Source code for pennylane.transforms.diagonalize_measurements

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"""Transform to diagonalize measurements on a tape, assuming all measurements are commuting."""

from copy import copy
from functools import singledispatch

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Tensor
from pennylane.ops import CompositeOp, LinearCombination, SymbolicOp
from pennylane.transforms.core import transform

# pylint: disable=protected-access

_default_supported_obs = (qml.Z, qml.Identity)

def null_postprocessing(results):
    """A postprocessing function returned by a transform that only converts the batch of results
    into a result for a single ``QuantumTape``.
    return results[0]

[docs]@transform def diagonalize_measurements(tape, supported_base_obs=_default_supported_obs): """Diagonalize a set of measurements into the standard basis. Raises an error if the measurements do not commute. See the usage details for more information on which measurements are supported. Args: tape (QNode or QuantumScript or Callable): The quantum circuit to modify the measurements of. supported_base_obs (Optional, Iterable(Observable)): A list of supported base observable classes. Allowed observables are ``qml.X``, ``qml.Y``, ``qml.Z``, ``qml.Hadamard`` and ``qml.Identity``. Z and Identity are always treated as supported, regardless of input. If no list is provided, the transform will diagonalize everything into the Z basis. If a list is provided, only unsupported observables will be diagonalized to the Z basis. Returns: qnode (QNode) or tuple[List[QuantumScript], function]: The transformed circuit as described in :func:`qml.transform <pennylane.transform>`. .. note:: This transform will raise an error if it encounters non-commuting terms. To avoid non-commuting terms in circuit measurements, the :func:`split_non_commuting <pennylane.transforms.split_non_commuting>` transform can be applied. **Examples:** This transform allows us to transform QNode measurements into the measurement basis by adding the relevant diagonalizing gates to the end of the tape operations. .. code-block:: python3 from pennylane.transforms import diagonalize_measurements dev = qml.device("default.qubit") @diagonalize_measurements @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(x): qml.RY(x[0], wires=0) qml.RX(x[1], wires=1) return qml.expval(qml.X(0) @ qml.Z(1)), qml.var(0.5 * qml.Y(2) + qml.X(0)) Applying the transform appends the relevant gates to the end of the circuit to allow measurements to be in the Z basis, so the original circuit >>> print(qml.draw(circuit, level=0)([np.pi/4, np.pi/4])) 0: ──RY(0.79)─┤ ╭<X@Z> ╭Var[(0.50*Y)+X] 1: ──RX(0.79)─┤ ╰<X@Z> │ 2: ───────────┤ ╰Var[(0.50*Y)+X] becomes >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)([np.pi/4, np.pi/4])) 0: ──RY(0.79)──H────┤ ╭<Z@Z> ╭Var[(0.50*Z)+Z] 1: ──RX(0.79)───────┤ ╰<Z@Z> │ 2: ──Z─────────S──H─┤ ╰Var[(0.50*Z)+Z] >>> circuit([np.pi/4, np.pi/4]) (tensor(0.5, requires_grad=True), tensor(0.75, requires_grad=True)) .. details:: :title: Usage Details The transform diagonalizes observables from the local Pauli basis only, i.e. it diagonalizes X, Y, Z, and Hadamard. The transform can also diagonalize only a subset of these operators. By default, the only supported base observable is Z. What if a backend device can handle X, Y and Z, but doesn't provide support for Hadamard? We can set this by passing ``supported_base_obs`` to the transform. Let's create a tape with some measurements: .. code-block:: python3 measurements = [ qml.expval(qml.X(0) + qml.Hadamard(1)), qml.expval(qml.X(0) + 0.2 * qml.Hadamard(1)), qml.var(qml.Y(2) + qml.X(0)), ] tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript(measurements=measurements) tapes, processing_fn = diagonalize_measurements( tape, supported_base_obs=[qml.X, qml.Y, qml.Z] ) Now ``tapes`` is a tuple containing a single tape with the updated measurements, where only the Hadamard gate has been diagonalized: >>> tapes[0].measurements [expval(X(0) + Z(1)), expval(X(0) + 0.2 * Z(1)), var(Y(2) + X(0))] """ bad_obs_input = [ o for o in supported_base_obs if o not in {qml.X, qml.Y, qml.Z, qml.Hadamard, qml.Identity} ] if bad_obs_input: raise ValueError( "Supported base observables must be a subset of [X, Y, Z, Hadamard, and Identity] " f"but received {list(bad_obs_input)}" ) supported_base_obs = set(list(supported_base_obs) + [qml.Z, qml.Identity]) _visited_obs = (set(), set()) # tracks which observables and wires have been diagonalized diagonalizing_gates = [] new_measurements = [] for m in tape.measurements: if m.obs: gates, new_obs, _visited_obs = _diagonalize_observable( m.obs, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs ) diagonalizing_gates.extend(gates) meas = copy(m) meas.obs = new_obs new_measurements.append(meas) else: new_measurements.append(m) new_operations = tape.operations + diagonalizing_gates new_tape = type(tape)( ops=new_operations, measurements=new_measurements, shots=tape.shots, trainable_params=tape.trainable_params, ) return (new_tape,), null_postprocessing
def _check_if_diagonalizing(obs, _visited_obs, switch_basis): """Checks if the observable should be diagonalized based on whether its basis should be switched, and whether the same observable has already been diagonalized. Args: obs: the observable to be diagonalized _visited_obs: a tuple containing a list of all observables that have already been encountered, and a list of all wires that have already been encountered switch_basis: whether the observable should be switched for one measuring in the Z-basis on the same wires. Returns: diagonalize (bool): whether or not to apply diagonalizing gates for the observable _visited_obs (tuple(Iterables): an up-to-date record of the observables and wires encountered on the tape so far """ if obs in _visited_obs[0] or isinstance(obs, qml.Identity): # its already been encountered before, and if need be, diagonalized - we will # not be applying any gates or updating _visited_obs # same if it's just an Identity return False, _visited_obs # a different observable has been diagonalized on the same wire - error if obs.wires[0] in _visited_obs[1]: raise ValueError( f"Expected measurements on the same wire to commute, but {obs} " f"overlaps with another non-commuting observable on the tape." ) # we diagonalize if it's an operator we are switching the basis for # we update _visited_obs to indicate that we've encountered that observable regardless _visited_obs[0].add(obs) _visited_obs[1].add(obs.wires[0]) return switch_basis, _visited_obs def _diagonalize_observable( observable, _visited_obs=None, supported_base_obs=_default_supported_obs, ): """Takes an observable and changes all unsupported obs to the measurement basis. Applies diagonalizing gates if the observable being switched to the measurement basis hasn't already been diagonalized for a previous observable on the tape. Args: observable: the observable to be diagonalized _visited_obs: a tuple containing a list of all observables that have already been encountered, and a list of all wires that have already been encountered supported_base_obs (Optional, Iterable(Str)): A list of names of supported base observables. Allowed names are 'PauliX', 'PauliY', 'PauliZ' and 'Hadamard'. If no list is provided, the function will diagonalize everything. Returns: diagonalizing_gates: A list of operations to be applied to diagonalize the observable new_obs: the relevant measurement to perform after applying diagonalzing_gates to get the correct measurement output _visited_obs: an up-to-date record of the observables and wires encountered on the tape so far """ if _visited_obs is None: _visited_obs = (set(), set()) if not isinstance(observable, (qml.X, qml.Y, qml.Z, qml.Hadamard, qml.Identity)): return _diagonalize_compound_observable( observable, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs=supported_base_obs ) # also validates that the wire hasn't already been diagonalized and updated _visited_obs switch_basis = type(observable) not in supported_base_obs diagonalize, _visited_obs = _check_if_diagonalizing(observable, _visited_obs, switch_basis) if isinstance(observable, qml.Z): # maybe kind of redundant return [], observable, _visited_obs new_obs = qml.Z(wires=observable.wires) if switch_basis else observable diagonalizing_gates = observable.diagonalizing_gates() if diagonalize else [] return diagonalizing_gates, new_obs, _visited_obs def _get_obs_and_gates(obs_list, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs=_default_supported_obs): """Calls _diagonalize_observable on each observable in a list, and returns the full result for the list of observables""" new_obs = [] diagonalizing_gates = [] for o in obs_list: gates, obs, _visited_obs = _diagonalize_observable(o, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs) if gates: diagonalizing_gates.extend(gates) new_obs.append(obs) return diagonalizing_gates, new_obs, _visited_obs @singledispatch def _diagonalize_compound_observable( observable, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs=_default_supported_obs ): """Takes an observable consisting of multiple other observables, and changes all unsupported obs to the measurement basis. Applies diagonalizing gates if changing the basis of an observable whose diagonalizing gates have not already been applied.""" raise NotImplementedError( f"Unable to convert observable of type {type(observable)} to the measurement basis" ) @_diagonalize_compound_observable.register def _diagonalize_symbolic_op( observable: SymbolicOp, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs=_default_supported_obs ): diagonalizing_gates, new_base, _visited_obs = _diagonalize_observable( observable.base, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs ) params, hyperparams = observable.parameters, observable.hyperparameters hyperparams = copy(hyperparams) hyperparams["base"] = new_base new_observable = observable.__class__(*params, **hyperparams) return diagonalizing_gates, new_observable, _visited_obs @_diagonalize_compound_observable.register def _diagonalize_tensor( observable: Tensor, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs=_default_supported_obs ): diagonalizing_gates, new_obs, _visited_obs = _get_obs_and_gates( observable.obs, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs ) new_observable = Tensor(*new_obs) return diagonalizing_gates, new_observable, _visited_obs @_diagonalize_compound_observable.register def _diagonalize_hamiltonian( observable: qml.ops.Hamiltonian, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs=_default_supported_obs, ): diagonalizing_gates, new_ops, _visited_obs = _get_obs_and_gates( observable.ops, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs ) new_observable = qml.ops.Hamiltonian(observable.coeffs, new_ops) return diagonalizing_gates, new_observable, _visited_obs @_diagonalize_compound_observable.register def _diagonalize_composite_op( observable: LinearCombination, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs=_default_supported_obs ): coeffs, obs = observable.terms() diagonalizing_gates, new_obs, _visited_obs = _get_obs_and_gates( obs, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs ) new_observable = LinearCombination(coeffs, new_obs) return diagonalizing_gates, new_observable, _visited_obs @_diagonalize_compound_observable.register def _diagonalize_composite_op( observable: CompositeOp, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs=_default_supported_obs ): diagonalizing_gates, new_operands, _visited_obs = _get_obs_and_gates( observable.operands, _visited_obs, supported_base_obs ) new_observable = observable.__class__(*new_operands) return diagonalizing_gates, new_observable, _visited_obs