Source code for pennylane.ops.qubit.attributes

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This file contains a number of attributes that may be held by operators,
and lists all operators satisfying those criteria.
from inspect import isclass

from pennylane.operation import Operator

[docs]class Attribute(set): r"""Class to represent a set of operators with a certain attribute. **Example** Suppose we would like to store a list of which qubit operations are Pauli operators. We can create a new ``Attribute``, ``pauli_ops``, like so, listing which operations satisfy this property. >>> pauli_ops = Attribute(["PauliX", "PauliZ"]) We can check either a string or an Operation for inclusion in this set: >>> qml.X(0) in pauli_ops True >>> "Hadamard" in pauli_ops False We can also dynamically add operators to the sets at runtime, by passing either a string, an operation class, or an operation itself. This is useful for adding custom operations to the attributes such as ``composable_rotations`` and ``self_inverses`` that are used in compilation transforms. >>> pauli_ops.add("PauliY") >>> pauli_ops ["PauliX", "PauliY", "PauliZ"] """
[docs] def add(self, obj): """Add an Operator to an attribute.""" if isinstance(obj, str): return super().add(obj) try: if isinstance(obj, Operator): return super().add( if isclass(obj): if issubclass(obj, Operator): return super().add(obj.__name__) raise TypeError except TypeError as e: raise TypeError( "Only an Operator or string representing an Operator can be added to an attribute." ) from e
def __contains__(self, obj): """Check if the attribute contains a given Operator.""" if isinstance(obj, str): return super().__contains__(obj) if isinstance(obj, Operator): return super().__contains__( if isclass(obj): if issubclass(obj, Operator): return super().__contains__(obj.__name__) return False
composable_rotations = Attribute( [ "RX", "RY", "RZ", "PhaseShift", "CRX", "CRY", "CRZ", "ControlledPhaseShift", "IsingXX", "IsingYY", "IsingZZ", "Rot", ] ) """Attribute: Operations for which composing multiple copies of the operation results in an addition (or alternative accumulation) of parameters. For example, ``qml.RZ`` is a composable rotation. Applying ``qml.RZ(0.1, wires=0)`` followed by ``qml.RZ(0.2, wires=0)`` is equivalent to performing a single rotation ``qml.RZ(0.3, wires=0)``. An example for an alternative accumulation is the ``qml.Rot`` gate: although the three angles it takes do not fulfil the composable property, the gate implements a rotation around an axis by an effective angle which does. """ has_unitary_generator = Attribute( [ "RX", "RY", "RZ", "MultiRZ", "PauliRot", "IsingXX", "IsingYY", "IsingZZ", "SingleExcitationMinus", "SingleExcitationPlus", "DoubleExcitationMinus", "DoubleExcitationPlus", "PCPhase", "GlobalPhase", ] ) """Attribute: Operations that are generated by a unitary operator. For example, the generator of ``qml.RZ`` is Pauli :math:`Z` with a prefactor of :math:`-1/2`, and Pauli :math:`Z` is unitary. Contrary, the generator of ``qml.PhaseShift`` is ``np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])`` with a prefactor of 1, which is not unitary. This attribute is used for decompositions in algorithms using the Hadamard test like ``qml.metric_tensor`` when used without approximation. """ self_inverses = Attribute( ["Hadamard", "PauliX", "PauliY", "PauliZ", "CNOT", "CZ", "CY", "CH", "SWAP", "Toffoli", "CCZ"] ) """Attribute: Operations that are their own inverses.""" symmetric_over_all_wires = Attribute( [ "CZ", "CCZ", "SWAP", "IsingXX", "Identity", "ISWAP", "SISWAP", "SQISW", "MultiRZ", "IsingXY", "IsingYY", "IsingZZ", "PSWAP", ] ) """Attribute: Operations that are the same if you exchange the order of wires. For example, ``qml.CZ(wires=[0, 1])`` has the same effect as ``qml.CZ(wires=[1, 0])`` due to symmetry of the operation. """ symmetric_over_control_wires = Attribute(["CCZ", "Toffoli"]) """Attribute: Controlled operations that are the same if you exchange the order of all but the last (target) wire. For example, ``qml.Toffoli(wires=[0, 1, 2])`` has the same effect as ``qml.Toffoli(wires=[1, 0, 2])``, but neither are the same as ``qml.Toffoli(wires=[0, 2, 1])``. """ diagonal_in_z_basis = Attribute( [ "PauliZ", "S", "T", "CZ", "CCZ", "DiagonalQubitUnitary", "RZ", "PhaseShift", "PCPhase", "ControlledPhaseShift", "MultiRZ", "CRZ", "IsingZZ", ] ) """Attribute: Operations that are diagonal in the computational basis. For such operations, the eigenvalues provide all necessary information to construct the matrix representation in the computational basis. Note: Currently all gates with this attribute need to explicitly define an eigenvalue representation. The reason is that if this method is missing, eigenvalues are computed from the matrix representation using ``np.linalg.eigvals``, which fails for some tensor types that the matrix may be cast in on backpropagation devices. """ supports_broadcasting = Attribute( [ "QubitUnitary", "ControlledQubitUnitary", "DiagonalQubitUnitary", "SpecialUnitary", "RX", "RY", "RZ", "PhaseShift", "PCPhase", "ControlledPhaseShift", "Rot", "MultiRZ", "PauliRot", "CRX", "CRY", "CRZ", "CRot", "U1", "U2", "U3", "IsingXX", "IsingYY", "IsingZZ", "IsingXY", "SingleExcitation", "SingleExcitationPlus", "SingleExcitationMinus", "DoubleExcitation", "DoubleExcitationPlus", "DoubleExcitationMinus", "OrbitalRotation", "FermionicSWAP", "StatePrep", "AmplitudeEmbedding", "AngleEmbedding", "IQPEmbedding", "QAOAEmbedding", ] ) """Attribute: Operations that support parameter broadcasting. For such operations, the input parameters are allowed to have a single leading additional broadcasting dimension, creating the operation with a ``batch_size`` and leading to broadcasted tapes when used in a ``QuantumTape``. """