Source code for pennylane.drawer.tape_mpl

# Copyright 2018-2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
This module a function for generating matplotlib images from a tape.

Developer note: when making changes to this file, you can run
`pennylane/doc/_static/tape_mpl/` to generate docstring
images.  If you change the docstring examples, please update this file.
# pylint: disable=no-member
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import singledispatch

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import ops
from pennylane.measurements import MidMeasureMP

from .drawable_layers import drawable_layers
from .mpldrawer import MPLDrawer
from .style import _set_style
from .utils import (

has_mpl = True
    import matplotlib as mpl
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):  # pragma: no cover
    has_mpl = False

_Config = namedtuple("_Config", ("decimals", "active_wire_notches", "bit_map", "terminal_layers"))

def _add_operation_to_drawer(
    op: qml.operation.Operator, drawer: MPLDrawer, layer: int, config: _Config
) -> None:
    """Adds the ``op`` to an ``MPLDrawer`` at the designated location.

        op (.Operator): An operator to add to the drawer
        drawer (.MPLDrawer): A matplotlib drawer
        layer (int): The layer to place the operator in.
        config (_Config): named tuple containing ``wire_map``, ``decimals``, and ``active_wire_notches``.

    Side Effects:
        Adds a depiction of ``op`` to ``drawer``

    op_control_wires, control_values = unwrap_controls(op)

    target_wires = (
        [w for w in op.wires if w not in op_control_wires]
        if len(op.wires) != 0
        else list(range(drawer.n_wires))

    if control_values is None:
        control_values = [True for _ in op_control_wires]

    if op_control_wires:
        box_options={"zorder": 4},  # make sure box and text above control wires if controlled
        text_options={"zorder": 5},

def _(op: ops.SWAP, drawer, layer, _) -> None:
    drawer.SWAP(layer, list(op.wires))

def _(op: ops.CSWAP, drawer, layer, _):
    drawer.ctrl(layer, wires=op.wires[0], wires_target=op.wires[1:])
    drawer.SWAP(layer, wires=list(op.wires[1:]))

def _(op: ops.CNOT, drawer, layer, _):
    drawer.CNOT(layer, op.wires)

def _(op: ops.Toffoli, drawer, layer, _):
    drawer.CNOT(layer, op.wires)

def _(op: ops.MultiControlledX, drawer, layer, _):
    drawer.CNOT(layer, op.wires, control_values=op.control_values)

def _(op: ops.CZ, drawer, layer, _):
    drawer.ctrl(layer, op.wires)

def _(op: ops.CCZ, drawer, layer, _):
    drawer.ctrl(layer, op.wires)

def _(op: ops.Barrier, drawer, layer, _):
    mapped_wires = op.wires if len(op.wires) != 0 else list(range(drawer.n_wires))
    ymin = min(mapped_wires) - 0.5
    ymax = max(mapped_wires) + 0.5
    # by default, uses rcParams['lines.color'] at time when displayed, not at time when added to figure
    # so we have to force it to use the value at the time the line was added to the figure - 0.05, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color=mpl.pyplot.rcParams["lines.color"]) + 0.05, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color=mpl.pyplot.rcParams["lines.color"])

def _(op: ops.WireCut, drawer, layer, _):
    ymin = min(op.wires) - 0.5
    ymax = max(op.wires) + 0.5 - 0.35, y=max(op.wires), s="✂", fontsize=40), ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, linestyle="--")

def _(op: MidMeasureMP, drawer, layer, _):
    text = None if op.postselect is None else str(int(op.postselect))
    drawer.measure(layer, op.wires[0], text=text)  # assume one wire

    if op.reset:
        drawer.erase_wire(layer, op.wires[0], 1)
            layer + 1,
            box_options={"zorder": 4},
            text_options={"zorder": 5},

def _(op: qml.ops.op_math.Conditional, drawer, layer, config) -> None:
        box_options={"zorder": 4},
        text_options={"zorder": 5},
    sorted_bits = sorted([config.bit_map[m] for m in op.meas_val.measurements])
    for b in sorted_bits[:-1]:
        erase_right = layer < config.terminal_layers[b]
        drawer.cwire_join(layer, b + drawer.n_wires, erase_right=erase_right)

def _get_measured_wires(measurements, wires) -> set:
    measured_wires = set()
    for m in measurements:
        if is None:
            # state and probs
            if len(m.wires) == 0:
                return wires

            for wire in m.wires:
    return measured_wires

def _add_classical_wires(drawer, layers, wires):
    for cwire, (cwire_layers, layer_wires) in enumerate(zip(layers, wires), start=drawer.n_wires):
        xs, ys = [], []

        len_diff = len(cwire_layers) - len(layer_wires)
        if len_diff > 0:
            layer_wires += [cwire] * len_diff
        for l, w in zip(cwire_layers, layer_wires):
            xs.extend([l, l, l])
            ys.extend([cwire, w, cwire])

        drawer.classical_wire(xs, ys)

def _get_measured_bits(measurements, bit_map, offset):
    measured_bits = []
    for m in measurements:
        if isinstance(, list):
            for mv in
                measured_bits += [bit_map[mcm] + offset for mcm in mv.measurements]
        elif is not None:
            measured_bits += [bit_map[mcm] + offset for mcm in]
    return measured_bits

def _tape_mpl(tape, wire_order=None, show_all_wires=False, decimals=None, *, fig=None, **kwargs):
    """Private function wrapped with styling."""
    wire_options = kwargs.get("wire_options", None)
    label_options = kwargs.get("label_options", None)
    show_wire_labels = kwargs.get("show_wire_labels", True)
    active_wire_notches = kwargs.get("active_wire_notches", True)
    fontsize = kwargs.get("fontsize", None)

    wire_map = convert_wire_order(tape, wire_order=wire_order, show_all_wires=show_all_wires)
    tape = transform_deferred_measurements_tape(tape)
    tape = qml.map_wires(tape, wire_map=wire_map)[0][0]
    bit_map = default_bit_map(tape)

    layers = drawable_layers(tape.operations, wire_map={i: i for i in tape.wires}, bit_map=bit_map)

    for i, layer in enumerate(layers):
        if any(isinstance(o, qml.measurements.MidMeasureMP) and o.reset for o in layer):
            layers.insert(i + 1, [])

    n_layers = len(layers)
    n_wires = len(wire_map)

    cwire_layers, cwire_wires = cwire_connections(layers + [tape.measurements], bit_map)

    drawer = MPLDrawer(

    config = _Config(
        terminal_layers=[cl[-1] for cl in cwire_layers],

    if n_wires == 0:
        return drawer.fig,

    if fontsize is not None:
        drawer.fontsize = fontsize

    if show_wire_labels:
        drawer.label(list(wire_map), text_options=label_options)

    _add_classical_wires(drawer, cwire_layers, cwire_wires)

    for layer, layer_ops in enumerate(layers):
        for op in layer_ops:
            _add_operation_to_drawer(op, drawer, layer, config)

    for wire in _get_measured_wires(tape.measurements, list(range(n_wires))):
        drawer.measure(n_layers, wire)

    measured_bits = _get_measured_bits(tape.measurements, bit_map, drawer.n_wires)
    if measured_bits:
        drawer.measure(n_layers, measured_bits)

    return drawer.fig,

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def tape_mpl( tape, wire_order=None, show_all_wires=False, decimals=None, style=None, *, fig=None, **kwargs ): """Produces a matplotlib graphic from a tape. Args: tape (QuantumTape): the operations and measurements to draw Keyword Args: wire_order (Sequence[Any]): the order (from top to bottom) to print the wires of the circuit show_all_wires (bool): If True, all wires, including empty wires, are printed. decimals (int): How many decimal points to include when formatting operation parameters. Default ``None`` will omit parameters from operation labels. style (str): visual style of plot. Valid strings are ``{'black_white', 'black_white_dark', 'sketch', 'sketch_dark', 'solarized_light', 'solarized_dark', 'default'}``. If no style is specified, the global style set with :func:`~.use_style` will be used, and the initial default is 'black_white'. If you would like to use your environment's current rcParams, set `style` to "rcParams". Setting style does not modify matplotlib global plotting settings. fontsize (float or str): fontsize for text. Valid strings are ``{'xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', large', 'x-large', 'xx-large'}``. Default is ``14``. wire_options (dict): matplotlib formatting options for the wire lines. In addition to standard options, options per wire can be specified with ``wire_label: options`` pairs, also see examples below. label_options (dict): matplotlib formatting options for the wire labels show_wire_labels (bool): Whether or not to show the wire labels. active_wire_notches (bool): whether or not to add notches indicating active wires. Defaults to ``True``. fig (None or matplotlib Figure): Matplotlib figure to plot onto. If None, then create a new figure. Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes: The key elements for matplotlib's object oriented interface. **Example:** .. code-block:: python ops = [ qml.QFT(wires=(0,1,2,3)), qml.IsingXX(1.234, wires=(0,2)), qml.Toffoli(wires=(0,1,2)), qml.CSWAP(wires=(0,2,3)), qml.RX(1.2345, wires=0), qml.CRZ(1.2345, wires=(3,0)) ] measurements = [qml.expval(qml.Z(0))] tape = qml.tape.QuantumTape(ops, measurements) fig, ax = qml.drawer.tape_mpl(tape) .. figure:: ../../_static/tape_mpl/default.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); .. details:: :title: Usage Details **Decimals:** The keyword ``decimals`` controls how many decimal points to include when labelling the operations. The default value ``None`` omits parameters for brevity. .. code-block:: python ops = [qml.RX(1.23456, wires=0), qml.Rot(1.2345,2.3456, 3.456, wires=0)] measurements = [qml.expval(qml.Z(0))] tape2 = qml.tape.QuantumTape(ops, measurements) fig, ax = qml.drawer.tape_mpl(tape2, decimals=2) .. figure:: ../../_static/tape_mpl/decimals.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); **Wires:** The keywords ``wire_order`` and ``show_all_wires`` control the location of wires from top to bottom. .. code-block:: python fig, ax = qml.drawer.tape_mpl(tape, wire_order=[3,2,1,0]) .. figure:: ../../_static/tape_mpl/wire_order.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); If a wire is in ``wire_order``, but not in the ``tape``, it will be omitted by default. Only by selecting ``show_all_wires=True`` will empty wires be diplayed. .. code-block:: python fig, ax = qml.drawer.tape_mpl(tape, wire_order=["aux"], show_all_wires=True) .. figure:: ../../_static/tape_mpl/show_all_wires.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); **Integration with matplotlib:** This function returns matplotlib figure and axes objects. Using these objects, users can perform further customization of the graphic. .. code-block:: python fig, ax = qml.drawer.tape_mpl(tape) fig.suptitle("My Circuit", fontsize="xx-large") options = {'facecolor': "white", 'edgecolor': "#f57e7e", "linewidth": 6, "zorder": -1} box1 = plt.Rectangle((-0.5, -0.5), width=3.0, height=4.0, **options) ax.add_patch(box1) ax.annotate("CSWAP", xy=(3, 2.5), xycoords='data', xytext=(3.8,1.5), textcoords='data', arrowprops={'facecolor': 'black'}, fontsize=14) .. figure:: ../../_static/tape_mpl/postprocessing.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); **Formatting:** PennyLane has inbuilt styles for controlling the appearance of the circuit drawings. All available styles can be determined by evaluating ``qml.drawer.available_styles()``. Any available string can then be passed via the kwarg ``style`` to change the settings for that plot. This will not affect style settings for subsequent matplotlib plots. .. code-block:: python fig, ax = qml.drawer.tape_mpl(tape, style='sketch') .. figure:: ../../_static/tape_mpl/sketch_style.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); You can also control the appearance with matplotlib's provided tools, see the `matplotlib docs <>`_ . For example, we can customize ``plt.rcParams``. To use a customized appearance based on matplotlib's ``plt.rcParams``, ``qml.drawer.tape_mpl`` must be run with ``style="rcParams"``: .. code-block:: python plt.rcParams['patch.facecolor'] = 'mistyrose' plt.rcParams['patch.edgecolor'] = 'maroon' plt.rcParams['text.color'] = 'maroon' plt.rcParams['font.weight'] = 'bold' plt.rcParams['patch.linewidth'] = 4 plt.rcParams['patch.force_edgecolor'] = True plt.rcParams['lines.color'] = 'indigo' plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 5 plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'ghostwhite' fig, ax = qml.drawer.tape_mpl(tape, style="rcParams") .. figure:: ../../_static/tape_mpl/rcparams.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); The wires and wire labels can be manually formatted by passing in dictionaries of keyword-value pairs of matplotlib options. ``wire_options`` accepts options for lines, and ``label_options`` accepts text options. .. code-block:: python fig, ax = qml.drawer.tape_mpl(tape, wire_options={'color':'teal', 'linewidth': 5}, label_options={'size': 20}) .. figure:: ../../_static/tape_mpl/wires_labels.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); Additionally, ``wire_options`` may contain sub-dictionaries of matplotlib options assigned to separate wire labels, which will control the line style for the respective individual wires. .. code-block:: python wire_options = { 'color': 'teal', # all wires but wire 2 will be teal 'linewidth': 5, # all wires but wire 2 will be bold 2: {'color': 'orange', 'linestyle': '--'}, # wire 2 will be orange and dashed } fig, ax = qml.drawer.tape_mpl(tape, wire_options=wire_options) .. figure:: ../../_static/tape_mpl/per_wire_options.png :align: center :width: 60% :target: javascript:void(0); """ restore_params = {} if update_style := (has_mpl and style != "rcParams"): restore_params = mpl.rcParams.copy() _set_style(style) try: return _tape_mpl( tape, wire_order=wire_order, show_all_wires=show_all_wires, decimals=decimals, fig=fig, **kwargs, ) finally: if update_style: # we don't want to mess with how it modifies whether the interface is interactive # but we want to restore everything else restore_params["interactive"] = mpl.rcParams["interactive"] mpl.rcParams.update(restore_params)