Source code for pennylane.measurements.mid_measure

# Copyright 2018-2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

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This module contains the qml.measure measurement.
import uuid
from typing import Generic, Hashable, Optional, TypeVar, Union

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.wires import Wires

from .measurements import MeasurementProcess, MidMeasure

[docs]def measure( wires: Union[Hashable, Wires], reset: Optional[bool] = False, postselect: Optional[int] = None ): r"""Perform a mid-circuit measurement in the computational basis on the supplied qubit. Computational basis measurements are performed using the 0, 1 convention rather than the ±1 convention. Measurement outcomes can be used to conditionally apply operations, and measurement statistics can be gathered and returned by a quantum function. If a device doesn't support mid-circuit measurements natively, then the QNode will apply the :func:`defer_measurements` transform. **Example:** .. code-block:: python3 dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=3) @qml.qnode(dev) def func(x, y): qml.RY(x, wires=0) qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1]) m_0 = qml.measure(1) qml.cond(m_0, qml.RY)(y, wires=0) return qml.probs(wires=[0]) Executing this QNode: >>> pars = np.array([0.643, 0.246], requires_grad=True) >>> func(*pars) tensor([0.90165331, 0.09834669], requires_grad=True) Wires can be reused after measurement. Moreover, measured wires can be reset to the :math:`|0 \rangle` state by setting ``reset=True``. .. code-block:: python3 dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=3) @qml.qnode(dev) def func(): qml.X(1) m_0 = qml.measure(1, reset=True) return qml.probs(wires=[1]) Executing this QNode: >>> func() tensor([1., 0.], requires_grad=True) Mid-circuit measurements can be manipulated using the following arithmetic operators: ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``/``, ``~`` (not), ``&`` (and), ``|`` (or), ``==``, ``<=``, ``>=``, ``<``, ``>`` with other mid-circuit measurements or scalars. .. Note :: Python ``not``, ``and``, ``or``, do not work since these do not have dunder methods. Instead use ``~``, ``&``, ``|``. Mid-circuit measurement results can be processed with the usual measurement functions such as :func:`~.expval`. For QNodes with finite shots, :func:`~.sample` applied to a mid-circuit measurement result will return a binary sequence of samples. See :ref:`here <mid_circuit_measurements_statistics>` for more details. .. Note :: Computational basis measurements are performed using the 0, 1 convention rather than the ±1 convention. So, for example, ``expval(qml.measure(0))`` and ``expval(qml.Z(0))`` will give different answers. .. code-block:: python3 dev = qml.device("default.qubit") @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(x, y): qml.RX(x, wires=0) qml.RY(y, wires=1) m0 = qml.measure(1) return ( qml.sample(m0), qml.expval(m0), qml.var(m0), qml.probs(op=m0), qml.counts(op=m0), ) >>> circuit(1.0, 2.0, shots=1000) (array([0, 1, 1, ..., 1, 1, 1])), 0.702, 0.20919600000000002, array([0.298, 0.702]), {0: 298, 1: 702}) Args: wires (Wires): The wire to measure. reset (Optional[bool]): Whether to reset the wire to the :math:`|0 \rangle` state after measurement. postselect (Optional[int]): Which basis state to postselect after a mid-circuit measurement. None by default. If postselection is requested, only the post-measurement state that is used for postselection will be considered in the remaining circuit. Returns: MidMeasureMP: measurement process instance Raises: QuantumFunctionError: if multiple wires were specified .. details:: :title: Postselection Postselection discards outcomes that do not meet the criteria provided by the ``postselect`` argument. For example, specifying ``postselect=1`` on wire 0 would be equivalent to projecting the state vector onto the :math:`|1\rangle` state on wire 0: .. code-block:: python3 dev = qml.device("default.qubit") @qml.qnode(dev) def func(x): qml.RX(x, wires=0) m0 = qml.measure(0, postselect=1) qml.cond(m0, qml.X)(wires=1) return qml.sample(wires=1) By postselecting on ``1``, we only consider the ``1`` measurement outcome on wire 0. So, the probability of measuring ``1`` on wire 1 after postselection should also be 1. Executing this QNode with 10 shots: >>> func(np.pi / 2, shots=10) array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) Note that only 7 samples are returned. This is because samples that do not meet the postselection criteria are thrown away. If postselection is requested on a state with zero probability of being measured, the result may contain ``NaN`` or ``Inf`` values: .. code-block:: python3 dev = qml.device("default.qubit") @qml.qnode(dev) def func(x): qml.RX(x, wires=0) m0 = qml.measure(0, postselect=1) qml.cond(m0, qml.X)(wires=1) return qml.probs(wires=1) >>> func(0.0) tensor([nan, nan], requires_grad=True) In the case of ``qml.sample``, an empty array will be returned: .. code-block:: python3 dev = qml.device("default.qubit") @qml.qnode(dev) def func(x): qml.RX(x, wires=0) m0 = qml.measure(0, postselect=1) qml.cond(m0, qml.X)(wires=1) return qml.sample(wires=[0, 1]) >>> func(0.0, shots=[10, 10]) (array([], shape=(0, 2), dtype=int64), array([], shape=(0, 2), dtype=int64)) .. note:: Currently, postselection support is only available on ``default.qubit``. Using postselection on other devices will raise an error. .. warning:: All measurements are supported when using postselection. However, postselection on a zero probability state can cause some measurements to break: * With finite shots, one must be careful when measuring ``qml.probs`` or ``qml.counts``, as these measurements will raise errors if there are no valid samples after postselection. This will occur with postselection states that have zero or close to zero probability. * With analytic execution, ``qml.mutual_info`` will raise errors when using any interfaces except ``jax``, and ``qml.vn_entropy`` will raise an error with the ``tensorflow`` interface when the postselection state has zero probability. * When using JIT, ``QNode``'s may have unexpected behaviour when postselection on a zero probability state is performed. Due to floating point precision, the zero probability may not be detected, thus letting execution continue as normal without ``NaN`` or ``Inf`` values or empty samples, leading to unexpected or incorrect results. """ wire = Wires(wires) if len(wire) > 1: raise qml.QuantumFunctionError( "Only a single qubit can be measured in the middle of the circuit" ) # Create a UUID and a map between MP and MV to support serialization measurement_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] mp = MidMeasureMP(wires=wire, reset=reset, postselect=postselect, id=measurement_id) if qml.capture.enabled(): raise NotImplementedError( "Capture cannot currently handle classical output from mid circuit measurements." ) return MeasurementValue([mp], processing_fn=lambda v: v)
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs]class MidMeasureMP(MeasurementProcess): """Mid-circuit measurement. This class additionally stores information about unknown measurement outcomes in the qubit model. Measurements on a single qubit in the computational basis are assumed. Please refer to :func:`pennylane.measure` for detailed documentation. Args: wires (.Wires): The wires the measurement process applies to. This can only be specified if an observable was not provided. reset (bool): Whether to reset the wire after measurement. postselect (Optional[int]): Which basis state to postselect after a mid-circuit measurement. None by default. If postselection is requested, only the post-measurement state that is used for postselection will be considered in the remaining circuit. id (str): Custom label given to a measurement instance. """ def _flatten(self): metadata = (("wires", self.raw_wires), ("reset", self.reset), ("id", return (None, None), metadata def __init__( self, wires: Optional[Wires] = None, reset: Optional[bool] = False, postselect: Optional[int] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, ): self.batch_size = None super().__init__(wires=Wires(wires), id=id) self.reset = reset self.postselect = postselect # pylint: disable=arguments-renamed, arguments-differ @classmethod def _primitive_bind_call(cls, wires=None, reset=False, postselect=None, id=None): wires = () if wires is None else wires return cls._wires_primitive.bind(*wires, reset=reset, postselect=postselect) @classmethod def _abstract_eval( cls, n_wires: Optional[int] = None, has_eigvals=False, shots: Optional[int] = None, num_device_wires: int = 0, ) -> tuple: return (), int
[docs] def label(self, decimals=None, base_label=None, cache=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument r"""How the mid-circuit measurement is represented in diagrams and drawings. Args: decimals=None (Int): If ``None``, no parameters are included. Else, how to round the parameters. base_label=None (Iterable[str]): overwrite the non-parameter component of the label. Must be same length as ``obs`` attribute. cache=None (dict): dictionary that carries information between label calls in the same drawing Returns: str: label to use in drawings """ _label = "┤↗" if self.postselect is not None: _label += "₁" if self.postselect == 1 else "₀" _label += "├" if not self.reset else "│ │0⟩" return _label
@property def return_type(self): return MidMeasure @property def samples_computational_basis(self): return False @property def _queue_category(self): return "_ops" @property def hash(self): """int: Returns an integer hash uniquely representing the measurement process""" fingerprint = ( self.__class__.__name__, tuple(self.wires.tolist()),, ) return hash(fingerprint) @property def data(self): """The data of the measurement. Needed to match the Operator API.""" return [] @property def name(self): """The name of the measurement. Needed to match the Operator API.""" return self.__class__.__name__
[docs]class MeasurementValue(Generic[T]): """A class representing unknown measurement outcomes in the qubit model. Measurements on a single qubit in the computational basis are assumed. Args: measurements (list[.MidMeasureMP]): The measurement(s) that this object depends on. processing_fn (callable): A lazily transformation applied to the measurement values. """ name = "MeasurementValue" def __init__(self, measurements, processing_fn): self.measurements = measurements self.processing_fn = processing_fn def _items(self): """A generator representing all the possible outcomes of the MeasurementValue.""" num_meas = len(self.measurements) for i in range(2**num_meas): branch = tuple(int(b) for b in f"{i:0{num_meas}b}") yield branch, self.processing_fn(*branch) def _postselected_items(self): """A generator representing all the possible outcomes of the MeasurementValue, taking postselection into account.""" # pylint: disable=stop-iteration-return ps = {i: p for i, m in enumerate(self.measurements) if (p := m.postselect) is not None} num_non_ps = len(self.measurements) - len(ps) if num_non_ps == 0: yield (), self.processing_fn(*ps.values()) return for i in range(2**num_non_ps): # Create the branch ignoring postselected measurements non_ps_branch = tuple(int(b) for b in f"{i:0{num_non_ps}b}") # We want a consumable iterable and the static tuple above non_ps_branch_iter = iter(non_ps_branch) # Extend the branch to include postselected measurements full_branch = tuple( ps[j] if j in ps else next(non_ps_branch_iter) for j in range(len(self.measurements)) ) # Return the reduced non-postselected branch and the procesing function # evaluated on the full branch yield non_ps_branch, self.processing_fn(*full_branch) @property def wires(self): """Returns a list of wires corresponding to the mid-circuit measurements.""" return Wires.all_wires([m.wires for m in self.measurements]) @property def branches(self): """A dictionary representing all possible outcomes of the MeasurementValue.""" ret_dict = {} num_meas = len(self.measurements) for i in range(2**num_meas): branch = tuple(int(b) for b in f"{i:0{num_meas}b}") ret_dict[branch] = self.processing_fn(*branch) return ret_dict
[docs] def map_wires(self, wire_map): """Returns a copy of the current ``MeasurementValue`` with the wires of each measurement changed according to the given wire map. Args: wire_map (dict): dictionary containing the old wires as keys and the new wires as values Returns: MeasurementValue: new ``MeasurementValue`` instance with measurement wires mapped """ mapped_measurements = [m.map_wires(wire_map) for m in self.measurements] return MeasurementValue(mapped_measurements, self.processing_fn)
def _transform_bin_op(self, base_bin, other): """Helper function for defining dunder binary operations.""" if isinstance(other, MeasurementValue): # pylint: disable=protected-access return self._merge(other)._apply(lambda t: base_bin(t[0], t[1])) # if `other` is not a MeasurementValue then apply it to each branch return self._apply(lambda v: base_bin(v, other)) def __invert__(self): """Return a copy of the measurement value with an inverted control value.""" return self._apply(qml.math.logical_not) def __eq__(self, other): return self._transform_bin_op(lambda a, b: a == b, other) def __ne__(self, other): return self._transform_bin_op(lambda a, b: a != b, other) def __add__(self, other): return self._transform_bin_op(lambda a, b: a + b, other) def __radd__(self, other): return self._apply(lambda v: other + v) def __sub__(self, other): return self._transform_bin_op(lambda a, b: a - b, other) def __rsub__(self, other): return self._apply(lambda v: other - v) def __mul__(self, other): return self._transform_bin_op(lambda a, b: a * b, other) def __rmul__(self, other): return self._apply(lambda v: other * v) def __truediv__(self, other): return self._transform_bin_op(lambda a, b: a / b, other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return self._apply(lambda v: other / v) def __lt__(self, other): return self._transform_bin_op(lambda a, b: a < b, other) def __le__(self, other): return self._transform_bin_op(lambda a, b: a <= b, other) def __gt__(self, other): return self._transform_bin_op(lambda a, b: a > b, other) def __ge__(self, other): return self._transform_bin_op(lambda a, b: a >= b, other) def __and__(self, other): return self._transform_bin_op(qml.math.logical_and, other) def __or__(self, other): return self._transform_bin_op(qml.math.logical_or, other) def _apply(self, fn): """Apply a post computation to this measurement""" return MeasurementValue(self.measurements, lambda *x: fn(self.processing_fn(*x)))
[docs] def concretize(self, measurements: dict): """Returns a concrete value from a dictionary of hashes with concrete values.""" values = tuple(measurements[meas] for meas in self.measurements) return self.processing_fn(*values)
def _merge(self, other: "MeasurementValue"): """Merge two measurement values""" # create a new merged list with no duplicates and in lexical ordering merged_measurements = list(set(self.measurements).union(set(other.measurements))) merged_measurements.sort(key=lambda m: # create a new function that selects the correct indices for each sub function def merged_fn(*x): sub_args_1 = (x[i] for i in [merged_measurements.index(m) for m in self.measurements]) sub_args_2 = (x[i] for i in [merged_measurements.index(m) for m in other.measurements]) out_1 = self.processing_fn(*sub_args_1) out_2 = other.processing_fn(*sub_args_2) return out_1, out_2 return MeasurementValue(merged_measurements, merged_fn) def __getitem__(self, i): branch = tuple(int(b) for b in f"{i:0{len(self.measurements)}b}") return self.processing_fn(*branch) def __str__(self): lines = [] num_meas = len(self.measurements) for i in range(2**num_meas): branch = tuple(int(b) for b in f"{i:0{num_meas}b}") id_branch_mapping = [ f"{self.measurements[j].id}={branch[j]}" for j in range(len(branch)) ] lines.append( "if " + ",".join(id_branch_mapping) + " => " + str(self.processing_fn(*branch)) ) return "\n".join(lines) def __repr__(self): return f"MeasurementValue(wires={self.wires.tolist()})"