
class FlatFn(f, in_tree=None)[source]

Bases: object

Wrap a function so that it caches the pytree shape of the output into the out_tree property, so that the results can be repacked later. It also returns flattened results instead of the original result object.

If an in_tree is provided, the function accepts flattened inputs instead of the original inputs with tree structure given by in_tree.


>>> import jax
>>> from pennylane.capture.flatfn import FlatFn
>>> def f(x):
...     return {"y": 2+x["x"]}
>>> flat_f = FlatFn(f)
>>> arg = {"x": 0.5}
>>> res = flat_f(arg)
>>> res
>>> jax.tree_util.tree_unflatten(flat_f.out_tree, res)
{'y': 2.5}

If we want to use a fully flattened function that also takes flat inputs instead of the original inputs with tree structure, we can provide the PyTreeDef for this input structure:

>>> flat_args, in_tree = jax.tree_util.tree_flatten((arg,))
>>> flat_f = FlatFn(f, in_tree)
>>> res = flat_f(*flat_args)
>>> res
>>> jax.tree_util.tree_unflatten(flat_f.out_tree, res)
{'y': 2.5}

Note that the in_tree has to be created by flattening a tuple of all input arguments, even if there is only a single argument.


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