Source code for pennylane.devices.qubit.simulate

# Copyright 2018-2023 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Simulate a quantum script."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
from collections import Counter
from typing import Optional, Sequence
import warnings

from numpy.random import default_rng
import numpy as np

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.measurements import (
from pennylane.typing import Result

from .initialize_state import create_initial_state
from .apply_operation import apply_operation
from .measure import measure
from .sampling import measure_with_samples

    # map interfaces known by autoray to themselves
    None: None,
    "numpy": "numpy",
    "autograd": "autograd",
    "jax": "jax",
    "torch": "torch",
    "tensorflow": "tensorflow",
    # map non-standard interfaces to those known by autoray
    "auto": None,
    "scipy": "numpy",
    "jax-jit": "jax",
    "jax-python": "jax",
    "JAX": "jax",
    "pytorch": "torch",
    "tf": "tensorflow",
    "tensorflow-autograph": "tensorflow",
    "tf-autograph": "tensorflow",

class _FlexShots(qml.measurements.Shots):
    """Shots class that allows zero shots."""

    # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
    def __init__(self, shots=None):
        if isinstance(shots, int):
            self.total_shots = shots
            self.shot_vector = (qml.measurements.ShotCopies(shots, 1),)
            self.__all_tuple_init__([s if isinstance(s, tuple) else (s, 1) for s in shots])

        self._frozen = True

def _postselection_postprocess(state, is_state_batched, shots):
    """Update state after projector is applied."""
    if is_state_batched:
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot postselect on circuits with broadcasting. Use the "
            "qml.transforms.broadcast_expand transform to split a broadcasted "
            "tape into multiple non-broadcasted tapes before executing if "
            "postselection is used."

    # The floor function is being used here so that a norm very close to zero becomes exactly
    # equal to zero so that the state can become invalid. This way, execution can continue, and
    # bad postselection gives results that are invalid rather than results that look valid but
    # are incorrect.
    norm = qml.math.norm(state)

    if not qml.math.is_abstract(state) and qml.math.allclose(norm, 0.0):
        norm = 0.0

    if shots:
        # Clip the number of shots using a binomial distribution using the probability of
        # measuring the postselected state.
        postselected_shots = (
            [np.random.binomial(s, float(norm**2)) for s in shots]
            if not qml.math.is_abstract(norm)
            else shots

        # _FlexShots is used here since the binomial distribution could result in zero
        # valid samples
        shots = _FlexShots(postselected_shots)

    state = state / norm
    return state, shots

def get_final_state(circuit, debugger=None, interface=None, mid_measurements=None):
    Get the final state that results from executing the given quantum script.

    This is an internal function that will be called by the successor to ``default.qubit``.

        circuit (.QuantumScript): The single circuit to simulate
        debugger (._Debugger): The debugger to use
        interface (str): The machine learning interface to create the initial state with
        mid_measurements (None, dict): Dictionary of mid-circuit measurements

        Tuple[TensorLike, bool]: A tuple containing the final state of the quantum script and
            whether the state has a batch dimension.

    circuit = circuit.map_to_standard_wires()

    prep = None
    if len(circuit) > 0 and isinstance(circuit[0], qml.operation.StatePrepBase):
        prep = circuit[0]

    state = create_initial_state(sorted(circuit.op_wires), prep, like=INTERFACE_TO_LIKE[interface])

    # initial state is batched only if the state preparation (if it exists) is batched
    is_state_batched = bool(prep and prep.batch_size is not None)
    for op in circuit.operations[bool(prep) :]:
        state = apply_operation(
        # Handle postselection on mid-circuit measurements
        if isinstance(op, qml.Projector):
            state, circuit._shots = _postselection_postprocess(
                state, is_state_batched, circuit.shots

        # new state is batched if i) the old state is batched, or ii) the new op adds a batch dim
        is_state_batched = is_state_batched or (op.batch_size is not None)

    for _ in range(len(circuit.wires) - len(circuit.op_wires)):
        # if any measured wires are not operated on, we pad the state with zeros.
        # We know they belong at the end because the circuit is in standard wire-order
        state = qml.math.stack([state, qml.math.zeros_like(state)], axis=-1)

    return state, is_state_batched

def measure_final_state(circuit, state, is_state_batched, rng=None, prng_key=None) -> Result:
    Perform the measurements required by the circuit on the provided state.

    This is an internal function that will be called by the successor to ``default.qubit``.

        circuit (.QuantumScript): The single circuit to simulate
        state (TensorLike): The state to perform measurement on
        is_state_batched (bool): Whether the state has a batch dimension or not.
        rng (Union[None, int, array_like[int], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator]): A
            seed-like parameter matching that of ``seed`` for ``numpy.random.default_rng``.
            If no value is provided, a default RNG will be used.
        prng_key (Optional[jax.random.PRNGKey]): An optional ``jax.random.PRNGKey``. This is
            the key to the JAX pseudo random number generator. Only for simulation using JAX.
            If None, the default ``sample_state`` function and a ``numpy.random.default_rng``
            will be for sampling.

        Tuple[TensorLike]: The measurement results

    circuit = circuit.map_to_standard_wires()

    if not circuit.shots:
        # analytic case

        if len(circuit.measurements) == 1:
            return measure(circuit.measurements[0], state, is_state_batched=is_state_batched)

        return tuple(
            measure(mp, state, is_state_batched=is_state_batched) for mp in circuit.measurements

    # finite-shot case

    rng = default_rng(rng)
    results = measure_with_samples(

    if len(circuit.measurements) == 1:
        if circuit.shots.has_partitioned_shots:
            return tuple(res[0] for res in results)

        return results[0]

    return results

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def simulate( circuit: qml.tape.QuantumScript, rng=None, prng_key=None, debugger=None, interface=None, state_cache: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> Result: """Simulate a single quantum script. This is an internal function that will be called by the successor to ``default.qubit``. Args: circuit (QuantumTape): The single circuit to simulate rng (Union[None, int, array_like[int], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator]): A seed-like parameter matching that of ``seed`` for ``numpy.random.default_rng``. If no value is provided, a default RNG will be used. prng_key (Optional[jax.random.PRNGKey]): An optional ``jax.random.PRNGKey``. This is the key to the JAX pseudo random number generator. If None, a random key will be generated. Only for simulation using JAX. debugger (_Debugger): The debugger to use interface (str): The machine learning interface to create the initial state with state_cache=None (Optional[dict]): A dictionary mapping the hash of a circuit to the pre-rotated state. Used to pass the state between forward passes and vjp calculations. Returns: tuple(TensorLike): The results of the simulation Note that this function can return measurements for non-commuting observables simultaneously. This function assumes that all operations provide matrices. >>> qs = qml.tape.QuantumScript([qml.RX(1.2, wires=0)], [qml.expval(qml.Z(0)), qml.probs(wires=(0,1))]) >>> simulate(qs) (0.36235775447667357, tensor([0.68117888, 0. , 0.31882112, 0. ], requires_grad=True)) """ if circuit.shots and has_mid_circuit_measurements(circuit): return simulate_native_mcm( circuit, rng=rng, prng_key=prng_key, debugger=debugger, interface=interface ) state, is_state_batched = get_final_state(circuit, debugger=debugger, interface=interface) if state_cache is not None: state_cache[circuit.hash] = state return measure_final_state(circuit, state, is_state_batched, rng=rng, prng_key=prng_key)
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def simulate_native_mcm( circuit: qml.tape.QuantumScript, rng=None, prng_key=None, debugger=None, interface=None, ) -> Result: """Simulate a single quantum script with native mid-circuit measurements. Args: circuit (QuantumTape): The single circuit to simulate rng (Union[None, int, array_like[int], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator]): A seed-like parameter matching that of ``seed`` for ``numpy.random.default_rng``. If no value is provided, a default RNG will be used. prng_key (Optional[jax.random.PRNGKey]): An optional ``jax.random.PRNGKey``. This is the key to the JAX pseudo random number generator. If None, a random key will be generated. Only for simulation using JAX. debugger (_Debugger): The debugger to use interface (str): The machine learning interface to create the initial state with state_cache=None (Optional[dict]): A dictionary mapping the hash of a circuit to the pre-rotated state. Used to pass the state between forward passes and vjp calculations. Returns: tuple(TensorLike): The results of the simulation """ if circuit.shots.has_partitioned_shots: results = [] for s in circuit.shots: aux_circuit = qml.tape.QuantumScript( circuit.operations, circuit.measurements, shots=s, trainable_params=circuit.trainable_params, ) results.append(simulate_native_mcm(aux_circuit, rng, prng_key, debugger, interface)) return tuple(results) aux_circuit = init_auxiliary_circuit(circuit) all_shot_meas, list_mcm_values_dict, valid_shots = None, [], 0 for _ in range(circuit.shots.total_shots): one_shot_meas, mcm_values_dict = simulate_one_shot_native_mcm( aux_circuit, rng, prng_key, debugger, interface ) if one_shot_meas is None: continue valid_shots += 1 all_shot_meas = accumulate_native_mcm(aux_circuit, all_shot_meas, one_shot_meas) list_mcm_values_dict.append(mcm_values_dict) if not valid_shots: warnings.warn( "All shots were thrown away as invalid. This can happen for example when post-selecting the 1-branch of a 0-state. Make sure your circuit has some probability of producing a valid shot.", UserWarning, ) return parse_native_mid_circuit_measurements(circuit, all_shot_meas, list_mcm_values_dict) def init_auxiliary_circuit(circuit: qml.tape.QuantumScript): """Creates an auxiliary circuit to perform one-shot mid-circuit measurement calculations. Measurements are replaced by SampleMP measurements on wires and observables found in the original measurements. Args: circuit (QuantumTape): The original QuantumScript Returns: QuantumScript: A copy of the circuit with modified measurements """ new_measurements = [] for m in circuit.measurements: if not if isinstance(m, VarianceMP): new_measurements.append(SampleMP(obs=m.obs)) else: new_measurements.append(m) return qml.tape.QuantumScript( circuit.operations, new_measurements, shots=1, trainable_params=circuit.trainable_params ) def simulate_one_shot_native_mcm( circuit: qml.tape.QuantumScript, rng=None, prng_key=None, debugger=None, interface=None, ) -> Result: """Simulate a single shot of a single quantum script with native mid-circuit measurements. Args: circuit (QuantumTape): The single circuit to simulate rng (Union[None, int, array_like[int], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator]): A seed-like parameter matching that of ``seed`` for ``numpy.random.default_rng``. If no value is provided, a default RNG will be used. prng_key (Optional[jax.random.PRNGKey]): An optional ``jax.random.PRNGKey``. This is the key to the JAX pseudo random number generator. If None, a random key will be generated. Only for simulation using JAX. debugger (_Debugger): The debugger to use interface (str): The machine learning interface to create the initial state with Returns: tuple(TensorLike): The results of the simulation dict: The mid-circuit measurement results of the simulation """ mcm_dict = {} state, is_state_batched = get_final_state( circuit, debugger=debugger, interface=interface, mid_measurements=mcm_dict ) if not np.allclose(np.linalg.norm(state), 1.0): return None, mcm_dict return ( measure_final_state(circuit, state, is_state_batched, rng=rng, prng_key=prng_key), mcm_dict, ) def accumulate_native_mcm(circuit: qml.tape.QuantumScript, all_shot_meas, one_shot_meas): """Incorporates new measurements in current measurement sequence. Args: circuit (QuantumTape): A one-shot (auxiliary) ``QuantumScript`` all_shot_meas (Sequence[Any]): List of accumulated measurement results one_shot_meas (Sequence[Any]): List of measurement results Returns: tuple(TensorLike): The results of the simulation """ if len(circuit.measurements) == 1: one_shot_meas = [one_shot_meas] if all_shot_meas is None: new_shot_meas = list(one_shot_meas) for i, (m, s) in enumerate(zip(circuit.measurements, new_shot_meas)): if isinstance(m, SampleMP) and isinstance(s, np.ndarray): new_shot_meas[i] = [s] return new_shot_meas new_shot_meas = all_shot_meas for i, m in enumerate(circuit.measurements): if isinstance(m, CountsMP): tmp = Counter(all_shot_meas[i]) tmp.update(Counter(one_shot_meas[i])) new_shot_meas[i] = tmp elif isinstance(m, (ExpectationMP, ProbabilityMP)): new_shot_meas[i] = all_shot_meas[i] + one_shot_meas[i] elif isinstance(m, SampleMP): new_shot_meas[i].append(one_shot_meas[i]) else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported measurement of {type(m).__name__}.") return new_shot_meas def has_mid_circuit_measurements( circuit: qml.tape.QuantumScript, ): """Returns ``True`` if the circuit contains a ``MidMeasureMP`` object and ``False`` otherwise. Args: circuit (QuantumTape): A ``QuantumScript`` Returns: bool: Whether the circuit contains a ``MidMeasureMP`` object """ return any(isinstance(op, MidMeasureMP) for op in circuit.operations) def parse_native_mid_circuit_measurements( circuit: qml.tape.QuantumScript, all_shot_meas, mcm_shot_meas ): """Combines, gathers and normalizes the results of native mid-circuit measurement runs. Args: circuit (QuantumTape): A one-shot (auxiliary) ``QuantumScript`` all_shot_meas (Sequence[Any]): List of accumulated measurement results mcm_shot_meas (Sequence[dict]): List of dictionaries containing the mid-circuit measurement results of each shot Returns: tuple(TensorLike): The results of the simulation """ def measurement_with_no_shots(measurement): return ( np.nan * np.ones_like(measurement.eigvals()) if isinstance(measurement, ProbabilityMP) else np.nan ) normalized_meas = [] for i, m in enumerate(circuit.measurements): if not isinstance(m, (CountsMP, ExpectationMP, ProbabilityMP, SampleMP, VarianceMP)): raise ValueError( f"Native mid-circuit measurement mode does not support {type(m).__name__} measurements." ) if and not mcm_shot_meas: meas = measurement_with_no_shots(m) elif meas = gather_mcm(m, mcm_shot_meas) elif not all_shot_meas: meas = measurement_with_no_shots(m) else: meas = gather_non_mcm(m, all_shot_meas[i], mcm_shot_meas) if isinstance(m, SampleMP): meas = qml.math.squeeze(meas) normalized_meas.append(meas) return tuple(normalized_meas) if len(normalized_meas) > 1 else normalized_meas[0] def gather_non_mcm(circuit_measurement, measurement, samples): """Combines, gathers and normalizes several measurements with trivial measurement values. Args: circuit_measurement (MeasurementProcess): measurement measurement (TensorLike): measurement results samples (List[dict]): Mid-circuit measurement samples Returns: TensorLike: The combined measurement outcome """ if isinstance(circuit_measurement, CountsMP): return dict(sorted(measurement.items())) if isinstance(circuit_measurement, (ExpectationMP, ProbabilityMP)): return measurement / len(samples) if isinstance(circuit_measurement, SampleMP): return np.squeeze(np.concatenate(tuple(s.reshape(1, -1) for s in measurement))) # VarianceMP return qml.math.var(np.concatenate(tuple(s.ravel() for s in measurement))) def gather_mcm(measurement, samples): """Combines, gathers and normalizes several measurements with non-trivial measurement values. Args: measurement (MeasurementProcess): measurement samples (List[dict]): Mid-circuit measurement samples Returns: TensorLike: The combined measurement outcome """ mv = if isinstance(measurement, (CountsMP, ProbabilityMP, SampleMP)) and isinstance(mv, Sequence): wires = qml.wires.Wires(range(len(mv))) mcm_samples = list( np.array([m.concretize(dct) for dct in samples]).reshape((-1, 1)) for m in mv ) mcm_samples = np.concatenate(mcm_samples, axis=1) meas_tmp = measurement.__class__(wires=wires) return meas_tmp.process_samples(mcm_samples, wire_order=wires) mcm_samples = np.array([mv.concretize(dct) for dct in samples]).reshape((-1, 1)) use_as_is = len(mv.measurements) == 1 if use_as_is: wires, meas_tmp = mv.wires, measurement else: # For composite measurements, `mcm_samples` has one column but # `mv.wires` usually includes several wires. We therefore need to create a # single-wire measurement for `process_samples` to handle the conversion # correctly. if isinstance(measurement, (ExpectationMP, VarianceMP)): mcm_samples = mcm_samples.ravel() wires = qml.wires.Wires(0) meas_tmp = measurement.__class__(wires=wires) new_measurement = meas_tmp.process_samples(mcm_samples, wire_order=wires) if isinstance(measurement, CountsMP) and not use_as_is: new_measurement = dict(sorted((int(x, 2), y) for x, y in new_measurement.items())) return new_measurement