Source code for pennylane.labs.dla.lie_closure_dense

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"""A function to compute the Lie closure of a set of operators"""
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

import warnings
from import Iterable
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Operator
from pennylane.pauli import PauliSentence, PauliWord

from .dense_util import trace_inner_product

def _hermitian_basis(matrices: Iterable[np.ndarray], tol: float = None, subbasis_length: int = 0):
    """Find a linearly independent basis of a list of (skew-) Hermitian matrices

    .. note:: The first ``subbasis_length`` elements of ``matrices`` are assumed to already be orthogonal and Hermitian and will not be changed.

        matrices (Union[numpy.ndarray, Iterable[numpy.ndarray]]): A list of Hermitian matrices.
        tol (float): Tolerance for linear dependence check. Defaults to ``1e-10``.
        subbasis_length (int): The first `subbasis_length` elements in `matrices` are left untouched.

        np.ndarray: Stacked array of linearly independent basis matrices.

        ValueError: If not all input matrices are (skew-) Hermitian.
    if tol is None:
        tol = 1e-10

    basis = list(matrices[:subbasis_length])
    for A in matrices[subbasis_length:]:
        if not np.allclose(A.conj().T, A):
            A = 1j * A
            if not np.allclose(A.conj().T, A):
                raise ValueError(f"At least one basis matrix is not (skew-)Hermitian:\n{A}")

        B = A.copy()
        if len(basis) > 0:
            B -= np.tensordot(trace_inner_product(np.array(basis), A), basis, axes=[[0], [0]])
        if (norm := np.sqrt(trace_inner_product(B, B))) > tol:  # Tolerance for numerical stability
            B /= norm
    return np.array(basis)

[docs]def lie_closure_dense( generators: Iterable[Union[PauliWord, PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray]], n: int = None, max_iterations: int = 10000, verbose: bool = False, tol: float = None, ): r"""Compute the dynamical Lie algebra :math:`\mathfrak{g}` from a set of generators using their dense matrix representation. This function computes the Lie closure of a set of generators using their dense matrix representation. This is sometimes more efficient than using the sparse Pauli representations of :class:`~PauliWord` and :class:`~PauliSentence` employed in :func:`~lie_closure`, e.g., when few generators are sums of many Paulis. .. seealso:: For details on the mathematical definitions, see :func:`~lie_closure` and our `Introduction to Dynamical Lie Algebras for quantum practitioners <>`__. Args: generators (Iterable[Union[PauliWord, PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray]]): generating set for which to compute the Lie closure. n (int): The number of qubits involved. If ``None`` is provided, it is automatically deduced from the generators. Ignored when the inputs are ``np.ndarray`` instances. max_iterations (int): maximum depth of nested commutators to consider. Default is ``10000``. verbose (bool): whether to print out progress updates during Lie closure calculation. Default is ``False``. tol (float): Numerical tolerance for the linear independence check between algebra elements Returns: numpy.ndarray: The ``(dim(g), 2**n, 2**n)`` array containing the linearly independent basis of the DLA :math:`\mathfrak{g}` as dense matrices. **Example** Compute the Lie closure of the isotropic Heisenberg model with generators :math:`\{X_i X_{i+1} + Y_i Y_{i+1} + Z_i Z_{i+1}\}_{i=0}^{n-1}`. >>> n = 5 >>> gens = [X(i) @ X(i+1) + Y(i) @ Y(i+1) + Z(i) @ Z(i+1) for i in range(n-1)] >>> g = lie_closure_mat(gens, n) The result is a ``numpy`` array. We can turn the matrices back into PennyLane operators by employing :func:`~batched_pauli_decompose`. >>> g_ops = [qml.pauli_decompose(op) for op in g] **Internal representation** The input operators are converted to Hermitian matrices internally. This means that we compute the operators :math:`G_\alpha` in the algebra :math:`\{iG_\alpha\}_\alpha`, which itself consists of skew-Hermitian objects (commutators produce skew-Hermitian objects, so Hermitian operators alone can not form an algebra with the standard commutator). """ dense_in = isinstance(generators, np.ndarray) or all( isinstance(op, np.ndarray) for op in generators ) if not dense_in: if n is None: all_wires = qml.wires.Wires.all_wires([_.wires for _ in generators]) n = len(all_wires) assert all_wires.toset() == set(range(n)) gens = np.array([qml.matrix(op, wire_order=range(n)) for op in generators], dtype=complex) chi = 2**n assert gens.shape == (len(generators), chi, chi) else: gens = np.array(generators) chi = generators[0].shape[0] assert gens.shape == (len(generators), chi, chi) epoch = 0 old_length = 0 vspace = _hermitian_basis(gens, tol, old_length) new_length = initial_length = len(vspace) while (new_length > old_length) and (epoch < max_iterations): if verbose: print(f"epoch {epoch+1} of lie_closure_dense, DLA size is {new_length}") # compute all commutators. We compute the commutators between all newly added operators # and all original generators. This limits the amount of vectorization we are doing but # gives us a correspondence between the while loop iteration and the nesting level of # the commutators. # [m0, m1] = m0 m1 - m1 m0 # Implement einsum "aij,bjk->abik" by tensordot and moveaxis m0m1 = np.moveaxis( np.tensordot(vspace[old_length:], vspace[:initial_length], axes=[[2], [1]]), 1, 2 ) m0m1 = np.reshape(m0m1, (-1, chi, chi)) # Implement einsum "aij,bki->abkj" by tensordot and moveaxis m1m0 = np.moveaxis( np.tensordot(vspace[old_length:], vspace[:initial_length], axes=[[1], [2]]), 1, 3 ) m1m0 = np.reshape(m1m0, (-1, chi, chi)) all_coms = m0m1 - m1m0 # sub-select linearly independent subset vspace = np.concatenate([vspace, all_coms]) vspace = _hermitian_basis(vspace, tol, old_length) # Updated number of linearly independent PauliSentences from previous and current step old_length = new_length new_length = len(vspace) epoch += 1 if epoch == max_iterations: warnings.warn(f"reached the maximum number of iterations {max_iterations}", UserWarning) if verbose: print(f"After {epoch} epochs, reached a DLA size of {new_length}") return vspace