Source code for pennylane.labs.dla.cartan

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"""Functionality for Cartan decomposition"""
# pylint: disable= missing-function-docstring
from functools import partial
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from pennylane import QubitUnitary
from pennylane.operation import Operator
from pennylane.pauli import PauliSentence

from .dense_util import check_cartan_decomp
from .involutions import int_log2

[docs]def cartan_decomp( g: List[Union[PauliSentence, Operator]], involution: callable ) -> Tuple[List[Union[PauliSentence, Operator]], List[Union[PauliSentence, Operator]]]: r"""Cartan Decomposition :math:`\mathfrak{g} = \mathfrak{k} \oplus \mathfrak{m}`. Given a Lie algebra :math:`\mathfrak{g}`, the Cartan decomposition is a decomposition :math:`\mathfrak{g} = \mathfrak{k} \oplus \mathfrak{m}` into orthogonal complements. This is realized by an involution :math:`\Theta(g)` that maps each operator :math:`g \in \mathfrak{g}` back to itself after two consecutive applications, i.e., :math:`\Theta(\Theta(g)) = g \ \forall g \in \mathfrak{g}`. The ``involution`` argument can be any function that maps the operators in the provided ``g`` to a boolean output. ``True`` for operators that go into :math:`\mathfrak{k}` and ``False`` for operators in :math:`\mathfrak{m}`. The resulting subspaces fulfill the Cartan commutation relations .. math:: [\mathfrak{k}, \mathfrak{k}] \subseteq \mathfrak{k} \text{ ; } [\mathfrak{k}, \mathfrak{m}] \subseteq \mathfrak{m} \text{ ; } [\mathfrak{m}, \mathfrak{m}] \subseteq \mathfrak{k} Args: g (List[Union[PauliSentence, Operator]]): the (dynamical) Lie algebra to decompose involution (callable): Involution function :math:`\Theta(\cdot)` to act on the input operator, should return ``0/1`` or ``False/True``. E.g., :func:`~even_odd_involution` or :func:`~concurrence_involution`. Returns: Tuple(List[Union[PauliSentence, Operator]], List[Union[PauliSentence, Operator]]): Tuple ``(k, m)`` containing the even parity subspace :math:`\Theta(\mathfrak{k}) = \mathfrak{k}` and the odd parity subspace :math:`\Theta(\mathfrak{m}) = -\mathfrak{m}`. .. seealso:: :func:`~even_odd_involution`, :func:`~concurrence_involution`, :func:`~check_cartan_decomp` **Example** We first construct a Lie algebra. >>> from pennylane import X, Z >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import concurrence_involution, even_odd_involution, cartan_decomp >>> generators = [X(0) @ X(1), Z(0), Z(1)] >>> g = qml.lie_closure(generators) >>> g [X(0) @ X(1), Z(0), Z(1), -1.0 * (Y(0) @ X(1)), -1.0 * (X(0) @ Y(1)), -1.0 * (Y(0) @ Y(1))] We compute the Cartan decomposition with respect to the :func:`~concurrence_involution`. >>> k, m = cartan_decomp(g, concurrence_involution) >>> k, m ([-1.0 * (Y(0) @ X(1)), -1.0 * (X(0) @ Y(1))], [X(0) @ X(1), Z(0), Z(1), -1.0 * (Y(0) @ Y(1))]) We can check the validity of the decomposition using :func:`~check_cartan_decomp`. >>> check_cartan_decomp(k, m) True There are other Cartan decomposition induced by other involutions. For example using :func:`~even_odd_involution`. >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import check_cartan_decomp >>> k, m = cartan_decomp(g, even_odd_involution) >>> k, m ([Z(0), Z(1)], [X(0) @ X(1), -1.0 * (Y(0) @ X(1)), -1.0 * (X(0) @ Y(1)), -1.0 * (Y(0) @ Y(1))]) >>> check_cartan_decomp(k, m) True """ # simple implementation assuming all elements in g are already either in k and m # TODO: Figure out more general way to do this when the above is not the case m = [] k = [] for op in g: if involution(op): # odd parity theta(k) = k k.append(op) else: # even parity theta(m) = -m m.append(op) return k, m
IDENTITY = object() def pauli_y_eigenbasis(wire, num_wires): V = np.array([[1, 1], [1j, -1j]]) / np.sqrt(2) return QubitUnitary(V, wire).matrix(wire_order=range(num_wires)) _basis_change_constructors = { ("AI", "BDI"): IDENTITY, ("AI", "DIII"): IDENTITY, ("AII", "CI"): IDENTITY, ("AII", "CII"): IDENTITY, ("AIII", "ClassB"): IDENTITY, ("BDI", "ClassB"): IDENTITY, ("CI", "AI"): pauli_y_eigenbasis, ("CI", "AII"): pauli_y_eigenbasis, ("CI", "AIII"): IDENTITY, ("CII", "ClassB"): IDENTITY, ("DIII", "AI"): pauli_y_eigenbasis, ("DIII", "AII"): pauli_y_eigenbasis, ("DIII", "AIII"): pauli_y_eigenbasis, ("ClassB", "AI"): IDENTITY, ("ClassB", "AII"): IDENTITY, ("ClassB", "AIII"): IDENTITY, ("ClassB", "BDI"): IDENTITY, ("ClassB", "DIII"): IDENTITY, ("ClassB", "CI"): IDENTITY, ("ClassB", "CII"): IDENTITY, } def _check_classb_sequence(before, after): if before == "AIII" and after.startswith("A"): return if before == "BDI" and after in ("BDI", "DIII"): return if before == "CII" and after.startswith("C"): return raise ValueError( f"The 3-sequence ({before}, ClassB, {after}) of involutions is not a valid sequence." ) def _check_chain(chain, num_wires): """Validate a chain of involutions for a recursive Cartan decomposition.""" # Take the function name or its `func` attribute if it exists (e.g., for `partial` of an involution) names = [getattr(phi, "func", phi).__name__ for phi in chain] # Assume some standard behaviour regarding the wires on which we need to perform basis changes basis_changes = [] wire = 0 for i, name in enumerate(names[:-1]): invol_pair = (name, names[i + 1]) if invol_pair not in _basis_change_constructors: raise ValueError( f"The specified chain contains the pair {'-->'.join(invol_pair)}, " "which is not a valid pair." ) # Run specific check for sequence of three involutions where ClassB is the middle one if name == "ClassB" and i > 0: _check_classb_sequence(names[i - 1], names[i + 1]) bc_constructor = _basis_change_constructors[invol_pair] if bc_constructor is IDENTITY: bc = bc_constructor else: bc = bc_constructor(wire, num_wires) # Next assumption: The wire is only incremented if a basis change is applied. wire += 1 basis_changes.append(bc) basis_changes.append(IDENTITY) # Do not perform any basis change after last involution. return names, basis_changes def _apply_basis_change(change_op, targets): """Helper function for recursive Cartan decompositions that applies a basis change matrix ``change_op`` to a batch of matrices ``targets`` (with leading batch dimension).""" # Compute x V^\dagger for all x in ``targets``. ``moveaxis`` brings the batch axis to the front out = np.moveaxis(np.tensordot(change_op, targets, axes=[[1], [1]]), 1, 0) out = np.tensordot(out, change_op.conj().T, axes=[[2], [0]]) return out
[docs]def recursive_cartan_decomp(g, chain, validate=True, verbose=True): r"""Apply a recursive Cartan decomposition specified by a chain of decomposition types. The decompositions will use canonical involutions and hardcoded basis transformations between them in order to obtain a valid recursion. This function tries to make sure that only sensible involution sequences are applied, and to raise an error otherwise. However, the involutions still need to be configured properly, regarding the wires their conjugation operators act on. Args: g (tensor_like): Basis of the algebra to be decomposed. chain (Iterable[Callable]): Sequence of involutions. Each callable should be one of :func:`~.pennylane.labs.dla.AI`, :func:`~.pennylane.labs.dla.AII`, :func:`~.pennylane.labs.dla.AIII`, :func:`~.pennylane.labs.dla.BDI`, :func:`~.pennylane.labs.dla.CI :func:`~.pennylane.labs.dla.CII`, :func:`~.pennylane.labs.dla.DIII`, or :func:`~.pennylane.labs.dla.ClassB`, or a partial evolution thereof. validate (bool): Whether or not to verify that the involutions return a subalgebra. verbose (bool): Whether or not to print status updates during the computation. Returns: dict: The decompositions at each level. The keys are (zero-based) integers for the different levels of the recursion, the values are tuples ``(k, m)`` with subalgebra ``k`` and horizontal space ``m``. For each level, ``k`` and ``m`` combine into ``k`` from the previous recursion level. **Examples** Let's set up the special unitary algebra on 2 qubits. Note that we are using the Hermitian matrices that correspond to the skew-Hermitian algebra elements via multiplication by :math:`i`. Also note that :func:`~.pauli.pauli_group` returns the identity as the first element, which is not part of the special unitary algebra of traceless matrices. >>> g = [qml.matrix(op, wire_order=range(2)) for op in qml.pauli.pauli_group(2)] # u(4) >>> g = g[1:] # Remove identity: u(4) -> su(4) Now we can apply Cartan decompositions of type AI and DIII in sequence: >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import recursive_cartan_decomp, AI, DIII >>> chain = [AI, DIII] >>> decompositions = recursive_cartan_decomp(g, chain) Iteration 0: 15 -----AI----> 6, 9 Iteration 1: 6 ----DIII---> 4, 2 The function prints the progress of the decompositions by default, which can be deactivated by setting ``verbose=False``. Here we see how the initial :math:`\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{su(4)}` was decomposed by AI into the six-dimensional :math:`\mathfrak{k}_1=\mathfrak{so(4)}` and a horizontal space of dimension nine. Then, :math:`\mathfrak{k}_1` was further decomposed by the DIII decomposition into the four-dimensional :math:`\mathfrak{k}_2=\mathfrak{u}(2)` and a two-dimensional horizontal space. In a more elaborate example, let's apply a chain of decompositions AII, CI, AI, BDI, and DIII to the four-qubit unitary algebra. While we took care of the global phase term of :math:`u(4)` explicitly above, we leave it in the algebra here, and see that it does not cause problems. We discuss the ``wire`` keyword argument below. >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import AII, CI, BDI, ClassB >>> from functools import partial >>> chain = [ ... AII, ... CI, ... AI, ... partial(BDI, wire=1), ... partial(ClassB, wire=1), ... partial(DIII, wire=2), ... ] >>> g = [qml.matrix(op, wire_order=range(4)) for op in qml.pauli.pauli_group(4)] # u(16) >>> decompositions = recursive_cartan_decomp(g, chain) Iteration 0: 256 ----AII----> 136, 120 Iteration 1: 136 -----CI----> 64, 72 Iteration 2: 64 -----AI----> 28, 36 Iteration 3: 28 ----BDI----> 12, 16 Iteration 4: 12 ---ClassB--> 6, 6 Iteration 5: 6 ----DIII---> 4, 2 The obtained chain of algebras is .. math:: \mathfrak{u}(16) \rightarrow \mathfrak{sp}(8) \rightarrow \mathfrak{u}(8) \rightarrow \mathfrak{so}(8) \rightarrow \mathfrak{so}(4) \oplus \mathfrak{so}(4) \rightarrow \mathfrak{so}(4) \rightarrow \mathfrak{u}(2). What about the wire keyword argument to the used involutions? A good rule of thumb is that it should start at ``0`` and increment by one every second involution. For the involution :func:`~.pennylane.labs.dla.CI` it should additionally be increased by one. As ``0`` is the default for ``wire``, it usually does not have to be provided explicitly for the first two involutions, unless ``CI`` is among them. .. note:: A typical effect of setting the wire wrongly is that the decomposition does not split the subalgebra from the previous step but keeps it intact and returns a zero-dimensional horizontal space. For example: >>> g = [qml.matrix(op, wire_order=range(2)) for op in qml.pauli.pauli_group(2)] # u(4) >>> chain = [AI, DIII, AII] >>> decompositions = recursive_cartan_decomp(g, chain) Iteration 0: 16 -----AI----> 6, 10 Iteration 1: 6 ----DIII---> 4, 2 Iteration 2: 4 ----AII----> 4, 0 We see that the ``AII`` decomposition did not further decompose :math:`\mathfrak{u}(2)`. It works if we provide the correct ``wire`` argument: >>> chain = [AI, DIII, partial(AII, wire=1)] >>> decompositions = recursive_cartan_decomp(g, chain) Iteration 0: 16 -----AI----> 6, 10 Iteration 1: 6 ----DIII---> 4, 2 Iteration 2: 4 ----AII----> 3, 1 We obtain :math:`\mathfrak{sp}(1)` as expected from the decomposition of type AII. """ # Prerun the validation by obtaining the required basis changes and raising an error if # an invalid pair is found. num_wires = int_log2(np.shape(g)[-1]) names, basis_changes = _check_chain(chain, num_wires) decompositions = {} for i, (phi, name, bc) in enumerate(zip(chain, names, basis_changes)): try: k, m = cartan_decomp(g, phi) except ValueError as e: if "please specify p and q for the involution" in str(e): phi = partial(phi, p=2 ** (num_wires - 1), q=2 ** (num_wires - 1)) k, m = cartan_decomp(g, phi) else: raise ValueError from e if validate: check_cartan_decomp(k, m, verbose=verbose) if verbose: print(f"Iteration {i}: {len(g):>4} -{name:-^10}> {len(k):>4},{len(m):>4}") decompositions[i] = (k, m) if not bc is IDENTITY: k = _apply_basis_change(bc, k) m = _apply_basis_change(bc, m) g = k return decompositions