Source code for pennylane.devices.preprocess
# Copyright 2018-2023 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This module contains functions for preprocessing `QuantumTape` objects to ensure
that they are supported for execution by a device."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access, too-many-arguments
import os
import warnings
from import Callable, Generator, Sequence
from copy import copy
from itertools import chain
from typing import Optional, Union
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import Snapshot, transform
from pennylane.measurements import SampleMeasurement, StateMeasurement
from pennylane.operation import StatePrepBase, Tensor
from pennylane.tape import QuantumScript, QuantumScriptBatch
from pennylane.typing import PostprocessingFn
from pennylane.wires import WireError
from .execution_config import MCMConfig
def null_postprocessing(results):
"""A postprocessing function returned by a transform that only converts the batch of results
into a result for a single ``QuantumTape``.
return results[0]
def _operator_decomposition_gen(
op: qml.operation.Operator,
acceptance_function: Callable[[qml.operation.Operator], bool],
decomposer: Callable[[qml.operation.Operator], Sequence[qml.operation.Operator]],
max_expansion: Optional[int] = None,
name: str = "device",
error: Optional[Exception] = None,
) -> Generator[qml.operation.Operator, None, None]:
"""A generator that yields the next operation that is accepted."""
if error is None:
error = qml.DeviceError
max_depth_reached = False
if max_expansion is not None and max_expansion <= current_depth:
max_depth_reached = True
if acceptance_function(op) or max_depth_reached:
yield op
decomp = decomposer(op)
current_depth += 1
except qml.operation.DecompositionUndefinedError as e:
raise error(
f"Operator {op} not supported with {name} and does not provide a decomposition."
) from e
for sub_op in decomp:
yield from _operator_decomposition_gen(
def no_sampling(
tape: QuantumScript, name: str = "device"
) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]:
"""Raises an error if the tape has finite shots.
tape (QuantumTape or .QNode or Callable): a quantum circuit
name (str): name to use in error message.
qnode (QNode) or quantum function (Callable) or tuple[List[.QuantumTape], function]:
The unaltered input circuit. The output type is explained in :func:`qml.transform <pennylane.transform>`.
This transform can be added to forbid finite shots. For example, ``default.qubit`` uses it for
adjoint and backprop validation.
if tape.shots:
raise qml.DeviceError(f"Finite shots are not supported with {name}")
return (tape,), null_postprocessing
def validate_device_wires(
tape: QuantumScript, wires: Optional[qml.wires.Wires] = None, name: str = "device"
) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]:
"""Validates that all wires present in the tape are in the set of provided wires. Adds the
device wires to measurement processes like :class:`~.measurements.StateMP` that are broadcasted
across all available wires.
tape (QuantumTape or QNode or Callable): a quantum circuit.
wires=None (Optional[Wires]): the allowed wires. Wires of ``None`` allows any wires
to be present in the tape.
name="device" (str): the name of the device to use in error messages.
qnode (QNode) or quantum function (Callable) or tuple[List[QuantumTape], function]:
The unaltered input circuit. The output type is explained in :func:`qml.transform <pennylane.transform>`.
WireError: if the tape has a wire not present in the provided wires.
if wires:
if extra_wires := set(tape.wires) - set(wires):
raise WireError(
f"Cannot run circuit(s) on {name} as they contain wires "
f"not found on the device: {extra_wires}"
measurements = tape.measurements.copy()
modified = False
for m_idx, mp in enumerate(measurements):
if not mp.obs and not mp.wires:
modified = True
new_mp = copy(mp)
new_mp._wires = wires # pylint:disable=protected-access
measurements[m_idx] = new_mp
if modified:
tape = type(tape)(tape.operations, measurements, shots=tape.shots)
return (tape,), null_postprocessing
def mid_circuit_measurements(
tape: QuantumScript,
**kwargs, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]:
"""Provide the transform to handle mid-circuit measurements.
If the tape or device uses finite-shot, use the native implementation (i.e. no transform),
and use the ``qml.defer_measurements`` transform otherwise.
if isinstance(mcm_config, dict):
mcm_config = MCMConfig(**mcm_config)
mcm_method = mcm_config.mcm_method
if mcm_method is None:
mcm_method = "one-shot" if tape.shots else "deferred"
if mcm_method == "one-shot":
return qml.dynamic_one_shot(tape, postselect_mode=mcm_config.postselect_mode)
if mcm_method == "tree-traversal":
return (tape,), null_postprocessing
return qml.defer_measurements(tape, device=device)
def validate_multiprocessing_workers(
tape: QuantumScript, max_workers: int, device
) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]:
"""Validates the number of workers for multiprocessing.
Checks that the CPU is not oversubscribed and warns user if it is,
making suggestions for the number of workers and/or the number of
threads per worker.
tape (QuantumTape or .QNode or Callable): a quantum circuit.
max_workers (int): Maximal number of multiprocessing workers
device (pennylane.devices.Device): The device to be checked.
qnode (pennylane.QNode) or quantum function (callable) or tuple[List[.QuantumTape], function]:
The unaltered input circuit. The output type is explained in :func:`qml.transform <pennylane.transform>`.
if max_workers is not None:
threads_per_proc = os.cpu_count() # all threads by default
varname = "OMP_NUM_THREADS"
for var in varnames:
if os.getenv(var): # pragma: no cover
varname = var
threads_per_proc = int(os.getenv(var))
num_threads = threads_per_proc * max_workers
num_cpu = os.cpu_count()
num_threads_suggest = max(1, os.cpu_count() // max_workers)
num_workers_suggest = max(1, os.cpu_count() // threads_per_proc)
if num_threads > num_cpu:
f"""The device requested {num_threads} threads ({max_workers} processes
times {threads_per_proc} threads per process), but the processor only has
{num_cpu} logical cores. The processor is likely oversubscribed, which may
lead to performance deterioration. Consider decreasing the number of processes,
setting the device or execution config argument `max_workers={num_workers_suggest}`
for example, or decreasing the number of threads per process by setting the
environment variable `{varname}={num_threads_suggest}`.""",
if device._debugger and
raise qml.DeviceError(
"Debugging with ``Snapshots`` is not available with multiprocessing."
if any(isinstance(op, Snapshot) for op in tape.operations):
raise RuntimeError(
"""ProcessPoolExecutor cannot execute a QuantumScript with
a ``Snapshot`` operation. Change the value of ``max_workers``
to ``None`` or execute the QuantumScript separately."""
return (tape,), null_postprocessing
def validate_adjoint_trainable_params(
tape: QuantumScript,
) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]:
"""Raises a warning if any of the observables is trainable, and raises an error if any
trainable parameters belong to state-prep operations. Can be used in validating circuits
for adjoint differentiation.
for op in tape.operations[: tape.num_preps]:
if qml.operation.is_trainable(op):
raise qml.QuantumFunctionError(
"Differentiating with respect to the input parameters of state-prep operations "
"is not supported with the adjoint differentiation method."
for m in tape.measurements:
if m.obs and qml.operation.is_trainable(m.obs):
f"Differentiating with respect to the input parameters of {} "
"is not supported with the adjoint differentiation method. Gradients are computed "
"only with regards to the trainable parameters of the circuit.\n\n Mark the "
"parameters of the measured observables as non-trainable to silence this warning.",
return (tape,), null_postprocessing
def decompose(
tape: QuantumScript,
stopping_condition: Callable[[qml.operation.Operator], bool],
stopping_condition_shots: Callable[[qml.operation.Operator], bool] = None,
skip_initial_state_prep: bool = True,
decomposer: Optional[
Callable[[qml.operation.Operator], Sequence[qml.operation.Operator]]
] = None,
max_expansion: Union[int, None] = None,
name: str = "device",
error: Optional[Exception] = None,
) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]:
"""Decompose operations until the stopping condition is met.
tape (QuantumScript or QNode or Callable): a quantum circuit.
stopping_condition (Callable): a function from an operator to a boolean. If ``False``,
the operator should be decomposed. If an operator cannot be decomposed and is not
accepted by ``stopping_condition``, an ``Exception`` will be raised (of a type
specified by the ``error`` keyward argument).
Keyword Args:
stopping_condition_shots (Callable): a function from an operator to a boolean. If
``False``, the operator should be decomposed. This replaces ``stopping_condition``
if and only if the tape has shots.
skip_initial_state_prep (bool): If ``True``, the first operator will not be decomposed if
it inherits from :class:`~.StatePrepBase`. Defaults to ``True``.
decomposer (Callable): an optional callable that takes an operator and implements the
relevant decomposition. If ``None``, defaults to using a callable returning
``op.decomposition()`` for any :class:`~.Operator` .
max_expansion (int): The maximum depth of the expansion. Defaults to None.
name (str): The name of the transform, process or device using decompose. Used in the
error message. Defaults to "device".
error (type): An error type to raise if it is not possible to obtain a decomposition that
fulfills the ``stopping_condition``. Defaults to ``qml.DeviceError``.
qnode (QNode) or quantum function (Callable) or tuple[List[QuantumScript], function]:
The decomposed circuit. The output type is explained in :func:`qml.transform <pennylane.transform>`.
Exception: Type defaults to ``qml.DeviceError`` but can be modified via keyword argument.
Raised if an operator is not accepted and does not define a decomposition, or if
the decomposition enters an infinite loop and raises a ``RecursionError``.
>>> def stopping_condition(obj):
... return in {"CNOT", "RX", "RZ"}
>>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([qml.IsingXX(1.2, wires=(0,1))], [qml.expval(qml.Z(0))])
>>> batch, fn = decompose(tape, stopping_condition)
>>> batch[0].circuit
[CNOT(wires=[0, 1]),
RX(1.2, wires=[0]),
CNOT(wires=[0, 1]),
If an operator cannot be decomposed into a supported operation, an error is raised:
>>> decompose(tape, lambda obj: == "S")
qml.DeviceError: Operator CNOT(wires=[0, 1]) not supported on device and does not provide a decomposition.
The ``skip_initial_state_prep`` specifies whether the device supports state prep operations
at the beginning of the circuit.
>>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([qml.BasisState([1], wires=0), qml.BasisState([1], wires=1)])
>>> batch, fn = decompose(tape, stopping_condition)
>>> batch[0].circuit
[BasisState(array([1]), wires=[0]),
RZ(1.5707963267948966, wires=[1]),
RX(3.141592653589793, wires=[1]),
RZ(1.5707963267948966, wires=[1])]
>>> batch, fn = decompose(tape, stopping_condition, skip_initial_state_prep=False)
>>> batch[0].circuit
[RZ(1.5707963267948966, wires=[0]),
RX(3.141592653589793, wires=[0]),
RZ(1.5707963267948966, wires=[0]),
RZ(1.5707963267948966, wires=[1]),
RX(3.141592653589793, wires=[1]),
RZ(1.5707963267948966, wires=[1])]
if error is None:
error = qml.DeviceError
if decomposer is None:
def decomposer(op):
return op.decomposition()
if stopping_condition_shots is not None and tape.shots:
stopping_condition = stopping_condition_shots
if tape.operations and isinstance(tape[0], StatePrepBase) and skip_initial_state_prep:
prep_op = [tape[0]]
prep_op = []
if all(stopping_condition(op) for op in tape.operations[len(prep_op) :]):
return (tape,), null_postprocessing
new_ops = [
for op in tape.operations[len(prep_op) :]
for final_op in _operator_decomposition_gen(
except RecursionError as e:
raise error(
"Reached recursion limit trying to decompose operations. "
"Operator decomposition may have entered an infinite loop."
) from e
tape = QuantumScript(prep_op + new_ops, tape.measurements, shots=tape.shots)
return (tape,), null_postprocessing
def validate_observables(
tape: QuantumScript,
stopping_condition: Callable[[qml.operation.Operator], bool],
name: str = "device",
) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]:
"""Validates the observables and measurements for a circuit.
tape (QuantumTape or QNode or Callable): a quantum circuit.
stopping_condition (callable): a function that specifies whether or not an observable is accepted.
name (str): the name of the device to use in error messages.
qnode (QNode) or quantum function (Callable) or tuple[List[.QuantumTape], function]:
The unaltered input circuit. The output type is explained in :func:`qml.transform <pennylane.transform>`.
~pennylane.DeviceError: if an observable is not supported
>>> def accepted_observable(obj):
... return in {"PauliX", "PauliY", "PauliZ"}
>>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], [qml.expval(qml.Z(0) + qml.Y(0))])
>>> validate_observables(tape, accepted_observable)
qml.DeviceError: Observable Z(0) + Y(0) not supported on device
Note that if the observable is a :class:`~.Tensor`, the validation is run on each object in the
``Tensor`` instead.
for m in tape.measurements:
if m.obs is not None:
if isinstance(m.obs, Tensor):
if any(not stopping_condition(o) for o in m.obs.obs):
raise qml.DeviceError(f"Observable {repr(m.obs)} not supported on {name}")
elif not stopping_condition(m.obs):
raise qml.DeviceError(f"Observable {repr(m.obs)} not supported on {name}")
return (tape,), null_postprocessing
def validate_measurements(
tape: QuantumScript, analytic_measurements=None, sample_measurements=None, name="device"
) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]:
"""Validates the supported state and sample based measurement processes.
tape (QuantumTape, .QNode, Callable): a quantum circuit.
analytic_measurements (Callable[[MeasurementProcess], bool]): a function from a measurement process
to whether or not it is accepted in analytic simulations.
sample_measurements (Callable[[MeasurementProcess], bool]): a function from a measurement process
to whether or not it accepted for finite shot simulations.
name (str): the name to use in error messages.
qnode (pennylane.QNode) or quantum function (callable) or tuple[List[.QuantumTape], function]:
The unaltered input circuit. The output type is explained in :func:`qml.transform <pennylane.transform>`.
~pennylane.DeviceError: if a measurement process is not supported.
>>> def analytic_measurements(m):
... return isinstance(m, qml.measurements.StateMP)
>>> def shots_measurements(m):
... return isinstance(m, qml.measurements.CountsMP)
>>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], [qml.expval(qml.Z(0))])
>>> validate_measurements(tape, analytic_measurements, shots_measurements)
qml.DeviceError: Measurement expval(Z(0)) not accepted for analytic simulation on device.
>>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], [qml.sample()], shots=10)
>>> validate_measurements(tape, analytic_measurements, shots_measurements)
qml.DeviceError: Measurement sample(wires=[]) not accepted with finite shots on device
if analytic_measurements is None:
def analytic_measurements(m):
return isinstance(m, StateMeasurement)
if sample_measurements is None:
def sample_measurements(m):
return isinstance(m, SampleMeasurement)
# Gather all the measurements present in the snapshot operations with the
# exception of `qml.state` as this is supported for any supported simulator regardless
# of its configuration
snapshot_measurements = [
for op in tape.operations
if isinstance(op, qml.Snapshot)
and not isinstance(meas := op.hyperparameters["measurement"], qml.measurements.StateMP)
shots = qml.measurements.Shots(tape.shots)
if shots.total_shots is not None:
for m in chain(snapshot_measurements, tape.measurements):
if not sample_measurements(m):
raise qml.DeviceError(f"Measurement {m} not accepted with finite shots on {name}")
for m in chain(snapshot_measurements, tape.measurements):
if not analytic_measurements(m):
raise qml.DeviceError(
f"Measurement {m} not accepted for analytic simulation on {name}."
return (tape,), null_postprocessing
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