Source code for pennylane.drawer.mpldrawer
# Copyright 2018-2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module contains the MPLDrawer class for creating circuit diagrams with matplotlib
import warnings
from import Iterable, Sequence
has_mpl = True
import matplotlib.patheffects as path_effects
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as e: # pragma: no cover
has_mpl = False
# pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments
def _to_tuple(a):
"""Converts int or iterable to tuple"""
if a is None:
return tuple()
if isinstance(a, Iterable):
return tuple(a)
return (a,)
def _open_circ_options_process(options):
"""For use in both ``_ctrlo_circ`` and ``_target_x``."""
if options is None:
options = {}
new_options = options.copy()
if "color" in new_options:
new_options["facecolor"] = plt.rcParams["axes.facecolor"]
new_options["edgecolor"] = options["color"]
new_options["color"] = None
new_options["edgecolor"] = plt.rcParams["lines.color"]
new_options["facecolor"] = plt.rcParams["axes.facecolor"]
if "linewidth" not in new_options:
new_options["linewidth"] = plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"]
if "zorder" not in new_options:
new_options["zorder"] = 3
return new_options
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-arguments
[docs]class MPLDrawer:
r"""Allows easy creation of graphics representing circuits with matplotlib
n_layers (int): the number of layers
wire_map (dict): the wires to be drawn. A dict mapping wire label to index (from top to bottom) in the figure
Keyword Args:
c_wires=0 (int): the number of classical wires to leave space for.
wire_options=None (dict): matplotlib configuration options for drawing the wire lines
figsize=None (Iterable): Allows users to specify the size of the figure manually. Defaults
to scale with the size of the circuit via ``n_layers`` and ``len(wire_map)``.
fig=None (matplotlib Figure): Allows users to specify the figure window to plot to.
.. code-block:: python
drawer = qml.drawer.MPLDrawer(wire_map={i: i for i in range(5)}, n_layers=6)
drawer.label(["0", "a", r"$|\Psi\rangle$", r"$|\theta\rangle$", "aux"])
drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], text="Entangling Layers")
drawer.box_gate(layer=1, wires=[0, 2, 3], text="U(θ)")
drawer.box_gate(layer=1, wires=4, text="Z")
drawer.SWAP(layer=2, wires=(3,4))
drawer.CNOT(layer=2, wires=(0, 2))
drawer.ctrl(layer=3, wires=[1, 3], control_values=[True, False])
layer=3, wires=2, text="H", box_options={"zorder": 4}, text_options={"zorder": 5}
drawer.ctrl(layer=4, wires=[1, 2])
drawer.measure(layer=5, wires=0)
drawer.fig.suptitle('My Circuit', fontsize='xx-large')
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/example_basic.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
.. details::
:title: Usage Details
**Matplotlib Integration**
This class relies on matplotlib. As such, users can extend this class via interacting with the figure
``drawer.fig`` and axes ```` objects manually. For instance, the example circuit manipulates the
figure to set a title using ``drawer.fig.suptitle``. Users can save the image using ``plt.savefig`` or via
the figure method ``drawer.fig.savefig``.
As described in the next section, the figure supports both global styling and individual styling of
elements with matplotlib styles, configuration, and keywords.
PennyLane has inbuilt styles for controlling the appearance of the circuit drawings.
All available styles can be determined by evaluating ``qml.drawer.available_styles()``.
Any available string can then be passed to ``qml.drawer.use_style``.
.. code-block:: python
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/black_white_style.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
You can also control the appearance with matplotlib's provided tools, see the
`matplotlib docs <>`_ .
For example, we can customize ``plt.rcParams``:
.. code-block:: python
plt.rcParams['patch.facecolor'] = 'mistyrose'
plt.rcParams['patch.edgecolor'] = 'maroon'
plt.rcParams['text.color'] = 'maroon'
plt.rcParams['font.weight'] = 'bold'
plt.rcParams['patch.linewidth'] = 4
plt.rcParams['patch.force_edgecolor'] = True
plt.rcParams['lines.color'] = 'indigo'
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 5
plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'ghostwhite'
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/example_rcParams.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
You can also manually control the styles of individual plot elements via the drawer class.
All accept dictionaries of keyword-values pairs for matplotlib object
components. Acceptable keywords differ based on what's being drawn. For example, you cannot pass ``"fontsize"``
to the dictionary controlling how to format a rectangle. For the control-type gates ``CNOT`` and
``ctrl`` the options dictionary can only contain ``'linewidth'``, ``'color'``, or ``'zorder'`` keys.
This example demonstrates the different ways you can format the individual elements:
.. code-block:: python
wire_options = {"color": "indigo", "linewidth": 4}
drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0: 0, 1: 1}, n_layers=4, wire_options=wire_options)
label_options = {"fontsize": "x-large", 'color': 'indigo'}
drawer.label(["0", "a"], text_options=label_options)
box_options = {'facecolor': 'lightcoral', 'edgecolor': 'maroon', 'linewidth': 5}
text_options = {'fontsize': 'xx-large', 'color': 'maroon'}
drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=0, text="Z", box_options=box_options, text_options=text_options)
swap_options = {'linewidth': 4, 'color': 'darkgreen'}
drawer.SWAP(layer=1, wires=(0, 1), options=swap_options)
ctrl_options = {'linewidth': 4, 'color': 'teal'}
drawer.CNOT(layer=2, wires=(0, 1), options=ctrl_options)
drawer.ctrl(layer=3, wires=(0, 1), options=ctrl_options)
measure_box = {'facecolor': 'white', 'edgecolor': 'indigo'}
measure_lines = {'edgecolor': 'indigo', 'facecolor': 'plum', 'linewidth': 2}
for wire in range(2):
drawer.measure(layer=4, wires=wire, box_options=measure_box, lines_options=measure_lines)
drawer.fig.suptitle('My Circuit', fontsize='xx-large')
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/example_formatted.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
Each gate takes arguments in order of ``layer`` followed by ``wires``. These translate to ``x`` and
``y`` coordinates in the graph. Layer number (``x``) increases as you go right, and wire number
(``y``) increases as you go down; the y-axis is inverted. You can pass non-integer values to either keyword.
If you have a long label, the gate can span multiple layers and have extra width:
.. code-block:: python
drawer = MPLDrawer(2, {0:0, 1:1})
drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=1, text="X")
drawer.box_gate(layer=1, wires=1, text="Y")
# Gate between two layers
drawer.box_gate(layer=0.5, wires=0, text="Big Gate", extra_width=0.5)
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/float_layer.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
_box_length = 0.75
"""The width/height of the rectangle drawn by ``box_gate``"""
_circ_rad = 0.3
"""The radius of CNOT's target symbol."""
_ctrl_rad = 0.1
"""The radius of the control-on-one solid circle."""
_octrl_rad = 0.1
"""The radius of the control-on-zero open circle."""
_swap_dx = 0.2
"""Half the width/height of the SWAP X-symbol."""
_fontsize = 14
"""The default fontsize."""
_pad = 0.2
"""Padding for FancyBboxPatch objects."""
_boxstyle = "round, pad=0.2"
"""Style for FancyBboxPatch objects."""
_notch_width = 0.04
"""The width of active wire notches."""
_notch_height = 0.25
"""The height of active wire notches."""
_notch_style = "round, pad=0.05"
"""Box style for active wire notches."""
_cond_shift = 0.03
"""The shift value from the centre axis for classical double-lines."""
_cwire_scaling = 0.25
"""The distance between successive control wires."""
def __init__(self, n_layers, wire_map, c_wires=0, wire_options=None, figsize=None, fig=None):
if not has_mpl: # pragma: no cover
raise ImportError(
"Module matplotlib is required for ``MPLDrawer`` class. "
"You can install matplotlib via \n\n pip install matplotlib"
self.n_layers = n_layers
self.n_wires = len(wire_map)
## Creating figure and ax
if figsize is None:
figheight = self.n_wires + self._cwire_scaling * c_wires + 1 + 0.5 * (c_wires > 0)
figsize = (self.n_layers + 3, figheight)
if fig is None:
self._fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
self._fig = fig
self._ax = self._fig.add_axes(
[0, 0, 1, 1],
xlim=(-2, self.n_layers + 1),
ylim=(-1, self.n_wires + self._cwire_scaling * c_wires + 0.5 * (c_wires > 0)),
if wire_options is None:
wire_options = {}
# Separate global options from per wire options
global_options = {k: v for k, v in wire_options.items() if not isinstance(v, dict)}
wire_specific_options = {k: v for k, v in wire_options.items() if isinstance(v, dict)}
# Adding wire lines with individual styles based on wire_options
self._wire_lines = []
for wire_label, idx in wire_map.items():
specific_options = wire_specific_options.get(wire_label, {})
line_options = {**global_options, **specific_options}
# Create Line2D with the combined options
line = plt.Line2D(
(-1, self.n_layers),
(idx, idx),
for line in self._wire_lines:
def fig(self):
"""Matplotlib figure"""
return self._fig
def ax(self):
"""Matplotlib axes"""
return self._ax
def fontsize(self):
"""Default fontsize for text. Defaults to 14."""
return self._fontsize
def fontsize(self, value):
"""Set ``fontsize`` property as provided value."""
self._fontsize = value
[docs] def label(self, labels, text_options=None):
"""Label each wire.
labels (Iterable[str]): Iterable of labels for the wires
Keyword Args:
text_options (dict): any matplotlib keywords for a text object, such as font or size
.. code-block:: python
drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=1)
drawer.label(["a", "b"])
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/labels.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
You can also pass any
`Matplotlib Text keywords <>`_
as a dictionary to the ``text_options`` keyword:
.. code-block:: python
drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=1)
drawer.label(["a", "b"], text_options={"color": "indigo", "fontsize": "xx-large"})
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/labels_formatted.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
if text_options is None:
text_options = {"ha": "center", "va": "center", "fontsize": self.fontsize}
for wire, ii_label in enumerate(labels):
self._ax.text(-1.5, wire, ii_label, **text_options)
[docs] def erase_wire(self, layer: int, wire: int, length: int) -> None:
"""Erases a portion of a wire by adding a rectangle that matches the background.
layer (int): starting x coordinate for erasing the wire
wire (int): y location to erase the wire from
length (float, int): horizontal distance from ``layer`` to erase the background.
rect = patches.Rectangle(
(layer, wire - 0.1),
[docs] def box_gate(self, layer, wires, text="", box_options=None, text_options=None, **kwargs):
"""Draws a box and adds label text to its center.
layer (int): x coordinate for the box center
wires (Union[int, Iterable[int]]): y locations to include inside the box. Only min and max
of an Iterable affect the output
text (str): string to print at the box's center
Keyword Args:
box_options=None (dict): any matplotlib keywords for the ``plt.Rectangle`` patch
text_options=None (dict): any matplotlib keywords for the text
extra_width (float): extra box width
autosize (bool): whether to rotate and shrink text to fit within the box
active_wire_notches (bool): whether or not to add notches indicating active wires.
Defaults to ``True``.
.. code-block:: python
drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=1)
drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=(0, 1), text="CY")
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/box_gates.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
.. details::
:title: Usage Details
This method can accept two different sets of design keywords. ``box_options`` takes
`Rectangle keywords <>`_
, and ``text_options`` accepts
`Matplotlib Text keywords <>`_ .
.. code-block:: python
box_options = {'facecolor': 'lightcoral', 'edgecolor': 'maroon', 'linewidth': 5}
text_options = {'fontsize': 'xx-large', 'color': 'maroon'}
drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=1)
drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=(0, 1), text="CY",
box_options=box_options, text_options=text_options)
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/box_gates_formatted.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
By default, text is rotated and/or shrunk to fit within the box. This behaviour can be turned off
with the ``autosize=False`` keyword.
.. code-block:: python
drawer = MPLDrawer(n_layers=4, wire_map={0:0, 1:1})
drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=0, text="A longer label")
drawer.box_gate(layer=0, wires=1, text="Label")
drawer.box_gate(layer=1, wires=(0,1), text="long multigate label")
drawer.box_gate(layer=3, wires=(0,1), text="Not autosized label", autosize=False)
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/box_gates_autosized.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
extra_width = kwargs.get("extra_width", 0)
autosize = kwargs.get("autosize", True)
active_wire_notches = kwargs.get("active_wire_notches", True)
if box_options is None:
box_options = {}
if "zorder" not in box_options:
box_options["zorder"] = 2
new_text_options = {"zorder": 3, "ha": "center", "va": "center", "fontsize": self.fontsize}
if text_options is not None:
wires = _to_tuple(wires)
box_min = min(wires)
box_max = max(wires)
box_center = (box_max + box_min) / 2.0
x_loc = layer - self._box_length / 2.0 - extra_width / 2.0 + self._pad
y_loc = box_min - self._box_length / 2.0 + self._pad
box_height = box_max - box_min + self._box_length - 2 * self._pad
box_width = self._box_length + extra_width - 2 * self._pad
box = patches.FancyBboxPatch(
(x_loc, y_loc),
text_obj = self._ax.text(
if active_wire_notches and (len(wires) != (box_max - box_min + 1)):
notch_options = box_options.copy()
notch_options["zorder"] += -1
for wire in wires:
self._add_notch(layer, wire, extra_width, notch_options)
if autosize:
margin = 0.1
max_width = box_width - margin + 2 * self._pad
# factor of 2 makes it look nicer
max_height = box_height - 2 * margin + 2 * self._pad
w, h = self._text_dims(text_obj)
# rotate the text
if (box_min != box_max) and (w > max_width) and (w > h):
w, h = self._text_dims(text_obj)
# shrink by decreasing the font size
current_fontsize = text_obj.get_fontsize()
for s in range(int(current_fontsize), 1, -1):
if (w < max_width) and (h < max_height):
w, h = self._text_dims(text_obj)
def _add_notch(self, layer, wire, extra_width, box_options):
"""Add a wire used marker to both sides of a box.
layer (int): x coordinate for the box center
wire (int): y cordinate for the notches
extra_width (float): extra box width
box_options (dict): styling options
y = wire - self._notch_height / 2
x1 = layer - self._box_length / 2.0 - extra_width / 2.0 - self._notch_width
x2 = layer + self._box_length / 2.0 + extra_width / 2.0
box1 = patches.FancyBboxPatch(
(x1, y),
box2 = patches.FancyBboxPatch(
(x2, y),
def _text_dims(self, text_obj):
"""Get width and height of text object in data coordinates.
See `this tutorial <>`_
for details on matplotlib coordinate systems.
If the renderered figure is resized, such as in a GUI display, rectangles and lines
are resized, but text stays the same size. Text objects rely on display coordinates, that wont shrink
as the figure is modified.
text_obj (matplotlib.text.Text): the matplotlib text object
width (float): the width of the text in data coordinates
height (float): the height of the text in data coordinates
renderer = self._fig.canvas.get_renderer()
# Quote: "Be careful when using this function, the results will not update if the artist
# window extent of the artist changes. "
# But I haven't encountered any issues yet and don't see a better solution
bbox = text_obj.get_window_extent(renderer)
corners = self._ax.transData.inverted().transform(bbox)
return abs(corners[1][0] - corners[0][0]), abs(corners[0][1] - corners[1][1])
[docs] def ctrl(self, layer, wires, wires_target=None, control_values=None, options=None):
"""Add an arbitrary number of control wires
layer (int): the layer to draw the object in
wires (Union[int, Iterable[int]]): set of wires to control on
Keyword Args:
wires_target=None (Union[int, Iterable[int]]): target wires. Used to determine min
and max wires for the vertical line
control_values=None (Union[bool, Iterable[bool]]): for each control wire, denotes whether to control
on ``False=0`` or ``True=1``
options=None (dict): Matplotlib keywords. The only supported keys are ``'color'``, ``'linewidth'``,
and ``'zorder'``.
.. code-block:: python
drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=3)
drawer.ctrl(layer=0, wires=0, wires_target=1)
drawer.ctrl(layer=1, wires=(0, 1), control_values=[0, 1])
options = {'color': "indigo", 'linewidth': 4}
drawer.ctrl(layer=2, wires=(0, 1), control_values=[1, 0], options=options)
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/ctrl.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
if options is None:
options = {}
wires_ctrl = _to_tuple(wires)
wires_target = _to_tuple(wires_target)
if control_values is not None:
control_values = _to_tuple(control_values)
wires_all = wires_ctrl + wires_target
min_wire = min(wires_all)
max_wire = max(wires_all)
if len(wires_target) > 1:
min_target, max_target = min(wires_target), max(wires_target)
if any(min_target < w < max_target for w in wires_ctrl):
"Some control indicators are hidden behind an operator. Consider re-ordering "
"your circuit wires to ensure all control indicators are visible.",
line = plt.Line2D((layer, layer), (min_wire, max_wire), **options)
if control_values is None:
for wire in wires_ctrl:
self._ctrl_circ(layer, wire, options=options)
if len(control_values) != len(wires_ctrl):
raise ValueError("`control_values` must be the same length as `wires`")
for wire, control_on in zip(wires_ctrl, control_values):
if control_on:
self._ctrl_circ(layer, wire, options=options)
self._ctrlo_circ(layer, wire, options=options)
def _ctrl_circ(self, layer, wires, options=None):
"""Draw a solid circle that indicates control on one.
Acceptable keys in options dictionary:
* zorder
* color
* linewidth
if options is None:
options = {}
if "color" not in options:
options["color"] = plt.rcParams["lines.color"]
if "zorder" not in options:
options["zorder"] = 3
circ_ctrl = plt.Circle((layer, wires), radius=self._ctrl_rad, **options)
def _ctrlo_circ(self, layer, wires, options=None):
"""Draw an open circle that indicates control on zero.
Acceptable keys in options dictionary:
* zorder
* color
* linewidth
new_options = _open_circ_options_process(options)
circ_ctrlo = plt.Circle((layer, wires), radius=(self._octrl_rad), **new_options)
[docs] def CNOT(self, layer, wires, control_values=None, options=None):
"""Draws a CNOT gate.
layer (int): layer to draw in
control_values=None (Union[bool, Iterable[bool]]): for each control wire, denotes whether to control
on ``False=0`` or ``True=1``
wires (Union[int, Iterable[int]]): wires to use. Last wire is the target.
Keyword Args:
options=None: Matplotlib options. The only supported keys are ``'color'``, ``'linewidth'``,
and ``'zorder'``.
.. code-block:: python
drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=2)
drawer.CNOT(0, (0, 1))
options = {'color': 'indigo', 'linewidth': 4}
drawer.CNOT(1, (1, 0), options=options)
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/cnot.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
self.ctrl(layer, wires[:-1], wires[-1], control_values=control_values, options=options)
self._target_x(layer, wires[-1], options=options)
def _target_x(self, layer, wires, options=None):
"""Draws the circle used to represent a CNOT's target
layer (int): layer to draw on
wires (int): wire to draw on
Keyword Args:
options=None (dict): Matplotlib keywords. The only supported keys are ``'color'``, ``'linewidth'``,
and ``'zorder'``.
if options is None:
options = {}
new_options = _open_circ_options_process(options)
options["zorder"] = new_options["zorder"] + 1
target_circ = plt.Circle((layer, wires), radius=self._circ_rad, **new_options)
target_v = plt.Line2D(
(layer, layer), (wires - self._circ_rad, wires + self._circ_rad), **options
target_h = plt.Line2D(
(layer - self._circ_rad, layer + self._circ_rad), (wires, wires), **options
[docs] def SWAP(self, layer, wires, options=None):
"""Draws a SWAP gate
layer (int): layer to draw on
wires (Tuple[int, int]): two wires the SWAP acts on
Keyword Args:
options=None (dict): matplotlib keywords for ``Line2D`` objects
The ``options`` keyword can accept any
`Line2D compatible keywords <>`_
in a dictionary.
.. code-block:: python
drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=2)
drawer.SWAP(0, (0, 1))
swap_options = {"linewidth": 2, "color": "indigo"}
drawer.SWAP(1, (0, 1), options=swap_options)
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/SWAP.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
if options is None:
options = {}
line = plt.Line2D((layer, layer), wires, **options)
for wire in wires:
self._swap_x(layer, wire, options)
def _swap_x(self, layer, wire, options=None):
"""Draw an x such as used in drawing a swap gate
layer (int): layer to draw on
wires (int): wire to draw on
Keyword Args:
options=None (dict): matplotlib keywords for ``Line2D`` objects
if options is None:
options = {}
if "zorder" not in options:
options["zorder"] = 2
l1 = plt.Line2D(
(layer - self._swap_dx, layer + self._swap_dx),
(wire - self._swap_dx, wire + self._swap_dx),
l2 = plt.Line2D(
(layer - self._swap_dx, layer + self._swap_dx),
(wire + self._swap_dx, wire - self._swap_dx),
[docs] def measure(self, layer, wires, text=None, box_options=None, lines_options=None):
"""Draw a Measurement graphic at designated layer, wire combination.
layer (int): layer to draw on
wires (int): wire to draw on
Keyword Args:
text=None (str): an annotation for the lower right corner.
box_options=None (dict): dictionary to format a matplotlib rectangle
lines_options=None (dict): dictionary to format matplotlib arc and arrow
This method accepts two different formatting dictionaries. ``box_options`` edits the rectangle
while ``lines_options`` edits the arc and arrow.
.. code-block:: python
drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1}, n_layers=1)
drawer.measure(layer=0, wires=0)
measure_box = {'facecolor': 'white', 'edgecolor': 'indigo'}
measure_lines = {'edgecolor': 'indigo', 'facecolor': 'plum', 'linewidth': 2}
drawer.measure(layer=0, wires=1, box_options=measure_box, lines_options=measure_lines)
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/measure.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
if box_options is None:
box_options = {}
if "zorder" not in box_options:
box_options["zorder"] = 2
if lines_options is None:
lines_options = {}
if "zorder" not in lines_options:
lines_options["zorder"] = 3
if not isinstance(wires, Sequence):
wires = (wires,)
wires = tuple(self._y(w) for w in wires)
box_min = min(wires)
box_max = max(wires)
box_center = (box_max + box_min) / 2.0
x_loc = layer - self._box_length / 2.0 + self._pad
y_loc = box_min - self._box_length / 2.0 + self._pad
box = patches.FancyBboxPatch(
(x_loc, y_loc),
self._box_length - 2 * self._pad,
box_max - box_min + self._box_length - 2 * self._pad,
arc = patches.Arc(
(layer, box_center + 0.15 * self._box_length),
0.6 * self._box_length,
0.55 * self._box_length,
# can experiment with the specific numbers to make it look decent
arrow_start_x = layer - 0.15 * self._box_length
arrow_start_y = box_center + 0.3 * self._box_length
arrow_width = 0.3 * self._box_length
arrow_height = -0.5 * self._box_length
lines_options["zorder"] += 1
head_width=self._box_length / 8.0,
if text:
layer + 0.05 * self._box_length,
box_center + 0.225,
fontsize=(self.fontsize - 2),
def _y(self, wire):
"""Used for determining the correct y coordinate for classical wires.
Classical wires should be enumerated starting at the number of quantum wires the drawer has.
For example, if the drawer has ``3`` quantum wires, the first classical wire should be located at ``3``
which corresponds to a ``y`` coordinate of ``2.9``.
if wire < self.n_wires:
return wire
return self.n_wires + self._cwire_scaling * (wire - self.n_wires)
[docs] def classical_wire(self, layers, wires) -> None:
"""Draw a classical control line.
layers: a list of x coordinates for the classical wire
wires: a list of y coordinates for the classical wire. Wire numbers
greater than the number of quantum wires will be scaled as classical wires.
outer_stroke = path_effects.Stroke(
linewidth=5 * plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"], foreground=plt.rcParams["lines.color"]
inner_stroke = path_effects.Stroke(
linewidth=3 * plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"],
line = plt.Line2D(
layers, [self._y(w) for w in wires], path_effects=[outer_stroke, inner_stroke], zorder=1
[docs] def cwire_join(self, layer, wire, erase_right=False):
"""Erase the horizontal edges of an intersection between classical wires. By default, erases
only the left edge.
layer: the x-coordinate for the classical wire intersection
wire: the classical wire y-coordinate for the intersection
erase_right=False(bool): whether or not to erase the right side of the intersection
in addition to the left.
xs = (layer - 0.2, layer + 0.2) if erase_right else (layer - 0.2, layer)
line = plt.Line2D(
(self._y(wire), self._y(wire)),
linewidth=3 * plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"], # match inner_stroke from classical_wire
[docs] def cond(self, layer, measured_layer, wires, wires_target, options=None):
"""Add classical communication double-lines for conditional operations
layer (int): the layer to draw vertical lines in, containing the target operation
measured_layer (int): the layer where the mid-circuit measurements are
wires (Union[int, Iterable[int]]): set of wires to control on
wires_target (Union[int, Iterable[int]]): target wires. Used to determine where to
terminate the vertical double-line
Keyword Args:
options=None (dict): Matplotlib keywords passed to ``plt.Line2D``
.. code-block:: python
drawer = MPLDrawer(wire_map={0:0, 1:1, 2:2}, n_layers=4)
drawer.cond(layer=1, measured_layer=0, wires=[0], wires_target=[1])
options = {'color': "indigo", 'linewidth': 1.5}
drawer.cond(layer=3, measured_layer=2, wires=(1,), wires_target=(2,), options=options)
.. figure:: ../../_static/drawer/cond.png
:align: center
:width: 60%
:target: javascript:void(0);
if options is None:
options = {}
wires_ctrl = _to_tuple(sorted(wires))
wires_target = _to_tuple(sorted(wires_target))
start_x = measured_layer + self._box_length / 2.0
lines = []
if wires_ctrl[-1] < wires_target[0]:
# draw from top-most measurement to double-elbow
(start_x, layer + self._cond_shift),
(wires_ctrl[0] - self._cond_shift,) * 2,
(start_x, layer - self._cond_shift),
(wires_ctrl[0] + self._cond_shift,) * 2,
# draw vertical lines that reach the target operation
(layer + self._cond_shift,) * 2,
(wires_ctrl[0] - self._cond_shift, wires_target[0]),
(layer - self._cond_shift,) * 2,
(wires_ctrl[-1] + self._cond_shift, wires_target[0]),
for prev_idx, next_wire in enumerate(wires_ctrl[1:]):
# draw ⅃ for every wire but the first one
# ‾
(layer - self._cond_shift,) * 2,
(wires_ctrl[prev_idx] + self._cond_shift, next_wire - self._cond_shift),
(start_x, layer - self._cond_shift),
(next_wire - self._cond_shift,) * 2,
(start_x, layer - self._cond_shift),
(next_wire + self._cond_shift,) * 2,
elif wires_target[-1] < wires_ctrl[0]:
# draw from bottom-most measurement to double-elbow
(start_x, layer + self._cond_shift),
(wires_ctrl[-1] + self._cond_shift,) * 2,
(start_x, layer - self._cond_shift),
(wires_ctrl[-1] - self._cond_shift,) * 2,
# draw vertical lines that reach the target operation
(layer + self._cond_shift,) * 2,
(wires_ctrl[-1] + self._cond_shift, wires_target[-1]),
(layer - self._cond_shift,) * 2,
(wires_ctrl[0] - self._cond_shift, wires_target[-1]),
for wire_idx, ctrl_wire in enumerate(wires_ctrl[:-1]):
# draw _ for every wire but the first one
# ‾|
(layer - self._cond_shift,) * 2,
ctrl_wire + self._cond_shift,
wires_ctrl[wire_idx + 1] - self._cond_shift,
(start_x, layer - self._cond_shift),
(ctrl_wire - self._cond_shift,) * 2,
(start_x, layer - self._cond_shift),
(ctrl_wire + self._cond_shift,) * 2,
raise ValueError(
"Cannot draw interspersed mid-circuit measurements and conditional operations. "
"Consider providing a wire order such that all measurement wires precede all "
"wires for the operator being controlled, or vice versa."
for line in lines:
[docs] def crop_wire_labels(self):
"""Crop away the wire labels and resize figure accordingly."""
xlim = self._ax.get_xlim()
self._ax.set_xlim((-1, xlim[1]))
factor = (self.n_layers + 2) / (self.n_layers + 3)
self._fig.set_figwidth(self._fig.get_figwidth() * factor)
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