Source code for pennylane.templates.embeddings.angle
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Contains the ``AngleEmbedding`` template.
# pylint: disable-msg=too-many-branches,too-many-arguments,protected-access
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import AnyWires, Operation
from pennylane.ops import RX, RY, RZ
ROT = {"X": RX, "Y": RY, "Z": RZ}
[docs]class AngleEmbedding(Operation):
Encodes :math:`N` features into the rotation angles of :math:`n` qubits, where :math:`N \leq n`.
The rotations can be chosen as either :class:`~pennylane.ops.RX`, :class:`~pennylane.ops.RY`
or :class:`~pennylane.ops.RZ` gates, as defined by the ``rotation`` parameter:
* ``rotation='X'`` uses the features as angles of RX rotations
* ``rotation='Y'`` uses the features as angles of RY rotations
* ``rotation='Z'`` uses the features as angles of RZ rotations
The length of ``features`` has to be smaller or equal to the number of qubits. If there are fewer entries in
``features`` than rotations, the circuit does not apply the remaining rotation gates.
features (tensor_like): input tensor of shape ``(N,)``, where N is the number of input features to embed,
with :math:`N\leq n`
wires (Any or Iterable[Any]): wires that the template acts on
rotation (str): type of rotations used
id (str): custom label given to an operator instance,
can be useful for some applications where the instance has to be identified.
Angle embedding encodes the features by using the specified rotation operation.
.. code-block:: python
dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=3)
def circuit(feature_vector):
qml.AngleEmbedding(features=feature_vector, wires=range(3), rotation='Z')
return qml.probs(wires=range(3))
X = [1,2,3]
Here, we have also used rotation angles :class:`RZ`. If not specified, :class:`RX` is used as default.
The resulting circuit is:
>>> print(qml.draw(circuit, level="device")(X))
0: ──RZ(1.00)──H─┤ ╭Probs
1: ──RZ(2.00)────┤ ├Probs
2: ──RZ(3.00)────┤ ╰Probs
num_wires = AnyWires
grad_method = None
def _flatten(self):
hyperparameters = (("rotation", self._rotation),)
return, (self.wires, hyperparameters)
def __repr__(self):
return f"AngleEmbedding({[0]}, wires={self.wires.tolist()}, rotation={self._rotation})"
def __init__(self, features, wires, rotation="X", id=None):
if rotation not in ROT:
raise ValueError(f"Rotation option {rotation} not recognized.")
shape = qml.math.shape(features)[-1:]
n_features = shape[0]
if n_features > len(wires):
raise ValueError(
f"Features must be of length {len(wires)} or less; got length {n_features}."
self._rotation = rotation
self._hyperparameters = {"rotation": ROT[rotation]}
wires = wires[:n_features]
super().__init__(features, wires=wires, id=id)
def num_params(self):
return 1
def ndim_params(self):
return (1,)
[docs] @staticmethod
def compute_decomposition(features, wires, rotation): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
r"""Representation of the operator as a product of other operators.
.. math:: O = O_1 O_2 \dots O_n.
.. seealso:: :meth:`~.AngleEmbedding.decomposition`.
features (tensor_like): input tensor of dimension ``(len(wires),)``
wires (Any or Iterable[Any]): wires that the operator acts on
rotation (.Operator): rotation gate class
list[.Operator]: decomposition of the operator
>>> features = torch.tensor([1., 2.])
>>> qml.AngleEmbedding.compute_decomposition(features, wires=["a", "b"], rotation=qml.RX)
[RX(tensor(1.), wires=['a']),
RX(tensor(2.), wires=['b'])]
batched = qml.math.ndim(features) > 1
# We will iterate over the first axis of `features` together with iterating over the wires.
# If the leading dimension is a batch dimension, exchange the wire and batching axes.
features = qml.math.T(features) if batched else features
return [rotation(features[i], wires=wires[i]) for i in range(len(wires))]
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