Source code for pennylane.labs.resource_estimation.ops.op_math.controlled_ops

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r"""Resource operators for controlled operations."""
from typing import Dict

import pennylane as qml
import pennylane.labs.resource_estimation as re

# pylint: disable=arguments-differ,too-many-ancestors

[docs]class ResourceCH(qml.CH, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the CH gate. Resources: The resources are derived from the following identities (as presented in this `blog post <>`_): .. math:: \begin{align} \hat{H} &= \hat{R}_{y}(\frac{\pi}{4}) \cdot \hat{Z} \cdot \hat{R}_{y}(\frac{-\pi}{4}), \\ \hat{Z} &= \hat{H} \cdot \hat{X} \cdot \hat{H}. \end{align} We can control on the Pauli-X gate to obtain our controlled Hadamard gate. """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} ry = re.ResourceRY.resource_rep() h = re.ResourceHadamard.resource_rep() cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() gate_types[h] = 2 gate_types[ry] = 2 gate_types[cnot] = 1 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self) -> dict: return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceCY(qml.CY, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the CY gate. Resources: The resources are derived from the following identity: .. math:: \hat{Y} = \hat{S} \cdot \hat{X} \cdot \hat{S}^{\dagger}. We can control on the Pauli-X gate to obtain our controlled-Y gate. """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() s = re.ResourceS.resource_rep() gate_types[cnot] = 1 gate_types[s] = 1 + 3 # S^dagg = 3*S in cost TODO: Update with Adjoint(S) return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self) -> dict: return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceCZ(qml.CZ, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the CZ gate. Resources: The resources are derived from the following identity: .. math:: \hat{Z} = \hat{H} \cdot \hat{X} \cdot \hat{H}. We can control on the Pauli-X gate to obtain our controlled-Z gate. """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() h = re.ResourceHadamard.resource_rep() gate_types[cnot] = 1 gate_types[h] = 2 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self) -> dict: return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceCSWAP(qml.CSWAP, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the CSWAP gate. Resources: The resources are taken (figure 1d) from the paper `Shallow unitary decompositions of quantum Fredkin and Toffoli gates for connectivity-aware equivalent circuit averaging <>`_. The circuit which applies the SWAP operation on wires (1, 2) and controlled on wire (0) is given by: .. code-block:: bash 0: ────╭●────┤ 1: ─╭X─├●─╭X─┤ 2: ─╰●─╰X─╰●─┤ """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} tof = re.ResourceToffoli.resource_rep() cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() gate_types[tof] = 1 gate_types[cnot] = 2 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self) -> dict: return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceCCZ(qml.CCZ, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the CCZ gate. Resources: The resources are derived from the following identity: .. math:: \hat{Z} = \hat{H} \cdot \hat{X} \cdot \hat{H}. We replace the Pauli-X gate with a Toffoli gate to obtain our control-control-Z gate. """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} toffoli = re.ResourceToffoli.resource_rep() h = re.ResourceHadamard.resource_rep() gate_types[toffoli] = 1 gate_types[h] = 2 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self) -> dict: return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceCNOT(qml.CNOT, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the CNOT gate. Resources: There is no further decomposition provided for this gate. """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: raise re.ResourcesNotDefined
[docs] def resource_params(self) -> dict: return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceToffoli(qml.Toffoli, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the Toffoli gate. Resources: The resources are obtained from (in figure 1.) the paper `Novel constructions for the fault-tolerant Toffoli gate <>`_. The circuit which applies the Toffoli gate on target wire 'target' with control wires ('c1', 'c2') is given by: .. code-block:: bash c1: ─╭●────╭X──T†────────╭X────╭●───────────────╭●─┤ c2: ─│──╭X─│──╭●───T†─╭●─│──╭X─│────────────────╰Z─┤ aux1: ─╰X─│──│──╰X───T──╰X─│──│──╰X────────────────║─┤ aux2: ──H─╰●─╰●──T─────────╰●─╰●──H──S─╭●──H──┤↗├──║─┤ target: ─────────────────────────────────╰X──────║───║─┤ ╚═══╝ """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() t = re.ResourceT.resource_rep() h = re.ResourceHadamard.resource_rep() s = re.ResourceS.resource_rep() cz = re.ResourceCZ.resource_rep() gate_types[cnot] = 9 gate_types[h] = 3 gate_types[s] = 1 gate_types[cz] = 1 gate_types[t] = 2 + 2 * (7) # T^dagg = 7*T in cost TODO: Update with Adjoint(T) return gate_types
[docs] @staticmethod def textbook_resource_decomp() -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: r"""Resources for the Toffoli gate Resources: The resources are taken (figure 4.9) from the textbook `Quantum Computation and Quantum Information <>`_. The circuit is given by: .. code-block:: bash 0: ───────────╭●───────────╭●────╭●──T──╭●─┤ 1: ────╭●─────│─────╭●─────│───T─╰X──T†─╰X─┤ 2: ──H─╰X──T†─╰X──T─╰X──T†─╰X──T──H────────┤ """ gate_types = {} cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() t = re.ResourceT.resource_rep() h = re.ResourceHadamard.resource_rep() gate_types[cnot] = 6 gate_types[h] = 2 gate_types[t] = 7 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self) -> dict: return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceMultiControlledX(qml.MultiControlledX, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the MultiControlledX gate. Resources: The resources are obtained from (table 3.) the paper `Polylogarithmic-depth controlled-NOT gates without ancilla qubits <>`_. Specifically, the resources are given by the following rules: * If there is only one control qubit, treat the resources as a :code:`CNOT` gate. * If there are two control qubits, treat the resources as a :code:`Toffoli` gate. * If there are three control qubits, the resources are two :code:`CNOT` gates and one :code:`Toffoli` gate. * If there are more than three control qubits (:math:`n`), the resources are given by :math:`36n - 111` :code:`CNOT` gates. """ # TODO: There is a more efficient resource decomposition, need to update this based on the paper. @staticmethod def _resource_decomp( num_ctrl_wires, num_ctrl_values, num_work_wires, **kwargs, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} if num_ctrl_values: x = re.ResourceX.resource_rep() gate_types[x] = num_ctrl_values * 2 cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() if num_ctrl_wires == 1: gate_types[cnot] = 1 return gate_types toffoli = re.ResourceToffoli.resource_rep() if num_ctrl_wires == 2: gate_types[toffoli] = 1 return gate_types if num_ctrl_wires == 3: gate_types[cnot] = 2 gate_types[toffoli] = 1 return gate_types gate_types[cnot] = 36 * num_ctrl_wires - 111 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self) -> dict: num_control = len(self.hyperparameters["control_wires"]) num_work_wires = len(self.hyperparameters["work_wires"]) num_control_values = len([val for val in self.hyperparameters["control_values"] if not val]) return { "num_ctrl_wires": num_control, "num_ctrl_values": num_control_values, "num_work_wires": num_work_wires, }
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep( cls, num_ctrl_wires, num_ctrl_values, num_work_wires ) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp( cls, { "num_ctrl_wires": num_ctrl_wires, "num_ctrl_values": num_ctrl_values, "num_work_wires": num_work_wires, }, )
[docs]class ResourceCRX(qml.CRX, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the CRX gate. Resources: The resources are taken from (in figure 1b.) the paper `T-count and T-depth of any multi-qubit unitary <>`_. In combination with the following identity: .. math:: \hat{RX} = \hat{H} \cdot \hat{RZ} \cdot \hat{H}, we can express the :code:`CRX` gate as a :code:`CRZ` gate conjugated by :code:`Hadamard` gates. The expression for controlled-RZ gates is used as defined in the reference above. """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} h = re.ResourceHadamard.resource_rep() rz = re.ResourceRZ.resource_rep() cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() gate_types[cnot] = 2 gate_types[rz] = 2 gate_types[h] = 2 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self) -> dict: return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceCRY(qml.CRY, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the CRY gate. Resources: The resources are taken from (in figure 1b.) the paper `T-count and T-depth of any multi-qubit unitary <>`_. The resources are derived with the following identity: .. math:: \hat{RY}(\theta) = \hat{X} \cdot \hat{RY}(- \theta) \cdot \hat{X}. By replacing the :code:`X` gates with :code:`CNOT` gates, we obtain a controlled-version of this identity. Thus we are able to constructively or destructively interfere the gates based on the value of the control qubit. """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() ry = re.ResourceRY.resource_rep() gate_types[cnot] = 2 gate_types[ry] = 2 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self) -> dict: return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceCRZ(qml.CRZ, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the CRZ gate. Resources: The resources are obtained from (in figure 1b.) the paper `T-count and T-depth of any multi-qubit unitary <>`_. They are derived from the following identity: .. math:: \hat{RZ}(\theta) = \hat{X} \cdot \hat{RZ}(- \theta) \cdot \hat{X}. By replacing the :code:`X` gates with :code:`CNOT` gates, we obtain a controlled-version of this identity. Thus we are able to constructively or destructively interfere the gates based on the value of the control qubit. """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() rz = re.ResourceRZ.resource_rep() gate_types[cnot] = 2 gate_types[rz] = 2 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self) -> dict: return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceCRot(qml.CRot, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the CRot gate. Resources: The resources are derived from (in figure 1b.) the paper `T-count and T-depth of any multi-qubit unitary <>`_. The resources are derived with the following identities: .. math:: \begin{align} \hat{RZ}(\theta) = \hat{X} \cdot \hat{RZ}(- \theta) \cdot \hat{X}, \\ \hat{RY}(\theta) = \hat{X} \cdot \hat{RY}(- \theta) \cdot \hat{X}. \end{align} This identity is applied along with some clever choices for the angle values to combine rotation; the final circuit takes the form: .. code-block:: bash ctrl: ─────╭●─────────╭●─────────┤ trgt: ──RZ─╰X──RZ──RY─╰X──RY──RZ─┤ """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() rz = re.ResourceRZ.resource_rep() ry = re.ResourceRY.resource_rep() gate_types[cnot] = 2 gate_types[rz] = 3 gate_types[ry] = 2 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self) -> dict: return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceControlledPhaseShift(qml.ControlledPhaseShift, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the ControlledPhaseShift gate. Resources: The resources are derived using the fact that a :code:`PhaseShift` gate is identical to the :code:`RZ` gate up to some global phase. Furthermore, a controlled global phase simplifies to a :code:`PhaseShift` gate. This gives rise to the following identity: .. math:: CR_\phi(\phi) = (R_\phi(\phi/2) \otimes I) \cdot CNOT \cdot (I \otimes R_\phi(-\phi/2)) \cdot CNOT \cdot (I \otimes R_\phi(\phi/2)) """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs) -> Dict[re.CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() rz = re.ResourceRZ.resource_rep() gate_types[cnot] = 2 gate_types[rz] = 3 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self): return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls) -> re.CompressedResourceOp: return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})