Source code for pennylane.labs.resource_estimation.resource_container

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r"""Base classes for resource estimation."""
import copy
from collections import defaultdict

from pennylane.labs.resource_estimation import ResourceOperator

[docs]class CompressedResourceOp: r"""Instantiate the light weight class corresponding to the operator type and parameters. Args: op_type (Type): the class object of an operation which inherits from '~.ResourceOperator' params (dict): a dictionary containing the minimal pairs of parameter names and values required to compute the resources for the given operator .. details:: This representation is the minimal amount of information required to estimate resources for the operator. **Example** >>> op_tp = CompressedResourceOp(ResourceHadamard, {"num_wires":1}) >>> print(op_tp) Hadamard(num_wires=1) """ def __init__(self, op_type, params: dict, name=None) -> None: r"""Instantiate the light weight class corresponding to the operator type and parameters. Args: op_type (Type): the class object for an operation which inherits from '~.ResourceOperator' params (dict): a dictionary containing the minimal pairs of parameter names and values required to compute the resources for the given operator .. details:: This representation is the minimal amount of information required to estimate resources for the operator. **Example** >>> op_tp = CompressedResourceOp(ResourceHadamard, {"num_wires":1}) >>> print(op_tp) Hadamard(num_wires=1) """ if not issubclass(op_type, ResourceOperator): raise TypeError(f"op_type must be a subclass of ResourceOperator. Got {op_type}.") self.op_type = op_type self.params = params self._hashable_params = _make_hashable(params) self._name = name or op_type.tracking_name(**params) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self._name, self._hashable_params)) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return (self.op_type == other.op_type) and (self.params == other.params) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self._name
# @dataclass
[docs]class Resources: r"""Contains attributes which store key resources such as number of gates, number of wires, and gate types. Args: num_wires (int): number of qubits num_gates (int): number of gates gate_types (dict): dictionary storing operation names (str) as keys and the number of times they are used in the circuit (int) as values .. details:: The resources being tracked can be accessed as class attributes. Additionally, the :code:`Resources` instance can be nicely displayed in the console. **Example** >>> r = Resources( ... num_wires=2, ... num_gates=2, ... gate_types={"Hadamard": 1, "CNOT": 1} ... ) >>> print(r) wires: 2 gates: 2 gate_types: {'Hadamard': 1, 'CNOT': 1} """ def __init__(self, num_wires: int = 0, num_gates: int = 0, gate_types: dict = None): gate_types = gate_types or {} self.num_wires = num_wires self.num_gates = num_gates self.gate_types = ( gate_types if (isinstance(gate_types, defaultdict) and isinstance(gate_types.default_factory, int)) else defaultdict(int, gate_types) ) def __add__(self, other: "Resources") -> "Resources": """Add two resources objects in series""" return add_in_series(self, other) def __eq__(self, other: "Resources") -> bool: """Test if two resource objects are equal""" if self.num_wires != other.num_wires: return False if self.num_gates != other.num_gates: return False return self.gate_types == other.gate_types def __mul__(self, scalar: int) -> "Resources": """Scale a resources object in series""" return mul_in_series(self, scalar) __rmul__ = __mul__ # same implementation def __iadd__(self, other: "Resources") -> "Resources": """Add two resources objects in series""" return add_in_series(self, other, in_place=True) def __imull__(self, scalar: int) -> "Resources": """Scale a resources object in series""" return mul_in_series(self, scalar, in_place=True) def __str__(self): """String representation of the Resources object.""" keys = ["wires", "gates"] vals = [self.num_wires, self.num_gates] items = "\n".join([str(i) for i in zip(keys, vals)]) items = items.replace("('", "") items = items.replace("',", ":") items = items.replace(")", "") gate_type_str = ", ".join( [f"'{gate_name}': {count}" for gate_name, count in self.gate_types.items()] ) items += "\ngate_types:\n{" + gate_type_str + "}" return items def __repr__(self): """Compact string representation of the Resources object""" return { "gate_types": self.gate_types, "num_gates": self.num_gates, "num_wires": self.num_wires, }.__repr__() def _ipython_display_(self): """Displays __str__ in ipython instead of __repr__""" print(str(self))
[docs]def add_in_series(first: Resources, other: Resources, in_place=False) -> Resources: r"""Add two resources assuming the circuits are executed in series. Args: first (Resources): first resource object to combine other (Resources): other resource object to combine with in_place (bool): determines if the first Resources are modified in place (default False) Returns: Resources: combined resources """ new_wires = max(first.num_wires, other.num_wires) new_gates = first.num_gates + other.num_gates new_gate_types = _combine_dict(first.gate_types, other.gate_types, in_place=in_place) if in_place: first.num_wires = new_wires first.num_gates = new_gates return first return Resources(new_wires, new_gates, new_gate_types)
[docs]def add_in_parallel(first: Resources, other: Resources, in_place=False) -> Resources: r"""Add two resources assuming the circuits are executed in parallel. Args: first (Resources): first resource object to combine other (Resources): other resource object to combine with in_place (bool): determines if the first Resources are modified in place (default False) Returns: Resources: combined resources """ new_wires = first.num_wires + other.num_wires new_gates = first.num_gates + other.num_gates new_gate_types = _combine_dict(first.gate_types, other.gate_types, in_place=in_place) if in_place: first.num_wires = new_wires first.num_gates = new_gates return first return Resources(new_wires, new_gates, new_gate_types)
[docs]def mul_in_series(first: Resources, scalar: int, in_place=False) -> Resources: r"""Multiply the resources by a scalar assuming the circuits are executed in series. Args: first (Resources): first resource object to combine scalar (int): integer value to scale the resources by in_place (bool): determines if the first Resources are modified in place (default False) Returns: Resources: combined resources """ new_gates = scalar * first.num_gates new_gate_types = _scale_dict(first.gate_types, scalar, in_place=in_place) if in_place: first.num_gates = new_gates return first return Resources(first.num_wires, new_gates, new_gate_types)
[docs]def mul_in_parallel(first: Resources, scalar: int, in_place=False) -> Resources: r"""Multiply the resources by a scalar assuming the circuits are executed in parallel. Args: first (Resources): first resource object to combine scalar (int): integer value to scale the resources by in_place (bool): determines if the first Resources are modified in place (default False) Returns: Resources: combined resources """ new_wires = scalar * first.num_wires new_gates = scalar * first.num_gates new_gate_types = _scale_dict(first.gate_types, scalar, in_place=in_place) if in_place: first.num_wires = new_wires first.num_gates = new_gates return first return Resources(new_wires, new_gates, new_gate_types)
[docs]def substitute( initial_resources: Resources, gate_name: str, replacement_resources: Resources, in_place=False ) -> Resources: """Replaces a specified gate in a :class:`~.resource.Resources` object with the contents of another :class:`~.resource.Resources` object. Args: initial_resources (Resources): the resources to be modified gate_name (str): the name of the operation to be replaced replacement (Resources): the resources to be substituted instead of the gate in_place (bool): determines if the initial resources are modified in place or if a new copy is created Returns: Resources: the updated :class:`~.Resources` after substitution .. details:: **Example** In this example we replace the resources for the :code:`RX` gate. First we build the :class:`~.Resources`: .. code-block:: python3 from pennylane.labs.resource_estimation import Resources replace_gate_name = "RX" initial_resources = Resources( num_wires = 2, num_gates = 3, gate_types = {"RX": 2, "CNOT": 1}, ) replacement_rx_resources = Resources( num_wires = 1, num_gates = 7, gate_types = {"Hadamard": 3, "S": 4}, ) Executing the substitution produces: >>> from pennylane.labs.resource_estimation import substitute >>> res = substitute( ... initial_resources, replace_gate_name, replacement_rx_resources, ... ) >>> print(res) wires: 2 gates: 15 gate_types: {'CNOT': 1, 'Hadamard': 6, 'S': 8} """ count = initial_resources.gate_types.get(gate_name, 0) if count > 0: new_gates = initial_resources.num_gates - count + (count * replacement_resources.num_gates) replacement_gate_types = _scale_dict( replacement_resources.gate_types, count, in_place=in_place ) new_gate_types = _combine_dict( initial_resources.gate_types, replacement_gate_types, in_place=in_place ) new_gate_types.pop(gate_name) if in_place: initial_resources.num_gates = new_gates return initial_resources return Resources(initial_resources.num_wires, new_gates, new_gate_types) return initial_resources
def _combine_dict(dict1: defaultdict, dict2: defaultdict, in_place=False): r"""Private function which combines two dictionaries together.""" combined_dict = dict1 if in_place else copy.copy(dict1) for k, v in dict2.items(): combined_dict[k] += v return combined_dict def _scale_dict(dict1: defaultdict, scalar: int, in_place=False): r"""Private function which scales the values in a dictionary.""" combined_dict = dict1 if in_place else copy.copy(dict1) for k in combined_dict: combined_dict[k] *= scalar return combined_dict def _make_hashable(d) -> tuple: if isinstance(d, dict): return tuple((name, _make_hashable(value)) for name, value in d.items()) return d