Source code for pennylane.labs.resource_estimation.resource_operator

# Copyright 2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

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r"""Abstract base class for resource operators."""
from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Dict

    from pennylane.labs.resource_estimation import CompressedResourceOp

# pylint: disable=unused-argument

[docs]class ResourceOperator(ABC): r"""Abstract class that defines the methods a PennyLane Operator must implement in order to be used for resource estimation. .. details:: **Example** A PennyLane Operator can be extended for resource estimation by creating a new class that inherits from both the ``Operator`` and ``ResourceOperator``. Here is an example showing how to extend ``qml.QFT`` for resource estimation. .. code-block:: python import pennylane as qml from pennylane.labs.resource_estimation import CompressedResourceOp, ResourceOperator class ResourceQFT(qml.QFT, ResourceOperator): @staticmethod def _resource_decomp(num_wires) -> Dict[CompressedResourceOp, int]: gate_types = {} hadamard = ResourceHadamard.resource_rep() swap = ResourceSWAP.resource_rep() ctrl_phase_shift = ResourceControlledPhaseShift.resource_rep() gate_types[hadamard] = num_wires gate_types[swap] = num_wires // 2 gate_types[ctrl_phase_shift] = num_wires*(num_wires - 1) // 2 return gate_types def resource_params(self, num_wires) -> dict: return {"num_wires": num_wires} @classmethod def resource_rep(cls, num_wires) -> CompressedResourceOp: params = {"num_wires": num_wires} return CompressedResourceOp(cls, params) Which can be instantiated as a normal operation, but now contains the resources: .. code-block:: bash >>> op = ResourceQFT(range(3)) >>> op.resources(**op.resource_params()) {Hadamard(): 3, SWAP(): 1, ControlledPhaseShift(): 3} """ @staticmethod @abstractmethod def _resource_decomp(*args, **kwargs) -> Dict[CompressedResourceOp, int]: """Returns a dictionary to be used for internal tracking of resources. This method is only to be used inside the methods of classes inheriting from ResourceOperator."""
[docs] @classmethod def resources(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[CompressedResourceOp, int]: """Returns a dictionary containing the counts of each operator type used to compute the resources of the operator.""" return cls._resource_decomp(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def set_resources(cls, new_func: Callable) -> None: """Set a custom resource method.""" cls.resources = new_func
[docs] @abstractmethod def resource_params(self) -> dict: """Returns a dictionary containing the minimal information needed to compute a compressed representation"""
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def resource_rep(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> CompressedResourceOp: """Returns a compressed representation containing only the parameters of the Operator that are needed to compute a resource estimation."""
[docs] def resource_rep_from_op(self) -> CompressedResourceOp: """Returns a compressed representation directly from the operator""" return self.__class__.resource_rep(**self.resource_params())
[docs] @classmethod def adjoint_resource_decomp(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[CompressedResourceOp, int]: """Returns a compressed representation of the adjoint of the operator""" raise ResourcesNotDefined
[docs] @classmethod def controlled_resource_decomp( cls, num_ctrl_wires, num_ctrl_values, num_work_wires, *args, **kwargs ) -> Dict[CompressedResourceOp, int]: """Returns a compressed representation of the controlled version of the operator""" raise ResourcesNotDefined
[docs] @classmethod def pow_resource_decomp(cls, z, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[CompressedResourceOp, int]: """Returns a compressed representation of the operator raised to a power""" raise ResourcesNotDefined
[docs] @classmethod def tracking_name(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> str: """Returns a name used to track the operator during resource estimation.""" return cls.__name__.replace("Resource", "")
[docs] def tracking_name_from_op(self) -> str: """Returns the tracking name built with the operator's parameters.""" return self.__class__.tracking_name(**self.resource_params())
[docs]class ResourcesNotDefined(Exception): """Exception to be raised when a ``ResourceOperator`` does not implement _resource_decomp"""