Source code for pennylane.templates.subroutines.aqft

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This submodule contains the template for AQFT.

import warnings

import numpy as np

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Operation

[docs]class AQFT(Operation): r"""AQFT(order, wires) Apply an approximate quantum Fourier transform (AQFT). The `AQFT <>`_ method helps to reduce the number of ``ControlledPhaseShift`` operations required for QFT by only using a maximum of ``order`` number of ``ControlledPhaseShift`` gates per qubit. .. seealso:: :class:`~.QFT` Args: order (int): the order of approximation wires (int or Iterable[Number, str]]): the wire(s) the operation acts on **Example** The approximate quantum Fourier transform is applied by specifying the corresponding wires and the order of approximation: .. code-block:: wires = 3 dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=wires) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit_aqft(): qml.X(0) qml.Hadamard(1) qml.AQFT(order=1,wires=range(wires)) return qml.state() .. code-block:: pycon >>> circuit_aqft() [ 0.5 +0.j -0.25-0.25j 0. +0.j -0.25+0.25j 0.5 +0.j -0.25-0.25j 0. +0.j -0.25+0.25j] .. details:: :title: Usage Details **Order** The order of approximation must be a whole number less than :math:`n-1` where :math:`n` is the number of wires the operation is being applied on. This creates four cases for different ``order`` values: * ``order`` :math:`< 0` This will raise a ``ValueError`` * ``order`` :math:`= 0` This will warn the user that only a Hadamard transform is being applied. .. code-block:: @qml.qnode(dev) def circ(): qml.AQFT(order=0, wires=range(6)) return qml.probs() The resulting circuit is: >>> print(qml.draw(circ, level='device')()) UserWarning: order=0, applying Hadamard transform warnings.warn("order=0, applying Hadamard transform") 0: ──H─╭SWAP─────────────┤ ╭Probs 1: ──H─│─────╭SWAP───────┤ ├Probs 2: ──H─│─────│─────╭SWAP─┤ ├Probs 3: ──H─│─────│─────╰SWAP─┤ ├Probs 4: ──H─│─────╰SWAP───────┤ ├Probs 5: ──H─╰SWAP─────────────┤ ╰Probs * :math:`0 <` ``order`` :math:`< n-1` This is the intended AQFT use case. .. code-block:: @qml.qnode(dev) def circ(): qml.AQFT(order=2, wires=range(4)) return qml.probs() The resulting circuit is: >>> print(qml.draw(circ, level='device')()) 0: ──H─╭Rϕ(1.57)─╭Rϕ(0.79)────────────────────────────────────────╭SWAP───────┤ ╭Probs 1: ────╰●────────│──────────H─╭Rϕ(1.57)─╭Rϕ(0.79)─────────────────│─────╭SWAP─┤ ├Probs 2: ──────────────╰●───────────╰●────────│──────────H─╭Rϕ(1.57)────│─────╰SWAP─┤ ├Probs 3: ─────────────────────────────────────╰●───────────╰●─────────H─╰SWAP───────┤ ╰Probs * ``order`` :math:`\geq n-1` Using the QFT class is recommended in this case. The AQFT operation here is equivalent to QFT. """ def __init__(self, order, wires=None, id=None): n_wires = len(wires) if not isinstance(order, int): warnings.warn(f"The order must be an integer. Using order = {round(order)}") order = round(order) if order >= n_wires - 1: warnings.warn( f"The order ({order}) is >= to the number of wires - 1 ({n_wires-1}). Using the QFT class is recommended in this case." ) order = n_wires - 1 if order < 0: raise ValueError("Order can not be less than 0") if order == 0: warnings.warn("order=0, applying Hadamard transform") self.hyperparameters["order"] = order super().__init__(wires=wires, id=id) @property def num_params(self): return 0
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_decomposition(wires, order): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ r"""Representation of the operator as a product of other operators (static method). .. math:: O = O_1 O_2 \dots O_n. .. seealso:: :meth:`~.AQFT.decomposition`. Args: wires (Iterable, Wires): wires that the operator acts on order (int): order of approximation Returns: list[Operator]: decomposition of the operator **Example:** >>> qml.AQFT.compute_decomposition((0, 1, 2), order=1) [H(0), ControlledPhaseShift(1.5707963267948966, wires=[1, 0]), H(1), ControlledPhaseShift(1.5707963267948966, wires=[2, 1]), H(2), SWAP(wires=[0, 2])] """ n_wires = len(wires) shifts = [2 * np.pi * 2**-i for i in range(2, n_wires + 1)] decomp_ops = [] for i, wire in enumerate(wires): decomp_ops.append(qml.Hadamard(wire)) counter = 0 for shift, control_wire in zip(shifts[: len(shifts) - i], wires[i + 1 :]): if counter >= order: break op = qml.ControlledPhaseShift(shift, wires=[control_wire, wire]) decomp_ops.append(op) counter = counter + 1 first_half_wires = wires[: n_wires // 2] last_half_wires = wires[-(n_wires // 2) :] for wire1, wire2 in zip(first_half_wires, reversed(last_half_wires)): swap = qml.SWAP(wires=[wire1, wire2]) decomp_ops.append(swap) return decomp_ops