Source code for pennylane.templates.subroutines.qrom
# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
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This submodule contains the template for QROM.
import math
import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Operation
from pennylane.wires import WiresLike
def _multi_swap(wires1, wires2):
"""Apply a series of SWAP gates between two sets of wires."""
for wire1, wire2 in zip(wires1, wires2):
qml.SWAP(wires=[wire1, wire2])
[docs]class QROM(Operation):
r"""Applies the QROM operator.
This operator encodes bitstrings associated with indexes:
.. math::
\text{QROM}|i\rangle|0\rangle = |i\rangle |b_i\rangle,
where :math:`b_i` is the bitstring associated with index :math:`i`.
bitstrings (list[str]): the bitstrings to be encoded
control_wires (Sequence[int]): the wires where the indexes are specified
target_wires (Sequence[int]): the wires where the bitstring is loaded
work_wires (Sequence[int]): the auxiliary wires used for the computation
clean (bool): if True, the work wires are not altered by operator, default is ``True``
In this example, the QROM operator is applied to encode the third bitstring, associated with index 2, in the target wires.
.. code-block::
# a list of bitstrings is defined
bitstrings = ["010", "111", "110", "000"]
dev = qml.device("default.qubit", shots = 1)
def circuit():
# the third index is encoded in the control wires [0, 1]
qml.BasisEmbedding(2, wires = [0,1])
qml.QROM(bitstrings = bitstrings,
control_wires = [0,1],
target_wires = [2,3,4],
work_wires = [5,6,7])
return qml.sample(wires = [2,3,4])
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> print(circuit())
[1 1 0]
.. details::
:title: Usage Details
This template takes as input three different sets of wires. The first one is ``control_wires`` which is used
to encode the desired index. Therefore, if we have :math:`m` bitstrings, we need
at least :math:`\lceil \log_2(m)\rceil` control wires.
The second set of wires is ``target_wires`` which stores the bitstrings.
For instance, if the bitstring is "0110", we will need four target wires. Internally, the bitstrings are
encoded using the :class:`~.BasisEmbedding` template.
The ``work_wires`` are the auxiliary qubits used by the template to reduce the number of gates required.
Let :math:`k` be the number of work wires. If :math:`k = 0`, the template is equivalent to executing :class:`~.Select`.
Following the idea in [`arXiv:1812.00954 <>`__], auxiliary qubits can be used to
load more than one bitstring in parallel . Let :math:`\lambda` be
the number of bitstrings we want to store in parallel, assumed to be a power of :math:`2`.
Then, :math:`k = l \cdot (\lambda-1)` work wires are needed,
where :math:`l` is the length of the bitstrings.
The QROM template has two variants. The first one (``clean = False``) is based on [`arXiv:1812.00954 <>`__] that alternates the state in the ``work_wires``.
The second one (``clean = True``), based on [`arXiv:1902.02134 <>`__], solves that issue by
returning ``work_wires`` to their initial state. This technique can be applied when the ``work_wires`` are not
initialized to zero.
def __init__(
control_wires: WiresLike,
target_wires: WiresLike,
work_wires: WiresLike,
): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
control_wires = qml.wires.Wires(control_wires)
target_wires = qml.wires.Wires(target_wires)
work_wires = qml.wires.Wires(() if work_wires is None else work_wires)
self.hyperparameters["bitstrings"] = tuple(bitstrings)
self.hyperparameters["control_wires"] = control_wires
self.hyperparameters["target_wires"] = target_wires
self.hyperparameters["work_wires"] = work_wires
self.hyperparameters["clean"] = clean
if len(work_wires) != 0:
if any(wire in work_wires for wire in control_wires):
raise ValueError("Control wires should be different from work wires.")
if any(wire in work_wires for wire in target_wires):
raise ValueError("Target wires should be different from work wires.")
if any(wire in control_wires for wire in target_wires):
raise ValueError("Target wires should be different from control wires.")
if 2 ** len(control_wires) < len(bitstrings):
raise ValueError(
f"Not enough control wires ({len(control_wires)}) for the desired number of "
+ f"bitstrings ({len(bitstrings)}). At least {int(math.ceil(math.log2(len(bitstrings))))} control "
+ "wires are required."
if len(bitstrings[0]) != len(target_wires):
raise ValueError("Bitstring length must match the number of target wires.")
all_wires = target_wires + control_wires + work_wires
super().__init__(wires=all_wires, id=id)
def _flatten(self):
metadata = tuple((key, value) for key, value in self.hyperparameters.items())
return tuple(), metadata
def _unflatten(cls, data, metadata):
hyperparams_dict = dict(metadata)
return cls(**hyperparams_dict)
def __repr__(self):
return f"QROM(control_wires={self.control_wires}, target_wires={self.target_wires}, work_wires={self.work_wires}, clean={self.clean})"
[docs] def map_wires(self, wire_map: dict):
new_dict = {
key: [wire_map.get(w, w) for w in self.hyperparameters[key]]
for key in ["target_wires", "control_wires", "work_wires"]
return QROM(
def __copy__(self):
"""Copy this op"""
cls = self.__class__
copied_op = cls.__new__(cls)
for attr, value in vars(self).items():
setattr(copied_op, attr, value)
return copied_op
[docs] def decomposition(self): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
return self.compute_decomposition(
[docs] @staticmethod
def compute_decomposition(
bitstrings, control_wires, target_wires, work_wires, clean
): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
with qml.QueuingManager.stop_recording():
swap_wires = target_wires + work_wires
# number of operators we store per column (power of 2)
depth = len(swap_wires) // len(target_wires)
depth = int(2 ** np.floor(np.log2(depth)))
ops = [qml.BasisEmbedding(int(bits, 2), wires=target_wires) for bits in bitstrings]
ops_identity = ops + [qml.I(target_wires)] * int(2 ** len(control_wires) - len(ops))
n_columns = len(ops) // depth if len(ops) % depth == 0 else len(ops) // depth + 1
new_ops = []
for i in range(n_columns):
column_ops = []
for j in range(depth):
dic_map = {
ops_identity[i * depth + j].wires[l]: swap_wires[j * len(target_wires) + l]
for l in range(len(target_wires))
column_ops.append(qml.map_wires(ops_identity[i * depth + j], dic_map))
# Select block
n_control_select_wires = int(math.ceil(math.log2(2 ** len(control_wires) / depth)))
control_select_wires = control_wires[:n_control_select_wires]
select_ops = []
if control_select_wires:
select_ops += [qml.Select(new_ops, control=control_select_wires)]
select_ops = new_ops
# Swap block
control_swap_wires = control_wires[n_control_select_wires:]
swap_ops = []
for ind in range(len(control_swap_wires)):
for j in range(2**ind):
new_op =
swap_wires[(j) * len(target_wires) : (j + 1) * len(target_wires)],
(j + 2**ind)
* len(target_wires) : (j + 2 ** (ind + 1))
* len(target_wires)
swap_ops.insert(0, qml.ctrl(new_op, control=control_swap_wires[-ind - 1]))
if not clean:
# Based on this paper (Fig 1.c):
decomp_ops = select_ops + swap_ops
# Based on this paper (Fig 4):
adjoint_swap_ops = swap_ops[::-1]
hadamard_ops = [qml.Hadamard(wires=w) for w in target_wires]
decomp_ops = 2 * (hadamard_ops + adjoint_swap_ops + select_ops + swap_ops)
if qml.QueuingManager.recording():
for op in decomp_ops:
return decomp_ops
def _primitive_bind_call(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return cls._primitive.bind(*args, **kwargs)
def bitstrings(self):
"""bitstrings to be added."""
return self.hyperparameters["bitstrings"]
def control_wires(self):
"""The control wires."""
return self.hyperparameters["control_wires"]
def target_wires(self):
"""The wires where the bitstring is loaded."""
return self.hyperparameters["target_wires"]
def work_wires(self):
"""The wires where the index is specified."""
return self.hyperparameters["work_wires"]
def wires(self):
"""All wires involved in the operation."""
return (
+ self.hyperparameters["target_wires"]
+ self.hyperparameters["work_wires"]
def clean(self):
"""Boolean to select the version of QROM."""
return self.hyperparameters["clean"]
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