Source code for pennylane.labs.resource_estimation.ops.qubit.qchem_ops

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r"""Resource operators for qchem operations."""
import pennylane as qml
import pennylane.labs.resource_estimation as re

# pylint: disable=arguments-differ

[docs]class ResourceSingleExcitationMinus(qml.SingleExcitationMinus, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the SingleExcitationMinus gate. Resources: The resources are obtained by decomposing the following matrix into fundamental gates. .. math:: U_-(\phi) = \begin{bmatrix} e^{-i\phi/2} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \cos(\phi/2) & -\sin(\phi/2) & 0 \\ 0 & \sin(\phi/2) & \cos(\phi/2) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & e^{-i\phi/2} \end{bmatrix}. The circuit implementing this transformation is given by .. code-block:: bash 0: ──X─╭Rϕ────X─╭●────╭●─╭RY───╭●─┤ 1: ──X─╰●─────X─╰Rϕ───╰X─╰●────╰X─┤ """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs): x = re.ResourceX.resource_rep() ctrl_phase_shift = re.ResourceControlledPhaseShift.resource_rep() cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() cry = re.ResourceCRY.resource_rep() gate_types = {} gate_types[x] = 4 gate_types[ctrl_phase_shift] = 2 gate_types[cnot] = 2 gate_types[cry] = 1 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self): return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls): return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceSingleExcitationPlus(qml.SingleExcitationPlus, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the SingleExcitationPlus gate. Resources: The resources are obtained by decomposing the following matrix into fundamental gates. .. math:: U_+(\phi) = \begin{bmatrix} e^{i\phi/2} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \cos(\phi/2) & -\sin(\phi/2) & 0 \\ 0 & \sin(\phi/2) & \cos(\phi/2) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & e^{i\phi/2} \end{bmatrix}. The circuit implmementing this transformation is given by .. code-block:: bash 0: ──X─╭Rϕ──X─╭●───╭●─╭RY──╭●─┤ 1: ──X─╰●───X─╰Rϕ──╰X─╰●───╰X─┤ """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs): x = re.ResourceX.resource_rep() ctrl_phase_shift = re.ResourceControlledPhaseShift.resource_rep() cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() cry = re.ResourceCRY.resource_rep() gate_types = {} gate_types[x] = 4 gate_types[ctrl_phase_shift] = 2 gate_types[cnot] = 2 gate_types[cry] = 1 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self): return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls): return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceDoubleExcitation(qml.DoubleExcitation, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the DoubleExcitation gate. Resources: The resources are obtained by decomposing the following mapping into fundamental gates. .. math:: &|0011\rangle \rightarrow \cos(\phi/2) |0011\rangle + \sin(\phi/2) |1100\rangle\\ &|1100\rangle \rightarrow \cos(\phi/2) |1100\rangle - \sin(\phi/2) |0011\rangle, For the source of this decomposition, see page 17 of `"Local, Expressive, Quantum-Number-Preserving VQE Ansatze for Fermionic Systems" <>`_ . The circuit implementing this transformation is given by .. code-block:: bash 0: ────╭●──H─╭●──RY───╭●──RY─────────────╭X──RY──────────╭●──RY───╭●─╭X──H──╭●────┤ 1: ────│─────╰X──RY───│───────╭X──RY──╭X─│───RY────╭X────│───RY───╰X─│──────│─────┤ 2: ─╭●─╰X─╭●──────────│───────│───────╰●─╰●────────│─────│───────────╰●─────╰X─╭●─┤ 3: ─╰X──H─╰X──────────╰X──H───╰●───────────────────╰●──H─╰X──H─────────────────╰X─┤ """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs): h = re.ResourceHadamard.resource_rep() ry = re.ResourceRY.resource_rep() cnot = re.ResourceCNOT.resource_rep() gate_types = {} gate_types[h] = 6 gate_types[ry] = 8 gate_types[cnot] = 14 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self): return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls): return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})
[docs]class ResourceFermionicSWAP(qml.FermionicSWAP, re.ResourceOperator): r"""Resource class for the FermionicSWAP gate. Resources: The resources are obtained by decomposing the following matrix into fundamental gates. .. math:: U(\phi) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i \phi/2} \cos(\phi/2) & -ie^{i \phi/2} \sin(\phi/2) & 0 \\ 0 & -ie^{i \phi/2} \sin(\phi/2) & e^{i \phi/2} \cos(\phi/2) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & e^{i \phi} \end{bmatrix}. The circuit implementing this transformation is given by .. code-block:: bash 0: ──H─╭MultiRZ──H──RX─╭MultiRZ──RX──RZ─╭Exp(I)─┤ 1: ──H─╰MultiRZ──H──RX─╰MultiRZ──RX──RZ─╰Exp(I)─┤ """ @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(**kwargs): h = re.ResourceHadamard.resource_rep() multi_rz = re.ResourceMultiRZ.resource_rep(num_wires=2) rx = re.ResourceRX.resource_rep() rz = re.ResourceRZ.resource_rep() phase = re.ResourceGlobalPhase.resource_rep() gate_types = {} gate_types[h] = 4 gate_types[multi_rz] = 2 gate_types[rx] = 4 gate_types[rz] = 2 gate_types[phase] = 1 return gate_types
[docs] def resource_params(self): return {}
[docs] @classmethod def resource_rep(cls): return re.CompressedResourceOp(cls, {})