Source code for pennylane.templates.layers.gate_fabric

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Contains the quantum-number-preserving GateFabric template.
# pylint: disable-msg=too-many-branches,too-many-arguments,protected-access
import numpy as np

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import AnyWires, Operation

[docs]class GateFabric(Operation): r"""Implements a local, expressive, and quantum-number-preserving ansatz proposed by `Anselmetti et al. (2021) <>`_. This template prepares the :math:`N`-qubit trial state by applying :math:`D` layers of gate-fabric blocks :math:`\hat{U}_{GF}(\vec{\theta},\vec{\phi})` to the Hartree-Fock state in the Jordan-Wigner basis .. math:: \vert \Psi(\vec{\theta},\vec{\phi})\rangle = \hat{U}_{GF}^{(D)}(\vec{\theta}_{D},\vec{\phi}_{D}) \ldots \hat{U}_{GF}^{(2)}(\vec{\theta}_{2},\vec{\phi}_{2}) \hat{U}_{GF}^{(1)}(\vec{\theta}_{1},\vec{\phi}_{1}) \vert HF \rangle, where each of the gate fabric blocks :math:`\hat{U}_{GF}(\vec{\theta},\vec{\phi})` is comprised of two-parameter four-qubit gates :math:`\hat{Q}(\theta, \phi)` that act on four nearest-neighbour qubits. The circuit implementing a single layer of the gate fabric block for :math:`N = 8` is shown in the figure below: .. figure:: ../../_static/templates/layers/gate_fabric_layer.png :align: center :width: 100% :target: javascript:void(0); The gate element :math:`\hat{Q}(\theta, \phi)` (`Anselmetti et al. (2021) <>`_) is composed of a four-qubit spin-adapted spatial orbital rotation gate, which is implemented by the :class:`~.OrbitalRotation()` operation and a four-qubit diagonal pair-exchange gate, which is equivalent to the :class:`~.DoubleExcitation()` operation. In addition to these two gates, the gate element :math:`\hat{Q}(\theta, \phi)` can also include an optional constant :math:`\hat{\Pi} \in \{\hat{I}, \text{OrbitalRotation}(\pi)\}` gate. .. figure:: ../../_static/templates/layers/q_gate_decompositon.png :align: center :width: 75% :target: javascript:void(0); | The four-qubit :class:`~.DoubleExcitation()` and :class:`~.OrbitalRotation()` gates given here are equivalent to the :math:`\text{QNP}_{PX}(\theta)` and :math:`\text{QNP}_{OR}(\phi)` gates presented in `Anselmetti et al. (2021) <>`_, respectively. Moreover, regardless of the choice of :math:`\hat{\Pi}`, this gate fabric will exactly preserve the number of particles and total spin of the state. Args: weights (tensor_like): Array of weights of shape ``(D, L, 2)``\, where ``D`` is the number of gate fabric layers and ``L = N/2-1`` is the number of :math:`\hat{Q}(\theta, \phi)` gates per layer with N being the total number of qubits. wires (Iterable): wires that the template acts on. init_state (tensor_like): iterable of shape ``(len(wires),)``\, representing the input Hartree-Fock state in the Jordan-Wigner representation. include_pi (boolean): If True, the optional constant :math:`\hat{\Pi}` gate is set to :math:`\text{OrbitalRotation}(\pi)`. Default value is :math:`\hat{I}`. .. details:: :title: Usage Details #. The number of wires :math:`N` has to be equal to the number of spin-orbitals included in the active space, and should be even. #. The number of trainable parameters scales linearly with the number of layers as :math:`2 D (N/2-1)`. An example of how to use this template is shown below: .. code-block:: python import pennylane as qml from pennylane import numpy as np # Build the electronic Hamiltonian symbols = ["H", "H"] coordinates = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -0.6614, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6614]) H, qubits = qml.qchem.molecular_hamiltonian(symbols, coordinates) # Define the Hartree-Fock state electrons = 2 ref_state = qml.qchem.hf_state(electrons, qubits) # Define the device dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=qubits) # Define the ansatz @qml.qnode(dev) def ansatz(weights): qml.GateFabric(weights, wires=[0,1,2,3], init_state=ref_state, include_pi=True) return qml.expval(H) # Get the shape of the weights for this template layers = 2 shape = qml.GateFabric.shape(n_layers=layers, n_wires=qubits) # Initialize the weight tensors np.random.seed(42) weights = np.random.random(size=shape) # Define the optimizer opt = qml.GradientDescentOptimizer(stepsize=0.4) # Store the values of the cost function energy = [ansatz(weights)] # Store the values of the circuit weights angle = [weights] max_iterations = 100 conv_tol = 1e-06 for n in range(max_iterations): weights, prev_energy = opt.step_and_cost(ansatz, weights) energy.append(ansatz(weights)) angle.append(weights) conv = np.abs(energy[-1] - prev_energy) if n % 2 == 0: print(f"Step = {n}, Energy = {energy[-1]:.8f} Ha") if conv <= conv_tol: break print("\n" f"Final value of the ground-state energy = {energy[-1]:.8f} Ha") print("\n" f"Optimal value of the circuit parameters = {angle[-1]}") .. code-block:: none Step = 0, Energy = -0.87007254 Ha Step = 2, Energy = -1.13107530 Ha Step = 4, Energy = -1.13611971 Ha Step = 6, Energy = -1.13618810 Ha Final value of the ground-state energy = -1.13618903 Ha Optimal value of the circuit parameters = [[[ 0.60328427 0.41850407]] [[ 0.85581129 -0.24522642]]] **Parameter shape** The shape of the weights argument can be computed by the static method :meth:`~.GateFabric.shape` and used when creating randomly initialised weight tensors: .. code-block:: python shape = GateFabric.shape(n_layers=2, n_wires=4) weights = np.random.random(size=shape) >>> weights.shape (2, 1, 2) """ num_wires = AnyWires grad_method = None def __init__(self, weights, wires, init_state, include_pi=False, id=None): if len(wires) < 4: raise ValueError( f"This template requires the number of qubits to be greater than four; got wires {wires}" ) if len(wires) % 2: raise ValueError( f"This template requires an even number of qubits; got {len(wires)} wires" ) shape = qml.math.shape(weights) if len(shape) != 3: raise ValueError(f"Weights tensor must be 3-dimensional; got shape {shape}") len_wire_pattern = int((len(wires) / 2) - 1) if shape[1] != len_wire_pattern: raise ValueError( f"Weights tensor must have second dimension of length {len_wire_pattern}; got {shape[1]}" ) if shape[2] != 2: raise ValueError( f"Weights tensor must have third dimension of length 2; got {shape[2]}" ) self._hyperparameters = { "init_state": tuple(init_state), "include_pi": include_pi, } super().__init__(weights, wires=wires, id=id) @property def num_params(self): return 1
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_decomposition( weights, wires, init_state, include_pi ): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ r"""Representation of the operator as a product of other operators. .. math:: O = O_1 O_2 \dots O_n. .. seealso:: :meth:`~.GateFabric.decomposition`. Args: weights (tensor_like): Array of weights of shape ``(D, L, 2)``, where ``D`` is the number of gate fabric layers and ``L = N/2-1`` is the number of :math:`\hat{Q}(\theta, \phi)` gates per layer with N being the total number of qubits. wires (Any or Iterable[Any]): wires that the operator acts on. init_state (tensor_like): iterable of shape ``(len(wires),)``\, representing the input Hartree-Fock state in the Jordan-Wigner representation. include_pi (boolean): If ``True``, the optional constant :math:`\hat{\Pi}` gate is set to :math:`\text{OrbitalRotation}(\pi)`. Default value is :math:`\hat{I}`. Returns: list[.Operator]: decomposition of the operator **Example** >>> weights = torch.tensor([[[0.3, 1.]]]) >>> qml.GateFabric.compute_decomposition(weights, wires=["a", "b", "c", "d"], init_state=[0, 1, 0, 1], include_pi=False) [BasisEmbedding(wires=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']), DoubleExcitation(tensor(0.3000), wires=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']), OrbitalRotation(tensor(1.), wires=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])] """ op_list = [] n_layers = qml.math.shape(weights)[0] wire_pattern = [ wires[i : i + 4] for i in range(0, len(wires), 4) if len(wires[i : i + 4]) == 4 ] if len(wires) > 4: wire_pattern += [ wires[i : i + 4] for i in range(2, len(wires), 4) if len(wires[i : i + 4]) == 4 ] op_list.append(qml.BasisEmbedding(init_state, wires=wires)) for layer in range(n_layers): for idx, wires_ in enumerate(wire_pattern): if include_pi: op_list.append(qml.OrbitalRotation(np.pi, wires=wires_)) op_list.append(qml.DoubleExcitation(weights[layer][idx][0], wires=wires_)) op_list.append(qml.OrbitalRotation(weights[layer][idx][1], wires=wires_)) return op_list
[docs] @staticmethod def shape(n_layers, n_wires): r"""Returns the shape of the weight tensor required for this template. Args: n_layers (int): number of layers n_wires (int): number of qubits Returns: tuple[int]: shape """ if n_wires < 4: raise ValueError( f"This template requires the number of qubits to be at least four; got 'n_wires' = {n_wires}" ) if n_wires % 2: raise ValueError( f"This template requires an even number of qubits; got 'n_wires' = {n_wires}" ) return n_layers, n_wires // 2 - 1, 2