Source code for pennylane.templates.subroutines.qubitization

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This submodule contains the template for Qubitization.

import copy

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Operation
from pennylane.wires import Wires

[docs]class Qubitization(Operation): r"""Applies the `Qubitization <>`__ operator. This operator encodes a Hamiltonian, written as a linear combination of unitaries, into a unitary operator. It is implemented with a quantum walk operator that takes a Hamiltonian as input and generates: .. math:: Q = \text{Prep}_{\mathcal{H}}^{\dagger} \text{Sel}_{\mathcal{H}} \text{Prep}_{\mathcal{H}}(2|0\rangle\langle 0| - I). .. seealso:: :class:`~.AmplitudeEmbedding` and :class:`~.Select`. Args: hamiltonian (Union[.Hamiltonian, .Sum, .Prod, .SProd, .LinearCombination]): The Hamiltonian written as a linear combination of unitaries. control (Iterable[Any], Wires): The control qubits for the Qubitization operator. **Example** This operator, when applied in conjunction with QPE, allows computing the eigenvalue of an eigenvector of the Hamiltonian. .. code-block:: H =[0.1, 0.3, -0.3], [qml.Z(0), qml.Z(1), qml.Z(0) @ qml.Z(2)]) @qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit")) def circuit(): # initiate the eigenvector qml.PauliX(2) # apply QPE measurements = qml.iterative_qpe( qml.Qubitization(H, control = [3,4]), aux_wire = 5, iters = 3 ) return qml.probs(op = measurements) output = circuit() # post-processing lamb = sum([abs(c) for c in H.terms()[0]]) .. code-block:: pycon >>> print("eigenvalue: ", lamb * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (np.argmax(output)) / 8)) eigenvalue: 0.7 """ grad_method = None @classmethod def _primitive_bind_call(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls._primitive.bind(*args, **kwargs) def __init__(self, hamiltonian, control, id=None): wires = qml.wires.Wires(control) + hamiltonian.wires self._hyperparameters = { "hamiltonian": hamiltonian, "control": qml.wires.Wires(control), } super().__init__(*, wires=wires, id=id) def _flatten(self): data = (self.hyperparameters["hamiltonian"],) metadata = tuple(item for item in self.hyperparameters.items() if item[0] != "hamiltonian") return data, metadata @classmethod def _unflatten(cls, data, metadata): return cls(*data, **dict(metadata)) def __copy__(self): clone = Qubitization.__new__(Qubitization) # Ensure the operators in the hyper-parameters are copied instead of aliased. clone._hyperparameters = { "hamiltonian": copy.copy(self._hyperparameters["hamiltonian"]), "control": copy.copy(self._hyperparameters["control"]), } for attr, value in vars(self).items(): if attr != "_hyperparameters": setattr(clone, attr, value) return clone
[docs] def map_wires(self, wire_map: dict): # pylint: disable=protected-access new_op = copy.deepcopy(self) new_op._wires = Wires([wire_map.get(w, w) for w in self.wires]) new_op._hyperparameters["hamiltonian"] = qml.map_wires( new_op._hyperparameters["hamiltonian"], wire_map ) new_op._hyperparameters["control"] = Wires( [wire_map.get(w, w) for w in self._hyperparameters["control"]] ) return new_op
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_decomposition(*_, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ r"""Representation of the operator as a product of other operators (static method). .. math:: O = O_1 O_2 \dots O_n. .. seealso:: :meth:`~.Qubitization.decomposition`. Args: *params (list): trainable parameters of the operator, as stored in the ``parameters`` attribute wires (Iterable[Any], Wires): wires that the operator acts on **hyperparams (dict): non-trainable hyperparameters of the operator, as stored in the ``hyperparameters`` attribute Returns: list[Operator]: decomposition of the operator **Example:** .. code-block:: python import pennylane as qml from pennylane.wires import Wires >>> print(qml.Qubitization.compute_decomposition(hamiltonian=0.1 * qml.Z(0), control=Wires(1))) [Reflection(3.141592653589793, wires=[1]), PrepSelPrep(coeffs=(0.1,), ops=(Z(0),), control=Wires([1]))] """ hamiltonian = kwargs["hamiltonian"] control = kwargs["control"] decomp_ops = [] identity =*[qml.Identity(wire) for wire in control]) decomp_ops.append(qml.Reflection(identity)) decomp_ops.append(qml.PrepSelPrep(hamiltonian, control=control)) return decomp_ops