Source code for pennylane.ops.op_math.decompositions.single_qubit_unitary
# Copyright 2018-2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
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"""Contains transforms and helpers functions for decomposing arbitrary unitary
operations into elementary gates.
import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import math
def _convert_to_su2(U, return_global_phase=False):
r"""Convert a 2x2 unitary matrix to :math:`SU(2)`. (batched operation)
U (array[complex]): A matrix with a batch dimension, presumed to be
of shape :math:`n \times 2 \times 2` and unitary for any positive integer n.
return_global_phase (bool): If `True`, the return will include the global phase.
If `False`, only the :math:`SU(2)` representation is returned.
array[complex]: A :math:`n \times 2 \times 2` matrix in :math:`SU(2)` that is
equivalent to U up to a global phase. If ``return_global_phase=True``, a
2-element tuple is returned, with the first element being the :math:`SU(2)`
equivalent and the second, the global phase.
# Compute the determinants
U = qml.math.cast(U, "complex128")
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
determinants = math.linalg.det(U)
phase = math.angle(determinants) / 2
U = math.cast_like(U, determinants) * math.exp(-1j * math.cast_like(phase, 1j))[:, None, None]
return (U, phase) if return_global_phase else U
def _zyz_get_rotation_angles(U):
r"""Computes the rotation angles :math:`\phi`, :math:`\theta`, :math:`\omega`
for a unitary :math:`U` that is :math:`SU(2)`
U (array[complex]): A matrix that is :math:`SU(2)`
tuple[array[float]]: A tuple containing the rotation angles
:math:`\phi`, :math:`\theta`, :math:`\omega`
# For batched U or single U with non-zero off-diagonal, compute the
# normal decomposition instead
off_diagonal_elements = math.clip(math.abs(U[:, 0, 1]), 0, 1)
thetas = 2 * math.arcsin(off_diagonal_elements)
# Compute phi and omega from the angles of the top row; use atan2 to keep
# the angle within -np.pi and np.pi, and add very small value to the real
# part to avoid division by zero.
epsilon = 1e-64
angles_U00 = math.arctan2(
math.imag(U[:, 0, 0]),
math.real(U[:, 0, 0]) + epsilon,
angles_U10 = math.arctan2(
math.imag(U[:, 1, 0]),
math.real(U[:, 1, 0]) + epsilon,
phis = -angles_U10 - angles_U00
omegas = angles_U10 - angles_U00
phis, thetas, omegas = map(math.squeeze, [phis, thetas, omegas])
# Normalize the angles
phis = phis % (4 * np.pi)
thetas = thetas % (4 * np.pi)
omegas = omegas % (4 * np.pi)
return phis, thetas, omegas
def _rot_decomposition(U, wire, return_global_phase=False):
r"""Compute the decomposition of a single-qubit matrix :math:`U` in terms of
elementary operations, as a single :class:`.RZ` gate or a :class:`.Rot` gate.
Diagonal operations can be converted to a single :class:`.RZ` gate, while non-diagonal
operations will be converted to a :class:`.Rot` gate that implements the original operation
up to a global phase in the form :math:`RZ(\omega) RY(\theta) RZ(\phi)`.
.. warning::
When used with ``jax.jit``, all unitaries will be converted to :class:`.Rot` gates,
including those that are diagonal.
U (tensor): A 2 x 2 unitary matrix.
wire (Union[Wires, Sequence[int] or int]): The wire on which to apply the operation.
return_global_phase (bool): Whether to return the global phase ``qml.GlobalPhase(-alpha)``
as the last element of the returned list of operations.
list[qml.Operation]: A ``Rot`` gate on the specified wire that implements ``U``
up to a global phase, or an equivalent ``RZ`` gate if ``U`` is diagonal. If
`return_global_phase=True`, the global phase is included as the last element.
Suppose we would like to apply the following unitary operation:
>>> U = np.array([
... [-0.28829348-0.78829734j, 0.30364367+0.45085995j],
... [ 0.53396245-0.10177564j, 0.76279558-0.35024096j]
... ])
For PennyLane devices that cannot natively implement ``QubitUnitary``, we
can instead recover a ``Rot`` gate that implements the same operation, up
to a global phase:
>>> decompositions = _rot_decomposition(U, 0)
>>> decompositions
[Rot(12.32427531154459, 1.1493817771511354, 1.733058145303424, wires=[0])]
# Cast to batched format for more consistent code
U = math.expand_dims(U, axis=0) if len(U.shape) == 2 else U
# Convert to SU(2) format and extract global phase
U_det1, alphas = _convert_to_su2(U, return_global_phase=True)
# If U is only one unitary and its value is not abstract, we can include a conditional
# statement that will check if the off-diagonal elements are 0; if so, just use one RZ
if len(U_det1) == 1 and not math.is_abstract(U_det1[0]):
if math.allclose(U_det1[0, 0, 1], 0.0):
angle = 2 * math.angle(U_det1[0, 1, 1]) % (4 * np.pi)
operations = [qml.RZ(angle, wires=wire)]
if return_global_phase:
alphas = math.squeeze(alphas)
return operations
# Compute the zyz rotation angles
phis, thetas, omegas = _zyz_get_rotation_angles(U_det1)
operations = [qml.Rot(phis, thetas, omegas, wires=wire)]
if return_global_phase:
alphas = math.squeeze(alphas)
return operations
def _get_single_qubit_rot_angles_via_matrix(
U, return_global_phase=False
) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Returns a triplet of angles representing the single-qubit decomposition
of the matrix of the target operation using ZYZ rotations.
# Cast to batched format for more consistent code
U = math.expand_dims(U, axis=0) if len(U.shape) == 2 else U
# Convert to SU(2) format and extract global phase
U_su2, global_phase = _convert_to_su2(U, return_global_phase=True)
# Compute the zyz rotation angles
phis, thetas, omegas = _zyz_get_rotation_angles(U_su2)
angles = (phis, thetas, omegas)
if return_global_phase:
angles += (global_phase,)
return angles
def _zyz_decomposition(U, wire, return_global_phase=False):
r"""Compute the decomposition of a single-qubit matrix :math:`U` in terms
of elementary operations, as a product of Z and Y rotations in the form
:math:`e^{i\alpha} RZ(\omega) RY(\theta) RZ(\phi)`. (batched operation)
.. warning::
When used with ``jax.jit``, all unitaries will be converted to :class:`.Rot` gates,
including those that are diagonal.
U (tensor): A :math:`2 \times 2` unitary matrix.
wire (Union[Wires, Sequence[int] or int]): The wire on which to apply the operation.
return_global_phase (bool): Whether to return the global phase ``qml.GlobalPhase(-alpha)``
as the last element of the returned list of operations.
list[Operation]: Returns a list of gates, an ``RZ``, an ``RY`` and another ``RZ`` gate,
which when applied in the order of appearance in the list is equivalent to the
unitary :math:`U` up to a global phase. If `return_global_phase=True`, the global
phase is returned as the last element of the list.
>>> U = np.array([
... [-0.28829348-0.78829734j, 0.30364367+0.45085995j],
... [ 0.53396245-0.10177564j, 0.76279558-0.35024096j]
... ])
>>> decompositions = _zyz_decomposition(U, 0, return_global_phase=True)
>>> decompositions
[RZ(12.32427531154459, wires=[0]),
RY(1.1493817771511354, wires=[0]),
RZ(1.733058145303424, wires=[0]),
GlobalPhase(1.1759220332464762, wires=[])]
phis, thetas, omegas, *global_phase = _get_single_qubit_rot_angles_via_matrix(
U, return_global_phase=True
operations = [qml.RZ(phis, wire), qml.RY(thetas, wire), qml.RZ(omegas, wire)]
if return_global_phase:
global_phase = math.squeeze(global_phase)
return operations
def _xyx_decomposition(U, wire, return_global_phase=False):
r"""Compute the decomposition of a single-qubit matrix :math:`U` in terms
of elementary operations, as a product of X and Y rotations in the form
:math:`e^{i\gamma} RX(\phi) RY(\theta) RX(\lambda)`.
U (array[complex]): A 2 x 2 unitary matrix.
wire (Union[Wires, Sequence[int] or int]): The wire on which to apply the operation.
return_global_phase (bool): Whether to return the global phase ``qml.GlobalPhase(-gamma)``
as the last element of the returned list of operations.
list[Operation]: Returns a list of gates, an ``RX``, an ``RY`` and another ``RX`` gate,
which when applied in the order of appearance in the list is equivalent to the unitary
:math:`U` up to global phase. If `return_global_phase=True`, the global phase is returned
as the last element of the list.
>>> U = np.array([
... [-0.28829348-0.78829734j, 0.30364367+0.45085995j],
... [ 0.53396245-0.10177564j, 0.76279558-0.35024096j]
... ])
>>> decompositions = _xyx_decomposition(U, 0, return_global_phase=True)
>>> decompositions
[RX(10.845351366405708, wires=[0]),
RY(1.3974974118006183, wires=[0]),
RX(0.45246583660683803, wires=[0]),
GlobalPhase(1.1759220332464762, wires=[])]
# Small number to add to denominators to avoid division by zero
EPS = 1e-64
# Choose gamma such that exp(-i*gamma)*U is special unitary (detU==1).
U = math.expand_dims(U, axis=0) if len(U.shape) == 2 else U
U_det1, gammas = _convert_to_su2(U, return_global_phase=True)
# Compute \phi, \theta and \lambda after analytically solving for them from
# U_det1 = expm(1j*\phi*PauliX) expm(1j*\theta*PauliY) expm(1j*\lambda*PauliX)
lams_plus_phis = math.arctan2(-math.imag(U_det1[:, 0, 1]), math.real(U_det1[:, 0, 0]) + EPS)
lams_minus_phis = math.arctan2(math.imag(U_det1[:, 0, 0]), -math.real(U_det1[:, 0, 1]) + EPS)
lams = lams_plus_phis + lams_minus_phis
phis = lams_plus_phis - lams_minus_phis
# The following conditional attempts to avoid 0 / 0 errors. Either the
# sine is 0 or the cosine, but not both.
thetas = math.where(
math.isclose(math.sin(lams_plus_phis), math.zeros_like(lams_plus_phis)),
2 * math.arccos(math.real(U_det1[:, 1, 1]) / (math.cos(lams_plus_phis) + EPS)),
2 * math.arccos(-math.imag(U_det1[:, 0, 1]) / (math.sin(lams_plus_phis) + EPS)),
phis, thetas, lams, gammas = map(math.squeeze, [phis, thetas, lams, gammas])
phis = phis % (4 * np.pi)
thetas = thetas % (4 * np.pi)
lams = lams % (4 * np.pi)
operations = [qml.RX(lams, wire), qml.RY(thetas, wire), qml.RX(phis, wire)]
if return_global_phase:
return operations
def _xzx_decomposition(U, wire, return_global_phase=False):
r"""Computes the decomposition of a single-qubit matrix :math:`U` in terms
of elementary operations, as a product of Z and X rotations in the form
:math:`e^{i\gamma} RX(\phi) RZ(\theta) RX(\lambda)`. (batched operation)
U (tensor): A :math:`2 \times 2` unitary matrix.
wire (Union[Wires, Sequence[int] or int]): The wire on which to apply the operation.
return_global_phase (bool): Whether to return the global phase ``qml.GlobalPhase(-gamma)``
as the last element of the returned list of operations.
list[Operation]: Returns a list of gates, an ``RX``, an ``RZ`` and
another ``RX`` gate, which when applied in the order of appearance in the list is
equivalent to the unitary :math:`U` up to a global phase. If `return_global_phase=True`,
the global phase is returned as the last element of the list.
>>> U = np.array([
... [-0.28829348-0.78829734j, 0.30364367+0.45085995j],
... [ 0.53396245-0.10177564j, 0.76279558-0.35024096j]
... ])
>>> decompositions = _xzx_decomposition(U, 0, return_global_phase=True)
>>> decompositions
[RX(12.416147693665032, wires=[0]),
RZ(1.3974974090935608, wires=[0]),
RX(11.448040119199066, wires=[0]),
GlobalPhase(1.1759220332464762, wires=[])]
# Small number to add to denominators to avoid division by zero
EPS = 1e-64
# Choose gamma such that exp(-i*gamma)*U is special unitary (detU==1).
U = math.expand_dims(U, axis=0) if len(U.shape) == 2 else U
U_det1, gammas = _convert_to_su2(U, return_global_phase=True)
# Compute \phi, \theta and \lambda after analytically solving for them from
# U_det1 = RX(\phi) RZ(\theta) RX(\lambda)
sum_diagonal_real = math.real(U_det1[:, 0, 0] + U_det1[:, 1, 1])
sum_off_diagonal_imag = math.imag(U_det1[:, 0, 1] + U_det1[:, 1, 0])
phi_plus_lambdas_d2 = math.arctan2(-sum_off_diagonal_imag, sum_diagonal_real + EPS)
diff_diagonal_imag = math.imag(U_det1[:, 0, 0] - U_det1[:, 1, 1])
diff_off_diagonal_real = math.real(U_det1[:, 0, 1] - U_det1[:, 1, 0])
phi_minus_lambdas_d2 = math.arctan2(diff_off_diagonal_real, -diff_diagonal_imag + EPS)
lams = phi_plus_lambdas_d2 - phi_minus_lambdas_d2
phis = phi_plus_lambdas_d2 + phi_minus_lambdas_d2
# Compute \theta
thetas = math.where(
math.isclose(math.sin(phi_plus_lambdas_d2), math.zeros_like(phi_plus_lambdas_d2)),
2 * math.arccos(sum_diagonal_real / (2 * math.cos(phi_plus_lambdas_d2) + EPS)),
2 * math.arccos(-sum_off_diagonal_imag / (2 * math.sin(phi_plus_lambdas_d2) + EPS)),
phis, thetas, lams, gammas = map(math.squeeze, [phis, thetas, lams, gammas])
phis = phis % (4 * np.pi)
thetas = thetas % (4 * np.pi)
lams = lams % (4 * np.pi)
operations = [qml.RX(lams, wire), qml.RZ(thetas, wire), qml.RX(phis, wire)]
if return_global_phase:
return operations
def _zxz_decomposition(U, wire, return_global_phase=False):
r"""Compute the decomposition of a single-qubit matrix :math:`U` in terms
of elementary operations, as a product of X and Z rotations in the form
:math:`e^{i\alpha} RZ(\phi) RY(\theta) RZ(\psi)`. (batched operation)
U (array[complex]): A :math:`2 \times 2` unitary matrix.
wire (Union[Wires, Sequence[int] or int]): The wire on which to apply the operation.
return_global_phase (bool): Whether to return the global phase as a
``qml.GlobalPhase(-alpha)`` as the last element of the returned list of operations.
list[Operation]: Returns a list of gates, an ``RZ``, an ``RX`` and
another ``RZ`` gate, which when applied in the order of appearance in the list is
equivalent to the unitary :math:`U` up to a global phase. If `return_global_phase=True`,
the global phase is returned as the last element of the list.
>>> U = np.array([
... [-0.28829348-0.78829734j, 0.30364367+0.45085995j],
... [ 0.53396245-0.10177564j, 0.76279558-0.35024096j]
... ])
>>> decompositions = _zxz_decomposition(U, 0, return_global_phase=True)
>>> decompositions
[RZ(10.753478981934784, wires=[0]),
RX(1.1493817777940707, wires=[0]),
RZ(3.3038544749132295, wires=[0]),
GlobalPhase(1.1759220332464762, wires=[])]
# Small number to add to denominators to avoid division by zero
EPS = 1e-64
# Get global phase \alpha and U in SU(2) form (determinant is 1)
U = math.expand_dims(U, axis=0) if len(U.shape) == 2 else U
U_det1, alphas = _convert_to_su2(U, return_global_phase=True)
# Use top row to solve for \phi and \psi
phis_plus_psis = math.arctan2(-math.imag(U_det1[:, 0, 0]), math.real(U_det1[:, 0, 0]) + EPS)
phis_minus_psis = math.arctan2(-math.real(U_det1[:, 0, 1]), -math.imag(U_det1[:, 0, 1]) + EPS)
phis = phis_plus_psis + phis_minus_psis
psis = phis_plus_psis - phis_minus_psis
# Conditional to avoid divide by 0 errors
thetas = math.where(
math.isclose(math.sin(phis_plus_psis), math.zeros_like(phis_plus_psis)),
math.real(U_det1[:, 0, 0]) / (math.cos(phis_plus_psis) + EPS),
-math.imag(U_det1[:, 0, 0]) / (math.sin(phis_plus_psis) + EPS),
# Arcos is only defined between -1 and 1
thetas = qml.math.clip(thetas, -1.0, 1.0)
thetas = 2 * math.arccos(thetas)
phis, thetas, psis, alphas = map(math.squeeze, [phis, thetas, psis, alphas])
phis = phis % (4 * np.pi)
thetas = thetas % (4 * np.pi)
psis = psis % (4 * np.pi)
# Return gates in the order they will be applied on the qubit
operations = [qml.RZ(psis, wire), qml.RX(thetas, wire), qml.RZ(phis, wire)]
if return_global_phase:
return operations
[docs]def one_qubit_decomposition(U, wire, rotations="ZYZ", return_global_phase=False):
r"""Decompose a one-qubit unitary :math:`U` in terms of elementary operations. (batched operation)
Any one qubit unitary operation can be implemented up to a global phase by composing RX, RY,
and RZ gates.
Currently supported values for ``rotations`` are "rot", "ZYZ", "XYX", "XZX", and "ZXZ".
U (tensor): A :math:`2 \times 2` unitary matrix.
wire (Union[Wires, Sequence[int] or int]): The wire on which to apply the operation.
rotations (str): A string defining the sequence of rotations to decompose :math:`U` into.
return_global_phase (bool): Whether to return the global phase as a ``qml.GlobalPhase(-alpha)``
as the last element of the returned list of operations.
list[Operation]: Returns a list of gates which when applied in the order of appearance in
the list is equivalent to the unitary :math:`U` up to a global phase. If
``return_global_phase=True``, the global phase is returned as the last element of the list.
>>> U = np.array([
... [-0.28829348-0.78829734j, 0.30364367+0.45085995j],
... [ 0.53396245-0.10177564j, 0.76279558-0.35024096j]
... ])
>>> decompositions = one_qubit_decomposition(U, 0, "ZXZ", return_global_phase=True)
>>> decompositions
[RZ(10.753478981934784, wires=[0]),
RX(1.1493817777940707, wires=[0]),
RZ(3.3038544749132295, wires=[0]),
GlobalPhase(1.1759220332464762, wires=[])]
supported_rotations = {
"rot": _rot_decomposition,
"ZYZ": _zyz_decomposition,
"XYX": _xyx_decomposition,
"XZX": _xzx_decomposition,
"ZXZ": _zxz_decomposition,
if rotations in supported_rotations:
return supported_rotations[rotations](U, wire, return_global_phase)
raise ValueError(
f"Value {rotations} passed to rotations is either invalid or currently unsupported."
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