Source code for pennylane.templates.subroutines.basis_rotation
# Copyright 2018-2023 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""This module contains the template for performing basis transformation defined by a set of fermionic ladder operators."""importpennylaneasqmlfrompennylane.operationimportAnyWires,Operationfrompennylane.qchem.givens_decompositionimportgivens_decomposition# pylint: disable-msg=too-many-arguments
[docs]classBasisRotation(Operation):r"""Implement a circuit that provides a unitary that can be used to do an exact single-body basis rotation. The :class:`~.pennylane.BasisRotation` template performs the following unitary transformation :math:`U(u)` determined by the single-particle fermionic generators as given in `arXiv:1711.04789 <>`_\ : .. math:: U(u) = \exp{\left( \sum_{pq} \left[\log u \right]_{pq} (a_p^\dagger a_q - a_q^\dagger a_p) \right)}. The unitary :math:`U(u)` is implemented efficiently by performing its Givens decomposition into a sequence of :class:`~.PhaseShift` and :class:`~.SingleExcitation` gates using the construction scheme given in `Optica, 3, 1460 (2016) <>`_\ . Args: wires (Iterable[Any]): wires that the operator acts on unitary_matrix (array): matrix specifying the basis transformation check (bool): test unitarity of the provided `unitary_matrix` Raises: ValueError: if the provided matrix is not square. ValueError: if length of the wires is less than two. .. details:: :title: Usage Details :href: usage-basis-rotation The :class:`~.pennylane.BasisRotation` template can be used to implement the evolution :math:`e^{iH}` where :math:`H = \sum_{pq} V_{pq} a^\dagger_p a_q` and :math:`V` is an :math:`N \times N` Hermitian matrix. When the unitary matrix :math:`u` is the transformation matrix that diagonalizes :math:`V`, the evolution is: .. math:: e^{i \sum_{pq} V_{pq} a^\dagger_p a_q} = U(u)^\dagger \prod_k e^{i\lambda_k \sigma_z^k} U(u), where :math:`\lambda_k` denotes the eigenvalues of matrix :math:`V`, the Hamiltonian coefficients matrix. >>> V = np.array([[ 0.53672126+0.j , -0.1126064 -2.41479668j], ... [-0.1126064 +2.41479668j, 1.48694623+0.j ]]) >>> eigen_vals, eigen_vecs = np.linalg.eigh(V) >>> umat = eigen_vecs.T >>> wires = range(len(umat)) >>> def circuit(): ... qml.adjoint(qml.BasisRotation(wires=wires, unitary_matrix=umat)) ... for idx, eigenval in enumerate(eigen_vals): ... qml.RZ(eigenval, wires=[idx]) ... qml.BasisRotation(wires=wires, unitary_matrix=umat) >>> circ_unitary = qml.matrix(circuit)() >>> np.round(circ_unitary/circ_unitary[0][0], 3) tensor([[ 1. -0.j , -0. +0.j , -0. +0.j , -0. +0.j ], [-0. +0.j , -0.516-0.596j, -0.302-0.536j, -0. +0.j ], [-0. +0.j , 0.35 +0.506j, -0.311-0.724j, -0. +0.j ], [-0. +0.j , -0. +0.j , -0. +0.j , -0.438+0.899j]], requires_grad=True) .. details:: :title: Theory :href: theory-basis-rotation The overall effect of :math:`U(u)` can be viewed as performing a transformation from one basis to a new basis that is defined by the linear combination of fermionic ladder operators: .. math:: U(u) a_p^\dagger U(u)^\dagger = b_p^\dagger, where :math:`a_p^\dagger` and :math:`b_p^\dagger` are the original and transformed creation operators, respectively. The operators :math:`a_p^\dagger` and :math:`b_p^\dagger` are related to each other by the following equation: .. math:: b_p^\dagger = \sum_{q}u_{pq} a_p^\dagger. """num_wires=AnyWiresgrad_method=None@classmethoddef_primitive_bind_call(cls,wires,unitary_matrix,check=False,id=None):# pylint: disable=arguments-differifcls._primitiveisNone:# guard against this being called when primitive is not defined.returntype.__call__(cls,wires,unitary_matrix,check=check,id=id)# pragma: no coverreturncls._primitive.bind(*wires,unitary_matrix,check=check,id=id)@classmethoddef_unflatten(cls,data,metadata):returncls(wires=metadata[0],unitary_matrix=data[0])def__init__(self,wires,unitary_matrix,check=False,id=None):M,N=qml.math.shape(unitary_matrix)ifM!=N:raiseValueError(f"The unitary matrix should be of shape NxN, got {(M,N)}")ifcheck:ifnotqml.math.is_abstract(unitary_matrix)andnotqml.math.allclose(unitary_matrix@qml.math.conj(unitary_matrix).T,qml.math.eye(M,dtype=complex),atol=1e-4,):raiseValueError("The provided transformation matrix should be unitary.")iflen(wires)<2:raiseValueError(f"This template requires at least two wires, got {len(wires)}")super().__init__(unitary_matrix,wires=wires,id=id)@propertydefnum_params(self):return1
[docs]@staticmethoddefcompute_decomposition(unitary_matrix,wires,check=False):# pylint: disable=arguments-differr"""Representation of the operator as a product of other operators. .. math:: O = O_1 O_2 \dots O_n. .. seealso:: :meth:`~.BasisRotation.decomposition`. Args: wires (Any or Iterable[Any]): wires that the operator acts on unitary_matrix (array): matrix specifying the basis transformation check (bool): test unitarity of the provided `unitary_matrix` Returns: list[.Operator]: decomposition of the operator """M,N=qml.math.shape(unitary_matrix)ifM!=N:raiseValueError(f"The unitary matrix should be of shape NxN, got {unitary_matrix.shape}")ifcheck:ifnotqml.math.is_abstract(unitary_matrix)andnotqml.math.allclose(unitary_matrix@qml.math.conj(unitary_matrix).T,qml.math.eye(M,dtype=complex),atol=1e-4,):raiseValueError("The provided transformation matrix should be unitary.")iflen(wires)<2:raiseValueError(f"This template requires at least two wires, got {len(wires)}")op_list=[]phase_list,givens_list=givens_decomposition(unitary_matrix)foridx,phaseinenumerate(phase_list):op_list.append(qml.PhaseShift(qml.math.angle(phase),wires=wires[idx]))forgrot_mat,indicesingivens_list:theta=qml.math.arccos(qml.math.real(grot_mat[1,1]))phi=qml.math.angle(grot_mat[0,0])op_list.append(qml.SingleExcitation(2*theta,wires=[wires[indices[0]],wires[indices[1]]]))ifqml.math.is_abstract(phi)ornotqml.math.isclose(phi,0.0):op_list.append(qml.PhaseShift(phi,wires=wires[indices[0]]))returnop_list
# Program capture needs to unpack and re-pack the wires to support dynamic wires. For# BasisRotation, the unconventional argument ordering requires custom def_impl code.# See capture module for more information on primitives# If None, jax isn't installed so the class never got a primitive.ifBasisRotation._primitiveisnotNone:# pylint: disable=protected-access@BasisRotation._primitive.def_impl# pylint: disable=protected-accessdef_(*args,**kwargs):# If there are more than two args, we are calling with unpacked wires, so that# we have to repack them. This replaces the n_wires logic in the general case.iflen(args)!=2:args=(args[:-1],args[-1])returntype.__call__(BasisRotation,*args,**kwargs)