Source code for pennylane.fermi.fermionic
# Copyright 2018-2023 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""The fermionic representation classes and functions."""
import re
from copy import copy
from numbers import Number
from numpy import ndarray
import pennylane as qml
[docs]class FermiWord(dict):
r"""Immutable dictionary used to represent a Fermi word, a product of fermionic creation and
annihilation operators, that can be constructed from a standard dictionary.
The keys of the dictionary are tuples of two integers. The first integer represents the
position of the creation/annihilation operator in the Fermi word and the second integer
represents the orbital it acts on. The values of the dictionary are one of ``'+'`` or ``'-'``
symbols that denote creation and annihilation operators, respectively. The operator
:math:`a^{\dagger}_0 a_1` can then be constructed as
>>> w = FermiWord({(0, 0) : '+', (1, 1) : '-'})
>>> w
a⁺(0) a(1)
# override the arithmetic dunder methods for numpy arrays so that the
# methods defined on this class are used instead
# (i.e. ensure `np.array + FermiWord` uses `FermiWord.__radd__` instead of `np.array.__add__`)
__numpy_ufunc__ = None
__array_ufunc__ = None
def __init__(self, operator):
self.sorted_dic = dict(sorted(operator.items()))
indices = [i[0] for i in self.sorted_dic.keys()]
if indices:
if list(range(max(indices) + 1)) != indices:
raise ValueError(
"The operator indices must belong to the set {0, ..., len(operator)-1}."
def wires(self):
r"""Return wires in a FermiWord."""
return set(i[1] for i in self.sorted_dic.keys())
def __missing__(self, key):
r"""Return empty string for a missing key in FermiWord."""
return ""
[docs] def update(self, item):
r"""Restrict updating FermiWord after instantiation."""
raise TypeError("FermiWord object does not support assignment")
def __setitem__(self, key, item):
r"""Restrict setting items after instantiation."""
raise TypeError("FermiWord object does not support assignment")
def __reduce__(self):
r"""Defines how to pickle and unpickle a FermiWord. Otherwise, un-pickling
would cause __setitem__ to be called, which is forbidden on PauliWord.
For more information, see:
return FermiWord, (dict(self),)
def __copy__(self):
r"""Copy the FermiWord instance."""
return FermiWord(dict(self.items()))
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
r"""Deep copy the FermiWord instance."""
res = self.__copy__()
memo[id(self)] = res
return res
def __hash__(self):
r"""Hash value of a FermiWord."""
return hash(frozenset(self.items()))
[docs] def to_string(self):
r"""Return a compact string representation of a FermiWord. Each operator in the word is
represented by the number of the wire it operates on, and a `+` or `-` to indicate either
a creation or annihilation operator.
>>> w = FermiWord({(0, 0) : '+', (1, 1) : '-'})
>>> w.to_string()
a⁺(0) a(1)
if len(self) == 0:
return "I"
symbol_map = {"+": "\u207a", "-": ""}
string = " ".join(
"a" + symbol_map[j] + "(" + i + ")"
for i, j in zip(
[str(i[1]) for i in self.sorted_dic.keys()], self.sorted_dic.values()
return string
def __str__(self):
r"""String representation of a FermiWord."""
return f"{self.to_string()}"
def __repr__(self):
r"""Terminal representation of a FermiWord"""
return str(self)
def __add__(self, other):
"""Add a FermiSentence, FermiWord or constant to a FermiWord. Converts both
elements into FermiSentences, and uses the FermiSentence __add__
self_fs = FermiSentence({self: 1.0})
if isinstance(other, FermiSentence):
return self_fs + other
if isinstance(other, FermiWord):
return self_fs + FermiSentence({other: 1.0})
if isinstance(other, (Number, ndarray)):
if isinstance(other, ndarray) and qml.math.size(other) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Arithmetic Fermi operations can only accept an array of length 1, "
f"but received {other} of length {len(other)}"
return self_fs + FermiSentence({FermiWord({}): other})
raise TypeError(f"Cannot add {type(other)} to a FermiWord.")
def __radd__(self, other):
"""Add a FermiWord to a constant, i.e. `2 + FermiWord({...})`"""
if isinstance(other, (Number, ndarray)):
return self.__add__(other)
raise TypeError(f"Cannot add a FermiWord to {type(other)}.")
def __sub__(self, other):
"""Subtract a FermiSentence, FermiWord or constant from a FermiWord. Converts both
elements into FermiSentences (with negative coefficient for `other`), and
uses the FermiSentence __add__ method"""
self_fs = FermiSentence({self: 1.0})
if isinstance(other, FermiWord):
return self_fs + FermiSentence({other: -1.0})
if isinstance(other, FermiSentence):
other_fs = FermiSentence(dict(zip(other.keys(), [-v for v in other.values()])))
return self_fs + other_fs
if isinstance(other, (Number, ndarray)):
if isinstance(other, ndarray) and qml.math.size(other) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Arithmetic Fermi operations can only accept an array of length 1, "
f"but received {other} of length {len(other)}"
return self_fs + FermiSentence({FermiWord({}): -1 * other}) # -constant * I
raise TypeError(f"Cannot subtract {type(other)} from a FermiWord.")
def __rsub__(self, other):
"""Subtract a FermiWord to a constant, i.e. `2 - FermiWord({...})`"""
if isinstance(other, (Number, ndarray)):
if isinstance(other, ndarray) and qml.math.size(other) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Arithmetic Fermi operations can only accept an array of length 1, "
f"but received {other} of length {len(other)}"
self_fs = FermiSentence({self: -1.0})
other_fs = FermiSentence({FermiWord({}): other})
return self_fs + other_fs
raise TypeError(f"Cannot subtract a FermiWord from {type(other)}.")
def __mul__(self, other):
r"""Multiply a FermiWord with another FermiWord, a FermiSentence, or a constant.
>>> w = FermiWord({(0, 0) : '+', (1, 1) : '-'})
>>> w * w
a⁺(0) a(1) a⁺(0) a(1)
if isinstance(other, FermiWord):
if len(self) == 0:
return copy(other)
if len(other) == 0:
return copy(self)
order_final = [i[0] + len(self) for i in other.sorted_dic.keys()]
other_wires = [i[1] for i in other.sorted_dic.keys()]
dict_other = dict(
[(order_idx, other_wires[i]) for i, order_idx in enumerate(order_final)],
dict_self = dict(zip(self.keys(), self.values()))
return FermiWord(dict_self)
if isinstance(other, FermiSentence):
return FermiSentence({self: 1}) * other
if isinstance(other, (Number, ndarray)):
if isinstance(other, ndarray) and qml.math.size(other) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Arithmetic Fermi operations can only accept an array of length 1, "
f"but received {other} of length {len(other)}"
return FermiSentence({self: other})
raise TypeError(f"Cannot multiply FermiWord by {type(other)}.")
def __rmul__(self, other):
r"""Reverse multiply a FermiWord
Multiplies a FermiWord "from the left" with an object that can't be modified
to support __mul__ for FermiWord. Will be defaulted in for example
``2 * FermiWord({(0, 0): "+"})``, where the ``__mul__`` operator on an integer
will fail to multiply with a FermiWord"""
if isinstance(other, (Number, ndarray)):
if isinstance(other, ndarray) and qml.math.size(other) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Arithmetic Fermi operations can only accept an array of length 1, "
f"but received {other} of length {len(other)}"
return FermiSentence({self: other})
raise TypeError(f"Cannot multiply FermiWord by {type(other)}.")
def __pow__(self, value):
r"""Exponentiate a Fermi word to an integer power.
>>> w = FermiWord({(0, 0) : '+', (1, 1) : '-'})
>>> w**3
a⁺(0) a(1) a⁺(0) a(1) a⁺(0) a(1)
if value < 0 or not isinstance(value, int):
raise ValueError("The exponent must be a positive integer.")
operator = FermiWord({})
for _ in range(value):
operator *= self
return operator
[docs] def to_mat(self, n_orbitals=None):
r"""Return the matrix representation.
n_orbitals (int or None): Number of orbitals. If not provided, it will be inferred from
the largest orbital index in the Fermi operator.
NumpyArray: Matrix representation of the :class:`~.FermiWord`.
>>> w = FermiWord({(0, 0): '+', (1, 1): '-'})
>>> w.to_mat()
array([0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j],
[0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j],
[0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j],
[0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j])
largest_orb_id = max(key[1] for key in self.keys()) + 1
if n_orbitals and n_orbitals < largest_orb_id:
raise ValueError(
f"n_orbitals cannot be smaller than {largest_orb_id}, got: {n_orbitals}."
largest_order = n_orbitals or largest_orb_id
mat = qml.jordan_wigner(self, ps=True).to_mat(wire_order=list(range(largest_order)))
return mat
# pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation
[docs]class FermiSentence(dict):
r"""Immutable dictionary used to represent a Fermi sentence, a linear combination of Fermi words, with the keys
as FermiWord instances and the values correspond to coefficients.
>>> w1 = FermiWord({(0, 0) : '+', (1, 1) : '-'})
>>> w2 = FermiWord({(0, 1) : '+', (1, 2) : '-'})
>>> s = FermiSentence({w1 : 1.2, w2: 3.1})
>>> s
1.2 * a⁺(0) a(1)
+ 3.1 * a⁺(1) a(2)
# override the arithmetic dunder methods for numpy arrays so that the
# methods defined on this class are used instead
# (i.e. ensure `np.array + FermiSentence` uses `FermiSentence.__radd__` instead of `np.array.__add__`)
__numpy_ufunc__ = None
__array_ufunc__ = None
def __init__(self, operator):
def wires(self):
r"""Return wires of the FermiSentence."""
return set().union(*(fw.wires for fw in self.keys()))
def __str__(self):
r"""String representation of a FermiSentence."""
if len(self) == 0:
return "0 * I"
return "\n+ ".join(f"{coeff} * {fw.to_string()}" for fw, coeff in self.items())
def __repr__(self):
r"""Terminal representation for FermiSentence."""
return str(self)
def __missing__(self, key):
r"""If the FermiSentence does not contain a FermiWord then the associated value will be 0."""
return 0.0
def __add__(self, other):
r"""Add a FermiSentence, FermiWord or constant to a FermiSentence by iterating over the
smaller one and adding its terms to the larger one."""
# ensure other is FermiSentence
if isinstance(other, FermiWord):
other = FermiSentence({other: 1})
if isinstance(other, Number):
other = FermiSentence({FermiWord({}): other})
if isinstance(other, ndarray):
if qml.math.size(other) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Arithmetic Fermi operations can only accept an array of length 1, "
f"but received {other} of length {len(other)}"
other = FermiSentence({FermiWord({}): other})
if isinstance(other, FermiSentence):
smaller_fs, larger_fs = (
(self, copy(other)) if len(self) < len(other) else (other, copy(self))
for key in smaller_fs:
larger_fs[key] += smaller_fs[key]
return larger_fs
raise TypeError(f"Cannot add {type(other)} to a FermiSentence.")
def __radd__(self, other):
"""Add a FermiSentence to a constant, i.e. `2 + FermiSentence({...})`"""
if isinstance(other, (Number, ndarray)):
return self.__add__(other)
raise TypeError(f"Cannot add a FermiSentence to {type(other)}.")
def __sub__(self, other):
r"""Subtract a FermiSentence, FermiWord or constant from a FermiSentence"""
if isinstance(other, FermiWord):
other = FermiSentence({other: -1})
return self.__add__(other)
if isinstance(other, Number):
other = FermiSentence({FermiWord({}): -1 * other}) # -constant * I
return self.__add__(other)
if isinstance(other, ndarray):
if qml.math.size(other) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Arithmetic Fermi operations can only accept an array of length 1, "
f"but received {other} of length {len(other)}"
other = FermiSentence({FermiWord({}): -1 * other}) # -constant * I
return self.__add__(other)
if isinstance(other, FermiSentence):
other = FermiSentence(dict(zip(other.keys(), [-1 * v for v in other.values()])))
return self.__add__(other)
raise TypeError(f"Cannot subtract {type(other)} from a FermiSentence.")
def __rsub__(self, other):
"""Subtract a FermiSentence to a constant, i.e.
>>> 2 - FermiSentence({...})
if isinstance(other, (Number, ndarray)):
if isinstance(other, ndarray) and qml.math.size(other) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Arithmetic Fermi operations can only accept an array of length 1, "
f"but received {other} of length {len(other)}"
self_fs = FermiSentence(dict(zip(self.keys(), [-1 * v for v in self.values()])))
other_fs = FermiSentence({FermiWord({}): other}) # constant * I
return self_fs + other_fs
raise TypeError(f"Cannot subtract a FermiSentence from {type(other)}.")
def __mul__(self, other):
r"""Multiply two Fermi sentences by iterating over each sentence and multiplying the Fermi
words pair-wise"""
if isinstance(other, FermiWord):
other = FermiSentence({other: 1})
if isinstance(other, FermiSentence):
if (len(self) == 0) or (len(other) == 0):
return FermiSentence({FermiWord({}): 0})
product = FermiSentence({})
for fw1, coeff1 in self.items():
for fw2, coeff2 in other.items():
product[fw1 * fw2] += coeff1 * coeff2
return product
if isinstance(other, (Number, ndarray)):
if isinstance(other, ndarray) and qml.math.size(other) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Arithmetic Fermi operations can only accept an array of length 1, "
f"but received {other} of length {len(other)}"
vals = [i * other for i in self.values()]
return FermiSentence(dict(zip(self.keys(), vals)))
raise TypeError(f"Cannot multiply FermiSentence by {type(other)}.")
def __rmul__(self, other):
r"""Reverse multiply a FermiSentence
Multiplies a FermiSentence "from the left" with an object that can't be modified
to support __mul__ for FermiSentence. Will be defaulted in for example when
multiplying ``2 * fermi_sentence``, since the ``__mul__`` operator on an integer
will fail to multiply with a FermiSentence"""
if isinstance(other, (Number, ndarray)):
if isinstance(other, ndarray) and qml.math.size(other) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Arithmetic Fermi operations can only accept an array of length 1, "
f"but received {other} of length {len(other)}"
vals = [i * other for i in self.values()]
return FermiSentence(dict(zip(self.keys(), vals)))
raise TypeError(f"Cannot multiply {type(other)} by FermiSentence.")
def __pow__(self, value):
r"""Exponentiate a Fermi sentence to an integer power."""
if value < 0 or not isinstance(value, int):
raise ValueError("The exponent must be a positive integer.")
operator = FermiSentence({FermiWord({}): 1}) # 1 times Identity
for _ in range(value):
operator *= self
return operator
[docs] def simplify(self, tol=1e-8):
r"""Remove any FermiWords in the FermiSentence with coefficients less than the threshold
items = list(self.items())
for fw, coeff in items:
if abs(coeff) <= tol:
del self[fw]
[docs] def to_mat(self, n_orbitals=None):
r"""Return the matrix representation.
n_orbitals (int or None): Number of orbitals. If not provided, it will be inferred from
the largest orbital index in the Fermi operator
NumpyArray: Matrix representation of the :class:`~.FermiSentence`.
>>> fs = FermiSentence({FermiWord({(0, 0): "+", (1, 1): "-"}): 1.2, FermiWord({(0, 0): "+", (1, 0): "-"}): 3.1})
>>> fs.to_mat()
array([0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j],
[0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j],
[0.0 + 0.0j, 1.2 + 0.0j, 3.1 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j],
[0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 3.1 + 0.0j])
largest_orb_id = max(key[1] for fermi_word in self.keys() for key in fermi_word.keys()) + 1
if n_orbitals and n_orbitals < largest_orb_id:
raise ValueError(
f"n_orbitals cannot be smaller than {largest_orb_id}, got: {n_orbitals}."
largest_order = n_orbitals or largest_orb_id
mat = qml.jordan_wigner(self, ps=True).to_mat(wire_order=list(range(largest_order)))
return mat
[docs]def from_string(fermi_string):
r"""Return a fermionic operator object from its string representation.
The string representation is a compact format that uses the orbital index and ``'+'`` or ``'-'``
symbols to indicate creation and annihilation operators, respectively. For instance, the string
representation for the operator :math:`a^{\dagger}_0 a_1 a^{\dagger}_0 a_1` is
``'0+ 1- 0+ 1-'``. The ``'-'`` symbols can be optionally dropped such that ``'0+ 1 0+ 1'``
represents the same operator. The format commonly used in OpenFermion to represent the same
operator, ``'0^ 1 0^ 1'`` , is also supported.
fermi_string (str): string representation of the fermionic object
FermiWord: the fermionic operator object
>>> from_string('0+ 1- 0+ 1-')
a⁺(0) a(1) a⁺(0) a(1)
>>> from_string('0+ 1 0+ 1')
a⁺(0) a(1) a⁺(0) a(1)
>>> from_string('0^ 1 0^ 1')
a⁺(0) a(1) a⁺(0) a(1)
>>> op1 = FermiC(0) * FermiA(1) * FermiC(2) * FermiA(3)
>>> op2 = from_string('0+ 1- 2+ 3-')
>>> op1 == op2
if fermi_string.isspace() or not fermi_string:
return FermiWord({})
fermi_string = " ".join(fermi_string.split())
if not all(s.isdigit() or s in ["+", "-", "^", " "] for s in fermi_string):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid character encountered in string {fermi_string}.")
fermi_string = re.sub(r"\^", "+", fermi_string)
operators = [i + "-" if i[-1] not in "+-" else i for i in re.split(r"\s", fermi_string)]
return FermiWord({(i, int(s[:-1])): s[-1] for i, s in enumerate(operators)})
def _to_string(fermi_op, of=False):
r"""Return a string representation of the :class:`~.FermiWord` object.
fermi_op (FermiWord): the fermionic operator
of (bool): whether to return a string representation in the same style as OpenFermion using
the shorthand: 'q^' = a^\dagger_q 'q' = a_q. Each operator in the word is
represented by the number of the wire it operates on
(str): a string representation of the :class:`~.FermiWord` object
>>> w = FermiWord({(0, 0) : '+', (1, 1) : '-'})
>>> _to_string(w)
'0+ 1-'
>>> w = FermiWord({(0, 0) : '+', (1, 1) : '-'})
>>> _to_string(w, of=True)
'0^ 1'
if not isinstance(fermi_op, FermiWord):
raise ValueError(f"fermi_op must be a FermiWord, got: {type(fermi_op)}")
pl_to_of_map = {"+": "^", "-": ""}
if len(fermi_op) == 0:
return "I"
op_list = ["" for _ in range(len(fermi_op))]
for loc, wire in fermi_op:
if of:
op_str = str(wire) + pl_to_of_map[fermi_op[(loc, wire)]]
op_str = str(wire) + fermi_op[(loc, wire)]
op_list[loc] += op_str
return " ".join(op_list).rstrip()
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class FermiC(FermiWord):
The fermionic creation operator :math:`a^{\dagger}`
For instance, the operator ``qml.FermiC(2)`` denotes :math:`a^{\dagger}_2`. This operator applied
to :math:`\ket{0000}` gives :math:`\ket{0010}`.
orbital(int): the non-negative integer indicating the orbital the operator acts on.
.. note:: While the ``FermiC`` class represents a mathematical operator, it is not a PennyLane qubit :class:`~.Operator`.
.. seealso:: :class:`~pennylane.FermiA`
To construct the operator :math:`a^{\dagger}_0`:
>>> FermiC(0)
This can be combined with the annihilation operator :class:`~pennylane.FermiA`. For example,
:math:`a^{\dagger}_0 a_1 a^{\dagger}_2 a_3` can be constructed as:
>>> qml.FermiC(0) * qml.FermiA(1) * qml.FermiC(2) * qml.FermiA(3)
a⁺(0) a(1) a⁺(2) a(3)
def __init__(self, orbital):
if not isinstance(orbital, int) or orbital < 0:
raise ValueError(
f"FermiC: expected a single, positive integer value for orbital, but received {orbital}"
operator = {(0, orbital): "+"}
[docs]class FermiA(FermiWord):
The fermionic annihilation operator :math:`a`
For instance, the operator ``qml.FermiA(2)`` denotes :math:`a_2`. This operator applied
to :math:`\ket{0010}` gives :math:`\ket{0000}`.
orbital(int): the non-negative integer indicating the orbital the operator acts on.
.. note:: While the ``FermiA`` class represents a mathematical operator, it is not a PennyLane qubit :class:`~.Operator`.
.. seealso:: :class:`~pennylane.FermiC`
To construct the operator :math:`a_0`:
>>> FermiA(0)
This can be combined with the creation operator :class:`~pennylane.FermiC`. For example,
:math:`a^{\dagger}_0 a_1 a^{\dagger}_2 a_3` can be constructed as:
>>> qml.FermiC(0) * qml.FermiA(1) * qml.FermiC(2) * qml.FermiA(3)
a⁺(0) a(1) a⁺(2) a(3)
def __init__(self, orbital):
if not isinstance(orbital, int) or orbital < 0:
raise ValueError(
f"FermiA: expected a single, positive integer value for orbital, but received {orbital}"
operator = {(0, orbital): "-"}
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