This module contains the default.tensor device to perform tensor network simulations of quantum circuits using quimb
A PennyLane device to perform tensor network simulations of quantum circuits using quimb. |
A function that determines whether or not a method is supported by |
A function that determines if an observable is supported by |
Dispatcher for _apply_operation. |
Dispatcher for _apply_operation. |
Dispatcher for _apply_operation. |
Apply a Pauli rotation operation in the form of a Matrix Product Operator (MPO). |
Dispatcher for _apply_operation. |
Dispatcher for expval. |
Computes the expval of a LinearCombination. |
Computes the expval of a Prod. |
Computes the expval of a SProd. |
Computes the expval of a Sum. |
A function that determines if an operation is supported by |