Source code for pennylane.labs.dla.involutions

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"""Cartan involutions"""
from functools import singledispatch

# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import Y, Z, matrix
from pennylane.operation import Operator
from pennylane.pauli import PauliSentence

[docs]def khaneja_glaser_involution(op: Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator], wire: int = None): r"""Khaneja-Glaser involution, which is a type-:func:`~AIII` Cartan involution with p=q. Args: op (Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator]): Input operator wire (int): Qubit wire on which to perform Khaneja-Glaser decomposition Returns: bool: Whether ``op`` should go to the even or odd subspace of the decomposition .. seealso:: :func:`~cartan_decomp` See `Khaneja and Glaser (2000) <>`__ for reference. **Example** Let us first perform a single Khaneja-Glaser decomposition of :math:`\mathfrak{g} = \mathfrak{su}(8)`, i.e. the Lie algebra of all Pauli words on 3 qubits. >>> g = list(qml.pauli.pauli_group(3)) # u(8) >>> g = g[1:] # remove identity >>> g = [op.pauli_rep for op in g] We perform the first iteration on the first qubit. We use :func:`~cartan_decomp`. >>> from functools import partial >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import cartan_decomp, khaneja_glaser_involution >>> k0, m0 = cartan_decomp(g, partial(khaneja_glaser_involution, wire=0)) >>> print(f"First iteration, AIII: {len(k0)}, {len(m0)}") First iteration, AIII: 31, 32 >>> assert qml.labs.dla.check_cartan_decomp(k0, m0) # check Cartan commutation relations We see that we split the 63-dimensional algebra :math:`\mathfrak{su}(8)` into a 31-dimensional and a 32-dimensional subspace, and :func:`~check_cartan_decomp` verified that they satisfy the commutation relations of a Cartan decomposition. To expand on this example, we continue process recursively on the :math:`\mathfrak{k}_0` subalgebra. Before we can apply the Khaneja-Glaser (type AIII) decomposition a second time, we need to a) remove the :math:`\mathfrak{u}(1)` center from :math:`\mathfrak{k}_0=\mathfrak{su}(4)\oplus\mathfrak{su}(4)\oplus\mathfrak{u}(1)` to make it semisimple and b) perform a different Cartan decomposition, which is sometimes termed class B. >>> center_k0 =, pauli=True) # Compute center of k0 >>> k0_semi = [op for op in k0 if op not in center_k0] # Remove center from k0 >>> print(f"Removed operators {center_k0}, new length: {len(k0_semi)}") Removed operators [1.0 * Z(0)], new length: 30 >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import ClassB >>> k1, m1 = cartan_decomp(k0_semi, partial(ClassB, wire=0)) >>> assert qml.labs.dla.check_cartan_decomp(k1, m1) >>> print(f"First iteration, class B: {len(k1)}, {len(m1)}") First iteration, class B: 15, 15 Now we arrived at the subalgebra :math:`\mathfrak{k}_1=\mathfrak{su}(4)` and can perform the next iteration of the recursive decomposition. >>> k2, m2 = cartan_decomp(k1, partial(khaneja_glaser_involution, wire=1)) >>> assert qml.labs.dla.check_cartan_decomp(k2, m2) >>> print(f"Second iteration, AIII: {len(k2)}, {len(m2)}") Second iteration, AIII: 7, 8 We can follow up on this by removing the center from :math:`\mathfrak{k}_1` again, and applying a final class B decomposition: >>> center_k2 =, pauli=True) >>> k2_semi = [op for op in k2 if op not in center_k2] >>> print(f"Removed operators {center_k2}, new length: {len(k2_semi)}") Removed operators [1.0 * Z(1)], new length: 6 >>> k3, m3 = cartan_decomp(k2_semi, partial(ClassB, wire=1)) >>> assert qml.labs.dla.check_cartan_decomp(k3, m3) >>> print(f"Second iteration, class B: {len(k3)}, {len(m3)}") Second iteration, class B: 3, 3 This concludes our example of the Khaneja-Glaser recursive decomposition, as we arrived at easy to implement single-qubit operations. """ if wire is None: raise ValueError( "Please specify the wire for the Khaneja-Glaser involution via " "functools.partial(khaneja_glaser_involution, wire=wire)" ) if isinstance(op, np.ndarray): p = q = op.shape[0] // 2 elif isinstance(op, (PauliSentence, Operator)): p = q = 2 ** (len(op.wires) - 1) else: raise ValueError(f"Can't infer p and q from operator of type {type(op)}.") return AIII(op, p, q, wire)
# Canonical involutions # see appendix C # matrices def int_log2(x): """Compute the integer closest to log_2(x).""" return int(np.round(np.log2(x))) def is_qubit_case(p, q): """Return whether p and q are the same and a power of 2.""" return p == q and 2 ** int_log2(p) == p def J(n, wire=None): """This is the standard choice for the symplectic transformation operator. For an :math:`N`-qubit system (:math:`n=2^N`), it equals :math:`Y_0`.""" N = int_log2(n) if 2**N == n: if wire is None: wire = 0 return Y(wire).matrix(wire_order=range(N + 1)) if wire is not None: raise ValueError("The wire argument is only supported for n=2**N for some integer N.") zeros = np.zeros((n, n)) eye = np.eye(n) return np.block([[zeros, -1j * eye], [1j * eye, zeros]]) def Ipq(p, q, wire=None): """This is the canonical transformation operator for AIII and BDI Cartan decompositions. For an :math:`N`-qubit system (:math:`n=2^N`) and :math:`p=q=n/2`, it equals :math:`Z_0`.""" # If p = q and they are a power of two, use Pauli representation if is_qubit_case(p, q): if wire is None: wire = 0 return Z(wire).matrix(wire_order=range(int_log2(p) + 1)) if wire is not None: raise ValueError("The wire argument is only supported for p=q=2**N for some integer N.") return np.block([[np.eye(p), np.zeros((p, q))], [np.zeros((q, p)), -np.eye(q)]]) def Kpq(p, q, wire=None): """This is the canonical transformation operator for CII Cartan decompositions. For an :math:`N`-qubit system (:math:`n=2^N`) and :math:`p=q=n/2`, it equals :math:`Z_1`.""" # If p = q and they are a power of two, use Pauli representation if is_qubit_case(p, q): if wire is None: wire = 1 return Z(wire).matrix(wire_order=range(int_log2(p) + 1)) if wire is not None: raise ValueError("The wire argument is only supported for p=q=2**N for some integer N.") zeros = np.zeros((p + q, p + q)) d = np.diag(np.concatenate([np.ones(p), -np.ones(q)])) KKm = np.block([[d, zeros], [zeros, d]]) return KKm
[docs]def AI(op: Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator]) -> bool: r"""Canonical Cartan decomposition of type AI, given by :math:`\theta: x \mapsto x^\ast`. .. note:: Note that we work with Hermitian operators internally, so that the input will be multiplied by :math:`i` before evaluating the involution. Args: op (Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator]): Operator on which the involution is evaluated and for which the parity under the involution is returned. Returns: bool: Whether or not the input operator (times :math:`i`) is in the eigenspace of the involution :math:`\theta` with eigenvalue :math:`+1`. """ return _AI(op)
@singledispatch def _AI(op): # pylint:disable=unused-argument r"""Default implementation of the canonical form of the AI involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto x^\ast`. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"Involution not implemented for operator {op} of type {type(op)}") @_AI.register(np.ndarray) def _AI_matrix(op: np.ndarray) -> bool: r"""Matrix implementation of the canonical form of the AI involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto x^\ast`. """ op = op * 1j return np.allclose(op, op.conj()) @_AI.register(PauliSentence) def _AI_ps(op: PauliSentence) -> bool: r"""PauliSentence implementation of the canonical form of the AI involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto x^\ast`. """ parity = [] for pw in op: result = sum(el == "Y" for el in pw.values()) parity.append(bool(result % 2)) # only makes sense if parity is the same for all terms assert all(parity) or not any(parity) return parity[0] @_AI.register(Operator) def _AI_op(op: Operator) -> bool: r"""Operator implementation of the canonical form of the AI involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto x^\ast`. """ return _AI_ps(op.pauli_rep)
[docs]def AII(op: Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator], wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""Canonical Cartan decomposition of type AII, given by :math:`\theta: x \mapsto Y_0 x^\ast Y_0`. .. note:: Note that we work with Hermitian operators internally, so that the input will be multiplied by :math:`i` before evaluating the involution. Args: op (Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator]): Operator on which the involution is evaluated and for which the parity under the involution is returned. wire (int): The wire on which the Pauli-:math:`Y` operator acts to implement the involution. Will default to ``0`` if ``None``. Returns: bool: Whether or not the input operator (times :math:`i`) is in the eigenspace of the involution :math:`\theta` with eigenvalue :math:`+1`. """ return _AII(op, wire)
@singledispatch def _AII(op, wire=None): # pylint:disable=unused-argument r"""Default implementation of the canonical form of the AII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto Y_0 x^\ast Y_0`. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"Involution not implemented for operator {op} of type {type(op)}") @_AII.register(np.ndarray) def _AII_matrix(op: np.ndarray, wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""Matrix implementation of the canonical form of the AII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto Y_0 x^\ast Y_0`. """ op = op * 1j y = J(op.shape[-1] // 2, wire=wire) return np.allclose(op, y @ op.conj() @ y) @_AII.register(PauliSentence) def _AII_ps(op: PauliSentence, wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""PauliSentence implementation of the canonical form of the AII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto Y_0 x^\ast Y_0`. """ if wire is None: wire = 0 parity = [] for pw in op: result = sum(el == "Y" for el in pw.values()) + (pw.get(wire, "I") in "XZ") parity.append(bool(result % 2)) # only makes sense if parity is the same for all terms assert all(parity) or not any(parity) return parity[0] @_AII.register(Operator) def _AII_op(op: Operator, wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""Operator implementation of the canonical form of the AII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto Y_0 x^\ast Y_0`. """ return _AII_ps(op.pauli_rep, wire)
[docs]def AIII( op: Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator], p: int = None, q: int = None, wire: Optional[int] = None, ) -> bool: r"""Canonical Cartan decomposition of type AIII, given by :math:`\theta: x \mapsto I_{p,q} x I_{p,q}`. The matrix :math:`I_{p,q}` is given by .. math:: I_{p,q}=\text{diag}(\underset{p \text{times}}{\underbrace{1, \dots 1}}, \underset{q \text{times}}{\underbrace{-1, \dots -1}}). For :math:`p=q=2^N` for some integer :math:`N`, we have :math:`I_{p,q}=Z_0`. .. note:: Note that we work with Hermitian operators internally, so that the input will be multiplied by :math:`i` before evaluating the involution. Args: op (Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator]): Operator on which the involution is evaluated and for which the parity under the involution is returned. p (int): Dimension of first subspace. q (int): Dimension of second subspace. wire (int): The wire on which the Pauli-:math:`Z` operator acts to implement the involution. Will default to ``0`` if ``None``. Returns: bool: Whether or not the input operator (times :math:`i`) is in the eigenspace of the involution :math:`\theta` with eigenvalue :math:`+1`. """ if p is None or q is None: raise ValueError( "please specify p and q for the involution via functools.partial(AIII, p=p, q=q)" ) return _AIII(op, p, q, wire)
@singledispatch def _AIII(op, p=None, q=None, wire=None): # pylint:disable=unused-argument r"""Default implementation of the canonical form of the AIII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto I_{p,q} x I_{p,q}`. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"Involution not implemented for operator {op} of type {type(op)}") @_AIII.register(np.ndarray) def _AIII_matrix(op: np.ndarray, p: int = None, q: int = None, wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""Matrix implementation of the canonical form of the AIII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto I_{p,q} x I_{p,q}`. """ op = op * 1j z = Ipq(p, q, wire=wire) return np.allclose(op, z @ op @ z) @_AIII.register(PauliSentence) def _AIII_ps(op: PauliSentence, p: int = None, q: int = None, wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""PauliSentence implementation of the canonical form of the AIII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto I_{p,q} x I_{p,q}`. """ if is_qubit_case(p, q): if wire is None: wire = 0 parity = [pw.get(wire, "I") in "IZ" for pw in op] # only makes sense if parity is the same for all terms assert all(parity) or not any(parity) return parity[0] # If it is not a qubit case, use the matrix representation return _AIII_matrix(matrix(op, wire_order=sorted(op.wires)), p, q, wire) @_AIII.register(Operator) def _AIII_op(op: Operator, p: int = None, q: int = None, wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""Operator implementation of the canonical form of the AIII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto I_{p,q} x I_{p,q}`. """ return _AIII_ps(op.pauli_rep, p, q, wire)
[docs]def BDI( op: Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator], p: int = None, q: int = None, wire: Optional[int] = None, ) -> bool: r"""Canonical Cartan decomposition of type BDI, given by :math:`\theta: x \mapsto I_{p,q} x I_{p,q}`. The matrix :math:`I_{p,q}` is given by .. math:: I_{p,q}=\text{diag}(\underset{p \text{times}}{\underbrace{1, \dots 1}}, \underset{q \text{times}}{\underbrace{-1, \dots -1}}). For :math:`p=q=2^N` for some integer :math:`N`, we have :math:`I_{p,q}=Z_0`. .. note:: Note that we work with Hermitian operators internally, so that the input will be multiplied by :math:`i` before evaluating the involution. Args: op (Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator]): Operator on which the involution is evaluated and for which the parity under the involution is returned. p (int): Dimension of first subspace. q (int): Dimension of second subspace. wire (int): The wire on which the Pauli-:math:`Z` operator acts to implement the involution. Will default to ``0`` if ``None``. Returns: bool: Whether or not the input operator (times :math:`i`) is in the eigenspace of the involution :math:`\theta` with eigenvalue :math:`+1`. """ return AIII(op, p, q, wire)
[docs]def CI(op: Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator]) -> bool: r"""Canonical Cartan decomposition of type CI, given by :math:`\theta: x \mapsto x^\ast`. .. note:: Note that we work with Hermitian operators internally, so that the input will be multiplied by :math:`i` before evaluating the involution. Args: op (Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator]): Operator on which the involution is evaluated and for which the parity under the involution is returned. Returns: bool: Whether or not the input operator (times :math:`i`) is in the eigenspace of the involution :math:`\theta` with eigenvalue :math:`+1`. """ return AI(op)
[docs]def CII( op: Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator], p: int = None, q: int = None, wire: Optional[int] = None, ) -> bool: r"""Canonical Cartan decomposition of type CII, given by :math:`\theta: x \mapsto K_{p,q} x K_{p,q}`. The matrix :math:`K_{p,q}` is given by .. math:: K_{p,q}=\text{diag}( \underset{p \text{times}}{\underbrace{1, \dots 1}}, \underset{q \text{times}}{\underbrace{-1, \dots -1}}, \underset{p \text{times}}{\underbrace{1, \dots 1}}, \underset{q \text{times}}{\underbrace{-1, \dots -1}}, ). For :math:`p=q=2^N` for some integer :math:`N`, we have :math:`K_{p,q}=Z_1`. .. note:: Note that we work with Hermitian operators internally, so that the input will be multiplied by :math:`i` before evaluating the involution. Args: op (Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator]): Operator on which the involution is evaluated and for which the parity under the involution is returned. p (int): Dimension of first subspace. q (int): Dimension of second subspace. wire (int): The wire on which the Pauli-:math:`Z` operator acts to implement the involution. Will default to ``1`` if ``None``. Returns: bool: Whether or not the input operator (times :math:`i`) is in the eigenspace of the involution :math:`\theta` with eigenvalue :math:`+1`. """ if p is None or q is None: raise ValueError( "please specify p and q for the involution via functools.partial(CII, p=p, q=q)" ) return _CII(op, p, q, wire)
@singledispatch def _CII(op, p=None, q=None, wire=None): # pylint:disable=unused-argument r"""Default implementation of the canonical form of the CII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto K_{p,q} x K_{p,q}`. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"Involution not implemented for operator {op} of type {type(op)}") @_CII.register(np.ndarray) def _CII_matrix(op: np.ndarray, p: int = None, q: int = None, wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""Matrix implementation of the canonical form of the CII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto K_{p,q} x K_{p,q}`. """ op = op * 1j z = Kpq(p, q, wire=wire) return np.allclose(op, z @ op @ z) @_CII.register(PauliSentence) def _CII_ps(op: PauliSentence, p: int = None, q: int = None, wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""PauliSentence implementation of the canonical form of the CII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto K_{p,q} x K_{p,q}`. """ if is_qubit_case(p, q): if wire is None: wire = 1 parity = [pw.get(wire, "I") in "IZ" for pw in op] # only makes sense if parity is the same for all terms assert all(parity) or not any(parity) return parity[0] # If it is not a qubit case, use the matrix representation return _CII(matrix(op, wire_order=sorted(op.wires)), p, q, wire) @_CII.register(Operator) def _CII_op(op: Operator, p: int = None, q: int = None, wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""Operator implementation of the canonical form of the CII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto K_{p,q} x K_{p,q}`. """ return _CII_ps(op.pauli_rep, p, q, wire)
[docs]def DIII(op: Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator], wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""Canonical Cartan decomposition of type DIII, given by :math:`\theta: x \mapsto Y_0 x Y_0`. Args: op (Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator]): Operator on which the involution is evaluated and for which the parity under the involution is returned. wire (int): The wire on which the Pauli-:math:`Y` operator acts to implement the involution. Will default to ``0`` if ``None``. Returns: bool: Whether or not the input operator (times :math:`i`) is in the eigenspace of the involution :math:`\theta` with eigenvalue :math:`+1`. """ return _DIII(op, wire)
@singledispatch def _DIII(op, wire=None): # pylint:disable=unused-argument r"""Default implementation of the canonical form of the DIII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto Y_0 x Y_0`. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"Involution not implemented for operator {op} of type {type(op)}") @_DIII.register(np.ndarray) def _DIII_matrix(op: np.ndarray, wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""Matrix implementation of the canonical form of the DIII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto Y_0 x Y_0`. """ y = J(op.shape[-1] // 2, wire=wire) return np.allclose(op, y @ op @ y) @_DIII.register(PauliSentence) def _DIII_ps(op: PauliSentence, wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""PauliSentence implementation of the canonical form of the DIII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto Y_0 x Y_0`. """ if wire is None: wire = 0 parity = [pw.get(wire, "I") in "IY" for pw in op] # only makes sense if parity is the same for all terms assert all(parity) or not any(parity) return parity[0] @_DIII.register(Operator) def _DIII_op(op: Operator, wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""Operator implementation of the canonical form of the DIII involution :math:`\theta: x \mapsto Y_0 x Y_0`. """ return _DIII_ps(op.pauli_rep, wire)
[docs]def ClassB(op: Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator], wire: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: r"""Canonical Cartan decomposition of class B, given by :math:`\theta: x \mapsto Y_0 x Y_0`. Args: op (Union[np.ndarray, PauliSentence, Operator]): Operator on which the involution is evaluated and for which the parity under the involution is returned. wire (int): The wire on which the Pauli-:math:`Y` operator acts to implement the involution. Will default to ``0`` if ``None``. Returns: bool: Whether or not the input operator (times :math:`i`) is in the eigenspace of the involution :math:`\theta` with eigenvalue :math:`+1`. """ return DIII(op, wire)
# dispatch to different input types
[docs]def even_odd_involution(op: Union[PauliSentence, np.ndarray, Operator]) -> bool: r"""The Even-Odd involution. This is defined in `quant-ph/0701193 <>`__. For Pauli words and sentences, it comes down to counting non-trivial Paulis in Pauli words. Args: op ( Union[PauliSentence, np.ndarray, Operator]): Input operator Returns: bool: Boolean output ``True`` or ``False`` for odd (:math:`\mathfrak{k}`) and even parity subspace (:math:`\mathfrak{m}`), respectively .. seealso:: :func:`~cartan_decomp` **Example** >>> from pennylane import X, Y, Z >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import even_odd_involution >>> ops = [X(0), X(0) @ Y(1), X(0) @ Y(1) @ Z(2)] >>> [even_odd_involution(op) for op in ops] [True, False, True] Operators with an odd number of non-identity Paulis yield ``1``, whereas even ones yield ``0``. The function also works with dense matrix representations. >>> ops_m = [qml.matrix(op, wire_order=range(3)) for op in ops] >>> [even_odd_involution(op_m) for op_m in ops_m] [True, False, True] """ return _even_odd_involution(op)
@singledispatch def _even_odd_involution(op): # pylint:disable=unused-argument, missing-function-docstring return NotImplementedError(f"Involution not defined for operator {op} of type {type(op)}") @_even_odd_involution.register(PauliSentence) def _even_odd_involution_ps(op: PauliSentence): # Generalization to sums of Paulis: check each term and assert they all have the same parity parity = [] for pw in op.keys(): parity.append(len(pw) % 2) # only makes sense if parity is the same for all terms, e.g. Heisenberg model assert all( parity[0] == p for p in parity ), f"The Even-Odd involution is not well-defined for operator {op} as individual terms have different parity" return bool(parity[0]) @_even_odd_involution.register(np.ndarray) def _even_odd_involution_matrix(op: np.ndarray): """see Table CI in""" n = int(np.round(np.log2(op.shape[-1]))) YYY =*[Y(i) for i in range(n)]) YYY = qml.matrix(YYY, range(n)) transformed = YYY @ op.conj() @ YYY if np.allclose(transformed, op): return False if np.allclose(transformed, -op): return True raise ValueError(f"The Even-Odd involution is not well-defined for operator {op}.") @_even_odd_involution.register(Operator) def _even_odd_involution_op(op: Operator): """use pauli representation""" return _even_odd_involution_ps(op.pauli_rep) # dispatch to different input types
[docs]def concurrence_involution(op: Union[PauliSentence, np.ndarray, Operator]) -> bool: r"""The Concurrence Canonical Decomposition :math:`\Theta(g) = -g^T` as a Cartan involution function. This is defined in `quant-ph/0701193 <>`__. For Pauli words and sentences, it comes down to counting Pauli-Y operators. Args: op ( Union[PauliSentence, np.ndarray, Operator]): Input operator Returns: bool: Boolean output ``True`` or ``False`` for odd (:math:`\mathfrak{k}`) and even parity subspace (:math:`\mathfrak{m}`), respectively .. seealso:: :func:`~cartan_decomp` **Example** >>> from pennylane import X, Y, Z >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import concurrence_involution >>> ops = [X(0), X(0) @ Y(1), X(0) @ Y(1) @ Z(2), Y(0) @ Y(2)] >>> [concurrence_involution(op) for op in ops] [False, True, True, False] Operators with an odd number of ``Y`` operators yield ``1``, whereas even ones yield ``0``. The function also works with dense matrix representations. >>> ops_m = [qml.matrix(op, wire_order=range(3)) for op in ops] >>> [even_odd_involution(op_m) for op_m in ops_m] [False, True, True, False] """ return _concurrence_involution(op)
@singledispatch def _concurrence_involution(op): return NotImplementedError(f"Involution not defined for operator {op} of type {type(op)}") @_concurrence_involution.register(PauliSentence) def _concurrence_involution_pauli(op: PauliSentence): # Generalization to sums of Paulis: check each term and assert they all have the same parity parity = [] for pw in op.keys(): result = sum(1 if el == "Y" else 0 for el in pw.values()) parity.append(result % 2) # only makes sense if parity is the same for all terms, e.g. Heisenberg model assert all( parity[0] == p for p in parity ), f"The concurrence canonical decomposition is not well-defined for operator {op} as individual terms have different parity" return bool(parity[0]) @_concurrence_involution.register(Operator) def _concurrence_involution_operator(op: Operator): return _concurrence_involution_matrix(op.matrix()) @_concurrence_involution.register(np.ndarray) def _concurrence_involution_matrix(op: np.ndarray): if np.allclose(op, -op.T): return True if np.allclose(op, op.T): return False raise ValueError( f"The concurrence canonical decomposition is not well-defined for operator {op}" )