Source code for pennylane.transforms.decompose

# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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A transform for decomposing quantum circuits into user defined gate sets. Offers an alternative to the more device-focused decompose transform.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda-assignment

import warnings
from import Callable, Generator, Iterable
from typing import Optional

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.transforms.core import transform

def null_postprocessing(results):
    """A postprocessing function returned by a transform that only converts the batch of results
    into a result for a single ``QuantumTape``.
    return results[0]

def _operator_decomposition_gen(
    op: qml.operation.Operator,
    acceptance_function: Callable[[qml.operation.Operator], bool],
    max_expansion: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Generator[qml.operation.Operator, None, None]:
    """A generator that yields the next operation that is accepted."""

    max_depth_reached = False

    if max_expansion is not None and max_expansion <= current_depth:
        max_depth_reached = True

    if acceptance_function(op) or max_depth_reached:
        yield op
        decomp = op.decomposition()
        current_depth += 1

        for sub_op in decomp:
            yield from _operator_decomposition_gen(

[docs]@transform def decompose(tape, gate_set=None, max_expansion=None): """Decomposes a quantum circuit into a user-specified gate set. Args: tape (QuantumScript or QNode or Callable): a quantum circuit. gate_set (Iterable[str or type] or Callable, optional): The target gate set specified as either (1) a sequence of operator types and/or names or (2) a function that returns ``True`` if the operator belongs to the target gate set. Defaults to ``None``, in which case the gate set is considered to be all available :doc:`quantum operators </introduction/operations>`. max_expansion (int, optional): The maximum depth of the decomposition. Defaults to None. If ``None``, the circuit will be decomposed until the target gate set is reached. Returns: qnode (QNode) or quantum function (Callable) or tuple[List[QuantumScript], function]: The decomposed circuit. The output type is explained in :func:`qml.transform <pennylane.transform>`. .. note:: This function does not guarantee a decomposition to the target gate set. If an operation with no defined decomposition is encountered during decomposition, it will be left in the circuit even if it does not belong in the target gate set. In this case, a ``UserWarning`` will be raised. To suppress this warning, simply add the operator to the gate set. .. seealso:: :func:`qml.devices.preprocess.decompose <.pennylane.devices.preprocess.decompose>` for a transform that is intended for device developers. This function will decompose a quantum circuit into a set of basis gates available on a specific device architecture. **Example** Consider the following tape: >>> ops = [qml.IsingXX(1.2, wires=(0,1))] >>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript(ops, measurements=[qml.expval(qml.Z(0))]) You can decompose the circuit into a set of gates: >>> batch, fn = qml.transforms.decompose(tape, gate_set={qml.CNOT, qml.RX}) >>> batch[0].circuit [CNOT(wires=[0, 1]), RX(1.2, wires=[0]), CNOT(wires=[0, 1]), expval(Z(0))] You can also apply the transform directly on a :class:`~.pennylane.QNode`: .. code-block:: python from functools import partial @partial(qml.transforms.decompose, gate_set={qml.Toffoli, "RX", "RZ"}) @qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit")) def circuit(): qml.Hadamard(wires=[0]) qml.Toffoli(wires=[0,1,2]) return qml.expval(qml.Z(0)) Since the Hadamard gate is not defined in our gate set, it will be decomposed into rotations: >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)()) 0: ──RZ(1.57)──RX(1.57)──RZ(1.57)─╭●─┤ <Z> 1: ───────────────────────────────├●─┤ 2: ───────────────────────────────╰X─┤ You can also use a function to build a decomposition gate set: .. code-block:: python @partial(qml.transforms.decompose, gate_set=lambda op: len(op.wires)<=2) @qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit")) def circuit(): qml.Hadamard(wires=[0]) qml.Toffoli(wires=[0,1,2]) return qml.expval(qml.Z(0)) The circuit will be decomposed into single or two-qubit operators, >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)()) 0: ──H────────╭●───────────╭●────╭●──T──╭●─┤ <Z> 1: ────╭●─────│─────╭●─────│───T─╰X──T†─╰X─┤ 2: ──H─╰X──T†─╰X──T─╰X──T†─╰X──T──H────────┤ You can use the ``max_expansion`` argument to control the number of decomposition stages applied to the circuit. By default, the function will decompose the circuit until the desired gate set is reached. The example below demonstrates how the user can visualize the decomposition in stages: .. code-block:: python phase = 1 target_wires = [0] unitary = qml.RX(phase, wires=0).matrix() n_estimation_wires = 3 estimation_wires = range(1, n_estimation_wires + 1) @qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit")) def circuit(): # Start in the |+> eigenstate of the unitary qml.Hadamard(wires=target_wires) qml.QuantumPhaseEstimation( unitary, target_wires=target_wires, estimation_wires=estimation_wires, ) >>> print(qml.draw(qml.transforms.decompose(circuit, max_expansion=0))()) 0: ──H─╭QuantumPhaseEstimation─┤ 1: ────├QuantumPhaseEstimation─┤ 2: ────├QuantumPhaseEstimation─┤ 3: ────╰QuantumPhaseEstimation─┤ >>> print(qml.draw(qml.transforms.decompose(circuit, max_expansion=1))()) 0: ──H─╭U(M0)⁴─╭U(M0)²─╭U(M0)¹───────┤ 1: ──H─╰●──────│───────│───────╭QFT†─┤ 2: ──H─────────╰●──────│───────├QFT†─┤ 3: ──H─────────────────╰●──────╰QFT†─┤ >>> print(qml.draw(qml.transforms.decompose(circuit, max_expansion=2))()) 0: ──H──RZ(11.00)──RY(1.14)─╭X──RY(-1.14)──RZ(-9.42)─╭X──RZ(-1.57)──RZ(1.57)──RY(1.00)─╭X──RY(-1.00) 1: ──H──────────────────────╰●───────────────────────╰●────────────────────────────────│──────────── 2: ──H─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╰●─────────── 3: ──H────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───RZ(-6.28)─╭X──RZ(4.71)──RZ(1.57)──RY(0.50)─╭X──RY(-0.50)──RZ(-6.28)─╭X──RZ(4.71)───────────────── ─────────────│────────────────────────────────│────────────────────────│──╭SWAP†──────────────────── ─────────────╰●───────────────────────────────│────────────────────────│──│─────────────╭(Rϕ(1.57))† ──────────────────────────────────────────────╰●───────────────────────╰●─╰SWAP†─────H†─╰●────────── ────────────────────────────────────┤ ──────╭(Rϕ(0.79))†─╭(Rϕ(1.57))†──H†─┤ ───H†─│────────────╰●───────────────┤ ──────╰●────────────────────────────┤ """ if gate_set is None: gate_set = set(qml.ops.__all__) if isinstance(gate_set, (str, type)): gate_set = set([gate_set]) if isinstance(gate_set, Iterable): gate_types = tuple(gate for gate in gate_set if isinstance(gate, type)) gate_names = set(gate for gate in gate_set if isinstance(gate, str)) gate_set = lambda op: ( in gate_names) or isinstance(op, gate_types) def stopping_condition(op): if not op.has_decomposition: if not gate_set(op): warnings.warn( f"Operator {} does not define a decomposition and was not " f"found in the target gate set. To remove this warning, add the operator name " f"({}) or type ({type(op)}) to the gate set.", UserWarning, ) return True return gate_set(op) if all(stopping_condition(op) for op in tape.operations): return (tape,), null_postprocessing try: new_ops = [ final_op for op in tape.operations for final_op in _operator_decomposition_gen( op, stopping_condition, max_expansion=max_expansion, ) ] except RecursionError as e: raise RecursionError( "Reached recursion limit trying to decompose operations. Operator decomposition may " "have entered an infinite loop. Setting max_expansion will terminate the decomposition " "at a fixed recursion depth." ) from e tape = tape.copy(operations=new_ops) return (tape,), null_postprocessing