Source code for pennylane.ops.op_math.exp
# Copyright 2018-2023 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This submodule defines the symbolic operation that stands for an exponential of an operator.
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import expm as sparse_expm
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import math
from pennylane.math import expand_matrix
from pennylane.operation import (
from pennylane.wires import Wires
from .linear_combination import LinearCombination
from .sprod import SProd
from .sum import Sum
from .symbolicop import ScalarSymbolicOp
[docs]def exp(op, coeff=1, num_steps=None, id=None):
"""Take the exponential of an Operator times a coefficient.
base (~.operation.Operator): The Operator to be exponentiated
coeff (float): a scalar coefficient of the operator
num_steps (int): The number of steps used in the decomposition of the exponential operator,
also known as the Trotter number. If this value is `None` and the Suzuki-Trotter
decomposition is needed, an error will be raised.
id (str): id for the Exp operator. Default is None.
:class:`Exp`: An :class:`~.operation.Operator` representing an operator exponential.
.. note::
This operator supports a batched base, a batched coefficient and a combination of both:
>>> op = qml.exp(qml.RX([1, 2, 3], wires=0), coeff=4)
>>> qml.matrix(op).shape
(3, 2, 2)
>>> op = qml.exp(qml.RX(1, wires=0), coeff=[1, 2, 3])
>>> qml.matrix(op).shape
(3, 2, 2)
>>> op = qml.exp(qml.RX([1, 2, 3], wires=0), coeff=[4, 5, 6])
>>> qml.matrix(op).shape
(3, 2, 2)
But it doesn't support batching of operators:
>>> op = qml.exp([qml.RX(1, wires=0), qml.RX(2, wires=0)], coeff=4)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'batch_size'
This symbolic operator can be used to make general rotation operators:
>>> x = np.array(1.23)
>>> op = qml.exp(qml.X(0), -0.5j * x)
>>> qml.math.allclose(op.matrix(), qml.RX(x, wires=0).matrix())
This can even be used for more complicated generators:
>>> t = qml.X(0) @ qml.X(1) + qml.Y(0) @ qml.Y(1)
>>> isingxy = qml.exp(t, 0.25j * x)
>>> qml.math.allclose(isingxy.matrix(), qml.IsingXY(x, wires=(0,1)).matrix())
If the coefficient is purely imaginary and the base operator is Hermitian, then
the gate can be used in a circuit, though it may not be supported by the device and
may not be differentiable.
>>> @qml.qnode(qml.device('default.qubit', wires=1))
... def circuit(x):
... qml.exp(qml.X(0), -0.5j * x)
... return qml.expval(qml.Z(0))
>>> print(qml.draw(circuit)(1.23))
0: ──Exp─┤ <Z>
If the base operator is Hermitian and the coefficient is real, then the ``Exp`` operator
can be measured as an observable:
>>> obs = qml.exp(qml.Z(0), 3)
>>> @qml.qnode(qml.device('default.qubit', wires=1))
... def circuit():
... return qml.expval(obs)
>>> circuit()
tensor(20.08553692, requires_grad=True)
return Exp(op, coeff, num_steps=num_steps, id=id)
[docs]class Exp(ScalarSymbolicOp, Operation):
"""A symbolic operator representing the exponential of a operator.
base (~.operation.Operator): The Operator to be exponentiated
coeff=1 (Number): A scalar coefficient of the operator.
num_steps (int): The number of steps used in the decomposition of the exponential operator,
also known as the Trotter number. If this value is `None` and the Suzuki-Trotter
decomposition is needed, an error will be raised.
id (str): id for the Exp operator. Default is None.
This symbolic operator can be used to make general rotation operators:
>>> x = np.array(1.23)
>>> op = Exp( qml.X(0), -0.5j * x)
>>> qml.math.allclose(op.matrix(), qml.RX(x, wires=0).matrix())
This can even be used for more complicated generators:
>>> t = qml.X(0) @ qml.X(1) + qml.Y(0) @ qml.Y(1)
>>> isingxy = Exp(t, 0.25j * x)
>>> qml.math.allclose(isingxy.matrix(), qml.IsingXY(x, wires=(0,1)).matrix())
If the coefficient is purely imaginary and the base operator is Hermitian, then
the gate can be used in a circuit, though it may not be supported by the device and
may not be differentiable.
>>> @qml.qnode(qml.device('default.qubit', wires=1))
... def circuit(x):
... Exp(qml.X(0), -0.5j * x)
... return qml.expval(qml.Z(0))
>>> print(qml.draw(circuit)(1.23))
0: ──Exp─┤ <Z>
If the base operator is Hermitian and the coefficient is real, then the ``Exp`` operator
can be measured as an observable:
>>> obs = Exp(qml.Z(0), 3)
>>> @qml.qnode(qml.device('default.qubit', wires=1))
... def circuit():
... return qml.expval(obs)
>>> circuit()
tensor(20.08553692, requires_grad=True)
control_wires = Wires([])
_name = "Exp"
def _flatten(self):
return (self.base,[0]), (self.num_steps,)
def _unflatten(cls, data, metadata):
return cls(data[0], data[1], num_steps=metadata[0])
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(self, base, coeff=1, num_steps=None, id=None):
if not isinstance(base, Operator):
raise TypeError(f"base is expected to be of type Operator, but received {type(base)}")
super().__init__(base, scalar=coeff, id=id)
self.grad_recipe = [None]
self.num_steps = num_steps
self.hyperparameters["num_steps"] = num_steps
def __repr__(self):
return (
f"Exp({self.coeff} {self.base})"
if self.base.arithmetic_depth > 0
else f"Exp({self.coeff} {})"
def hash(self):
return hash((str(, self.base.hash, str(self.coeff)))
def coeff(self):
"""The numerical coefficient of the operator in the exponent."""
return self.scalar
def num_params(self):
return self.base.num_params + 1
def is_hermitian(self):
return self.base.is_hermitian and math.allequal(math.imag(self.coeff), 0)
def _queue_category(self):
return "_ops"
# pylint: disable=invalid-overridden-method, arguments-renamed
def has_decomposition(self):
# TODO: Support nested sums in method
base = self.base
coeff = self.coeff
if isinstance(base, SProd):
coeff *= base.scalar
base = base.base
is_pauli_rot = qml.pauli.is_pauli_word(self.base) and math.real(self.coeff) == 0
is_hamiltonian = isinstance(base, LinearCombination)
is_sum_of_pauli_words = isinstance(base, Sum) and all(
qml.pauli.is_pauli_word(o) for o in base
return is_pauli_rot or is_hamiltonian or is_sum_of_pauli_words
[docs] def decomposition(self):
r"""Representation of the operator as a product of other operators. Decomposes into
:class:`~.PauliRot` if the coefficient is imaginary and the base is a Pauli Word.
.. math:: O = O_1 O_2 \dots O_n
A ``DecompositionUndefinedError`` is raised if the coefficient is not imaginary or the base
is not a Pauli Word.
list[PauliRot]: decomposition of the operator
with qml.QueuingManager.stop_recording():
d = self._recursive_decomposition(self.base, self.coeff)
if qml.QueuingManager.recording():
for op in d:
return d
def _recursive_decomposition(self, base: Operator, coeff: complex):
"""Decompose the exponential of ``base`` multiplied by ``coeff``.
base (Operator): exponentiated operator
coeff (complex): coefficient multiplying the exponentiated operator
List[Operator]: decomposition
# Change base to `Sum`/`Prod`
if isinstance(base, LinearCombination):
base =, base.ops)
if isinstance(base, SProd):
return self._recursive_decomposition(base.base, base.scalar * coeff)
if self.num_steps is not None and isinstance(base, Sum):
# Apply trotter decomposition
coeffs, ops = [1] * len(base), base.operands
coeffs = [c * coeff for c in coeffs]
return self._trotter_decomposition(ops, coeffs)
if not qml.math.is_abstract(coeff) and qml.math.real(coeff):
error_msg = f"The decomposition of the {self} operator is not defined."
if not self.num_steps: # if num_steps was not set
error_msg += (
" Please set a value to ``num_steps`` when instantiating the ``Exp`` operator "
"if a Suzuki-Trotter decomposition is required."
if self.base.is_hermitian:
error_msg += (
" Decomposition is not defined for real coefficients of hermitian operators."
raise DecompositionUndefinedError(error_msg)
return self._smart_decomposition(coeff, base)
def _smart_decomposition(self, coeff, base):
"""Decompose to an operator to an operator with a generator or a PauliRot if possible."""
# Store operator classes with generators
has_generator_types = []
has_generator_types_anywires = []
for op_name in qml.ops.qubit.__all__: # pylint:disable=no-member
op_class = getattr(qml.ops.qubit, op_name) # pylint:disable=no-member
if op_class.has_generator:
if op_class.num_wires == AnyWires:
elif op_class.num_wires == len(base.wires):
# Ensure op_class.num_wires == base.num_wires before op_class.num_wires == AnyWires
for op_class in has_generator_types:
# PauliRot and PCPhase have different positional args
if op_class not in {qml.PauliRot, qml.PCPhase}:
g, c = qml.generator(op_class)(coeff, base.wires)
# Some generators are not wire-ordered (e.g. OrbitalRotation)
mapped_wires_g = qml.map_wires(g, dict(zip(g.wires, base.wires)))
if qml.equal(mapped_wires_g, base):
# Cancel the coefficients added by the generator
coeff = math.real(-1j / c * coeff)
return [op_class(coeff, g.wires)]
# could have absorbed the coefficient.
simplified_g = qml.simplify(qml.s_prod(c, mapped_wires_g))
if qml.equal(simplified_g, base):
# Cancel the coefficients added by the generator
coeff = math.real(-1j * coeff)
return [op_class(coeff, g.wires)]
if qml.pauli.is_pauli_word(base):
# Check if the exponential can be decomposed into a PauliRot gate
return self._pauli_rot_decomposition(base, coeff)
error_msg = f"The decomposition of the {self} operator is not defined."
if not self.num_steps: # if num_steps was not set
error_msg += (
" Please set a value to ``num_steps`` when instantiating the ``Exp`` operator "
"if a Suzuki-Trotter decomposition is required. "
raise DecompositionUndefinedError(error_msg)
def _pauli_rot_decomposition(base: Operator, coeff: complex):
"""Decomposes the exponential of a Pauli word into a PauliRot.
base (Operator): exponentiated operator
coeff (complex): coefficient multiplying the exponentiated operator
List[Operator]: list containing the PauliRot operator
# Cancel the coefficients added by PauliRot and Ising gates
coeff = math.real(2j * coeff)
pauli_word = qml.pauli.pauli_word_to_string(base)
if pauli_word == "I" * base.num_wires:
return []
return [qml.PauliRot(theta=coeff, pauli_word=pauli_word, wires=base.wires)]
def _trotter_decomposition(self, ops: list[Operator], coeffs: list[complex]):
"""Uses the Suzuki-Trotter approximation to decompose the exponential of the linear
combination of ``coeffs`` and ``ops``.
ops (List[Operator]): list of operators of the linear combination
coeffs (List[complex]): list of coefficients of the linear combination
ValueError: if the Trotter number (``num_steps``) is not defined
DecompositionUndefinedError: if the linear combination contains operators that are not
Pauli words
List[Operator]: a list of operators containing the decomposition
op_list = []
for c, op in zip(coeffs, ops):
c /= self.num_steps # divide by trotter number
if isinstance(op, SProd):
c *= op.scalar
op = op.base
op_list.extend(self._recursive_decomposition(op, c))
return op_list * self.num_steps # apply operators ``num_steps`` times
[docs] def matrix(self, wire_order=None):
coeff_interface = math.get_interface(self.scalar)
if coeff_interface == "autograd" and math.requires_grad(self.scalar):
# math.expm is not differentiable with autograd
# So we try to do a differentiable construction if possible
# This won't catch situations when the base matrix is autograd,
# but at least this provides as much trainablility as possible
eigvals = self.eigvals()
eigvals_mat = (
math.stack([math.diag(e) for e in eigvals])
if qml.math.ndim(self.scalar) > 0
else math.diag(eigvals)
if len(self.diagonalizing_gates()) == 0:
return expand_matrix(eigvals_mat, wires=self.wires, wire_order=wire_order)
diagonalizing_mat = qml.matrix(self.diagonalizing_gates, wire_order=self.wires)()
mat = diagonalizing_mat.conj().T @ eigvals_mat @ diagonalizing_mat
return expand_matrix(mat, wires=self.wires, wire_order=wire_order)
except OperatorPropertyUndefined:
f"The autograd matrix for {self} is not differentiable. "
"Use a different interface if you need backpropagation.",
return super().matrix(wire_order=wire_order)
def _matrix(scalar, mat):
return math.expm(scalar * mat)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def sparse_matrix(self, wire_order=None, format="csr"):
if wire_order is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("Wire order is not implemented for sparse_matrix")
return sparse_expm(self.coeff * self.base.sparse_matrix().tocsc()).asformat(format)
# pylint: disable=arguments-renamed,invalid-overridden-method
def has_diagonalizing_gates(self):
return self.base.has_diagonalizing_gates
[docs] def eigvals(self):
r"""Eigenvalues of the operator in the computational basis.
.. math::
c \mathbf{M} \mathbf{v} = c \lambda \mathbf{v}
\quad \Longrightarrow \quad
e^{c \mathbf{M}} \mathbf{v} = e^{c \lambda} \mathbf{v}
>>> obs = Exp(qml.X(0), 3)
>>> qml.eigvals(obs)
array([20.08553692, 0.04978707])
>>> np.exp(3 * qml.eigvals(qml.X(0)))
tensor([20.08553692, 0.04978707], requires_grad=True)
base_eigvals = math.convert_like(self.base.eigvals(), self.coeff)
base_eigvals = math.cast_like(base_eigvals, self.coeff)
if qml.math.ndim(self.scalar) > 0:
# exp coeff is broadcasted
return qml.math.stack([qml.math.exp(c * base_eigvals) for c in self.coeff])
return qml.math.exp(self.coeff * base_eigvals)
[docs] def label(self, decimals=None, base_label=None, cache=None):
coeff = (
self.coeff if decimals is None else format(math.toarray(self.coeff), f".{decimals}f")
return base_label or f"Exp({coeff} {self.base.label(decimals=decimals, cache=cache)})"
[docs] def simplify(self):
new_base = self.base.simplify()
if isinstance(new_base, qml.ops.op_math.SProd): # pylint: disable=no-member
return Exp(new_base.base, self.coeff * new_base.scalar, self.num_steps)
return Exp(new_base, self.coeff, self.num_steps)
# pylint: disable=arguments-renamed, invalid-overridden-method
def has_generator(self):
if qml.math.is_abstract(self.coeff):
return self.base.is_hermitian
return self.base.is_hermitian and not np.real(self.coeff)
[docs] def generator(self):
r"""Generator of an operator that is in single-parameter-form.
For example, for operator
.. math::
U(\phi) = e^{i\phi (0.5 Y + Z\otimes X)}
we get the generator
>>> U.generator()
0.5 * Y(0) + Z(0) @ X(1)
if self.has_generator:
return self.base
raise GeneratorUndefinedError(
f"Exponential with coefficient {self.coeff} and base operator {self.base} does not appear to have a "
f"generator. Consider using op.simplify() to simplify before finding the generator, or define the operator "
f"in the form exp(-ixG) through the Evolution class."
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