Source code for pennylane.labs.resource_estimation.resource_tracking

# Copyright 2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
r"""Core resource tracking logic."""
from collections import defaultdict
from import Callable
from functools import singledispatch, wraps
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Set, Union

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Operation
from pennylane.queuing import AnnotatedQueue
from pennylane.tape import QuantumScript
from pennylane.wires import Wires

from .resource_container import CompressedResourceOp, Resources
from .resource_operator import ResourceOperator

# pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value,protected-access

# user-friendly gateset for visual checks and initial compilation
_StandardGateSet = {

# practical/realistic gateset for useful compilation of circuits
DefaultGateSet = {

# parameters for further configuration of the decompositions
resource_config = {
    "error_rx": 10e-3,
    "error_ry": 10e-3,
    "error_rz": 10e-3,

[docs]@singledispatch def get_resources( obj, gate_set: Set = DefaultGateSet, config: Dict = resource_config ) -> Union[Resources, Callable]: r"""Obtain the resources from a quantum circuit or operation in terms of the gates provided in the gate_set. Args: obj (Union[Operation, Callable, QuantumScript]): the quantum circuit or operation to obtain resources from gate_set (Set, optional): python set of strings specifying the names of operations to track config (Dict, optional): dictionary of additiona; configurations that specify how resources are computed Returns: Resources: the total resources of the quantum circuit Raises: TypeError: could not obtain resources for obj of type `type(obj)` **Example** We can track the resources of a quantum workflow by passing the quantum function defining our workflow directly into this function. .. code-block:: python import copy import pennylane.labs.resource_estimation as re def my_circuit(): for w in range(2): re.ResourceHadamard(w) re.ResourceCNOT([0, 1]) re.ResourceRX(1.23, 0) re.ResourceRY(-4.56, 1) re.ResourceQFT(wires=[0, 1, 2]) return qml.expval(re.ResourceHadamard(2)) Note that we are passing a python function NOT a :class:`~.QNode`. The resources for this workflow are then obtained by: >>> res = re.get_resources(my_circuit)() >>> print(res) wires: 3 gates: 202 gate_types: {'Hadamard': 5, 'CNOT': 10, 'T': 187} .. details:: :title: Usage Details Users can provide custom gatesets to track resources with. Consider :code:`my_circuit()` from above: >>> my_gateset = {"Hadamard", "RX", "RY", "QFT", "CNOT"} >>> print(re.get_resources(my_circuit, gate_set = my_gateset)()) wires: 3 gates: 6 gate_types: {'Hadamard': 2, 'CNOT': 1, 'RX': 1, 'RY': 1, 'QFT': 1} We can also obtain resources for individual operations and quantum tapes in a similar manner: >>> op = re.ResourceRX(1.23, 0) >>> print(re.get_resources(op)) wires: 1 gates: 17 gate_types: {'T': 17} Finally, we can modify the config values listed in the global :code:`labs.resource_estimation.resource_config` dictionary to have finegrain control of how the resources are computed. >>> re.resource_config {'error_rx': 0.01, 'error_ry': 0.01, 'error_rz': 0.01} >>> >>> my_config = copy.copy(re.resource_config) >>> my_config["error_rx"] = 0.001 >>> >>> print(re.get_resources(op, config=my_config)) wires: 1 gates: 21 gate_types: {'T': 21} """ raise TypeError( f"Could not obtain resources for obj of type {type(obj)}. obj must be one of Operation, Callable or QuantumScript" )
@get_resources.register def resources_from_operation( obj: Operation, gate_set: Set = DefaultGateSet, config: Dict = resource_config ) -> Resources: """Get resources from an operation""" if isinstance(obj, ResourceOperator): cp_rep = obj.resource_rep_from_op() gate_counts_dict = defaultdict(int) _counts_from_compressed_res_op(cp_rep, gate_counts_dict, gate_set=gate_set, config=config) gate_types = _clean_gate_counts(gate_counts_dict) n_gates = sum(gate_types.values()) return Resources(num_wires=len(obj.wires), num_gates=n_gates, gate_types=gate_types) res = Resources() # TODO: Add implementation here! return res @get_resources.register def resources_from_qfunc( obj: Callable, gate_set: Set = DefaultGateSet, config: Dict = resource_config ) -> Callable: """Get resources from a quantum function which queues operations""" @wraps(obj) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with AnnotatedQueue() as q: obj(*args, **kwargs) operations = tuple(op for op in q.queue if isinstance(op, Operation)) compressed_res_ops_lst = _operations_to_compressed_reps(operations) initial_gate_set = set.union(gate_set, _StandardGateSet) gate_counts_dict = defaultdict(int) for cmp_rep_op in compressed_res_ops_lst: _counts_from_compressed_res_op( cmp_rep_op, gate_counts_dict, gate_set=initial_gate_set, config=config ) # Validation: condensed_gate_counts = defaultdict(int) for sub_cmp_rep, counts in gate_counts_dict.items(): _counts_from_compressed_res_op( sub_cmp_rep, condensed_gate_counts, scalar=counts, gate_set=gate_set, config=config ) clean_gate_counts = _clean_gate_counts(condensed_gate_counts) num_gates = sum(clean_gate_counts.values()) num_wires = len(Wires.all_wires(tuple(op.wires for op in operations))) return Resources(num_wires=num_wires, num_gates=num_gates, gate_types=clean_gate_counts) return wrapper @get_resources.register def resources_from_tape( obj: QuantumScript, gate_set: Set = DefaultGateSet, config: Dict = resource_config ) -> Resources: """Get resources from a quantum tape""" num_wires = obj.num_wires operations = obj.operations compressed_res_ops_lst = _operations_to_compressed_reps(operations) gate_counts_dict = defaultdict(int) for cmp_rep_op in compressed_res_ops_lst: _counts_from_compressed_res_op( cmp_rep_op, gate_counts_dict, gate_set=_StandardGateSet, config=config ) # Validation: condensed_gate_counts = defaultdict(int) for sub_cmp_rep, counts in gate_counts_dict.items(): _counts_from_compressed_res_op( sub_cmp_rep, condensed_gate_counts, scalar=counts, gate_set=gate_set, config=config ) clean_gate_counts = _clean_gate_counts(condensed_gate_counts) num_gates = sum(clean_gate_counts.values()) return Resources(num_wires=num_wires, num_gates=num_gates, gate_types=clean_gate_counts) def _counts_from_compressed_res_op( cp_rep: CompressedResourceOp, gate_counts_dict, gate_set: Set, scalar: int = 1, config: Dict = resource_config, ) -> None: """Modifies the `gate_counts_dict` argument by adding the (scaled) resources of the operation provided. Args: cp_rep (CompressedResourceOp): operation in compressed representation to extract resources from gate_counts_dict (Dict): base dictionary to modify with the resource counts gate_set (Set): the set of operations to track resources with respect to scalar (int, optional): optional scalar to multiply the counts. Defaults to 1. config (Dict, optional): additional parameters to specify the resources from an operator. Defaults to resource_config. """ ## If op in gate_set add to resources if cp_rep._name in gate_set: gate_counts_dict[cp_rep] += scalar return ## Else decompose cp_rep using its resource decomp [cp_rep --> dict[cp_rep: counts]] and extract resources resource_decomp = cp_rep.op_type.resources(config=config, **cp_rep.params) for sub_cp_rep, counts in resource_decomp.items(): _counts_from_compressed_res_op( sub_cp_rep, gate_counts_dict, scalar=scalar * counts, gate_set=gate_set, config=config ) return def _temp_map_func(op: Operation) -> ResourceOperator: """Temp map function""" raise NotImplementedError def _clean_gate_counts(gate_counts: Dict[CompressedResourceOp, int]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Map resources with gate_types made from CompressedResourceOps into one which tracks just strings of operations. Args: gate_counts (Dict[CompressedResourceOp, int]): gate counts in terms of compressed resource ops Returns: Dict[str, int]: gate counts in terms of names of operations """ clean_gate_counts = defaultdict(int) for cmp_res_op, counts in gate_counts.items(): clean_gate_counts[cmp_res_op._name] += counts return clean_gate_counts @qml.QueuingManager.stop_recording() def _operations_to_compressed_reps(ops: Iterable[Operation]) -> List[CompressedResourceOp]: """Convert the sequence of operations to a list of compressed resource ops. Args: ops (Iterable[Operation]): set of operations to convert Returns: List[CompressedResourceOp]: set of converted compressed resource ops """ cmp_rep_ops = [] for op in ops: if isinstance(op, ResourceOperator): cmp_rep_ops.append(op.resource_rep_from_op()) else: try: cmp_rep_ops.append(_temp_map_func(op).resource_rep_from_op()) except NotImplementedError: decomp = op.decomposition() cmp_rep_ops.extend(_operations_to_compressed_reps(decomp)) return cmp_rep_ops