Source code for pennylane.ops.op_math.adjoint
# Copyright 2018-2022 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
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This submodule defines the symbolic operation that indicates the adjoint of an operator.
from functools import lru_cache, partial, wraps
from typing import Callable, overload
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.capture.capture_diff import create_non_interpreted_prim
from pennylane.compiler import compiler
from pennylane.math import conj, moveaxis, transpose
from pennylane.operation import Observable, Operation, Operator
from pennylane.queuing import QueuingManager
from .symbolicop import SymbolicOp
def adjoint(fn: Operator, lazy: bool = True) -> Operator: ...
def adjoint(fn: Callable, lazy: bool = True) -> Callable: ...
[docs]def adjoint(fn, lazy=True):
"""Create the adjoint of an Operator or a function that applies the adjoint of the provided function.
:func:`~.qjit` compatible.
fn (function or :class:`~.operation.Operator`): A single operator or a quantum function that
applies quantum operations.
Keyword Args:
lazy=True (bool): If the transform is behaving lazily, all operations are wrapped in a ``Adjoint`` class
and handled later. If ``lazy=False``, operation-specific adjoint decompositions are first attempted.
Setting ``lazy=False`` is not supported when used with :func:`~.qjit`.
(function or :class:`~.operation.Operator`): If an Operator is provided, returns an Operator that is the adjoint.
If a function is provided, returns a function with the same call signature that returns the Adjoint of the
provided function.
.. note::
The adjoint and inverse are identical for unitary gates, but not in general. For example, quantum channels and
observables may have different adjoint and inverse operators.
.. note::
When used with :func:`~.qjit`, this function only supports the Catalyst compiler.
See :func:`catalyst.adjoint` for more details.
Please see the Catalyst :doc:`quickstart guide <catalyst:dev/quick_start>`,
as well as the :doc:`sharp bits and debugging tips <catalyst:dev/sharp_bits>`
page for an overview of the differences between Catalyst and PennyLane.
.. note::
This function supports a batched operator:
>>> op = qml.adjoint(qml.RX([1, 2, 3], wires=0))
>>> qml.matrix(op).shape
(3, 2, 2)
But it doesn't support batching of operators:
>>> op = qml.adjoint([qml.RX(1, wires=0), qml.RX(2, wires=0)])
ValueError: The object [RX(1, wires=[0]), RX(2, wires=[0])] of type <class 'list'> is not callable.
This error might occur if you apply adjoint to a list of operations instead of a function or template.
.. seealso:: :class:`~.ops.op_math.Adjoint` and :meth:`.Operator.adjoint`
The adjoint transform can accept a single operator.
>>> @qml.qnode(qml.device('default.qubit', wires=1))
... def circuit2(y):
... qml.adjoint(qml.RY(y, wires=0))
... return qml.expval(qml.Z(0))
>>> print(qml.draw(circuit2)("y"))
0: ──RY(y)†─┤ <Z>
>>> print(qml.draw(circuit2, level="device")(0.1))
0: ──RY(-0.10)─┤ <Z>
The adjoint transforms can also be used to apply the adjoint of
any quantum function. In this case, ``adjoint`` accepts a single function and returns
a function with the same call signature.
We can create a QNode that applies the ``my_ops`` function followed by its adjoint:
.. code-block:: python3
def my_ops(a, wire):
qml.RX(a, wires=wire)
dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=1)
def circuit(a):
my_ops(a, wire=0)
qml.adjoint(my_ops)(a, wire=0)
return qml.expval(qml.Z(0))
Printing this out, we can see that the inverse quantum
function has indeed been applied:
>>> print(qml.draw(circuit)(0.2))
0: ──RX(0.20)──SX──SX†──RX(0.20)†─┤ <Z>
**Example with compiler**
The adjoint used in a compilation context can be applied on control flow.
.. code-block:: python
dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
def workflow(theta, n, wires):
def func():
@qml.for_loop(0, n, 1)
def loop_fn(i):
qml.RX(theta, wires=wires)
return qml.probs()
>>> workflow(jnp.pi/2, 3, 0)
array([0.5, 0.5])
.. warning::
The Catalyst adjoint function does not support performing the adjoint
of quantum functions that contain mid-circuit measurements.
.. details::
:title: Lazy Evaluation
When ``lazy=False``, the function first attempts operation-specific decomposition of the
adjoint via the :meth:`.Operator.adjoint` method. Only if an Operator doesn't have
an :meth:`.Operator.adjoint` method is the object wrapped with the :class:`~.ops.op_math.Adjoint`
wrapper class.
>>> qml.adjoint(qml.Z(0), lazy=False)
>>> qml.adjoint(qml.RX, lazy=False)(1.0, wires=0)
RX(-1.0, wires=[0])
>>> qml.adjoint(qml.S, lazy=False)(0)
if active_jit := compiler.active_compiler():
available_eps = compiler.AvailableCompilers.names_entrypoints
ops_loader = available_eps[active_jit]["ops"].load()
return ops_loader.adjoint(fn, lazy=lazy)
return create_adjoint_op(fn, lazy)
def create_adjoint_op(fn, lazy):
"""Main logic for qml.adjoint, but allows bypassing the compiler dispatch if needed."""
if qml.math.is_abstract(fn):
return Adjoint(fn)
if isinstance(fn, Operator):
return Adjoint(fn) if lazy else _single_op_eager(fn, update_queue=True)
if callable(fn):
if qml.capture.enabled():
return _capture_adjoint_transform(fn, lazy=lazy)
return _adjoint_transform(fn, lazy=lazy)
raise ValueError(
f"The object {fn} of type {type(fn)} is not callable. "
"This error might occur if you apply adjoint to a list "
"of operations instead of a function or template."
@lru_cache # only create the first time requested
def _get_adjoint_qfunc_prim():
"""See capture/ : Higher Order primitives for more information on this code."""
# if capture is enabled, jax should be installed
import jax # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
adjoint_prim = create_non_interpreted_prim()("adjoint_transform")
adjoint_prim.multiple_results = True
def _(*args, jaxpr, lazy, n_consts):
consts = args[:n_consts]
args = args[n_consts:]
with qml.queuing.AnnotatedQueue() as q:
jax.core.eval_jaxpr(jaxpr, consts, *args)
ops, _ = qml.queuing.process_queue(q)
for op in reversed(ops):
adjoint(op, lazy=lazy)
return []
def _(*_, **__):
return []
return adjoint_prim
def _capture_adjoint_transform(qfunc: Callable, lazy=True) -> Callable:
"""Capture compatible way of performing an adjoint transform."""
# note that this logic is tested in `tests/capture/`
import jax # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
adjoint_prim = _get_adjoint_qfunc_prim()
def new_qfunc(*args, **kwargs):
jaxpr = jax.make_jaxpr(partial(qfunc, **kwargs))(*args)
*jaxpr.consts, *args, jaxpr=jaxpr.jaxpr, lazy=lazy, n_consts=len(jaxpr.consts)
return new_qfunc
def _adjoint_transform(qfunc: Callable, lazy=True) -> Callable:
# default adjoint transform when capture is not enabled.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
qscript = qml.tape.make_qscript(qfunc)(*args, **kwargs)
leaves, _ = qml.pytrees.flatten((args, kwargs), lambda obj: isinstance(obj, Operator))
_ = [qml.QueuingManager.remove(l) for l in leaves if isinstance(l, Operator)]
if lazy:
adjoint_ops = [Adjoint(op) for op in reversed(qscript.operations)]
adjoint_ops = [_single_op_eager(op) for op in reversed(qscript.operations)]
return adjoint_ops[0] if len(adjoint_ops) == 1 else adjoint_ops
return wrapper
def _single_op_eager(op: Operator, update_queue: bool = False) -> Operator:
if op.has_adjoint:
adj = op.adjoint()
if update_queue:
return adj
return Adjoint(op)
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
[docs]class Adjoint(SymbolicOp):
The Adjoint of an operator.
base (~.operation.Operator): The operator that is adjointed.
.. seealso:: :func:`~.adjoint`, :meth:`~.operation.Operator.adjoint`
This is a *developer*-facing class, and the :func:`~.adjoint` transform should be used to
construct instances
of this class.
>>> op = Adjoint(qml.S(0))
>>> qml.matrix(op)
array([[1.-0.j, 0.-0.j],
[0.-0.j, 0.-1.j]])
>>> qml.generator(Adjoint(qml.RX(1.0, wires=0)))
(X(0), 0.5)
>>> Adjoint(qml.RX(1.234, wires=0)).data
.. details::
:title: Developer Details
This class mixes in parent classes based on the inheritance tree of the provided ``Operator``.
For example, when provided an ``Operation``, the instance will inherit from ``Operation`` and
the ``AdjointOperation`` mixin.
>>> op = Adjoint(qml.RX(1.234, wires=0))
>>> isinstance(op, qml.operation.Operation)
>>> isinstance(op, AdjointOperation)
>>> op.grad_method
If the base class is an ``Observable`` instead, the ``Adjoint`` will be an ``Observable`` as
>>> op = Adjoint(1.0 * qml.X(0))
>>> isinstance(op, qml.operation.Observable)
>>> isinstance(op, qml.operation.Operation)
>>> Adjoint(qml.X(0)) @ qml.Y(1)
(Adjoint(X(0))) @ Y(1)
def _flatten(self):
return (self.base,), tuple()
def _unflatten(cls, data, _):
return cls(data[0])
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def __new__(cls, base=None, id=None):
"""Returns an uninitialized type with the necessary mixins.
If the ``base`` is an ``Operation``, this will return an instance of ``AdjointOperation``.
If ``Observable`` but not ``Operation``, it will be ``AdjointObs``.
And if both, it will be an instance of ``AdjointOpObs``.
if isinstance(base, Operation):
if isinstance(base, Observable):
return object.__new__(AdjointOpObs)
# not an observable
return object.__new__(AdjointOperation)
if isinstance(base, Observable):
return object.__new__(AdjointObs)
return object.__new__(Adjoint)
def __init__(self, base=None, id=None):
self._name = f"Adjoint({})"
super().__init__(base, id=id)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Adjoint({self.base})"
def ndim_params(self):
return self.base.ndim_params
[docs] def label(self, decimals=None, base_label=None, cache=None):
base_label = self.base.label(decimals, base_label, cache=cache)
return (
if self.base.arithmetic_depth > 0 and len(base_label) > 1
else f"{base_label}†"
[docs] def matrix(self, wire_order=None):
base_matrix = self.base.matrix(wire_order=wire_order)
return moveaxis(conj(base_matrix), -2, -1)
# pylint: disable=arguments-renamed, invalid-overridden-method
def has_sparse_matrix(self) -> bool:
return self.base.has_sparse_matrix
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def sparse_matrix(self, wire_order=None, format="csr"):
base_matrix = self.base.sparse_matrix(wire_order=wire_order)
return transpose(conj(base_matrix)).asformat(format=format)
# pylint: disable=arguments-renamed, invalid-overridden-method
def has_decomposition(self):
return self.base.has_adjoint or self.base.has_decomposition
[docs] def decomposition(self):
if self.base.has_adjoint:
return [self.base.adjoint()]
base_decomp = self.base.decomposition()
return [Adjoint(op) for op in reversed(base_decomp)]
[docs] def eigvals(self):
# Cannot define ``compute_eigvals`` because Hermitian only defines ``eigvals``
return conj(self.base.eigvals())
# pylint: disable=arguments-renamed, invalid-overridden-method
def has_diagonalizing_gates(self):
return self.base.has_diagonalizing_gates
# pylint: disable=arguments-renamed, invalid-overridden-method
def has_adjoint(self):
return True
[docs] def simplify(self):
base = self.base if qml.capture.enabled() else self.base.simplify()
if base.has_adjoint:
return base.adjoint() if qml.capture.enabled() else base.adjoint().simplify()
return Adjoint(base=base)
# pylint: disable=no-member
class AdjointOperation(Adjoint, Operation):
"""This mixin class is dynamically added to an ``Adjoint`` instance if the provided base class
is an ``Operation``.
.. warning::
This mixin class should never be initialized independent of ``Adjoint``.
Overriding the dunder method ``__new__`` in ``Adjoint`` allows us to customize the creation of
an instance and dynamically add in parent classes.
.. note:: Once the ``Operation`` class does not contain any unique logic any more, this mixin
class can be removed.
def __new__(cls, *_, **__):
return object.__new__(cls)
def name(self):
return self._name
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
def basis(self):
return self.base.basis
def control_wires(self):
return self.base.control_wires
def single_qubit_rot_angles(self):
omega, theta, phi = self.base.single_qubit_rot_angles()
return [-phi, -theta, -omega]
def grad_method(self):
return self.base.grad_method
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
def grad_recipe(self):
return self.base.grad_recipe
def parameter_frequencies(self):
return self.base.parameter_frequencies
# pylint: disable=arguments-renamed, invalid-overridden-method
def has_generator(self):
return self.base.has_generator
def generator(self):
return -1 * self.base.generator()
class AdjointObs(Adjoint, Observable):
"""A child of :class:`~.Adjoint` that also inherits from :class:`~.Observable`."""
def __new__(cls, *_, **__):
return object.__new__(cls)
# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
class AdjointOpObs(AdjointOperation, Observable):
"""A child of :class:`~.AdjointOperation` that also inherits from :class:`~.Observable."""
def __new__(cls, *_, **__):
return object.__new__(cls)
AdjointOperation._primitive = Adjoint._primitive # pylint: disable=protected-access
AdjointObs._primitive = Adjoint._primitive # pylint: disable=protected-access
AdjointOpObs._primitive = Adjoint._primitive # pylint: disable=protected-access
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