Source code for pennylane.drawer.mpldrawer

# Copyright 2018-2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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This module contains the MPLDrawer class for creating circuit diagrams with matplotlib
import warnings
from import Iterable, Sequence

has_mpl = True
    import matplotlib.patheffects as path_effects
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import patches
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as e:  # pragma: no cover
    has_mpl = False

# pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments

def _to_tuple(a):
    """Converts int or iterable to tuple"""
    if a is None:
        return tuple()
    if isinstance(a, Iterable):
        return tuple(a)
    return (a,)

def _open_circ_options_process(options):
    """For use in both ``_ctrlo_circ`` and ``_target_x``."""
    if options is None:
        options = {}

    new_options = options.copy()
    if "color" in new_options:
        new_options["facecolor"] = plt.rcParams["axes.facecolor"]
        new_options["edgecolor"] = options["color"]
        new_options["color"] = None
        new_options["edgecolor"] = plt.rcParams["lines.color"]
        new_options["facecolor"] = plt.rcParams["axes.facecolor"]

    if "linewidth" not in new_options:
        new_options["linewidth"] = plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"]
    if "zorder" not in new_options:
        new_options["zorder"] = 3

    return new_options

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-arguments
[docs]class MPLDrawer: r"""Allows easy creation of graphics representing circuits with matplotlib Args: n_layers (int): the number of layers wire_map (dict): the wires to be drawn. A dict mapping wire label to index (from top to bottom) in the figure Keyword Args: c_wires=0 (int): the number of classical wires to leave space for. wire_options=None (dict): matplotlib configuration options for drawing the wire lines figsize=None (Iterable): Allows users to specify the size of the figure manually. Defaults to scale with the size of the circuit via ``n_layers`` and ``len(wire_map)``. fig=None (matplotlib Figure): Allows users to specify the figure window to plot to. **Example** .. code-block:: python drawer = qml.drawer.MPLDrawer(wire_map={i: i for i in range(5)}, n_layers=6) drawer.label(["0", "a", r"$|\Psi\rangle$", r"$|\theta\rangle$", "aux"]) drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], text="Entangling Layers") drawer.box_gate(layer=1, wires=[0, 2, 3], text="U(θ)") drawer.box_gate(layer=1, wires=4, text="Z") drawer.SWAP(layer=2, wires=(3,4)) drawer.CNOT(layer=2, wires=(0, 2)) drawer.ctrl(layer=3, wires=[1, 3], control_values=[True, False]) drawer.box_gate( layer=3, wires=2, text="H", box_options={"zorder": 4}, text_options={"zorder": 5} ) drawer.ctrl(layer=4, wires=[1, 2]) drawer.measure(layer=5, wires=0) drawer.fig.suptitle('My Circuit', fontsize='xx-large') .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/example_basic.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); .. details:: :title: Usage Details **Matplotlib Integration** This class relies on matplotlib. As such, users can extend this class via interacting with the figure ``drawer.fig`` and axes ```` objects manually. For instance, the example circuit manipulates the figure to set a title using ``drawer.fig.suptitle``. Users can save the image using ``plt.savefig`` or via the figure method ``drawer.fig.savefig``. As described in the next section, the figure supports both global styling and individual styling of elements with matplotlib styles, configuration, and keywords. **Formatting** PennyLane has inbuilt styles for controlling the appearance of the circuit drawings. All available styles can be determined by evaluating ``qml.drawer.available_styles()``. Any available string can then be passed to ``qml.drawer.use_style``. .. code-block:: python qml.drawer.use_style('black_white') .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/black_white_style.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); You can also control the appearance with matplotlib's provided tools, see the `matplotlib docs <>`_ . For example, we can customize ``plt.rcParams``: .. code-block:: python plt.rcParams['patch.facecolor'] = 'mistyrose' plt.rcParams['patch.edgecolor'] = 'maroon' plt.rcParams['text.color'] = 'maroon' plt.rcParams['font.weight'] = 'bold' plt.rcParams['patch.linewidth'] = 4 plt.rcParams['patch.force_edgecolor'] = True plt.rcParams['lines.color'] = 'indigo' plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 5 plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'ghostwhite' .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/example_rcParams.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); You can also manually control the styles of individual plot elements via the drawer class. All accept dictionaries of keyword-values pairs for matplotlib object components. Acceptable keywords differ based on what's being drawn. For example, you cannot pass ``"fontsize"`` to the dictionary controlling how to format a rectangle. For the control-type gates ``CNOT`` and ``ctrl`` the options dictionary can only contain ``'linewidth'``, ``'color'``, or ``'zorder'`` keys. This example demonstrates the different ways you can format the individual elements: .. code-block:: python wire_options = {"color": "indigo", "linewidth": 4} drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0: 0, 1: 1}, n_layers=4, wire_options=wire_options) label_options = {"fontsize": "x-large", 'color': 'indigo'} drawer.label(["0", "a"], text_options=label_options) box_options = {'facecolor': 'lightcoral', 'edgecolor': 'maroon', 'linewidth': 5} text_options = {'fontsize': 'xx-large', 'color': 'maroon'} drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=0, text="Z", box_options=box_options, text_options=text_options) swap_options = {'linewidth': 4, 'color': 'darkgreen'} drawer.SWAP(layer=1, wires=(0, 1), options=swap_options) ctrl_options = {'linewidth': 4, 'color': 'teal'} drawer.CNOT(layer=2, wires=(0, 1), options=ctrl_options) drawer.ctrl(layer=3, wires=(0, 1), options=ctrl_options) measure_box = {'facecolor': 'white', 'edgecolor': 'indigo'} measure_lines = {'edgecolor': 'indigo', 'facecolor': 'plum', 'linewidth': 2} for wire in range(2): drawer.measure(layer=4, wires=wire, box_options=measure_box, lines_options=measure_lines) drawer.fig.suptitle('My Circuit', fontsize='xx-large') .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/example_formatted.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); **Positioning** Each gate takes arguments in order of ``layer`` followed by ``wires``. These translate to ``x`` and ``y`` coordinates in the graph. Layer number (``x``) increases as you go right, and wire number (``y``) increases as you go down; the y-axis is inverted. You can pass non-integer values to either keyword. If you have a long label, the gate can span multiple layers and have extra width: .. code-block:: python drawer = MPLDrawer(2, {0:0, 1:1}) drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=1, text="X") drawer.box_gate(layer=1, wires=1, text="Y") # Gate between two layers drawer.box_gate(layer=0.5, wires=0, text="Big Gate", extra_width=0.5) .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/float_layer.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); """ _box_length = 0.75 """The width/height of the rectangle drawn by ``box_gate``""" _circ_rad = 0.3 """The radius of CNOT's target symbol.""" _ctrl_rad = 0.1 """The radius of the control-on-one solid circle.""" _octrl_rad = 0.1 """The radius of the control-on-zero open circle.""" _swap_dx = 0.2 """Half the width/height of the SWAP X-symbol.""" _fontsize = 14 """The default fontsize.""" _pad = 0.2 """Padding for FancyBboxPatch objects.""" _boxstyle = "round, pad=0.2" """Style for FancyBboxPatch objects.""" _notch_width = 0.04 """The width of active wire notches.""" _notch_height = 0.25 """The height of active wire notches.""" _notch_style = "round, pad=0.05" """Box style for active wire notches.""" _cond_shift = 0.03 """The shift value from the centre axis for classical double-lines.""" _cwire_scaling = 0.25 """The distance between successive control wires.""" def __init__(self, n_layers, wire_map, c_wires=0, wire_options=None, figsize=None, fig=None): if not has_mpl: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError( "Module matplotlib is required for ``MPLDrawer`` class. " "You can install matplotlib via \n\n pip install matplotlib" ) self.n_layers = n_layers self.n_wires = len(wire_map) ## Creating figure and ax if figsize is None: figheight = self.n_wires + self._cwire_scaling * c_wires + 1 + 0.5 * (c_wires > 0) figsize = (self.n_layers + 3, figheight) if fig is None: self._fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) else: fig.clear() fig.set_figwidth(figsize[0]) fig.set_figheight(figsize[1]) self._fig = fig self._ax = self._fig.add_axes( [0, 0, 1, 1], xlim=(-2, self.n_layers + 1), ylim=(-1, self.n_wires + self._cwire_scaling * c_wires + 0.5 * (c_wires > 0)), xticks=[], yticks=[], ) self._ax.axis("off") self._ax.invert_yaxis() if wire_options is None: wire_options = {} # Separate global options from per wire options global_options = {k: v for k, v in wire_options.items() if not isinstance(v, dict)} wire_specific_options = {k: v for k, v in wire_options.items() if isinstance(v, dict)} # Adding wire lines with individual styles based on wire_options self._wire_lines = [] for wire_label, idx in wire_map.items(): specific_options = wire_specific_options.get(wire_label, {}) line_options = {**global_options, **specific_options} # Create Line2D with the combined options line = plt.Line2D( (-1, self.n_layers), (idx, idx), zorder=1, **line_options, ) self._wire_lines.append(line) for line in self._wire_lines: self._ax.add_line(line) @property def fig(self): """Matplotlib figure""" return self._fig @property def ax(self): """Matplotlib axes""" return self._ax @property def fontsize(self): """Default fontsize for text. Defaults to 14.""" return self._fontsize @fontsize.setter def fontsize(self, value): """Set ``fontsize`` property as provided value.""" self._fontsize = value
[docs] def label(self, labels, text_options=None): """Label each wire. Args: labels (Iterable[str]): Iterable of labels for the wires Keyword Args: text_options (dict): any matplotlib keywords for a text object, such as font or size **Example** .. code-block:: python drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=1) drawer.label(["a", "b"]) .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/labels.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); You can also pass any `Matplotlib Text keywords <>`_ as a dictionary to the ``text_options`` keyword: .. code-block:: python drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=1) drawer.label(["a", "b"], text_options={"color": "indigo", "fontsize": "xx-large"}) .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/labels_formatted.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); """ if text_options is None: text_options = {"ha": "center", "va": "center", "fontsize": self.fontsize} for wire, ii_label in enumerate(labels): self._ax.text(-1.5, wire, ii_label, **text_options)
[docs] def erase_wire(self, layer: int, wire: int, length: int) -> None: """Erases a portion of a wire by adding a rectangle that matches the background. Args: layer (int): starting x coordinate for erasing the wire wire (int): y location to erase the wire from length (float, int): horizontal distance from ``layer`` to erase the background. """ rect = patches.Rectangle( (layer, wire - 0.1), length, 0.2, facecolor=plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"], edgecolor=plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"], zorder=1.1, )
[docs] def box_gate(self, layer, wires, text="", box_options=None, text_options=None, **kwargs): """Draws a box and adds label text to its center. Args: layer (int): x coordinate for the box center wires (Union[int, Iterable[int]]): y locations to include inside the box. Only min and max of an Iterable affect the output text (str): string to print at the box's center Keyword Args: box_options=None (dict): any matplotlib keywords for the ``plt.Rectangle`` patch text_options=None (dict): any matplotlib keywords for the text extra_width (float): extra box width autosize (bool): whether to rotate and shrink text to fit within the box active_wire_notches (bool): whether or not to add notches indicating active wires. Defaults to ``True``. **Example** .. code-block:: python drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=1) drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=(0, 1), text="CY") .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/box_gates.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); .. details:: :title: Usage Details This method can accept two different sets of design keywords. ``box_options`` takes `Rectangle keywords <>`_ , and ``text_options`` accepts `Matplotlib Text keywords <>`_ . .. code-block:: python box_options = {'facecolor': 'lightcoral', 'edgecolor': 'maroon', 'linewidth': 5} text_options = {'fontsize': 'xx-large', 'color': 'maroon'} drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=1) drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=(0, 1), text="CY", box_options=box_options, text_options=text_options) .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/box_gates_formatted.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); By default, text is rotated and/or shrunk to fit within the box. This behaviour can be turned off with the ``autosize=False`` keyword. .. code-block:: python drawer = MPLDrawer(n_layers=4, wire_map={0:0, 1:1}) drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=0, text="A longer label") drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=1, text="Label") drawer.box_gate(layer=1, wires=(0,1), text="long multigate label") drawer.box_gate(layer=3, wires=(0,1), text="Not autosized label", autosize=False) .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/box_gates_autosized.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); """ extra_width = kwargs.get("extra_width", 0) autosize = kwargs.get("autosize", True) active_wire_notches = kwargs.get("active_wire_notches", True) if box_options is None: box_options = {} if "zorder" not in box_options: box_options["zorder"] = 2 new_text_options = {"zorder": 3, "ha": "center", "va": "center", "fontsize": self.fontsize} if text_options is not None: new_text_options.update(text_options) wires = _to_tuple(wires) box_min = min(wires) box_max = max(wires) box_center = (box_max + box_min) / 2.0 x_loc = layer - self._box_length / 2.0 - extra_width / 2.0 + self._pad y_loc = box_min - self._box_length / 2.0 + self._pad box_height = box_max - box_min + self._box_length - 2 * self._pad box_width = self._box_length + extra_width - 2 * self._pad box = patches.FancyBboxPatch( (x_loc, y_loc), box_width, box_height, boxstyle=self._boxstyle, **box_options, ) self._ax.add_patch(box) text_obj = self._ax.text( layer, box_center, text, **new_text_options, ) if active_wire_notches and (len(wires) != (box_max - box_min + 1)): notch_options = box_options.copy() notch_options["zorder"] += -1 for wire in wires: self._add_notch(layer, wire, extra_width, notch_options) if autosize: margin = 0.1 max_width = box_width - margin + 2 * self._pad # factor of 2 makes it look nicer max_height = box_height - 2 * margin + 2 * self._pad w, h = self._text_dims(text_obj) # rotate the text if (box_min != box_max) and (w > max_width) and (w > h): text_obj.set_rotation(90) w, h = self._text_dims(text_obj) # shrink by decreasing the font size current_fontsize = text_obj.get_fontsize() for s in range(int(current_fontsize), 1, -1): if (w < max_width) and (h < max_height): break text_obj.set_fontsize(s) w, h = self._text_dims(text_obj)
def _add_notch(self, layer, wire, extra_width, box_options): """Add a wire used marker to both sides of a box. Args: layer (int): x coordinate for the box center wire (int): y cordinate for the notches extra_width (float): extra box width box_options (dict): styling options """ y = wire - self._notch_height / 2 x1 = layer - self._box_length / 2.0 - extra_width / 2.0 - self._notch_width x2 = layer + self._box_length / 2.0 + extra_width / 2.0 box1 = patches.FancyBboxPatch( (x1, y), self._notch_width, self._notch_height, boxstyle=self._notch_style, **box_options, ) self._ax.add_patch(box1) box2 = patches.FancyBboxPatch( (x2, y), self._notch_width, self._notch_height, boxstyle=self._notch_style, **box_options, ) self._ax.add_patch(box2) def _text_dims(self, text_obj): """Get width and height of text object in data coordinates. See `this tutorial <>`_ for details on matplotlib coordinate systems. If the renderered figure is resized, such as in a GUI display, rectangles and lines are resized, but text stays the same size. Text objects rely on display coordinates, that wont shrink as the figure is modified. Args: text_obj (matplotlib.text.Text): the matplotlib text object Returns: width (float): the width of the text in data coordinates height (float): the height of the text in data coordinates """ renderer = self._fig.canvas.get_renderer() # # Quote: "Be careful when using this function, the results will not update if the artist # window extent of the artist changes. " # But I haven't encountered any issues yet and don't see a better solution bbox = text_obj.get_window_extent(renderer) corners = self._ax.transData.inverted().transform(bbox) return abs(corners[1][0] - corners[0][0]), abs(corners[0][1] - corners[1][1])
[docs] def ctrl(self, layer, wires, wires_target=None, control_values=None, options=None): """Add an arbitrary number of control wires Args: layer (int): the layer to draw the object in wires (Union[int, Iterable[int]]): set of wires to control on Keyword Args: wires_target=None (Union[int, Iterable[int]]): target wires. Used to determine min and max wires for the vertical line control_values=None (Union[bool, Iterable[bool]]): for each control wire, denotes whether to control on ``False=0`` or ``True=1`` options=None (dict): Matplotlib keywords. The only supported keys are ``'color'``, ``'linewidth'``, and ``'zorder'``. **Example** .. code-block:: python drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=3) drawer.ctrl(layer=0, wires=0, wires_target=1) drawer.ctrl(layer=1, wires=(0, 1), control_values=[0, 1]) options = {'color': "indigo", 'linewidth': 4} drawer.ctrl(layer=2, wires=(0, 1), control_values=[1, 0], options=options) .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/ctrl.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); """ if options is None: options = {} wires_ctrl = _to_tuple(wires) wires_target = _to_tuple(wires_target) if control_values is not None: control_values = _to_tuple(control_values) wires_all = wires_ctrl + wires_target min_wire = min(wires_all) max_wire = max(wires_all) if len(wires_target) > 1: min_target, max_target = min(wires_target), max(wires_target) if any(min_target < w < max_target for w in wires_ctrl): warnings.warn( "Some control indicators are hidden behind an operator. Consider re-ordering " "your circuit wires to ensure all control indicators are visible.", UserWarning, ) line = plt.Line2D((layer, layer), (min_wire, max_wire), **options) self._ax.add_line(line) if control_values is None: for wire in wires_ctrl: self._ctrl_circ(layer, wire, options=options) else: if len(control_values) != len(wires_ctrl): raise ValueError("`control_values` must be the same length as `wires`") for wire, control_on in zip(wires_ctrl, control_values): if control_on: self._ctrl_circ(layer, wire, options=options) else: self._ctrlo_circ(layer, wire, options=options)
def _ctrl_circ(self, layer, wires, options=None): """Draw a solid circle that indicates control on one. Acceptable keys in options dictionary: * zorder * color * linewidth """ if options is None: options = {} if "color" not in options: options["color"] = plt.rcParams["lines.color"] if "zorder" not in options: options["zorder"] = 3 circ_ctrl = plt.Circle((layer, wires), radius=self._ctrl_rad, **options) self._ax.add_patch(circ_ctrl) def _ctrlo_circ(self, layer, wires, options=None): """Draw an open circle that indicates control on zero. Acceptable keys in options dictionary: * zorder * color * linewidth """ new_options = _open_circ_options_process(options) circ_ctrlo = plt.Circle((layer, wires), radius=(self._octrl_rad), **new_options) self._ax.add_patch(circ_ctrlo)
[docs] def CNOT(self, layer, wires, control_values=None, options=None): """Draws a CNOT gate. Args: layer (int): layer to draw in control_values=None (Union[bool, Iterable[bool]]): for each control wire, denotes whether to control on ``False=0`` or ``True=1`` wires (Union[int, Iterable[int]]): wires to use. Last wire is the target. Keyword Args: options=None: Matplotlib options. The only supported keys are ``'color'``, ``'linewidth'``, and ``'zorder'``. **Example** .. code-block:: python drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=2) drawer.CNOT(0, (0, 1)) options = {'color': 'indigo', 'linewidth': 4} drawer.CNOT(1, (1, 0), options=options) .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/cnot.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); """ self.ctrl(layer, wires[:-1], wires[-1], control_values=control_values, options=options) self._target_x(layer, wires[-1], options=options)
def _target_x(self, layer, wires, options=None): """Draws the circle used to represent a CNOT's target Args: layer (int): layer to draw on wires (int): wire to draw on Keyword Args: options=None (dict): Matplotlib keywords. The only supported keys are ``'color'``, ``'linewidth'``, and ``'zorder'``. """ if options is None: options = {} new_options = _open_circ_options_process(options) options["zorder"] = new_options["zorder"] + 1 target_circ = plt.Circle((layer, wires), radius=self._circ_rad, **new_options) target_v = plt.Line2D( (layer, layer), (wires - self._circ_rad, wires + self._circ_rad), **options ) target_h = plt.Line2D( (layer - self._circ_rad, layer + self._circ_rad), (wires, wires), **options ) self._ax.add_patch(target_circ) self._ax.add_line(target_v) self._ax.add_line(target_h)
[docs] def SWAP(self, layer, wires, options=None): """Draws a SWAP gate Args: layer (int): layer to draw on wires (Tuple[int, int]): two wires the SWAP acts on Keyword Args: options=None (dict): matplotlib keywords for ``Line2D`` objects **Example** The ``options`` keyword can accept any `Line2D compatible keywords <>`_ in a dictionary. .. code-block:: python drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=2) drawer.SWAP(0, (0, 1)) swap_options = {"linewidth": 2, "color": "indigo"} drawer.SWAP(1, (0, 1), options=swap_options) .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/SWAP.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); """ if options is None: options = {} line = plt.Line2D((layer, layer), wires, **options) self._ax.add_line(line) for wire in wires: self._swap_x(layer, wire, options)
def _swap_x(self, layer, wire, options=None): """Draw an x such as used in drawing a swap gate Args: layer (int): layer to draw on wires (int): wire to draw on Keyword Args: options=None (dict): matplotlib keywords for ``Line2D`` objects """ if options is None: options = {} if "zorder" not in options: options["zorder"] = 2 l1 = plt.Line2D( (layer - self._swap_dx, layer + self._swap_dx), (wire - self._swap_dx, wire + self._swap_dx), **options, ) l2 = plt.Line2D( (layer - self._swap_dx, layer + self._swap_dx), (wire + self._swap_dx, wire - self._swap_dx), **options, ) self._ax.add_line(l1) self._ax.add_line(l2)
[docs] def measure(self, layer, wires, text=None, box_options=None, lines_options=None): """Draw a Measurement graphic at designated layer, wire combination. Args: layer (int): layer to draw on wires (int): wire to draw on Keyword Args: text=None (str): an annotation for the lower right corner. box_options=None (dict): dictionary to format a matplotlib rectangle lines_options=None (dict): dictionary to format matplotlib arc and arrow **Example** This method accepts two different formatting dictionaries. ``box_options`` edits the rectangle while ``lines_options`` edits the arc and arrow. .. code-block:: python drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=1) drawer.measure(layer=0, wires=0) measure_box = {'facecolor': 'white', 'edgecolor': 'indigo'} measure_lines = {'edgecolor': 'indigo', 'facecolor': 'plum', 'linewidth': 2} drawer.measure(layer=0, wires=1, box_options=measure_box, lines_options=measure_lines) .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/measure.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); """ if box_options is None: box_options = {} if "zorder" not in box_options: box_options["zorder"] = 2 if lines_options is None: lines_options = {} if "zorder" not in lines_options: lines_options["zorder"] = 3 if not isinstance(wires, Sequence): wires = (wires,) wires = tuple(self._y(w) for w in wires) box_min = min(wires) box_max = max(wires) box_center = (box_max + box_min) / 2.0 x_loc = layer - self._box_length / 2.0 + self._pad y_loc = box_min - self._box_length / 2.0 + self._pad box = patches.FancyBboxPatch( (x_loc, y_loc), self._box_length - 2 * self._pad, box_max - box_min + self._box_length - 2 * self._pad, boxstyle=self._boxstyle, **box_options, ) self._ax.add_patch(box) arc = patches.Arc( (layer, box_center + 0.15 * self._box_length), 0.6 * self._box_length, 0.55 * self._box_length, theta1=180, theta2=0, **lines_options, ) self._ax.add_patch(arc) # can experiment with the specific numbers to make it look decent arrow_start_x = layer - 0.15 * self._box_length arrow_start_y = box_center + 0.3 * self._box_length arrow_width = 0.3 * self._box_length arrow_height = -0.5 * self._box_length lines_options["zorder"] += 1 arrow_start_x, arrow_start_y, arrow_width, arrow_height, head_width=self._box_length / 8.0, **lines_options, ) if text: self._ax.text( layer + 0.05 * self._box_length, box_center + 0.225, text, fontsize=(self.fontsize - 2), )
def _y(self, wire): """Used for determining the correct y coordinate for classical wires. Classical wires should be enumerated starting at the number of quantum wires the drawer has. For example, if the drawer has ``3`` quantum wires, the first classical wire should be located at ``3`` which corresponds to a ``y`` coordinate of ``2.9``. """ if wire < self.n_wires: return wire return self.n_wires + self._cwire_scaling * (wire - self.n_wires)
[docs] def classical_wire(self, layers, wires) -> None: """Draw a classical control line. Args: layers: a list of x coordinates for the classical wire wires: a list of y coordinates for the classical wire. Wire numbers greater than the number of quantum wires will be scaled as classical wires. """ outer_stroke = path_effects.Stroke( linewidth=5 * plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"], foreground=plt.rcParams["lines.color"] ) inner_stroke = path_effects.Stroke( linewidth=3 * plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"], foreground=plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"], ) line = plt.Line2D( layers, [self._y(w) for w in wires], path_effects=[outer_stroke, inner_stroke], zorder=1 )
[docs] def cwire_join(self, layer, wire, erase_right=False): """Erase the horizontal edges of an intersection between classical wires. By default, erases only the left edge. Args: layer: the x-coordinate for the classical wire intersection wire: the classical wire y-coordinate for the intersection erase_right=False(bool): whether or not to erase the right side of the intersection in addition to the left. """ xs = (layer - 0.2, layer + 0.2) if erase_right else (layer - 0.2, layer) line = plt.Line2D( xs, (self._y(wire), self._y(wire)), zorder=2, color=plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"], linewidth=3 * plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"], # match inner_stroke from classical_wire )
[docs] def cond(self, layer, measured_layer, wires, wires_target, options=None): """Add classical communication double-lines for conditional operations Args: layer (int): the layer to draw vertical lines in, containing the target operation measured_layer (int): the layer where the mid-circuit measurements are wires (Union[int, Iterable[int]]): set of wires to control on wires_target (Union[int, Iterable[int]]): target wires. Used to determine where to terminate the vertical double-line Keyword Args: options=None (dict): Matplotlib keywords passed to ``plt.Line2D`` **Example** .. code-block:: python drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1, 2:2}, n_layers=4) drawer.cond(layer=1, measured_layer=0, wires=[0], wires_target=[1]) options = {'color': "indigo", 'linewidth': 1.5} drawer.cond(layer=3, measured_layer=2, wires=(1,), wires_target=(2,), options=options) .. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/cond.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); """ if options is None: options = {} wires_ctrl = _to_tuple(sorted(wires)) wires_target = _to_tuple(sorted(wires_target)) start_x = measured_layer + self._box_length / 2.0 lines = [] if wires_ctrl[-1] < wires_target[0]: lines.extend( ( # draw from top-most measurement to double-elbow plt.Line2D( (start_x, layer + self._cond_shift), (wires_ctrl[0] - self._cond_shift,) * 2, **options, ), plt.Line2D( (start_x, layer - self._cond_shift), (wires_ctrl[0] + self._cond_shift,) * 2, **options, ), # draw vertical lines that reach the target operation plt.Line2D( (layer + self._cond_shift,) * 2, (wires_ctrl[0] - self._cond_shift, wires_target[0]), **options, ), plt.Line2D( (layer - self._cond_shift,) * 2, (wires_ctrl[-1] + self._cond_shift, wires_target[0]), **options, ), ) ) for prev_idx, next_wire in enumerate(wires_ctrl[1:]): # draw ⅃ for every wire but the first one # ‾ lines.extend( ( plt.Line2D( (layer - self._cond_shift,) * 2, (wires_ctrl[prev_idx] + self._cond_shift, next_wire - self._cond_shift), **options, ), plt.Line2D( (start_x, layer - self._cond_shift), (next_wire - self._cond_shift,) * 2, **options, ), plt.Line2D( (start_x, layer - self._cond_shift), (next_wire + self._cond_shift,) * 2, **options, ), ) ) elif wires_target[-1] < wires_ctrl[0]: lines.extend( ( # draw from bottom-most measurement to double-elbow plt.Line2D( (start_x, layer + self._cond_shift), (wires_ctrl[-1] + self._cond_shift,) * 2, **options, ), plt.Line2D( (start_x, layer - self._cond_shift), (wires_ctrl[-1] - self._cond_shift,) * 2, **options, ), # draw vertical lines that reach the target operation plt.Line2D( (layer + self._cond_shift,) * 2, (wires_ctrl[-1] + self._cond_shift, wires_target[-1]), **options, ), plt.Line2D( (layer - self._cond_shift,) * 2, (wires_ctrl[0] - self._cond_shift, wires_target[-1]), **options, ), ) ) for wire_idx, ctrl_wire in enumerate(wires_ctrl[:-1]): # draw _ for every wire but the first one # ‾| lines.extend( ( plt.Line2D( (layer - self._cond_shift,) * 2, ( ctrl_wire + self._cond_shift, wires_ctrl[wire_idx + 1] - self._cond_shift, ), **options, ), plt.Line2D( (start_x, layer - self._cond_shift), (ctrl_wire - self._cond_shift,) * 2, **options, ), plt.Line2D( (start_x, layer - self._cond_shift), (ctrl_wire + self._cond_shift,) * 2, **options, ), ) ) else: raise ValueError( "Cannot draw interspersed mid-circuit measurements and conditional operations. " "Consider providing a wire order such that all measurement wires precede all " "wires for the operator being controlled, or vice versa." ) for line in lines: self._ax.add_line(line)
[docs] def crop_wire_labels(self): """Crop away the wire labels and resize figure accordingly.""" xlim = self._ax.get_xlim() self._ax.set_xlim((-1, xlim[1])) factor = (self.n_layers + 2) / (self.n_layers + 3) self._fig.set_figwidth(self._fig.get_figwidth() * factor)