Source code for pennylane.transforms.sign_expand.sign_expand
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Contains the sign (and xi) decomposition tape transform, implementation of ideas from arXiv:2207.09479
# pylint: disable=protected-access
import json
from os import path
import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.tape import QuantumScript, QuantumScriptBatch
from pennylane.transforms import transform
from pennylane.typing import PostprocessingFn
def controlled_pauli_evolution(theta, wires, pauli_word, controls):
r"""Controlled Evolution under generic Pauli words, adapted from the decomposition of
qml.PauliRot to suit our needs
theta (float): rotation angle :math:`\theta`
pauli_word (string): the Pauli word defining the rotation
wires (Iterable, Wires): the wires the operation acts on
controls (List[control1, control2]): The two additional controls to implement the
Hadamard test and the quantum signal processing part on
list[Operator]: decomposition that make up the controlled evolution
active_wires, active_gates = zip(
*[(wire, gate) for wire, gate in zip(wires, pauli_word) if gate != "I"]
ops = []
for wire, gate in zip(active_wires, active_gates):
if gate in ("X", "Y"):
qml.Hadamard(wires=[wire]) if gate == "X" else qml.RX(-np.pi / 2, wires=[wire])
ops.append(qml.CNOT(wires=[controls[1], wires[0]]))
ops.append(qml.ctrl(op=qml.MultiRZ(theta, wires=list(active_wires)), control=controls[0]))
ops.append(qml.CNOT(wires=[controls[1], wires[0]]))
for wire, gate in zip(active_wires, active_gates):
if gate in ("X", "Y"):
qml.Hadamard(wires=[wire]) if gate == "X" else qml.RX(-np.pi / 2, wires=[wire])
return ops
def evolve_under(ops, coeffs, time, controls):
Evolves under the given Hamiltonian deconstructed into its Pauli words
ops (List[Observables]): List of Pauli words that comprise the Hamiltonian
coeffs (List[int]): List of the respective coefficients of the Pauliwords of the Hamiltonian
time (float): At what time to evaluate these Pauliwords
ops_temp = []
for op, coeff in zip(ops, coeffs):
pauli_word = qml.pauli.pauli_word_to_string(op)
coeff * time,
return ops_temp
def calculate_xi_decomposition(hamiltonian):
Calculates the Xi-decomposition from the given Hamiltonian by constructing the sparse matrix
representing the Hamiltonian, finding its spectrum and then construct projectors and
eigenvalue spacings
Definition of the Xi decomposition of operator O:
.. math::
\frac{\lambda_0 +\lambda_J}{2} \mathbb{1} + \sum_{x=1}^{J-1} \frac{\delta \lambda_x}{2}\Xi_x ,
where the lambdas are the sorted eigenvalues of O and
\Xi_x = \mathbb{1} - \sum_(j<x) 2 \Pi_j \,, \quad \delta \lambda_x = \lambda_x - \lambda_{x-1}
hamiltonian (qml.Hamiltonian): The pennylane Hamiltonian to be decomposed
dEs (List[float]): The energy (E_1-E-2)/2 separating the two eigenvalues of the spectrum
mus (List[float]): The average between the two eigenvalues (E_1+E-2)/2
times (List[float]): The time for this term group to be evaluated/evolved at
projs (List[np.array]): The analytical observables associated with these groups,
to be measured by qml.Hermitian
mat = hamiltonian.sparse_matrix().toarray()
size = len(mat)
eigs, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(mat)
norm = eigs[-1]
proj = np.identity(size, dtype="complex64")
def Pi(j):
"""Projector on eigenspace of eigenvalue E_i"""
return np.outer(np.conjugate(eigvecs[:, j]), eigvecs[:, j])
proj += -2 * Pi(0)
last_i = 1
dEs, mus, projs, times = [], [], [], []
for index in range(len(eigs) - 1):
dE = (eigs[index + 1] - eigs[index]) / 2
if np.isclose(dE, 0):
mu = (eigs[index + 1] + eigs[index]) / 2
time = np.pi / (2 * (norm + abs(mu)))
for j in range(last_i, index + 1):
proj += -2 * Pi(j)
last_i = index + 1
projs.append(proj.copy() * dE)
return dEs, mus, times, projs
def construct_sgn_circuit( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
hamiltonian, tape, mus, times, phis, controls
Takes a tape with state prep and ansatz and constructs the individual tapes
approximating/estimating the individual terms of your decomposition
hamiltonian (qml.Hamiltonian): The pennylane Hamiltonian to be decomposed
tape (qml.QuantumTape: Tape containing the circuit to be expanded into the new circuits
mus (List[float]): The average between the two eigenvalues (E_1+E-2)/2
times (List[float]): The time for this term group to be evaluated/evolved at
phis (List[float]): Optimal phi values for the QSP part associated with the respective
delta and J
controls (List[control1, control2]): The two additional controls to implement the
Hadamard test and the quantum signal processing part on
tapes (List[qml.tape]): Expanded tapes from the original tape that measures the terms
via the approximate sgn decomposition
coeffs =
tapes = []
for mu, time in zip(mus, times):
added_operations = []
# Put QSP and Hadamard test on the two ancillas Target and Control
for i, phi in enumerate(phis):
added_operations.append(qml.CRX(phi, wires=controls))
if i == len(phis) - 1:
added_operations.append(qml.CRY(np.pi, wires=controls))
for ops in evolve_under(hamiltonian.ops, coeffs, 2 * time, controls):
added_operations.append(qml.CRZ(-2 * mu * time, wires=controls))
operations = tape.operations + added_operations
if tape.measurements[0].return_type == qml.measurements.Expectation:
measurements = [qml.expval(-1 * qml.Z(controls[0]))]
measurements = [qml.var(qml.Z(controls[0]))]
new_tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript(operations, measurements, shots=tape.shots)
return tapes
def sign_expand( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
tape: QuantumScript, circuit=False, J=10, delta=0.0, controls=("Hadamard", "Target")
) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]:
Splits a tape measuring a (fast-forwardable) Hamiltonian expectation into mutliple tapes of
the Xi or sgn decomposition, and provides a function to recombine the results.
Implementation of ideas from arXiv:2207.09479
For the calculation of variances, one assumes an even distribution of shots among the groups.
tape (QNode or QuantumTape): the quantum circuit used when calculating the expectation value of the Hamiltonian
circuit (bool): Toggle the calculation of the analytical Xi decomposition or if True
constructs the circuits of the approximate sign decomposition to measure the expectation
J (int): The times the time evolution of the hamiltonian is repeated in the quantum signal
processing approximation of the sgn-decomposition
delta (float): The minimal
controls (List[control1, control2]): The two additional controls to implement the
Hadamard test and the quantum signal processing part on, have to be wires on the device
qnode (pennylane.QNode) or tuple[List[.QuantumTape], function]: The transformed circuit as described in :func:`qml.transform <pennylane.transform>`.
Given a Hamiltonian,
.. code-block:: python3
H = qml.Z(0) + 0.5 * qml.Z(2) + qml.Z(1)
a device with auxiliary qubits,
.. code-block:: python3
dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=[0,1,2,'Hadamard','Target'])
and a circuit of the form, with the transform as decorator.
.. code-block:: python3
def circuit():
qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
return qml.expval(H)
>>> circuit()
You can also work directly on tapes:
.. code-block:: python3
operations = [qml.Hadamard(wires=0), qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1]), qml.X(2)]
measurements = [qml.expval(H)]
tape = qml.tape.QuantumTape(operations, measurements)
We can use the ``sign_expand`` transform to generate new tapes and a classical
post-processing function for computing the expectation value of the Hamiltonian in these new decompositions
>>> tapes, fn = qml.transforms.sign_expand(tape)
We can evaluate these tapes on a device, it needs two additional ancilla gates labeled 'Hadamard' and 'Target' if
one wants to make the circuit approximation of the decomposition:
>>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=[0,1,2,'Hadamard','Target'])
>>> res = dev.execute(tapes)
>>> fn(res)
To evaluate the circuit approximation of the decomposition one can construct the sgn-decomposition by changing the
kwarg circuit to True:
>>> tapes, fn = qml.transforms.sign_expand(tape, circuit=True, J=20, delta=0)
>>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=[0,1,2,'Hadamard','Target'])
>>> dev.execute(tapes)
>>> fn(res)
Lastly, as the paper is about minimizing variance, one can also calculate the variance of the estimator by
changing the tape:
.. code-block:: python3
operations = [qml.Hadamard(wires=0), qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1]), qml.X(2)]
measurements = [qml.var(H)]
tape = qml.tape.QuantumTape(operations, measurements)
>>> tapes, fn = qml.transforms.sign_expand(tape, circuit=True, J=20, delta=0)
>>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=[0,1,2,'Hadamard','Target'])
>>> res = dev.execute(tapes)
>>> fn(res)
path_str = path.dirname(__file__)
with open(path_str + "/sign_expand_data.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
data = json.load(f)
phis = list(filter(lambda data: data["delta"] == delta and data["order"] == J, data))[0][
hamiltonian = tape.measurements[0].obs
wires = hamiltonian.wires
if (
not isinstance(hamiltonian, qml.ops.LinearCombination)
or len(tape.measurements) > 1
or tape.measurements[0].return_type
not in [qml.measurements.Expectation, qml.measurements.Variance]
raise ValueError(
"Passed tape must end in `qml.expval(H)` or 'qml.var(H)', where H is of type `qml.Hamiltonian`"
if len(hamiltonian.grouping_indices) != 1:
raise ValueError("Passed hamiltonian must be jointly measurable")
dEs, mus, times, projs = calculate_xi_decomposition(hamiltonian)
if circuit:
tapes = construct_sgn_circuit(hamiltonian, tape, mus, times, phis, controls)
if tape.measurements[0].return_type == qml.measurements.Expectation:
# pylint: disable=function-redefined
def processing_fn(res):
products = [a * b for a, b in zip(res, dEs)]
return qml.math.sum(products)
# pylint: disable=function-redefined
def processing_fn(res):
products = [a * b for a, b in zip(res, dEs)]
return qml.math.sum(products) * len(products)
return tapes, processing_fn
# make one tape per observable
tapes = []
for proj in projs:
if tape.measurements[0].return_type == qml.measurements.Expectation:
measurements = [qml.expval(qml.Hermitian(proj, wires=wires))]
measurements = [qml.var(qml.Hermitian(proj, wires=wires))]
new_tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript(tape.operations, measurements, shots=tape.shots)
# pylint: disable=function-redefined
def processing_fn(res):
return (
if tape.measurements[0].return_type == qml.measurements.Expectation
else qml.math.sum(res) * len(res)
return tapes, processing_fn
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