number = len(tape.trainable_params) - 1 for op in reversed(tape.operations[tape.num_preps :]): if isinstance(op, qml.Snapshot): continue adj_op = qml.adjoint(op) ket = apply_operation(adj_op, ket) if op.num_params == 1: if param_number in tape.trainable_params: d_op_matrix = operation_derivative(op) ket_temp = apply_operation(qml.QubitUnitary(d_op_matrix, wires=op.wires), ket) jac[:, trainable_param_number] = _dot_product_real(bras, ket_temp, len(tape.wires)) trainable_param_number -= 1 param_number -= 1 for kk in range(n_obs): bras[kk, ...] = apply_operation(adj_op, bras[kk, ...]) # Post-process the Jacobian matrix for the new return jac = np.squeeze(jac) if jac.ndim == 0: return np.array(jac) if jac.ndim == 1: return tuple(np.array(j) for j in jac) # must be 2-dimensional return tuple(tuple(np.array(j_) for j_ in j) for j in jac)
[docs]@debug_logger def adjoint_jvp(tape: QuantumTape, tangents: Tuple[Number], state=None): """The jacobian vector product used in forward mode calculation of derivatives. Implements the adjoint method outlined in `Jones and Gacon <>`__ to differentiate an input tape. After a forward pass, the circuit is reversed by iteratively applying adjoint gates to scan backwards through the circuit. .. note:: The adjoint differentiation method has the following restrictions: * Cannot differentiate with respect to observables. * Observable being measured must have a matrix. Args: tape (QuantumTape): circuit that the function takes the gradient of tangents (Tuple[Number]): gradient vector for input parameters. state (TensorLike): the final state of the circuit; if not provided, the final state will be computed by executing the tape Returns: Tuple[Number]: gradient vector for output parameters """ # Map wires if custom wire labels used if set(tape.wires) != set(range(tape.num_wires)): wire_map = {w: i for i, w in enumerate(tape.wires)} tapes, fn = qml.map_wires(tape, wire_map) tape = fn(tapes) ket = state if state is not None else get_final_state(tape)[0] n_obs = len(tape.observables) bras = np.empty([n_obs] + [2] * len(tape.wires), dtype=np.complex128) for i, obs in enumerate(tape.observables): bras[i] = apply_operation(obs, ket) param_number = len(tape.get_parameters(trainable_only=False, operations_only=True)) - 1 trainable_param_number = len(tape.trainable_params) - 1 tangents_out = np.zeros(n_obs) for op in reversed(tape.operations[tape.num_preps :]): adj_op = qml.adjoint(op) ket = apply_operation(adj_op, ket) if op.num_params == 1: if param_number in tape.trainable_params: # don't do anything if the tangent is 0 if not np.allclose(tangents[trainable_param_number], 0): d_op_matrix = operation_derivative(op) ket_temp = apply_operation(qml.QubitUnitary(d_op_matrix, wires=op.wires), ket) tangents_out += ( 2 * _dot_product_real(bras, ket_temp, len(tape.wires)) * tangents[trainable_param_number] ) trainable_param_number -= 1 param_number -= 1 for i in range(n_obs): bras[i] = apply_operation(adj_op, bras[i]) if n_obs == 1: return np.array(tangents_out[0]) return tuple(np.array(t) for t in tangents_out)
def _get_vjp_bras(tape, cotangents, ket): """Helper function for getting the bras for adjoint vjp, the batch size of the cotangents, as well as a list of indices for which the cotangents are zero. Args: tape (QuantumTape): circuit that the function takes the gradient of. tangents (Tuple[Number]): gradient vector for input parameters. ket (TensorLike): the final state of the circuit. Returns: Tuple[TensorLike, int, List]: The return contains the following: * Final bra for batch size ``None``, else array of bras * Batch size. None if cotangents are not batched * List containing batch indices that are zero. Empty for unbatched cotangents """ if isinstance(tape.measurements[0], qml.measurements.StateMP): batched_cotangents = np.ndim(cotangents) == 2 batch_size = np.shape(cotangents)[0] if batched_cotangents else None bras = np.conj(cotangents.reshape(-1, *ket.shape)) bras = bras if batched_cotangents else np.squeeze(bras) return bras, batch_size, [] # If not state measurement, measurements are guaranteed to be expectation values single_cotangent = len(tape.measurements) == 1 if not single_cotangent: # Pad cotangents if shape is inhomogenous # inner_shape will only be None if cotangents is a vector. We assume that for # inhomogenous cotangents, all non-scalar values have the same shape. inner_shape = next((np.shape(cot) for cot in cotangents if np.shape(cot) != ()), None) if inner_shape is not None: # Batched cotangents. Find scalar zeros and pad to make the shape of cotangents # homogenous new_cotangents = [] for i, c in enumerate(cotangents): if np.shape(c) == () and np.allclose(c, 0.0): new_cotangents.append(np.zeros(inner_shape)) else: new_cotangents.append(c) cotangents = new_cotangents cotangents = np.array(cotangents) if single_cotangent: # Expand dimensions for cases when there is a single broadcasted cotangent # so that the cotangent has 2 dimensions, which is expected in the rest of the # function for batched cotangents. For unbatched cases, this will make a scalar # cotangent a one-item array cotangents = np.expand_dims(cotangents, 0) # One dimension for number of expectation values, one dimension for batch size. batched_cotangents = np.ndim(cotangents) == 2 batch_size = cotangents.shape[1] if batched_cotangents else None if np.allclose(cotangents, 0.0): return None, batch_size, [] new_obs, null_batch_indices = [], [] # Collect list of observables to use for the adjoint algorithm. These will be used # to construct the initial bras if batched_cotangents: for i, cots in enumerate(cotangents.T): new_cs, new_os = [], [] for c, o in zip(cots, tape.observables): if not np.allclose(c, 0.0): new_cs.append(c) new_os.append(o) if len(new_cs) == 0: null_batch_indices.append(i) else: new_obs.append(, new_os)) else: new_cs, new_os = [], [] for c, o in zip(cotangents, tape.observables): if not np.allclose(c, 0.0): new_cs.append(c) new_os.append(o) new_obs.append(, new_os)) # Create bra(s) by taking product of observable(s) with the final state bras = np.empty((len(new_obs), *ket.shape), dtype=ket.dtype) for kk, obs in enumerate(new_obs): if obs.pauli_rep is not None: flat_bra =, wire_order=list(range(tape.num_wires))) bras[kk] = 2 * flat_bra.reshape(ket.shape) else: bras[kk] = 2 * apply_operation(obs, ket) bras = bras if batched_cotangents else np.squeeze(bras) return bras, batch_size, null_batch_indices
[docs]@debug_logger def adjoint_vjp(tape: QuantumTape, cotangents: Tuple[Number], state=None): """The vector jacobian product used in reverse-mode differentiation. Implements the adjoint method outlined in `Jones and Gacon <>`__ to differentiate an input tape. After a forward pass, the circuit is reversed by iteratively applying adjoint gates to scan backwards through the circuit. .. note:: The adjoint differentiation method has the following restrictions: * Cannot differentiate with respect to observables. * Observable being measured must have a matrix. Args: tape (QuantumTape): circuit that the function takes the gradient of cotangents (Tuple[Number]): gradient vector for output parameters. For computing the full Jacobian, the cotangents can be batched to vectorize the computation. In this case, the cotangents can have the following shapes. ``batch_size`` below refers to the number of entries in the Jacobian: * For a state measurement, cotangents must have shape ``(batch_size, 2 ** n_wires)``. * For ``n`` expectation values, the cotangents must have shape ``(n, batch_size)``. If ``n = 1``, then the shape must be ``(batch_size,)``. state (TensorLike): the final state of the circuit; if not provided, the final state will be computed by executing the tape Returns: Tuple[Number]: gradient vector for input parameters """ # See ```` to more information on the algorithm. # Map wires if custom wire labels used) if set(tape.wires) != set(range(tape.num_wires)): wire_map = {w: i for i, w in enumerate(tape.wires)} tapes, fn = qml.map_wires(tape, wire_map) tape = fn(tapes) ket = state if state is not None else get_final_state(tape)[0] bras, batch_size, null_batch_indices = _get_vjp_bras(tape, cotangents, ket) if bras is None: # Cotangents are zeros if batch_size is None: return tuple(0.0 for _ in tape.trainable_params) return tuple(np.zeros((len(tape.trainable_params), batch_size))) if isinstance(tape.measurements[0], qml.measurements.StateMP): def real_if_expval(val): return val else: def real_if_expval(val): return np.real(val) param_number = len(tape.get_parameters(trainable_only=False, operations_only=True)) - 1 trainable_param_number = len(tape.trainable_params) - 1 res_shape = ( (len(tape.trainable_params),) if batch_size is None else (len(tape.trainable_params), batch_size) ) cotangents_in = np.empty(res_shape, dtype=tape.measurements[0].numeric_type) summing_axis = None if batch_size is None else tuple(range(1, np.ndim(bras))) for op in reversed(tape.operations[tape.num_preps :]): adj_op = qml.adjoint(op) ket = apply_operation(adj_op, ket) if op.num_params == 1: if param_number in tape.trainable_params: d_op_matrix = operation_derivative(op) ket_temp = apply_operation(qml.QubitUnitary(d_op_matrix, wires=op.wires), ket) # Pad cotangent in with zeros for batch number with zero cotangents cot_in = real_if_expval(np.sum(np.conj(bras) * ket_temp, axis=summing_axis)) for i in null_batch_indices: cot_in = np.insert(cot_in, i, 0.0) cotangents_in[trainable_param_number] = cot_in trainable_param_number -= 1 param_number -= 1 bras = apply_operation(adj_op, bras, is_state_batched=bool(batch_size)) return tuple(cotangents_in)