Source code for pennylane.devices.null_qubit
# Copyright 2022 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
The null.qubit device is a no-op device, useful for resource estimation, and for
benchmarking PennyLane's auxiliary functionality outside direct circuit evaluations.
# pylint:disable=unused-argument
import inspect
import logging
from dataclasses import replace
from functools import singledispatch
from numbers import Number
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from pennylane import math
from pennylane.devices.execution_config import ExecutionConfig
from pennylane.devices.modifiers import simulator_tracking, single_tape_support
from pennylane.measurements import (
from pennylane.tape import QuantumScriptOrBatch
from pennylane.transforms.core import TransformProgram
from pennylane.typing import Result, ResultBatch
from . import DefaultQubit, Device
from .execution_config import DefaultExecutionConfig, ExecutionConfig
from .preprocess import decompose
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def zero_measurement(
mp: MeasurementProcess, num_device_wires, shots: Optional[int], batch_size: int, interface: str
"""Create all-zero results for various measurement processes."""
return _zero_measurement(mp, num_device_wires, shots, batch_size, interface)
def _zero_measurement(
mp: MeasurementProcess, num_device_wires: int, shots: Optional[int], batch_size, interface
shape = mp.shape(shots, num_device_wires)
if batch_size is not None:
shape = (batch_size,) + shape
return math.zeros(shape, like=interface, dtype=mp.numeric_type)
def _(mp: ClassicalShadowMP, num_device_wires, shots: Optional[int], batch_size, interface):
if batch_size is not None:
# shapes = [(batch_size,) + shape for shape in shapes]
raise ValueError(
"Parameter broadcasting is not supported with null.qubit and qml.classical_shadow"
shape = mp.shape(shots, num_device_wires)
return math.zeros(shape, like=interface, dtype=np.int8)
def _(mp: CountsMP, num_device_wires, shots, batch_size, interface):
outcomes = []
if mp.obs is None and not isinstance(, MeasurementValue):
state = "0" * num_device_wires
results = {state: math.asarray(shots, like=interface)}
if mp.all_outcomes:
outcomes = [f"{x:0{num_device_wires}b}" for x in range(1, 2**num_device_wires)]
outcomes = sorted(mp.eigvals()) # always assign shots to the smallest
results = {outcomes[0]: math.asarray(shots, like=interface)}
outcomes = outcomes[1:] if mp.all_outcomes else []
if outcomes:
zero = math.asarray(0, like=interface)
for val in outcomes:
results[val] = zero
if batch_size is not None:
results = tuple(results for _ in range(batch_size))
return results
def _(
mp: Union[StateMP, ProbabilityMP],
num_device_wires: int,
shots: Optional[int],
num_wires = len(mp.wires) or num_device_wires
state = [1.0] + [0.0] * (2**num_wires - 1)
if batch_size is not None:
state = [state] * batch_size
return math.asarray(state, like=interface)
def _interface(config: ExecutionConfig):
return config.interface.get_like() if config.gradient_method == "backprop" else "numpy"
class NullQubit(Device):
"""Null qubit device for PennyLane. This device performs no operations involved in numerical calculations.
Instead the time spent in execution is dominated by support (or setting up) operations, like tape creation etc.
wires (int, Iterable[Number, str]): Number of wires present on the device, or iterable that
contains unique labels for the wires as numbers (i.e., ``[-1, 0, 2]``) or strings
(``['aux_wire', 'q1', 'q2']``). Default ``None`` if not specified.
shots (int, Sequence[int], Sequence[Union[int, Sequence[int]]]): The default number of shots
to use in executions involving this device.
.. code-block:: python
qs = qml.tape.QuantumScript(
[qml.Hadamard(0), qml.CNOT([0, 1])],
[qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)), qml.probs()],
qscripts = [qs, qs, qs]
>>> dev = NullQubit()
>>> program, execution_config = dev.preprocess()
>>> new_batch, post_processing_fn = program(qscripts)
>>> results = dev.execute(new_batch, execution_config=execution_config)
>>> post_processing_fn(results)
((array(0.), array([1., 0., 0., 0.])),
(array(0.), array([1., 0., 0., 0.])),
(array(0.), array([1., 0., 0., 0.])))
This device currently supports (trivial) derivatives:
>>> from pennylane.devices import ExecutionConfig
>>> dev.supports_derivatives(ExecutionConfig(gradient_method="device"))
This device can be used to track resource usage:
.. code-block:: python
n_layers = 50
n_wires = 100
shape = qml.StronglyEntanglingLayers.shape(n_layers=n_layers, n_wires=n_wires)
def circuit(params):
qml.StronglyEntanglingLayers(params, wires=range(n_wires))
return [qml.expval(qml.Z(i)) for i in range(n_wires)]
params = np.random.random(shape)
with qml.Tracker(dev) as tracker:
>>> tracker.history["resources"][0]
num_wires: 100
num_gates: 10000
depth: 502
shots: Shots(total=None)
{'Rot': 5000, 'CNOT': 5000}
{1: 5000, 2: 5000}
.. details::
:title: Tracking
``NullQubit`` tracks:
* ``executions``: the number of unique circuits that would be required on quantum hardware
* ``shots``: the number of shots
* ``resources``: the :class:`~.resource.Resources` for the executed circuit.
* ``simulations``: the number of simulations performed. One simulation can cover multiple QPU executions, such as for non-commuting measurements and batched parameters.
* ``batches``: The number of times :meth:`~.execute` is called.
* ``results``: The results of each call of :meth:`~.execute`
* ``derivative_batches``: How many times :meth:`~.compute_derivatives` is called.
* ``execute_and_derivative_batches``: How many times :meth:`~.execute_and_compute_derivatives` is called
* ``vjp_batches``: How many times :meth:`~.compute_vjp` is called
* ``execute_and_vjp_batches``: How many times :meth:`~.execute_and_compute_vjp` is called
* ``jvp_batches``: How many times :meth:`~.compute_jvp` is called
* ``execute_and_jvp_batches``: How many times :meth:`~.execute_and_compute_jvp` is called
* ``derivatives``: How many circuits are submitted to :meth:`~.compute_derivatives` or :meth:`~.execute_and_compute_derivatives`.
* ``vjps``: How many circuits are submitted to :meth:`~.compute_vjp` or :meth:`~.execute_and_compute_vjp`
* ``jvps``: How many circuits are submitted to :meth:`~.compute_jvp` or :meth:`~.execute_and_compute_jvp`
def name(self):
"""The name of the device."""
return "null.qubit"
def __init__(self, wires=None, shots=None) -> None:
super().__init__(wires=wires, shots=shots)
self._debugger = None
def _simulate(self, circuit, interface):
num_device_wires = len(self.wires) if self.wires else len(circuit.wires)
results = []
for s in circuit.shots or [None]:
r = tuple(
zero_measurement(mp, num_device_wires, s, circuit.batch_size, interface)
for mp in circuit.measurements
results.append(r[0] if len(circuit.measurements) == 1 else r)
if circuit.shots.has_partitioned_shots:
return tuple(results)
return results[0]
def _derivatives(self, circuit, interface):
shots = circuit.shots
num_device_wires = len(self.wires) if self.wires else len(circuit.wires)
n = len(circuit.trainable_params)
derivatives = tuple(
zero_measurement(mp, num_device_wires, shots, circuit.batch_size, interface)
* n
for mp in circuit.measurements
if n == 1:
derivatives = tuple(d[0] for d in derivatives)
return derivatives[0] if len(derivatives) == 1 else derivatives
def _vjp(circuit, interface):
batch_size = circuit.batch_size
n = len(circuit.trainable_params)
res_shape = (n,) if batch_size is None else (n, batch_size)
return math.zeros(res_shape, like=interface)
def _jvp(circuit, interface):
jvps = (math.asarray(0.0, like=interface),) * len(circuit.measurements)
return jvps[0] if len(jvps) == 1 else jvps
def _setup_execution_config(execution_config: ExecutionConfig) -> ExecutionConfig:
"""No-op function to allow for borrowing DefaultQubit.preprocess without AttributeErrors"""
return execution_config
def _max_workers(self):
"""No-op property to allow for borrowing DefaultQubit.preprocess without AttributeErrors"""
return None
# pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
[docs] def preprocess(
self, execution_config=DefaultExecutionConfig
) -> tuple[TransformProgram, ExecutionConfig]:
program, _ = DefaultQubit.preprocess(self, execution_config)
for t in program:
if t.transform == decompose.transform:
original_stopping_condition = t.kwargs["stopping_condition"]
def new_stopping_condition(op):
return (not op.has_decomposition) or original_stopping_condition(op)
t.kwargs["stopping_condition"] = new_stopping_condition
original_shots_stopping_condition = t.kwargs.get("stopping_condition_shots", None)
if original_shots_stopping_condition:
def new_shots_stopping_condition(op):
return (not op.has_decomposition) or original_shots_stopping_condition(op)
t.kwargs["stopping_condition_shots"] = new_shots_stopping_condition
updated_values = {}
if execution_config.gradient_method in ["best", "adjoint"]:
updated_values["gradient_method"] = "device"
if execution_config.use_device_gradient is None:
updated_values["use_device_gradient"] = execution_config.gradient_method in {
if execution_config.use_device_jacobian_product is None:
updated_values["use_device_jacobian_product"] = (
execution_config.gradient_method == "device"
if execution_config.grad_on_execution is None:
updated_values["grad_on_execution"] = execution_config.gradient_method == "device"
return program, replace(execution_config, **updated_values)
[docs] def execute(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
) -> Union[Result, ResultBatch]:
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): # pragma: no cover
"""Entry with args=(circuits=%s) called by=%s""",
str(i) for i in inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe(), 2)[1][1:3]
return tuple(self._simulate(c, _interface(execution_config)) for c in circuits)
[docs] def supports_derivatives(self, execution_config=None, circuit=None):
return execution_config is None or execution_config.gradient_method in (
[docs] def supports_vjp(self, execution_config=None, circuit=None):
return execution_config is None or execution_config.gradient_method in (
[docs] def supports_jvp(self, execution_config=None, circuit=None):
return execution_config is None or execution_config.gradient_method in (
[docs] def compute_derivatives(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
return tuple(self._derivatives(c, _interface(execution_config)) for c in circuits)
[docs] def execute_and_compute_derivatives(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
results = tuple(self._simulate(c, _interface(execution_config)) for c in circuits)
jacs = tuple(self._derivatives(c, _interface(execution_config)) for c in circuits)
return results, jacs
[docs] def compute_jvp(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
tangents: tuple[Number],
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
return tuple(self._jvp(c, _interface(execution_config)) for c in circuits)
[docs] def execute_and_compute_jvp(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
tangents: tuple[Number],
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
results = tuple(self._simulate(c, _interface(execution_config)) for c in circuits)
jvps = tuple(self._jvp(c, _interface(execution_config)) for c in circuits)
return results, jvps
[docs] def compute_vjp(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
cotangents: tuple[Number],
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
return tuple(self._vjp(c, _interface(execution_config)) for c in circuits)
[docs] def execute_and_compute_vjp(
circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch,
cotangents: tuple[Number],
execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig,
results = tuple(self._simulate(c, _interface(execution_config)) for c in circuits)
vjps = tuple(self._vjp(c, _interface(execution_config)) for c in circuits)
return results, vjps
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