Source code for pennylane.drawer.tape_text
# Copyright 2018-2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module contains logic for the text based circuit drawer through the ``tape_text`` function.
# TODO: Fix the latter two pylint warnings
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-branches, too-many-statements
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.measurements import (
from .drawable_layers import drawable_layers
from .utils import (
class _Config:
"""Dataclass containing attributes needed for updating the strings to be drawn for each layer"""
wire_map: dict
"""Map between wire labels and their place in order"""
bit_map: dict
"""Map between mid-circuit measurements and their corresponding bit in order"""
cur_layer: Optional[int] = None
"""Current layer index that is being updated"""
cwire_layers: Optional[list] = None
"""A list of layers used (mid measure or conditional) for each classical wire."""
decimals: Optional[int] = None
"""Specifies how to round the parameters of operators"""
cache: Optional[dict] = None
"""dictionary that carries information between label calls in the same drawing"""
def _add_grouping_symbols(op, layer_str, config): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Adds symbols indicating the extent of a given object."""
if len(op.wires) > 1:
mapped_wires = [config.wire_map[w] for w in op.wires]
min_w, max_w = min(mapped_wires), max(mapped_wires)
layer_str[min_w] = "╭"
layer_str[max_w] = "╰"
for w in range(min_w + 1, max_w):
layer_str[w] = "├" if w in mapped_wires else "│"
return layer_str
def _add_cond_grouping_symbols(op, layer_str, config):
"""Adds symbols indicating the extent of a given object for conditional
n_wires = len(config.wire_map)
mapped_wires = [config.wire_map[w] for w in op.wires]
mapped_bits = [config.bit_map[m] for m in op.meas_val.measurements]
max_w = max(mapped_wires)
max_b = max(mapped_bits) + n_wires
ctrl_symbol = "╩" if config.cur_layer != config.cwire_layers[max(mapped_bits)][-1] else "╝"
layer_str[max_b] = f"═{ctrl_symbol}"
for w in range(max_w + 1, max(config.wire_map.values()) + 1):
layer_str[w] = "─║"
for b in range(n_wires, max_b):
if b - n_wires in mapped_bits:
intersection = "╣" if config.cur_layer == config.cwire_layers[b - n_wires][-1] else "╬"
layer_str[b] = f"═{intersection}"
filler = " " if layer_str[b][-1] == " " else "═"
layer_str[b] = f"{filler}║"
return layer_str
def _add_mid_measure_grouping_symbols(op, layer_str, config):
"""Adds symbols indicating the extent of a given object for mid-measure
if op not in config.bit_map:
return layer_str
n_wires = len(config.wire_map)
mapped_wire = config.wire_map[op.wires[0]]
bit = config.bit_map[op] + n_wires
layer_str[bit] += " ╚"
for w in range(mapped_wire + 1, n_wires):
layer_str[w] += "─║"
for b in range(n_wires, bit):
filler = " " if layer_str[b][-1] == " " else "═"
layer_str[b] += f"{filler}║"
return layer_str
def _add_op(op, layer_str, config):
"""Updates ``layer_str`` with ``op`` operation."""
if isinstance(op, qml.ops.Conditional): # pylint: disable=no-member
layer_str = _add_cond_grouping_symbols(op, layer_str, config)
return _add_op(op.base, layer_str, config)
if isinstance(op, MidMeasureMP):
return _add_mid_measure_op(op, layer_str, config)
layer_str = _add_grouping_symbols(op, layer_str, config)
control_wires, control_values = unwrap_controls(op)
if control_values:
for w, val in zip(control_wires, control_values):
layer_str[config.wire_map[w]] += "●" if val else "○"
for w in control_wires:
layer_str[config.wire_map[w]] += "●"
label = op.label(decimals=config.decimals, cache=config.cache).replace("\n", "")
if len(op.wires) == 0: # operation (e.g. barrier, snapshot) across all wires
n_wires = len(config.wire_map)
for i, s in enumerate(layer_str[:n_wires]):
layer_str[i] = s + label
for w in op.wires:
if w not in control_wires:
layer_str[config.wire_map[w]] += label
return layer_str
def _add_mid_measure_op(op, layer_str, config):
"""Updates ``layer_str`` with ``op`` operation when ``op`` is a
layer_str = _add_mid_measure_grouping_symbols(op, layer_str, config)
label = op.label(decimals=config.decimals, cache=config.cache).replace("\n", "")
for w in op.wires:
layer_str[config.wire_map[w]] += label
return layer_str
measurement_label_map = {
Expectation: lambda label: f"<{label}>",
Probability: lambda label: f"Probs[{label}]" if label else "Probs",
Sample: lambda label: f"Sample[{label}]" if label else "Sample",
Counts: lambda label: f"Counts[{label}]" if label else "Counts",
Variance: lambda label: f"Var[{label}]",
State: lambda label: "State",
def _add_cwire_measurement_grouping_symbols(mcms, layer_str, config):
"""Adds symbols indicating the extent of a given object for mid-circuit measurement
if len(mcms) > 1:
n_wires = len(config.wire_map)
mapped_bits = [config.bit_map[m] for m in mcms]
min_b, max_b = min(mapped_bits) + n_wires, max(mapped_bits) + n_wires
layer_str[min_b] = "╭"
layer_str[max_b] = "╰"
for b in range(min_b + 1, max_b):
layer_str[b] = "├" if b - n_wires in mapped_bits else "│"
return layer_str
def _add_cwire_measurement(m, layer_str, config):
"""Updates ``layer_str`` with the ``m`` measurement when it is used
for collecting mid-circuit measurement statistics."""
mcms = [v.measurements[0] for v in] if isinstance(, list) else
layer_str = _add_cwire_measurement_grouping_symbols(mcms, layer_str, config)
mv_label = "MCM"
meas_label = measurement_label_map[m.return_type](mv_label)
n_wires = len(config.wire_map)
for mcm in mcms:
ind = config.bit_map[mcm] + n_wires
layer_str[ind] += meas_label
return layer_str
def _add_measurement(m, layer_str, config):
"""Updates ``layer_str`` with the ``m`` measurement."""
if is not None:
return _add_cwire_measurement(m, layer_str, config)
layer_str = _add_grouping_symbols(m, layer_str, config)
if m.obs is None:
obs_label = None
obs_label = m.obs.label(decimals=config.decimals, cache=config.cache).replace("\n", "")
if m.return_type in measurement_label_map:
meas_label = measurement_label_map[m.return_type](obs_label)
meas_label = m.return_type.value
if len(m.wires) == 0: # state or probability across all wires
n_wires = len(config.wire_map)
for i, s in enumerate(layer_str[:n_wires]):
layer_str[i] = s + meas_label
for w in m.wires:
layer_str[config.wire_map[w]] += meas_label
return layer_str
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def tape_text(
"""Text based diagram for a Quantum Tape.
tape (QuantumTape): the operations and measurements to draw
Keyword Args:
wire_order (Sequence[Any]): the order (from top to bottom) to print the wires of the circuit
show_all_wires (bool): If True, all wires, including empty wires, are printed.
decimals (int): How many decimal points to include when formatting operation parameters.
Default ``None`` will omit parameters from operation labels.
max_length (Int) : Maximum length of a individual line. After this length, the diagram will
begin anew beneath the previous lines.
show_matrices=True (bool): show matrix valued parameters below all circuit diagrams
cache (dict): Used to store information between recursive calls. Necessary keys are ``'tape_offset'``
and ``'matrices'``.
str : String based graphic of the circuit.
.. code-block:: python
ops = [
qml.QFT(wires=(0, 1, 2)),
qml.RX(1.234, wires=0),
qml.RY(1.234, wires=1),
qml.RZ(1.234, wires=2),
qml.Toffoli(wires=(0, 1, "aux"))
measurements = [
qml.var(qml.Z(0) @ qml.Z(1)),
qml.probs(wires=(0, 1, 2, "aux"))
tape = qml.tape.QuantumTape(ops, measurements)
>>> print(qml.drawer.tape_text(tape))
0: ─╭QFT──RX─╭●─┤ ╭Var[Z@Z] ╭Probs
1: ─├QFT──RY─├●─┤ ╰Var[Z@Z] ├Probs
2: ─╰QFT──RZ─│──┤ ├Probs
aux: ──────────╰X─┤ <Z> ╰Probs
.. details::
:title: Usage Details
By default, parameters are omitted. By specifying the ``decimals`` keyword, parameters
are displayed to the specified precision. Matrix-valued parameters are never displayed.
>>> print(qml.drawer.tape_text(tape, decimals=2))
0: ─╭QFT──RX(1.23)─╭●─┤ ╭Var[Z@Z] ╭Probs
1: ─├QFT──RY(1.23)─├●─┤ ╰Var[Z@Z] ├Probs
2: ─╰QFT──RZ(1.23)─│──┤ ├Probs
aux: ────────────────╰X─┤ <Z> ╰Probs
The ``max_length`` keyword wraps long circuits:
.. code-block:: python
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=42)
shape = qml.StronglyEntanglingLayers.shape(n_wires=5, n_layers=5)
params = rng.random(shape)
tape2 = qml.StronglyEntanglingLayers(params, wires=range(5)).expand()
print(qml.drawer.tape_text(tape2, max_length=60))
.. code-block:: none
0: ──Rot─╭●──────────╭X──Rot─╭●───────╭X──Rot──────╭●────╭X
1: ──Rot─╰X─╭●───────│───Rot─│──╭●────│──╭X────Rot─│──╭●─│─
2: ──Rot────╰X─╭●────│───Rot─╰X─│──╭●─│──│─────Rot─│──│──╰●
3: ──Rot───────╰X─╭●─│───Rot────╰X─│──╰●─│─────Rot─╰X─│────
4: ──Rot──────────╰X─╰●──Rot───────╰X────╰●────Rot────╰X───
The ``wire_order`` keyword specifies the order of the wires from
top to bottom:
>>> print(qml.drawer.tape_text(tape, wire_order=["aux", 2, 1, 0]))
aux: ──────────╭X─┤ <Z> ╭Probs
2: ─╭QFT──RZ─│──┤ ├Probs
1: ─├QFT──RY─├●─┤ ╭Var[Z@Z] ├Probs
0: ─╰QFT──RX─╰●─┤ ╰Var[Z@Z] ╰Probs
If the wire order contains empty wires, they are only shown if the ``show_all_wires=True``.
>>> print(qml.drawer.tape_text(tape, wire_order=["a", "b", "aux", 0, 1, 2], show_all_wires=True))
a: ─────────────┤
b: ─────────────┤
aux: ──────────╭X─┤ <Z> ╭Probs
0: ─╭QFT──RX─├●─┤ ╭Var[Z@Z] ├Probs
1: ─├QFT──RY─╰●─┤ ╰Var[Z@Z] ├Probs
2: ─╰QFT──RZ────┤ ╰Probs
Matrix valued parameters are always denoted by ``M`` followed by an integer corresponding to
unique matrices. The list of unique matrices can be printed at the end of the diagram by
selecting ``show_matrices=True`` (the default):
.. code-block:: python
ops = [
qml.QubitUnitary(np.eye(2), wires=0),
qml.QubitUnitary(np.eye(2), wires=1)
measurements = [qml.expval(qml.Hermitian(np.eye(4), wires=(0,1)))]
tape = qml.tape.QuantumTape(ops, measurements)
>>> print(qml.drawer.tape_text(tape))
0: ──U(M0)─┤ ╭<𝓗(M1)>
1: ──U(M0)─┤ ╰<𝓗(M1)>
M0 =
[[1. 0.]
[0. 1.]]
M1 =
[[1. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 1. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 1. 0.]
[0. 0. 0. 1.]]
An existing matrix cache can be passed via the ``cache`` keyword. Note that the dictionary
passed to ``cache`` will be modified during execution to contain any new matrices and the
tape offset.
>>> cache = {'matrices': [-np.eye(3)]}
>>> print(qml.drawer.tape_text(tape, cache=cache))
0: ──U(M1)─┤ ╭<𝓗(M2)>
1: ──U(M1)─┤ ╰<𝓗(M2)>
M0 =
[[-1. -0. -0.]
[-0. -1. -0.]
[-0. -0. -1.]]
M1 =
[[1. 0.]
[0. 1.]]
M2 =
[[1. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 1. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 1. 0.]
[0. 0. 0. 1.]]
>>> cache
{'matrices': [tensor([[-1., -0., -0.],
[-0., -1., -0.],
[-0., -0., -1.]], requires_grad=True), tensor([[1., 0.],
[0., 1.]], requires_grad=True), tensor([[1., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., 1.]], requires_grad=True)], 'tape_offset': 0}
When the provided tape has nested tapes inside, this function is called recursively.
To maintain numbering of tapes to arbitrary levels of nesting, the ``cache`` keyword
uses the ``"tape_offset"`` value to determine numbering. Note that the value is updated
during the call.
.. code-block:: python
with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape_inner:
cache = {'tape_offset': 3}
print(qml.drawer.tape_text(tape, cache=cache))
print("New tape offset: ", cache['tape_offset'])
.. code-block:: none
0: ──Tape:3─┤
0: ──X─┤
New tape offset: 4
tape = transform_deferred_measurements_tape(tape)
cache = cache or {}
cache.setdefault("tape_offset", 0)
cache.setdefault("matrices", [])
tape_cache = []
wire_map = convert_wire_order(tape, wire_order=wire_order, show_all_wires=show_all_wires)
bit_map = default_bit_map(tape)
n_wires = len(wire_map)
n_bits = len(bit_map)
if n_wires == 0:
return ""
# Used to store lines that are hitting the maximum length
finished_lines = []
layers = drawable_layers(tape.operations, wire_map=wire_map, bit_map=bit_map)
final_operations_layer = len(layers) - 1
layers += drawable_layers(tape.measurements, wire_map=wire_map, bit_map=bit_map)
# Update bit map and collect information about connections between mid-circuit measurements,
# classical conditions, and terminal measurements for processing mid-circuit measurements.
cwire_layers, _ = cwire_connections(layers, bit_map)
wire_totals = [f"{wire}: " for wire in wire_map]
bit_totals = ["" for _ in range(n_bits)]
line_length = max(len(s) for s in wire_totals)
wire_totals = [s.rjust(line_length, " ") for s in wire_totals]
bit_totals = [s.rjust(line_length, " ") for s in bit_totals]
# Collect information needed for drawing layers
config = _Config(
for i, layer in enumerate(layers):
# Update fillers and helper function
w_filler = "─" if i <= final_operations_layer else " "
b_filler = "═" if i <= final_operations_layer else " "
add_fn = _add_op if i <= final_operations_layer else _add_measurement
# Create initial strings for the current layer using wire and cwire fillers
layer_str = [w_filler] * n_wires + [" "] * n_bits
for b in bit_map.values():
cur_b_filler = b_filler if min(cwire_layers[b]) < i < max(cwire_layers[b]) else " "
layer_str[b + n_wires] = cur_b_filler
config.cur_layer = i
# Update current layer strings with labels
for op in layer:
if isinstance(op, qml.tape.QuantumScript):
layer_str = _add_grouping_symbols(op, layer_str, config)
label = f"Tape:{cache['tape_offset']+len(tape_cache)}"
for w in op.wires:
layer_str[wire_map[w]] += label
layer_str = add_fn(op, layer_str, config)
# Left justify layer strings and pad on the right
# Adjust width for wire filler on unused wires
max_label_len = max(len(s) for s in layer_str)
for w in range(n_wires):
layer_str[w] = layer_str[w].ljust(max_label_len, w_filler)
# Adjust width for bit filler on unused bits
for b in range(n_bits):
cur_b_filler = b_filler if cwire_layers[b][0] <= i < cwire_layers[b][-1] else " "
layer_str[b + n_wires] = layer_str[b + n_wires].ljust(max_label_len, cur_b_filler)
line_length += max_label_len + 1 # one for the filler character
# Create new lines
if line_length > max_length:
# move totals into finished_lines and reset totals
finished_lines += wire_totals + bit_totals
finished_lines[-1] += "\n"
wire_totals = [w_filler] * n_wires
# Bit totals for new lines for warped drawings need to be consistent with the
# current bit filler
bit_totals = []
for b in range(n_bits):
cur_b_filler = b_filler if cwire_layers[b][0] < i <= cwire_layers[b][-1] else " "
line_length = 2 + max_label_len
# Join current layer with lines for previous layers
# Joining is done by adding a filler at the end of the previous layer
wire_totals = [w_filler.join([t, s]) for t, s in zip(wire_totals, layer_str[:n_wires])]
for j, (bt, s) in enumerate(zip(bit_totals, layer_str[n_wires : n_wires + n_bits])):
cur_b_filler = b_filler if cwire_layers[j][0] < i <= cwire_layers[j][-1] else " "
bit_totals[j] = cur_b_filler.join([bt, s])
# Add ender characters to final operations layer
if i == final_operations_layer:
wire_totals = [f"{s}─┤" for s in wire_totals]
for b in range(n_bits):
if cwire_layers[b][-1] > final_operations_layer:
bit_totals[b] += "═╡"
bit_totals[b] += " "
line_length += 2
# Recursively handle nested tapes #
tape_totals = "\n".join(finished_lines + wire_totals + bit_totals)
current_tape_offset = cache["tape_offset"]
cache["tape_offset"] += len(tape_cache)
for i, nested_tape in enumerate(tape_cache):
label = f"\nTape:{i+current_tape_offset}"
tape_str = tape_text(
tape_totals = "\n".join([tape_totals, label, tape_str])
if show_matrices:
mat_str = ""
for i, mat in enumerate(cache["matrices"]):
mat_str += f"\nM{i} = \n{mat}"
return tape_totals + mat_str
return tape_totals
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