Source code for pennylane.spin.spin_hamiltonian

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This file contains functions to create spin Hamiltonians.

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import X, Y, Z, math
from pennylane.fermi import FermiWord

from .lattice import _generate_lattice

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

[docs]def transverse_ising( lattice, n_cells, coupling=1.0, h=1.0, boundary_condition=False, neighbour_order=1 ): r"""Generates the Hamiltonian for the transverse-field Ising model on a lattice. The Hamiltonian is represented as: .. math:: \hat{H} = -J \sum_{<i,j>} \sigma_i^{z} \sigma_j^{z} - h\sum_{i} \sigma_{i}^{x} where ``J`` is the coupling parameter defined for the Hamiltonian, ``h`` is the strength of the transverse magnetic field and ``i,j`` represent the indices for neighbouring spins. Args: lattice (str): Shape of the lattice. Input values can be ``'chain'``, ``'square'``, ``'rectangle'``, ``'honeycomb'``, ``'triangle'``, or ``'kagome'``. n_cells (List[int]): Number of cells in each direction of the grid. coupling (float or List[float] or List[math.array[float]]): Coupling between spins. It can be a number, a list of length equal to ``neighbour_order`` or a square matrix of shape ``(num_spins, num_spins)``, where ``num_spins`` is the total number of spins. Default value is 1.0. h (float): Value of external magnetic field. Default is 1.0. boundary_condition (bool or list[bool]): Defines boundary conditions for different lattice axes, default is ``False`` indicating open boundary condition. neighbour_order (int): Specifies the interaction level for neighbors within the lattice. Default is 1, indicating nearest neighbours. Returns: ~ops.op_math.Sum: Hamiltonian for the transverse-field Ising model. **Example** >>> n_cells = [2,2] >>> j = 0.5 >>> h = 0.1 >>> spin_ham = qml.spin.transverse_ising("square", n_cells, coupling=j, h=h) >>> spin_ham ( -0.5 * (Z(0) @ Z(1)) + -0.5 * (Z(0) @ Z(2)) + -0.5 * (Z(1) @ Z(3)) + -0.5 * (Z(2) @ Z(3)) + -0.1 * X(0) + -0.1 * X(1) + -0.1 * X(2) + -0.1 * X(3) ) """ lattice = _generate_lattice(lattice, n_cells, boundary_condition, neighbour_order) if isinstance(coupling, (int, float, complex)): coupling = [coupling] coupling = math.asarray(coupling) hamiltonian = 0.0 * qml.I(0) if coupling.shape not in [(neighbour_order,), (lattice.n_sites, lattice.n_sites)]: raise ValueError( f"The coupling parameter should be a number or an array of shape ({neighbour_order},) or ({lattice.n_sites},{lattice.n_sites})" ) if coupling.shape == (neighbour_order,): for edge in lattice.edges: i, j, order = edge hamiltonian += -coupling[order] * (Z(i) @ Z(j)) else: for edge in lattice.edges: i, j = edge[0:2] hamiltonian += -coupling[i][j] * (Z(i) @ Z(j)) for vertex in range(lattice.n_sites): hamiltonian += -h * X(vertex) return hamiltonian.simplify()
[docs]def heisenberg(lattice, n_cells, coupling=None, boundary_condition=False, neighbour_order=1): r"""Generates the Hamiltonian for the Heisenberg model on a lattice. The Hamiltonian is represented as: .. math:: \hat{H} = J\sum_{<i,j>}(\sigma_i^x\sigma_j^x + \sigma_i^y\sigma_j^y + \sigma_i^z\sigma_j^z) where ``J`` is the coupling constant defined for the Hamiltonian, and ``i,j`` represent the indices for neighbouring spins. Args: lattice (str): Shape of the lattice. Input values can be ``'chain'``, ``'square'``, ``'rectangle'``, ``'honeycomb'``, ``'triangle'``, or ``'kagome'``. n_cells (List[int]): Number of cells in each direction of the grid. coupling (List[List[float]] or List[math.array[float]]): Coupling between spins. It can be a 2D array of shape ``(neighbour_order, 3)`` or a 3D array of shape ``(3, num_spins, num_spins)``, where ``num_spins`` is the total number of spins. boundary_condition (bool or list[bool]): Defines boundary conditions for different lattice axes, default is ``False`` indicating open boundary condition. neighbour_order (int): Specifies the interaction level for neighbors within the lattice. Default is 1, indicating nearest neighbours. Returns: ~ops.op_math.Sum: Hamiltonian for the heisenberg model. **Example** >>> n_cells = [2,2] >>> j = [[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]] >>> spin_ham = qml.spin.heisenberg("square", n_cells, coupling=j) >>> spin_ham ( 0.5 * (X(0) @ X(1)) + 0.5 * (Y(0) @ Y(1)) + 0.5 * (Z(0) @ Z(1)) + 0.5 * (X(0) @ X(2)) + 0.5 * (Y(0) @ Y(2)) + 0.5 * (Z(0) @ Z(2)) + 0.5 * (X(1) @ X(3)) + 0.5 * (Y(1) @ Y(3)) + 0.5 * (Z(1) @ Z(3)) + 0.5 * (X(2) @ X(3)) + 0.5 * (Y(2) @ Y(3)) + 0.5 * (Z(2) @ Z(3)) ) """ lattice = _generate_lattice(lattice, n_cells, boundary_condition, neighbour_order) if coupling is None: coupling = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]] coupling = math.asarray(coupling) if coupling.ndim == 1: coupling = math.asarray([coupling]) if coupling.shape not in [(neighbour_order, 3), (3, lattice.n_sites, lattice.n_sites)]: raise ValueError( f"The coupling parameter shape should be equal to ({neighbour_order},3) or (3,{lattice.n_sites},{lattice.n_sites})" ) hamiltonian = 0.0 * qml.I(0) if coupling.shape == (neighbour_order, 3): for edge in lattice.edges: i, j, order = edge hamiltonian += ( coupling[order][0] * (X(i) @ X(j)) + coupling[order][1] * (Y(i) @ Y(j)) + coupling[order][2] * (Z(i) @ Z(j)) ) else: for edge in lattice.edges: i, j = edge[0:2] hamiltonian += ( coupling[0][i][j] * X(i) @ X(j) + coupling[1][i][j] * Y(i) @ Y(j) + coupling[2][i][j] * Z(i) @ Z(j) ) return hamiltonian.simplify()
[docs]def fermi_hubbard( lattice, n_cells, hopping=1.0, coulomb=1.0, boundary_condition=False, neighbour_order=1, mapping="jordan_wigner", ): r"""Generates the Hamiltonian for the Fermi-Hubbard model on a lattice. The Hamiltonian is represented as: .. math:: \hat{H} = -t\sum_{<i,j>, \sigma}(c_{i\sigma}^{\dagger}c_{j\sigma}) + U\sum_{i}n_{i \uparrow} n_{i\downarrow} where ``t`` is the hopping term representing the kinetic energy of electrons, ``U`` is the on-site Coulomb interaction, representing the repulsion between electrons, ``i,j`` represent the indices for neighbouring spins, :math:`\sigma` is the spin degree of freedom, and :math:`n_{i \uparrow}, n_{i \downarrow}` are number operators for spin-up and spin-down fermions at site ``i``. This function assumes there are two fermions with opposite spins on each lattice site. Args: lattice (str): Shape of the lattice. Input values can be ``'chain'``, ``'square'``, ``'rectangle'``, ``'honeycomb'``, ``'triangle'``, or ``'kagome'``. n_cells (List[int]): Number of cells in each direction of the grid. hopping (float or List[float] or List[math.array(float)]): Hopping strength between neighbouring sites, it can be a number, a list of length equal to ``neighbour_order`` or a square matrix of size ``(num_spins, num_spins)``, where ``num_spins`` is the total number of spins. Default value is 1.0. coulomb (float or List[float]): Coulomb interaction between spins. It can be a constant or a list of length equal to number of spins. boundary_condition (bool or list[bool]): Defines boundary conditions for different lattice axes, default is ``False`` indicating open boundary condition. neighbour_order (int): Specifies the interaction level for neighbors within the lattice. Default is 1, indicating nearest neighbours. mapping (str): Specifies the fermion-to-qubit mapping. Input values can be ``'jordan_wigner'``, ``'parity'`` or ``'bravyi_kitaev'``. Returns: ~ops.op_math.Sum: Hamiltonian for the Fermi-Hubbard model. **Example** >>> n_cells = [2] >>> h = [0.5] >>> u = 1.0 >>> spin_ham = qml.spin.fermi_hubbard("chain", n_cells, hopping=h, coulomb=u) >>> spin_ham ( -0.25 * (Y(0) @ Z(1) @ Y(2)) + -0.25 * (X(0) @ Z(1) @ X(2)) + 0.5 * I(0) + -0.25 * (Y(1) @ Z(2) @ Y(3)) + -0.25 * (X(1) @ Z(2) @ X(3)) + -0.25 * Z(1) + -0.25 * Z(0) + 0.25 * (Z(0) @ Z(1)) + -0.25 * Z(3) + -0.25 * Z(2) + 0.25 * (Z(2) @ Z(3)) ) """ lattice = _generate_lattice(lattice, n_cells, boundary_condition, neighbour_order) if isinstance(hopping, (int, float, complex)): hopping = [hopping] hopping = math.asarray(hopping) if hopping.shape not in [(neighbour_order,), (lattice.n_sites, lattice.n_sites)]: raise ValueError( f"The hopping parameter should be a number or an array of shape ({neighbour_order},) or ({lattice.n_sites},{lattice.n_sites})" ) spin = 2 hopping_ham = 0.0 * FermiWord({}) if hopping.shape == (neighbour_order,): for edge in lattice.edges: for s in range(spin): i, j, order = edge s1 = i * spin + s s2 = j * spin + s hopping_term = -hopping[order] * ( FermiWord({(0, s1): "+", (1, s2): "-"}) + FermiWord({(0, s2): "+", (1, s1): "-"}) ) hopping_ham += hopping_term else: for edge in lattice.edges: for s in range(spin): i, j = edge[0:2] s1 = i * spin + s s2 = j * spin + s hopping_term = -hopping[i][j] * ( FermiWord({(0, s1): "+", (1, s2): "-"}) + FermiWord({(0, s2): "+", (1, s1): "-"}) ) hopping_ham += hopping_term int_term = 0.0 * FermiWord({}) if isinstance(coulomb, (int, float, complex)): coulomb = math.ones(lattice.n_sites) * coulomb for i in range(lattice.n_sites): up_spin = i * spin down_spin = i * spin + 1 int_term += coulomb[i] * FermiWord( {(0, up_spin): "+", (1, up_spin): "-", (2, down_spin): "+", (3, down_spin): "-"} ) hamiltonian = hopping_ham + int_term if mapping not in ["jordan_wigner", "parity", "bravyi_kitaev"]: raise ValueError( f"The '{mapping}' transformation is not available." f"Please set mapping to 'jordan_wigner', 'parity', or 'bravyi_kitaev'" ) qubit_ham = qml.qchem.qubit_observable(hamiltonian, mapping=mapping) return qubit_ham.simplify()