Source code for pennylane.optimize.qnspsa

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"""Quantum natural SPSA optimizer"""
import warnings

from scipy.linalg import sqrtm

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import numpy as pnp

[docs]class QNSPSAOptimizer: r"""Quantum natural SPSA (QNSPSA) optimizer. QNSPSA is a second-order SPSA algorithm, which updates the ansatz parameters with the following equation: .. math:: \mathbf{x}^{(t + 1)} = \mathbf{x}^{(t)} - \eta \widehat{\mathbf{g}}^{-1}(\mathbf{x}^{(t)})\widehat{\nabla f}(\mathbf{x}^{(t)}), where :math:`f(\mathbf{x})` is the objective function with input parameters :math:`\mathbf{x}`, while :math:`\nabla f` is the gradient, :math:`\mathbf{g}` is the second-order Fubini-Study metric tensor. With QNSPSA algorithm, both the gradient and the metric tensor are estimated stochastically, with :math:`\widehat{\nabla f}` and :math:`\widehat{\mathbf{g}}`. This stochastic approach requires only a fixed number of circuit executions per optimization step, independent of the problem size. This preferred scaling makes it a promising candidate for the optimization tasks for high-dimensional ansatzes. On the other hand, the introduction of the Fubini-Study metric into the optimization helps to find better minima and allows for faster convergence. The gradient is estimated similarly as the `SPSA optimizer <>`_, with a pair of perturbations: .. math:: \widehat{\nabla f}(\mathbf{x}) = \widehat{\nabla f}(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{h}) \approx \frac{1}{2\epsilon}\big(f(\mathbf{x} + \epsilon \mathbf{h}) - f(\mathbf{x} - \epsilon \mathbf{h})\big), where :math:`\epsilon` is the finite-difference step size specified by the user, and :math:`\mathbf{h}` is a randomly sampled direction vector to perform the perturbation. The Fubini-Study metric tensor is estimated with another two pairs of perturbations along randomly sampled directions :math:`\mathbf{h_1}` and :math:`\mathbf{h_2}`: .. math:: \widehat{\mathbf{g}}(\mathbf{x}) = \widehat{\mathbf{g}}(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{h}_1, \mathbf{h}_2) \approx \frac{\delta F}{8 \epsilon^2}\Big(\mathbf{h}_1 \mathbf{h}_2^\intercal + \mathbf{h}_2 \mathbf{h}_1^\intercal\Big), where :math:`F(\mathbf{x}', \mathbf{x}) = \bigr\rvert\langle \phi(\mathbf{x}') | \phi(\mathbf{x}) \rangle \bigr\rvert ^ 2` measures the state overlap between :math:`\phi(\mathbf{x}')` and :math:`\phi(\mathbf{x})`, where :math:`\phi` is the parametrized ansatz. The finite difference :math:`\delta F` is computed from the two perturbations: .. math:: \delta F = F(\mathbf{x, \mathbf{x} + \epsilon \mathbf{h}_1} + \epsilon \mathbf{h}_2) - F (\mathbf{x, \mathbf{x} + \epsilon \mathbf{h}_1}) - F(\mathbf{x, \mathbf{x} - \epsilon \mathbf{h}_1} + \epsilon \mathbf{h}_2) + F(\mathbf{x, \mathbf{x} - \epsilon \mathbf{h}_1}). For more details, see: Julien Gacon, Christa Zoufal, Giuseppe Carleo, and Stefan Woerner. "Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation of the Quantum Fisher Information." `Quantum, 5, 567 <>`_, 2021. You can also find a walkthrough of the implementation in this `tutorial <>`_. **Examples:** For VQE/VQE-like problems, the objective function can be defined within a qnode: >>> num_qubits = 2 >>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=num_qubits) >>> @qml.qnode(dev) ... def cost(params): ... qml.RX(params[0], wires=0) ... qml.CRY(params[1], wires=[0, 1]) ... return qml.expval(qml.Z(0) @ qml.Z(1)) Once constructed, the qnode can be passed directly to the ``step`` or ``step_and_cost`` function of the optimizer. >>> from pennylane import numpy as np >>> params = np.random.rand(2) >>> opt = QNSPSAOptimizer(stepsize=5e-2) >>> for i in range(51): >>> params, loss = opt.step_and_cost(cost, params) >>> if i % 10 == 0: ... print(f"Step {i}: cost = {loss:.4f}") Step 0: cost = 0.9987 Step 10: cost = 0.9841 Step 20: cost = 0.8921 Step 30: cost = 0.0910 Step 40: cost = -0.9369 Step 50: cost = -0.9984 Keyword Args: stepsize (float): the user-defined hyperparameter :math:`\eta` for learning rate (default: 1e-3) regularization (float): regularization term :math:`\beta` to the Fubini-Study metric tensor for numerical stability (default: 1e-3) finite_diff_step (float): step size :math:`\epsilon` to compute the finite difference gradient and the Fubini-Study metric tensor (default: 1e-2) resamplings (int): the number of samples to average for each parameter update (default: 1) blocking (boolean): when set to be True, the optimizer only accepts updates that lead to a loss value no larger than the loss value before update, plus a tolerance. The tolerance is set with the hyperparameter ``history_length``. The ``blocking`` option is observed to help the optimizer to converge significantly faster (default: True) history_length (int): when ``blocking`` is True, the tolerance is set to be the average of the cost values in the last ``history_length`` steps (default: 5) seed (int): seed for the random sampling (default: None) """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__( self, stepsize=1e-3, regularization=1e-3, finite_diff_step=1e-2, resamplings=1, blocking=True, history_length=5, seed=None, ): self.stepsize = stepsize self.reg = regularization self.finite_diff_step = finite_diff_step self.metric_tensor = None self.k = 1 self.resamplings = resamplings self.blocking = blocking self.last_n_steps = pnp.zeros(history_length) self.rng = pnp.random.default_rng(seed)
[docs] def step(self, cost, *args, **kwargs): """Update trainable arguments with one step of the optimizer. .. note:: When blocking is set to be True, ``step`` calls ``step_and_cost`` on the backend, as loss measurements are required by the algorithm in this scenario. Args: cost (QNode): the QNode wrapper for the objective function for optimization args : variable length argument list for qnode kwargs : variable length of keyword arguments for the qnode Returns: pnp.ndarray: the new variable values after step-wise update :math:`x^{(t+1)}` """ if self.blocking: warnings.warn( "step_and_cost() instead of step() is called when " "blocking is turned on, as the step-wise loss value " "is required by the algorithm.", stacklevel=2, ) return self.step_and_cost(cost, *args, **kwargs)[0] return self._step_core(cost, args, kwargs)
[docs] def step_and_cost(self, cost, *args, **kwargs): r"""Update trainable parameters with one step of the optimizer and return the corresponding objective function value after the step. Args: cost (QNode): the QNode wrapper for the objective function for optimization args : variable length argument list for qnode kwargs : variable length of keyword arguments for the qnode Returns: (np.array, float): the new variable values :math:`x^{(t+1)}` and the objective function output prior to the step """ params_next = self._step_core(cost, args, kwargs) if not self.blocking: loss_curr = cost(*args, **kwargs) return params_next, loss_curr params_next, loss_curr = self._apply_blocking(cost, args, kwargs, params_next) return params_next, loss_curr
def _step_core(self, cost, args, kwargs): """Core step function that returns the updated parameter before blocking condition is applied. Args: cost (QNode): the QNode wrapper for the objective function for optimization args : variable length argument list for qnode kwargs : variable length of keyword arguments for the qnode Returns: pnp.ndarray: the new variable values :math:`x^{(t+1)}` before the blocking condition is applied. """ all_grad_tapes = [] all_grad_dirs = [] all_metric_tapes = [] all_tensor_dirs = [] for _ in range(self.resamplings): # grad_tapes contains 2 tapes for the gradient estimation grad_tapes, grad_dirs = self._get_spsa_grad_tapes(cost, args, kwargs) # metric_tapes contains 4 tapes for tensor estimation metric_tapes, tensor_dirs = self._get_tensor_tapes(cost, args, kwargs) all_grad_tapes += grad_tapes all_metric_tapes += metric_tapes all_grad_dirs.append(grad_dirs) all_tensor_dirs.append(tensor_dirs) if isinstance(cost.device, qml.devices.Device): program, config = cost.device.preprocess() raw_results = qml.execute( all_grad_tapes + all_metric_tapes, cost.device, None, transform_program=program, config=config, ) else: raw_results = qml.execute( all_grad_tapes + all_metric_tapes, cost.device, None ) # pragma: no cover grads = [ self._post_process_grad(raw_results[2 * i : 2 * i + 2], all_grad_dirs[i]) for i in range(self.resamplings) ] grads = pnp.array(grads) metric_tensors = [ self._post_process_tensor( raw_results[2 * self.resamplings + 4 * i : 2 * self.resamplings + 4 * i + 4], all_tensor_dirs[i], ) for i in range(self.resamplings) ] metric_tensors = pnp.array(metric_tensors) grad_avg = pnp.mean(grads, axis=0) tensor_avg = pnp.mean(metric_tensors, axis=0) self._update_tensor(tensor_avg) params_next = self._get_next_params(args, grad_avg) return params_next[0] if len(params_next) == 1 else params_next def _post_process_grad(self, grad_raw_results, grad_dirs): r"""Post process the gradient tape results to get the SPSA gradient estimation. Args: grad_raw_results list[np.array]: list of the two qnode results with input parameters perturbed along the ``grad_dirs`` directions grad_dirs list[np.array]: list of perturbation arrays along which the SPSA gradients are estimated Returns: list[np.array]: list of gradient arrays. Each gradient array' dimension matches the shape of the corresponding input parameter """ loss_plus, loss_minus = grad_raw_results return [ (loss_plus - loss_minus) / (2 * self.finite_diff_step) * grad_dir for grad_dir in grad_dirs ] def _post_process_tensor(self, tensor_raw_results, tensor_dirs): r"""Post process the corresponding tape results to get the metric tensor estimation. Args: tensor_raw_results list[np.array]: list of the four perturbed qnode results to compute the estimated metric tensor tensor_dirs list[np.array]: list of the two perturbation directions used to compute the metric tensor estimation. Perturbations on the different input parameters have been concatenated Returns: pnp.array: estimated Fubini-Study metric tensor """ tensor_raw_results = [result.squeeze() for result in tensor_raw_results] # For each element of tensor_raw_results, the first dimension is the measured probability in # the computational ket{0} state, which equals the state overlap between the perturbed and # unperturbed circuits. tensor_finite_diff = ( tensor_raw_results[0][0] - tensor_raw_results[1][0] - tensor_raw_results[2][0] + tensor_raw_results[3][0] ) return ( -( pnp.tensordot(tensor_dirs[0], tensor_dirs[1], axes=0) + pnp.tensordot(tensor_dirs[1], tensor_dirs[0], axes=0) ) * tensor_finite_diff / (8 * self.finite_diff_step**2) ) def _get_next_params(self, args, gradient): params = [] non_trainable_indices = [] for idx, arg in enumerate(args): if not getattr(arg, "requires_grad", False): non_trainable_indices.append(idx) continue # if an input parameter is a zero-dimension array, add one dimension to form an array. # The returned result will not drop this added dimension if arg.shape == (): arg = arg.reshape(-1) params.append(arg) # params_vec and grad_vec group multiple inputs into the same vector to solve the # linear equation params_vec = pnp.concatenate([param.reshape(-1) for param in params]) grad_vec = pnp.concatenate([grad.reshape(-1) for grad in gradient]) new_params_vec = pnp.matmul( pnp.linalg.pinv(self.metric_tensor), (-self.stepsize * grad_vec + pnp.matmul(self.metric_tensor, params_vec)), ) # reshape single-vector new_params_vec into new_params, to match the input params params_split_indices = [] tmp = 0 for param in params: tmp += param.size params_split_indices.append(tmp) new_params = pnp.split(new_params_vec, params_split_indices) new_params_reshaped = [new_params[i].reshape(params[i].shape) for i in range(len(params))] next_args = [] non_trainable_idx = 0 trainable_idx = 0 # merge trainables and non-trainables into the original order for idx, arg in enumerate(args): if ( non_trainable_idx < len(non_trainable_indices) and idx == non_trainable_indices[non_trainable_idx] ): next_args.append(arg) non_trainable_idx += 1 continue next_args.append(new_params_reshaped[trainable_idx]) trainable_idx += 1 return next_args def _get_spsa_grad_tapes(self, cost, args, kwargs): dirs = [] args_plus = list(args) args_minus = list(args) for index, arg in enumerate(args): if not getattr(arg, "requires_grad", False): continue direction = self.rng.choice([-1, 1], size=arg.shape) dirs.append(direction) args_plus[index] = arg + self.finite_diff_step * direction args_minus[index] = arg - self.finite_diff_step * direction tape = qml.workflow.construct_tape(cost)(*args_plus, **kwargs) tape_plus = tape.copy(copy_operations=True) tape = qml.workflow.construct_tape(cost)(*args_minus, **kwargs) tape_minus = tape.copy(copy_operations=True) return [tape_plus, tape_minus], dirs def _update_tensor(self, tensor_raw): def get_tensor_moving_avg(metric_tensor): if self.metric_tensor is None: self.metric_tensor = pnp.identity(metric_tensor.shape[0]) return self.k / (self.k + 1) * self.metric_tensor + 1 / (self.k + 1) * metric_tensor def regularize_tensor(metric_tensor): tensor_reg = pnp.real(sqrtm(pnp.matmul(metric_tensor, metric_tensor))) return (tensor_reg + self.reg * pnp.identity(metric_tensor.shape[0])) / (1 + self.reg) tensor_avg = get_tensor_moving_avg(tensor_raw) tensor_regularized = regularize_tensor(tensor_avg) self.metric_tensor = tensor_regularized self.k += 1 def _get_tensor_tapes(self, cost, args, kwargs): dir1_list = [] dir2_list = [] args_list = [list(args) for _ in range(4)] for index, arg in enumerate(args): if not getattr(arg, "requires_grad", False): continue dir1 = self.rng.choice([-1, 1], size=arg.shape) dir2 = self.rng.choice([-1, 1], size=arg.shape) dir1_list.append(dir1.reshape(-1)) dir2_list.append(dir2.reshape(-1)) args_list[0][index] = arg + self.finite_diff_step * (dir1 + dir2) args_list[1][index] = arg + self.finite_diff_step * dir1 args_list[2][index] = arg + self.finite_diff_step * (-dir1 + dir2) args_list[3][index] = arg - self.finite_diff_step * dir1 dir_vecs = (pnp.concatenate(dir1_list), pnp.concatenate(dir2_list)) tapes = [ self._get_overlap_tape(cost, args, args_finite_diff, kwargs) for args_finite_diff in args_list ] return tapes, dir_vecs def _get_overlap_tape(self, cost, args1, args2, kwargs): # the returned tape effectively measure the fidelity between the two parametrized circuits # with input args1 and args2. The measurement results of the tape are an array of probabilities # in the computational basis. The first element of the array represents the probability in # \ket{0}, which equals the fidelity. op_forward = self._get_operations(cost, args1, kwargs) op_inv = self._get_operations(cost, args2, kwargs) new_ops = op_forward + [qml.adjoint(op) for op in reversed(op_inv)] tape = qml.workflow.construct_tape(cost)(*args1, **kwargs) return qml.tape.QuantumScript(new_ops, [qml.probs(wires=tape.wires.labels)]) @staticmethod def _get_operations(cost, args, kwargs): tape = qml.workflow.construct_tape(cost)(*args, **kwargs) return tape.operations def _apply_blocking(self, cost, args, kwargs, params_next): tape = qml.workflow.construct_tape(cost)(*args, **kwargs) tape_loss_curr = tape.copy(copy_operations=True) if not isinstance(params_next, list): params_next = [params_next] tape = qml.workflow.construct_tape(cost)(*params_next, **kwargs) tape_loss_next = tape.copy(copy_operations=True) program = cost.device.preprocess_transforms() loss_curr, loss_next = qml.execute( [tape_loss_curr, tape_loss_next], cost.device, None, transform_program=program ) # self.k has been updated earlier ind = (self.k - 2) % self.last_n_steps.size self.last_n_steps[ind] = loss_curr tol = ( 2 * self.last_n_steps.std() if self.k > self.last_n_steps.size else 2 * self.last_n_steps[: self.k - 1].std() ) if loss_curr + tol < loss_next: params_next = args if len(params_next) == 1: return params_next[0], loss_curr return params_next, loss_curr