Source code for pennylane.templates.state_preparations.state_prep_mps

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Contains the MPSPrep template.

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Operation
from pennylane.wires import Wires

[docs]class MPSPrep(Operation): r"""Prepares an initial state from a matrix product state (MPS) representation. .. note:: Currently, this operator can only be used with ``qml.device(“lightning.tensor”)``. Args: mps (List[Array]): list of arrays of rank-3 and rank-2 tensors representing an MPS state as a product of site matrices. See the usage details section for more information. wires (Sequence[int]): wires that the template acts on **Example** .. code-block:: mps = [ np.array([[0.0, 0.107], [0.994, 0.0]]), np.array( [ [[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0]], ] ), np.array([[-1.0, -0.0], [-0.0, -1.0]]), ] dev = qml.device("lightning.tensor", wires=3) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.MPSPrep(mps, wires = [0,1,2]) return qml.state() .. code-block:: pycon >>> print(circuit()) [ 0. +0.j -0.10705513+0.j 0. +0.j 0. +0.j 0. +0.j 0. +0.j -0.99451217+0.j 0. +0.j] .. details:: :title: Usage Details The input MPS must be a list of :math:`n` tensors :math:`[A^{(0)}, ..., A^{(n-1)}]` with shapes :math:`d_0, ..., d_{n-1}`, respectively. The first and last tensors have rank :math:`2` while the intermediate tensors have rank :math:`3`. The first tensor must have the shape :math:`d_0 = (d_{0,0}, d_{0,1})` where :math:`d_{0,0}` and :math:`d_{0,1}` correspond to the physical dimension of the site and an auxiliary bond dimension connecting it to the next tensor, respectively. The last tensor must have the shape :math:`d_{n-1} = (d_{n-1,0}, d_{n-1,1})` where :math:`d_{n-1,0}` and :math:`d_{n-1,1}` represent the auxiliary dimension from the previous site and the physical dimension of the site, respectively. The intermediate tensors must have the shape :math:`d_j = (d_{j,0}, d_{j,1}, d_{j,2})`, where: - :math:`d_{j,0}` is the bond dimension connecting to the previous tensor - :math:`d_{j,1}` is the physical dimension for the site - :math:`d_{j,2}` is the bond dimension connecting to the next tensor Note that the bond dimensions must match between adjacent tensors such that :math:`d_{j-1,2} = d_{j,0}`. Additionally, the physical dimension of the site should always be fixed at :math:`2` (since the dimension of a qubit is :math:`2`), while the other dimensions must be powers of two. The following example shows a valid MPS input containing four tensors with dimensions :math:`[(2,2), (2,2,4), (4,2,2), (2,2)]` which satisfy the criteria described above. .. code-block:: mps = [ np.array([[0.0, 0.107], [0.994, 0.0]]), np.array( [ [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0]], [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0]], ] ), np.array( [ [[-1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]], [[0.0, -1.0], [0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0]], ] ), np.array([[-1.0, -0.0], [-0.0, -1.0]]), ] """ def __init__(self, mps, wires, id=None): # Validate the shape and dimensions of the first tensor assert qml.math.isclose( len(qml.math.shape(mps[0])), 2 ), "The first tensor must have exactly 2 dimensions." dj0, dj2 = qml.math.shape(mps[0]) assert qml.math.isclose( dj0, 2 ), "The first dimension of the first tensor must be exactly 2." assert qml.math.log2( dj2 ).is_integer(), "The second dimension of the first tensor must be a power of 2." # Validate the shapes of the intermediate tensors for i, array in enumerate(mps[1:-1], start=1): shape = qml.math.shape(array) assert qml.math.isclose(len(shape), 3), f"Tensor {i} must have exactly 3 dimensions." new_dj0, new_dj1, new_dj2 = shape assert qml.math.isclose( new_dj1, 2 ), f"The second dimension of tensor {i} must be exactly 2." assert qml.math.log2( new_dj0 ).is_integer(), f"The first dimension of tensor {i} must be a power of 2." assert qml.math.isclose( new_dj1, 2 ), f"The second dimension of tensor {i} must be exactly 2." assert qml.math.log2( new_dj2 ).is_integer(), f"The third dimension of tensor {i} must be a power of 2." assert qml.math.isclose( new_dj0, dj2 ), f"Dimension mismatch: tensor {i}'s first dimension does not match the previous third dimension." dj2 = new_dj2 # Validate the shape and dimensions of the last tensor assert qml.math.isclose( len(qml.math.shape(mps[-1])), 2 ), "The last tensor must have exactly 2 dimensions." new_dj0, new_dj1 = qml.math.shape(mps[-1]) assert new_dj1 == 2, "The second dimension of the last tensor must be exactly 2." assert qml.math.log2( new_dj0 ).is_integer(), "The first dimension of the last tensor must be a power of 2." assert qml.math.isclose( new_dj0, dj2 ), "Dimension mismatch: the last tensor's first dimension does not match the previous third dimension." super().__init__(*mps, wires=wires, id=id) @property def mps(self): """list representing the MPS input""" return def _flatten(self): hyperparameters = (("wires", self.wires),) return self.mps, hyperparameters @classmethod def _unflatten(cls, data, metadata): hyperparams_dict = dict(metadata) return cls(data, **hyperparams_dict)
[docs] def map_wires(self, wire_map): new_wires = Wires([wire_map.get(wire, wire) for wire in self.wires]) return MPSPrep(self.mps, new_wires)
@classmethod def _primitive_bind_call(cls, mps, wires, id=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if cls._primitive is None: # guard against this being called when primitive is not defined. return type.__call__(cls, mps=mps, wires=wires, id=id) # pragma: no cover return cls._primitive.bind(*mps, wires=wires, id=id)
if MPSPrep._primitive is not None: # pylint: disable=protected-access @MPSPrep._primitive.def_impl # pylint: disable=protected-access def _(*args, **kwargs): return type.__call__(MPSPrep, args, **kwargs)