Source code for pennylane.labs.resource_estimation.ops.qubit.parametric_ops_multi_qubit

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r"""Resource operators for parametric multi qubit operations."""
import pennylane as qml
import pennylane.labs.resource_estimation as re

# pylint: disable=arguments-differ

[docs]class ResourceMultiRZ(qml.MultiRZ, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the MultiRZ gate. Resources: The resources come from Section VIII (figure 3) of `The Bravyi-Kitaev transformation for quantum computation of electronic structure <>`_ paper. Specifically, the resources are given by one :code:`RZ` gate and a cascade of :math:`2 * (n - 1)` :code:`CNOT` gates where :math:`n` is the number of qubits the gate acts on. """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(num_wires, **kwargs): cnot = re.CompressedResourceOp(re.ResourceCNOT, {}) rz = re.CompressedResourceOp(re.ResourceRZ, {}) gate_types = {} gate_types[cnot] = 2 * (num_wires - 1) gate_types[rz] = 1 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self): return {"num_wires": len(self.wires)}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls, num_wires): return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {"num_wires": num_wires})
[docs]class ResourcePauliRot(qml.PauliRot, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the PauliRot gate. Resources: The resources come from Section VIII (figures 3, 4) of `The Bravyi-Kitaev transformation for quantum computation of electronic structure <>`_ paper, in combination with the following identity: .. math:: \begin{align} \hat{X} &= \hat{H} \cdot \hat{Z} \cdot \hat{H}, \\ \hat{Y} &= \hat{S} \cdot \hat{H} \cdot \hat{Z} \cdot \hat{H} \cdot \hat{S}^{\dagger}. \end{align} Specifically, the resources are given by one :code:`RZ` gate and a cascade of :math:`2 * (n - 1)` :code:`CNOT` gates where :math:`n` is the number of qubits the gate acts on. Additionally, for each :code:`X` gate in the Pauli word we conjugate by a :code:`Hadamard` gate, and for each :code:`Y` gate in the Pauli word we conjugate by :code:`Hadamard` and :code:`S` gates. """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(pauli_word, **kwargs): if set(pauli_word) == {"I"}: gp = re.ResourceGlobalPhase.resource_rep() return {gp: 1} active_wires = len(pauli_word.replace("I", "")) h = re.ResourceHadamard.resource_rep() s = re.ResourceS.resource_rep() # TODO: add Adjoint(S) in the symbolic PRs rz = re.ResourceRZ.resource_rep() cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() h_count = 0 s_count = 0 for gate in pauli_word: if gate == "X": h_count += 2 if gate == "Y": h_count += 2 s_count += 1 gate_types = {} gate_types[h] = h_count gate_types[s] = s_count + (3 * s_count) # S^dagg = 3*S in cost gate_types[rz] = 1 gate_types[cnot] = 2 * (active_wires - 1) return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self): return { "pauli_word": self.hyperparameters["pauli_word"], }
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls, pauli_word): return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {"pauli_word": pauli_word})
[docs]class ResourceIsingXX(qml.IsingXX, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the IsingXX gate. Resources: Ising XX coupling gate .. math:: XX(\phi) = \exp\left(-i \frac{\phi}{2} (X \otimes X)\right) = \begin{bmatrix} = \cos(\phi / 2) & 0 & 0 & -i \sin(\phi / 2) \\ 0 & \cos(\phi / 2) & -i \sin(\phi / 2) & 0 \\ 0 & -i \sin(\phi / 2) & \cos(\phi / 2) & 0 \\ -i \sin(\phi / 2) & 0 & 0 & \cos(\phi / 2) \end{bmatrix}. The circuit implementing this transformation is given by: .. code-block:: bash 0: ─╭●─────RX────╭●─┤ 1: ─╰X───────────╰X─┤ """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(*args, **kwargs): cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() rx = re.ResourceRX.resource_rep() gate_types = {} gate_types[cnot] = 2 gate_types[rx] = 1 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self): return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls, *args): return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceIsingYY(qml.IsingYY, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the IsingYY gate. Resources: Ising YY coupling gate .. math:: \mathtt{YY}(\phi) = \exp\left(-i \frac{\phi}{2} (Y \otimes Y)\right) = \begin{bmatrix} \cos(\phi / 2) & 0 & 0 & i \sin(\phi / 2) \\ 0 & \cos(\phi / 2) & -i \sin(\phi / 2) & 0 \\ 0 & -i \sin(\phi / 2) & \cos(\phi / 2) & 0 \\ i \sin(\phi / 2) & 0 & 0 & \cos(\phi / 2) \end{bmatrix}. The circuit implementing this transformation is given by .. code-block:: bash 0: ─╭●─────RY────╭●─┤ 1: ─╰Y───────────╰Y─┤ """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(*args, **kwargs): cy = re.ops.ResourceCY.resource_rep() ry = re.ops.ResourceRY.resource_rep() gate_types = {} gate_types[cy] = 2 gate_types[ry] = 1 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self): return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls, *args): return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceIsingXY(qml.IsingXY, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the IsingXY gate. Resources: Ising (XX + YY) coupling gate .. math:: \mathtt{XY}(\phi) = \exp\left(i \frac{\theta}{4} (X \otimes X + Y \otimes Y)\right) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \cos(\phi / 2) & i \sin(\phi / 2) & 0 \\ 0 & i \sin(\phi / 2) & \cos(\phi / 2) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}. The circuit implementing this transformation is given by .. code-block:: bash 0: ──H─╭●─────RY────╭●──H─┤ 1: ────╰Y─────RX────╰Y────┤ """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(*args, **kwargs): h = re.ResourceHadamard.resource_rep() cy = re.ResourceCY.resource_rep() ry = re.ResourceRY.resource_rep() rx = re.ResourceRX.resource_rep() gate_types = {} gate_types[h] = 2 gate_types[cy] = 2 gate_types[ry] = 1 gate_types[rx] = 1 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self): return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls, *args): return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceIsingZZ(qml.IsingZZ, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the IsingZZ gate. Resources: Ising ZZ coupling gate .. math:: ZZ(\phi) = \exp\left(-i \frac{\phi}{2} (Z \otimes Z)\right) = \begin{bmatrix} e^{-i \phi / 2} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i \phi / 2} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & e^{i \phi / 2} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & e^{-i \phi / 2} \end{bmatrix}. The circuit implmenting this transformation is given by: .. code-block:: bash 0: ─╭●───────────╭●─┤ 1: ─╰X─────RZ────╰X─┤ """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(*args, **kwargs): cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() rz = re.ResourceRZ.resource_rep() gate_types = {} gate_types[cnot] = 2 gate_types[rz] = 1 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self): return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls, *args): return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourcePSWAP(qml.PSWAP, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the PSWAP gate. Resources: .. math:: PSWAP(\phi) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & e^{i \phi} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i \phi} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}. The circuit implementing this transformation is given by: .. code-block:: bash 0: ─╭SWAP─╭●───────────╭●─┤ 1: ─╰SWAP─╰X─────Rϕ────╰X─┤ """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(*args, **kwargs): swap = re.ResourceSWAP.resource_rep() cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() phase = re.ResourcePhaseShift.resource_rep() gate_types = {} gate_types[swap] = 1 gate_types[cnot] = 2 gate_types[phase] = 1 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self): return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls, *args): return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})