Source code for pennylane.templates.subroutines.prepselprep
# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
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Contains the PrepSelPrep template.
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ,import-outside-toplevel,too-many-arguments
import copy
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Operation
def _get_new_terms(lcu):
"""Compute a new sum of unitaries with positive coefficients"""
coeffs, ops = lcu.terms()
coeffs = qml.math.stack(coeffs)
angles = qml.math.angle(coeffs)
new_ops = []
for angle, op in zip(angles, ops):
new_op = op @ qml.GlobalPhase(-angle, wires=op.wires)
return qml.math.abs(coeffs), new_ops
[docs]class PrepSelPrep(Operation):
"""Implements a block-encoding of a linear combination of unitaries.
.. warning::
Derivatives of this operator are not always guaranteed to exist.
lcu (Union[.Hamiltonian, .Sum, .Prod, .SProd, .LinearCombination]): The operator
written as a linear combination of unitaries.
control (Iterable[Any], Wires): The control qubits for the PrepSelPrep operator.
We define an operator and a block-encoding circuit as:
>>> lcu =[0.3, -0.1], [qml.X(2), qml.Z(2)])
>>> control = [0, 1]
>>> @qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit"))
... def circuit(lcu, control):
... qml.PrepSelPrep(lcu, control)
... return qml.state()
We can see that the operator matrix, up to a normalization constant, is block encoded in the
circuit matrix:
>>> matrix_psp = qml.matrix(circuit, wire_order = [0, 1, 2])(lcu, control = control)
>>> print(matrix_psp.real[0:2, 0:2])
[[-0.25 0.75]
[ 0.75 0.25]]
>>> matrix_lcu = qml.matrix(lcu)
>>> print(qml.matrix(lcu).real / sum(abs(np.array(lcu.terms()[0]))))
[[-0.25 0.75]
[ 0.75 0.25]]
grad_method = None
def __init__(self, lcu, control=None, id=None):
coeffs, ops = lcu.terms()
control = qml.wires.Wires(control)
self.hyperparameters["lcu"] = qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, ops)
self.hyperparameters["coeffs"] = coeffs
self.hyperparameters["ops"] = ops
self.hyperparameters["control"] = control
if any(
control_wire in qml.wires.Wires.all_wires([op.wires for op in ops])
for control_wire in control
raise ValueError("Control wires should be different from operation wires.")
target_wires = qml.wires.Wires.all_wires([op.wires for op in ops])
self.hyperparameters["target_wires"] = target_wires
all_wires = target_wires + control
super().__init__(*, wires=all_wires, id=id)
def _flatten(self):
return (self.lcu,), (self.control,)
def _unflatten(cls, data, metadata) -> "PrepSelPrep":
return cls(data[0], metadata[0])
def __repr__(self):
return f"PrepSelPrep(coeffs={tuple(self.coeffs)}, ops={tuple(self.ops)}, control={self.control})"
[docs] def map_wires(self, wire_map: dict) -> "PrepSelPrep":
new_ops = [o.map_wires(wire_map) for o in self.hyperparameters["ops"]]
new_control = [wire_map.get(wire, wire) for wire in self.hyperparameters["control"]]
new_lcu = qml.ops.LinearCombination(self.hyperparameters["coeffs"], new_ops)
return PrepSelPrep(new_lcu, new_control)
[docs] @staticmethod
def compute_decomposition(lcu, control):
coeffs, ops = _get_new_terms(lcu)
decomp_ops = [
qml.math.sqrt(coeffs), normalize=True, pad_with=0, wires=control
qml.Select(ops, control),
qml.math.sqrt(coeffs), normalize=True, pad_with=0, wires=control
return decomp_ops
def __copy__(self):
"""Copy this op"""
cls = self.__class__
copied_op = cls.__new__(cls)
new_data = copy.copy(
for attr, value in vars(self).items():
if attr != "data":
setattr(copied_op, attr, value) = new_data
return copied_op
def data(self):
"""Create data property"""
def data(self, new_data):
"""Set the data property"""
self.hyperparameters["lcu"].data = new_data
def coeffs(self):
"""The coefficients of the LCU."""
return self.hyperparameters["coeffs"]
def ops(self):
"""The operations of the LCU."""
return self.hyperparameters["ops"]
def lcu(self):
"""The LCU to be block-encoded."""
return self.hyperparameters["lcu"]
def control(self):
"""The control wires."""
return self.hyperparameters["control"]
def target_wires(self):
"""The wires of the input operators."""
return self.hyperparameters["target_wires"]
def wires(self):
"""All wires involved in the operation."""
return self.hyperparameters["control"] + self.hyperparameters["target_wires"]
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