Source code for pennylane.labs.dla.cartan_subalgebra
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"""Functionality to compute the Cartan subalgebra"""
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-positional-arguments
import copy
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import null_space
import pennylane as qml
from import _intersect_bases
from .dense_util import adjvec_to_op, change_basis_ad_rep, op_to_adjvec
def _gram_schmidt(X):
"""Orthogonalize basis of column vectors in X"""
Q, _ = np.linalg.qr(X.T, mode="reduced")
return Q.T
def _is_independent(v, A, tol=1e-14):
"""Check whether ``v`` is independent of the columns of A."""
v /= np.linalg.norm(v)
v = v - A @ qml.math.linalg.solve(A.conj().T @ A, A.conj().T) @ v
return np.linalg.norm(v) > tol
def _orthogonal_complement_basis(a, m, tol):
"""find mtilde = m - a"""
# Step 1: Find the span of a
a = np.array(a)
m = np.array(m)
# Compute the orthonormal basis of a using QR decomposition
Q = _gram_schmidt(a)
# Step 2: Project each vector in m onto the orthogonal complement of span(a)
projections = m -, Q.T), Q)
assert np.allclose(
np.tensordot(a, projections, axes=[[1], [1]]), 0.0
), f"{np.tensordot(a, projections, axes=[[1], [1]])}"
# Step 3: Find a basis for the non-zero projections
# We'll use SVD to find the basis
U, S, _ = np.linalg.svd(projections.T)
# Choose columns of U corresponding to non-zero singular values
rank = np.sum(S > tol)
basis = U[:, :rank]
assert np.allclose(
np.tensordot(a, basis, axes=[[1], [0]]), 0.0
), f"{np.tensordot(a, basis, axes=[[1], [0]])}"
return basis.T # Transpose to get row vectors
[docs]def cartan_subalgebra(
g, k, m, ad, start_idx=0, tol=1e-10, verbose=0, return_adjvec=False, is_orthogonal=True
Compute a Cartan subalgebra (CSA) :math:`\mathfrak{a} \subseteq \mathfrak{m}`.
A non-unique CSA is a maximal Abelian subalgebra in the horizontal subspace :math:`\mathfrak{m}` of a Cartan decomposition.
Note that this is sometimes called a horizontal CSA, and is different from the definition of a CSA on `Wikipedia <>`__.
.. seealso:: :func:`~cartan_decomp`, :func:`~structure_constants`, `The KAK decomposition theory(demo) <>`__, `The KAK decomposition in practice (demo) <>`__.
g (List[Union[PauliSentence, np.ndarray]]): Lie algebra :math:`\mathfrak{g}`, which is assumed to be ordered as :math:`\mathfrak{g} = \mathfrak{k} \oplus \mathfrak{m}`
k (List[Union[PauliSentence, np.ndarray]]): Vertical space :math:`\mathfrak{k}` from Cartan decomposition :math:`\mathfrak{g} = \mathfrak{k} \oplus \mathfrak{m}`
m (List[Union[PauliSentence, np.ndarray]]): Horizontal space :math:`\mathfrak{m}` from Cartan decomposition :math:`\mathfrak{g} = \mathfrak{k} \oplus \mathfrak{m}`
ad (Array): The :math:`|\mathfrak{g}| \times |\mathfrak{g}| \times |\mathfrak{g}|` dimensional adjoint representation of :math:`\mathfrak{g}` (see :func:`~structure_constants`)
start_idx (bool): Indicates from which element in ``m`` the CSA computation starts.
tol (float): Numerical tolerance for linear independence check
verbose (bool): Whether or not to output progress during computation
return_adjvec (bool): The output format. If ``False``, returns operators in their original
input format (matrices or :class:`~PauliSentence`). If ``True``, returns the spaces as adjoint representation vectors.
is_orthogonal (bool): Whether the basis elements are all orthogonal, both within
and between ``g``, ``k`` and ``m``.
Tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray): A tuple of adjoint vector representations
``(newg, k, mtilde, a, new_adj)``, corresponding to
:math:`\mathfrak{g}`, :math:`\mathfrak{k}`, :math:`\tilde{\mathfrak{m}}`, :math:`\mathfrak{a}` and the new adjoint representation.
The dimensions are ``(|g|, |g|)``, ``(|k|, |g|)``, ``(|mtilde|, |g|)``, ``(|a|, |g|)`` and ``(|g|, |g|, |g|)``, respectively.
A quick example computing a Cartan subalgebra of :math:`\mathfrak{su}(4)` using the Cartan involution :func:`~even_odd_involution`.
>>> import pennylane as qml
>>> from pennylane.labs.dla import cartan_decomp, cartan_subalgebra, even_odd_involution
>>> g = list(qml.pauli.pauli_group(2)) # u(4)
>>> g = g[1:] # remove identity -> su(4)
>>> g = [op.pauli_rep for op in g] # optional; turn to PauliSentence for convenience
>>> k, m = cartan_decomp(g, even_odd_involution)
>>> g = k + m # re-order g to separate k and m
>>> adj = qml.structure_constants(g)
>>> newg, k, mtilde, a, new_adj = cartan_subalgebra(g, k, m, adj)
>>> newg == k + mtilde + a
>>> a
[-1.0 * Z(0) @ Z(1), 1.0 * Y(0) @ Y(1), -1.0 * X(0) @ X(1)]
We can confirm that these all commute with each other, as the CSA is Abelian (= all operators commute).
>>> from pennylane.labs.dla import check_all_commuting
>>> check_all_commuting(a)
We can opt-in to return what we call adjoint vectors of dimension :math:`|\mathfrak{g}|`, where each component corresponds to an entry in (the ordered) ``g``.
The adjoint vectors for the Cartan subalgebra are in ``np_a``.
>>> np_newg, np_k, np_mtilde, np_a, new_adj = cartan_subalgebra(g, k, m, adj, return_adjvec=True)
We can reconstruct an operator by computing :math:`\hat{O}_v = \sum_i v_i g_i` for an adjoint vector :math:`v` and :math:`g_i \in \mathfrak{g}`.
>>> v = np_a[0]
>>> op = sum(v_i * g_i for v_i, g_i in zip(v, g))
>>> op.simplify()
>>> op
-1.0 * Z(0) @ Z(1)
For convenience, we provide a helper function :func:`~adjvec_to_op` for the collections of adjoint vectors in the returns.
>>> from pennylane.labs.dla import adjvec_to_op
>>> a = adjvec_to_op(np_a, g)
>>> a
[-1.0 * Z(0) @ Z(1), 1.0 * Y(0) @ Y(1), -1.0 * X(0) @ X(1)]
.. details::
:title: Usage Details
Let us walk through an example of computing the Cartan subalgebra. The basis for computing
the Cartan subalgebra is having the Lie algebra :math:`\mathfrak{g}`, a Cartan decomposition
:math:`\mathfrak{g} = \mathfrak{k} \oplus \mathfrak{m}` and its adjoint representation.
We start by computing these ingredients using :func:`~cartan_decomp` and :func:`~structure_constants`.
As an example, we take the Lie algebra of the Heisenberg model with generators :math:`\{X_i X_{i+1}, Y_i Y_{i+1}, Z_i Z_{i+1}\}`.
>>> from pennylane.labs.dla import lie_closure_dense, cartan_decomp
>>> from pennylane import X, Y, Z
>>> n = 3
>>> gens = [X(i) @ X(i+1) for i in range(n-1)]
>>> gens += [Y(i) @ Y(i+1) for i in range(n-1)]
>>> gens += [Z(i) @ Z(i+1) for i in range(n-1)]
>>> g = lie_closure_dense(gens)
Taking the Heisenberg Lie algebra, we can perform the Cartan decomposition. We take the :func:`~even_odd_involution` as a valid Cartan involution.
The resulting vertical and horizontal subspaces :math:`\mathfrak{k}` and :math:`\mathfrak{m}` need to fulfill the commutation relations
:math:`[\mathfrak{k}, \mathfrak{k}] \subseteq \mathfrak{k}`, :math:`[\mathfrak{k}, \mathfrak{m}] \subseteq \mathfrak{m}` and :math:`[\mathfrak{m}, \mathfrak{m}] \subseteq \mathfrak{k}`,
which we can check using the helper function :func:`~check_cartan_decomp`.
>>> from pennylane.labs.dla import even_odd_involution, check_cartan_decomp
>>> k, m = cartan_decomp(g, even_odd_involution)
>>> check_cartan_decomp(k, m) # check commutation relations of Cartan decomposition
Our life is easier when we use a canonical ordering of the operators. This is why we re-define ``g`` with the new ordering in terms of operators in ``k`` first, and then
all remaining operators from ``m``.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pennylane.labs.dla import structure_constants_dense
>>> g = np.vstack([k, m]) # re-order g to separate k and m operators
>>> adj = structure_constants_dense(g) # compute adjoint representation of g
Finally, we can compute a Cartan subalgebra :math:`\mathfrak{a}`, a maximal Abelian subalgebra of :math:`\mathfrak{m}`.
>>> newg, k, mtilde, a, new_adj = cartan_subalgebra(g, k, m, adj, start_idx=3)
The new DLA ``newg`` is just the concatenation of ``k``, ``mtilde``, ``a``. Each component is returned in the original input format.
Here we obtain collections of :math:`8\times 8` matrices (``numpy`` arrays), as this is what we started from.
>>> newg.shape, k.shape, mtilde.shape, a.shape, new_adj.shape
((15, 8, 8), (6, 8, 8), (6, 8, 8), (3, 8, 8), (15, 15, 15))
We can also let the function return what we call adjoint representation vectors.
>>> kwargs = {"start_idx": 3, "return_adjvec": True}
>>> np_newg, np_k, np_mtilde, np_a, new_adj = cartan_subalgebra(g, k, m, adj, **kwargs)
>>> np_newg.shape, np_k.shape, np_mtilde.shape, np_a.shape, new_adj.shape
((15, 15), (6, 15), (6, 15), (3, 15), (15, 15, 15))
These are dense vector representations of dimension :math:`|\mathfrak{g}|`, in which each entry corresponds to the respective operator in :math:`\mathfrak{g}`.
Given an adjoint representation vector :math:`v`, we can reconstruct the respective operator by simply computing :math:`\hat{O}_v = \sum_i v_i g_i`, where
:math:`g_i \in \mathfrak{g}` (hence the need for a canonical ordering).
We provide a convenience function :func:`~adjvec_to_op` that works with both ``g`` represented as dense matrices or PL operators.
Because we used dense matrices in this example, we transform the operators back to PennyLane operators using :func:`~pauli_decompose`.
>>> from pennylane.labs.dla import adjvec_to_op
>>> a = adjvec_to_op(np_a, g)
>>> h_op = [qml.pauli_decompose(op).pauli_rep for op in a]
>>> h_op
[-1.0 * Y(1) @ Y(2), -1.0 * Z(1) @ Z(2), 1.0 * X(1) @ X(2)]
In that case we chose a Cartan subalgebra from which we can readily see that it is commuting, but we also provide a small helper function to check that.
>>> from pennylane.labs.dla import check_all_commuting
>>> assert check_all_commuting(h_op)
Last but not least, the adjoint representation ``new_adj`` is updated to represent the new basis and its ordering of ``g``.
g_copy = copy.deepcopy(g)
np_m = op_to_adjvec(m, g, is_orthogonal=is_orthogonal)
np_a = op_to_adjvec([m[start_idx]], g, is_orthogonal=is_orthogonal)
iteration = 1
while True:
if verbose:
print(f"iteration {iteration}: Found {len(np_a)} independent Abelian operators.")
kernel_intersection = np_m
for h_i in np_a:
# obtain adjoint rep of candidate h_i
adjoint_of_h_i = np.tensordot(ad, h_i, axes=[[1], [0]])
# compute kernel of adjoint
new_kernel = null_space(adjoint_of_h_i, rcond=tol)
# intersect kernel to stay in m
kernel_intersection = _intersect_bases(kernel_intersection.T, new_kernel, rcond=tol).T
kernel_intersection = _gram_schmidt(kernel_intersection) # orthogonalize
for vec in kernel_intersection:
if _is_independent(vec, np.array(np_a).T, tol):
np_a = np.vstack([np_a, vec])
# No new vector was added from all the kernels
iteration += 1
np_a = _gram_schmidt(np_a) # orthogonalize Abelian subalgebra
np_k = op_to_adjvec(
k, g, is_orthogonal=is_orthogonal
) # adjoint vectors of k space for re-ordering
np_oldg = np.vstack([np_k, np_m])
np_k = _gram_schmidt(np_k)
np_mtilde = _orthogonal_complement_basis(np_a, np_m, tol=tol) # the "rest" of m without a
np_newg = np.vstack([np_k, np_mtilde, np_a])
# Instead of recomputing the adjoint representation, take the basis transformation
# oldg -> newg and transform the adjoint representation accordingly
basis_change = np.tensordot(np_newg, np.linalg.pinv(np_oldg), axes=[[1], [0]])
new_adj = change_basis_ad_rep(ad, basis_change)
if return_adjvec:
return np_newg, np_k, np_mtilde, np_a, new_adj
newg, k, mtilde, a = [
adjvec_to_op(adjvec, g_copy, is_orthogonal=is_orthogonal)
for adjvec in [np_newg, np_k, np_mtilde, np_a]
return newg, k, mtilde, a, new_adj
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