Source code for pennylane.qchem.convert_openfermion
# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
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This module contains the functions for converting between OpenFermion and PennyLane objects.
from functools import singledispatch
from typing import Union
# pylint: disable= import-outside-toplevel,no-member,unused-import
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import numpy as np
from pennylane.fermi.fermionic import FermiSentence, FermiWord
from pennylane.ops import LinearCombination, Sum
from pennylane.qchem.convert import _openfermion_to_pennylane, _pennylane_to_openfermion
def _import_of():
"""Import openfermion."""
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, unused-import, multiple-imports
import openfermion
except ImportError as Error:
raise ImportError(
"This feature requires openfermion. "
"It can be installed with: pip install openfermion."
) from Error
return openfermion
[docs]def from_openfermion(openfermion_op, wires=None, tol=1e-16):
r"""Convert OpenFermion
`FermionOperator <>`__
to PennyLane :class:`~.fermi.FermiWord` or :class:`~.fermi.FermiSentence` and
OpenFermion `QubitOperator <>`__
to PennyLane :class:`~.LinearCombination`.
openfermion_op (FermionOperator, QubitOperator): OpenFermion operator.
wires (dict): Custom wire mapping used to convert the external qubit
operator to a PennyLane operator.
Only dictionaries with integer keys (for qubit-to-wire conversion) are accepted.
If ``None``, the identity map (e.g., ``0->0, 1->1, ...``) will be used.
tol (float): Tolerance for discarding negligible coefficients.
Union[~.FermiWord, ~.FermiSentence, LinearCombination]: PennyLane operator.
>>> import pennylane as qml
>>> from openfermion import FermionOperator, QubitOperator
>>> of_op = 0.5 * FermionOperator('0^ 2') + FermionOperator('0 2^')
>>> pl_op = qml.from_openfermion(of_op)
>>> print(pl_op)
0.5 * a⁺(0) a(2)
+ 1.0 * a(0) a⁺(2)
>>> of_op = QubitOperator('X0', 1.2) + QubitOperator('Z1', 2.4)
>>> pl_op = qml.from_openfermion(of_op)
>>> print(pl_op)
1.2 * X(0) + 2.4 * Z(1)
openfermion = _import_of()
if isinstance(openfermion_op, openfermion.FermionOperator):
if wires:
raise ValueError("Custom wire mapping is not supported for fermionic operators.")
typemap = {0: "-", 1: "+"}
fermi_words = []
fermi_coeffs = []
for ops, val in openfermion_op.terms.items():
fw_dict = {(i, op[0]): typemap[op[1]] for i, op in enumerate(ops)}
if len(fermi_words) == 1 and fermi_coeffs[0] == 1.0:
return fermi_words[0]
pl_op = FermiSentence(dict(zip(fermi_words, fermi_coeffs)))
return pl_op
coeffs, pl_ops = _openfermion_to_pennylane(openfermion_op, wires=wires, tol=tol)
pennylane_op = qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, pl_ops)
return pennylane_op
[docs]def to_openfermion(
pennylane_op: Union[Sum, LinearCombination, FermiWord, FermiSentence], wires=None, tol=1.0e-16
r"""Convert a PennyLane operator to OpenFermion
`QubitOperator <>`__ or
`FermionOperator <>`__.
pennylane_op (~ops.op_math.Sum, ~ops.op_math.LinearCombination, ~.FermiWord, ~.FermiSentence):
PennyLane operator
wires (dict): Custom wire mapping used to convert a PennyLane qubit operator
to the external operator.
Only dictionaries with integer keys (for qubit-to-wire conversion) are accepted.
If ``None``, the identity map (e.g., ``0->0, 1->1, ...``) will be used.
(QubitOperator, FermionOperator): OpenFermion operator
>>> import pennylane as qml
>>> w1 = qml.FermiWord({(0, 0) : '+', (1, 1) : '-'})
>>> w2 = qml.FermiWord({(0, 1) : '+', (1, 2) : '-'})
>>> fermi_s = qml.FermiSentence({w1 : 1.2, w2: 3.1})
>>> of_fermi_op = qml.to_openfermion(fermi_s)
>>> of_fermi_op
1.2 [0^ 1] +
3.1 [1^ 2]
>>> sum_op = 1.2 * qml.X(0) + 2.4 * qml.Z(1)
>>> of_qubit_op = qml.to_openfermion(sum_op)
>>> of_qubit_op
(1.2+0j) [X0] +
(2.4+0j) [Z1]
return _to_openfermion_dispatch(pennylane_op, wires=wires, tol=tol)
def _to_openfermion_dispatch(pl_op, wires=None, tol=1.0e-16):
"""Dispatches to appropriate function if pl_op is a ``Sum``, ``LinearCombination, ``FermiWord`` or ``FermiSentence``."""
raise ValueError(
f"pl_op must be a Sum, LinearCombination, FermiWord or FermiSentence, got: {type(pl_op)}."
def _(pl_op: Sum, wires=None, tol=1.0e-16):
coeffs, ops = pl_op.terms()
return _pennylane_to_openfermion(np.array(coeffs), ops, wires=wires, tol=tol)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument, protected-access
def _(ops: FermiWord, wires=None, tol=1.0e-16):
openfermion = _import_of()
if wires:
raise ValueError("Custom wire mapping is not supported for fermionic operators.")
return openfermion.ops.FermionOperator(qml.fermi.fermionic._to_string(ops, of=True))
def _(pl_op: FermiSentence, wires=None, tol=1.0e-16):
openfermion = _import_of()
if wires:
raise ValueError("Custom wire mapping is not supported for fermionic operators.")
fermion_op = openfermion.ops.FermionOperator()
for fermi_word in pl_op:
if np.abs(pl_op[fermi_word].imag) < tol:
fermion_op += pl_op[fermi_word].real * to_openfermion(fermi_word)
fermion_op += pl_op[fermi_word] * to_openfermion(fermi_word)
return fermion_op
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