Source code for pennylane.labs.dla.dense_util

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"""Utility tools for dense Lie algebra representations"""
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements, missing-function-docstring, possibly-used-before-assignment
from functools import reduce
from itertools import combinations, combinations_with_replacement
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Operator
from pennylane.ops.qubit.matrix_ops import _walsh_hadamard_transform
from pennylane.pauli import PauliSentence, PauliVSpace, PauliWord
from pennylane.typing import TensorLike

def _make_phase_mat(n: int) -> np.ndarray:
    r"""Create an array with shape ``(2**n, 2**n)`` containing powers of :math:`i`.
    For the entry at position ``(i, k)``, the entry is ``1j**p(i,k)`` with the
    power being the Hamming weight of the product of the binary bitstrings of
    ``i`` and ``k``.
    _slice = (slice(None), None, None)
    # Compute the bitwise and of the row and column index for all matrix entries
    ids_bit_and = np.bitwise_and(np.arange(2**n)[:, None], np.arange(2**n)[None])
    # Compute the Hamming weight of the bitwise and. Can be replaced by bitwise_count with np>=2.0
    hamming_weight = np.sum(
        np.bitwise_and(ids_bit_and[None] >> np.arange(n + 1)[_slice], 1), axis=0
    return 1j**hamming_weight

def _make_permutation_indices(dim: int) -> list[np.ndarray]:
    r"""Make a list of ``dim`` arrays of length ``dim`` containing the indices
    ``0`` through ``dim-1`` in a specific permutation order to match the Walsh-Hadamard
    transform to the Pauli decomposition task."""
    indices = [qml.math.arange(dim)]
    for idx in range(dim - 1):
        indices.append(qml.math.bitwise_xor(indices[-1], (idx + 1) ^ (idx)))
    return indices

def _make_extraction_indices(n: int) -> tuple[tuple]:
    r"""Create a tuple of two tuples of indices to extract Pauli basis coefficients.
    The first tuple of indices as bit strings encodes the presence of a Pauli Z or Pauli Y
    on the ``k``\ th wire in the ``k``\ th bit. The second tuple encodes the presence of
    Pauli X or Pauli Y. That is, for a given position, the four different Pauli operators
    are encoded as ``(0, 0) = "I"``, ``(0, 1) = "X"``, ``(1, 0) = "Z"`` and ``(1, 1) = "Y"``.
    if n == 1:
        return ((0, 0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1, 0))

    ids0, ids1 = np.array(_make_extraction_indices(n - 1))
    return (
        tuple(np.concatenate([ids0, ids0, ids0 + 2 ** (n - 1), ids0 + 2 ** (n - 1)])),
        tuple(np.concatenate([ids1, ids1 + 2 ** (n - 1), ids1 + 2 ** (n - 1), ids1])),

[docs]def pauli_coefficients(H: TensorLike) -> np.ndarray: r"""Computes the coefficients of one or multiple Hermitian matrices in the Pauli basis. The coefficients are ordered lexicographically in the Pauli group, ``["III", "IIX", "IIY", "IIZ", "IXI", ...]``. Args: H (tensor_like[complex]): a Hermitian matrix of dimension ``(2**n, 2**n)`` or a collection of Hermitian matrices of dimension ``(batch, 2**n, 2**n)``. Returns: np.ndarray: The coefficients of ``H`` in the Pauli basis with shape ``(4**n,)`` for a single matrix input and ``(batch, 4**n)`` for a collection of matrices. The output is real-valued. See :func:`~.pennylane.pauli.pauli_decompose` for theoretical background information. **Examples** Consider the Hamiltonian :math:`H=\frac{1}{4} X_0 + \frac{2}{5} Z_0 X_1` with matrix >>> H = 1 / 4 * qml.X(0) + 2 / 5 * qml.Z(0) @ qml.X(1) >>> mat = H.matrix() >>> mat array([[ 0. +0.j, 0.4 +0.j, 0.25+0.j, 0. +0.j], [ 0.4 +0.j, 0. +0.j, 0. +0.j, 0.25+0.j], [ 0.25+0.j, 0. +0.j, 0. +0.j, -0.4 +0.j], [ 0. +0.j, 0.25+0.j, -0.4 +0.j, 0. +0.j]]) Then we can obtain the coefficients of :math:`H` in the Pauli basis via >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import pauli_coefficients >>> pauli_coefficients(mat) array([ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0.25, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , -0. , 0. , 0. , 0.4 , 0. , 0. ]) The function can be used on a batch of matrices: >>> ops = [1 / 4 * qml.X(0), 1 / 2 * qml.Z(0), 3 / 5 * qml.Y(0)] >>> batch = np.stack([op.matrix() for op in ops]) >>> pauli_coefficients(batch) array([[0. , 0.25, 0. , 0. ], [0. , 0. , 0. , 0.5 ], [0. , 0. , 0.6 , 0. ]]) """ # Preparations shape = H.shape batch = shape[0] if H.ndim == 3 else None dim = shape[-1] n = int(np.round(np.log2(dim))) assert dim == 2**n # Permutation indices = _make_permutation_indices(dim) # Apply the permutation by slicing and stacking again sliced_H = [ qml.math.take(H[..., idx, :], _indices, axis=-1) for idx, _indices in enumerate(indices) ] sliced_H = qml.math.cast(qml.math.stack(sliced_H), complex) # Move leading axis (different permutation slices) to last position and combine broadcasting axis # and slicing axis into one leading axis (because `_walsh_hadamard_transform` only takes one batch axis) term_mat = qml.math.reshape(qml.math.moveaxis(sliced_H, 0, -1), (-1, dim)) # Apply Walsh-Hadamard transform hadamard_transform_mat = _walsh_hadamard_transform(term_mat) # Reshape again to separate actual broadcasting axis and previous slicing axis hadamard_transform_mat = qml.math.reshape(hadamard_transform_mat, shape) # make phase matrix that allows us to figure out phase contributions from Pauli Y terms. phase_mat = qml.math.convert_like(_make_phase_mat(n), H) # Multiply phase matrix to Hadamard transformed matrix and transpose the two Hilbert-space-dim axes coefficients = qml.math.moveaxis( qml.math.real(qml.math.multiply(hadamard_transform_mat, phase_mat)), -2, -1 ) # Extract the coefficients by reordering them according to the encoding in `qml.pauli.batched_pauli_decompose` indices = _make_extraction_indices(n) new_shape = (dim**2,) if batch is None else (batch, dim**2) return qml.math.reshape(coefficients[..., indices[0], indices[1]], new_shape)
_pauli_strings = (None, "X", "Y", "Z") def _idx_to_pw(idx, n): pw = {} wire = n - 1 while idx > 0: p = _pauli_strings[idx % 4] if p: pw[wire] = p idx //= 4 wire -= 1 return PauliWord(pw)
[docs]def batched_pauli_decompose(H: TensorLike, tol: Optional[float] = None, pauli: bool = False): r"""Decomposes a Hermitian matrix or a batch of matrices into a linear combination of Pauli operators. Args: H (tensor_like[complex]): a Hermitian matrix of dimension ``(2**n, 2**n)`` or a collection of Hermitian matrices of dimension ``(batch, 2**n, 2**n)``. tol (float): Tolerance below which Pauli coefficients are discarded. pauli (bool): Whether to format the output as :class:`~.PauliSentence`. Returns: Union[~.Hamiltonian, ~.PauliSentence]: the matrix (matrices) decomposed as a linear combination of Pauli operators, returned either as a :class:`~.Hamiltonian` or :class:`~.PauliSentence` instance. .. seealso:: :func:`~.pauli_coefficients` **Examples** Consider the Hamiltonian :math:`H=\frac{1}{4} X_0 + \frac{2}{5} Z_0 X_1`. We can compute its matrix and get back the Pauli representation via ``batched_pauli_decompose``. >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import batched_pauli_decompose >>> H = 1 / 4 * qml.X(0) + 2 / 5 * qml.Z(0) @ qml.X(1) >>> mat = H.matrix() >>> op = batched_pauli_decompose(mat) >>> op 0.25 * X(1) + 0.4 * Z(1) >>> type(op) pennylane.ops.op_math.sum.Sum We can choose to receive a :class:`~.PauliSentence` instead as output instead, by setting ``pauli=True``: >>> op = batched_pauli_decompose(mat, pauli=True) >>> type(op) pennylane.pauli.pauli_arithmetic.PauliSentence This function supports batching and will return a list of operations for a batched input: >>> ops = [1 / 4 * qml.X(0), 1 / 2 * qml.Z(0) + 1e-7 * qml.Y(0)] >>> batch = np.stack([op.matrix() for op in ops]) >>> batched_pauli_decompose(batch) [0.25 * X(0), 1e-07 * Y(0) + 0.5 * Z(0)] Small contributions can be removed by specifying the ``tol`` parameter, which defaults to ``1e-10``, accordingly: >>> batched_pauli_decompose(batch, tol=1e-6) [0.25 * X(0), 0.5 * Z(0)] """ if tol is None: tol = 1e-10 coeffs = pauli_coefficients(H) if single_H := qml.math.ndim(coeffs) == 1: coeffs = [coeffs] n = int(np.round(np.log2(qml.math.shape(coeffs)[1]))) // 2 H_ops = [] for _coeffs in coeffs: ids = qml.math.where(qml.math.abs(_coeffs) > tol)[0] sentence = PauliSentence({_idx_to_pw(idx, n): c for c, idx in zip(_coeffs[ids], ids)}) if pauli: H_ops.append(sentence) else: H_ops.append(sentence.operation()) if single_H: return H_ops[0] return H_ops
[docs]def check_commutation(ops1, ops2, vspace): r"""Helper function to check :math:`[\text{ops1}, \text{ops2}] \subseteq \text{vspace}`. .. warning:: This function is expensive to compute Args: ops1 (Iterable[PauliSentence]): First set of operators ops2 (Iterable[PauliSentence]): Second set of operators vspace (:class:`~PauliVSpace`): The vector space in form of a :class:`~PauliVSpace` that the operators should map to Returns: bool: Whether or not :math:`[\text{ops1}, \text{ops2}] \subseteq \text{vspace}` **Example** >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import check_commutation >>> ops1 = [qml.X(0).pauli_rep] >>> ops2 = [qml.Y(0).pauli_rep] >>> vspace1 = qml.pauli.PauliVSpace([qml.X(0).pauli_rep, qml.Y(0).pauli_rep], dtype=complex) Because :math:`[X_0, Y_0] = 2i Z_0`, the commutators do not map to the selected vector space. >>> check_commutation(ops1, ops2, vspace1) False Instead, we need the full :math:`\mathfrak{su}(2)` space. >>> vspace2 = qml.pauli.PauliVSpace([qml.X(0).pauli_rep, qml.Y(0).pauli_rep, qml.Z(0).pauli_rep], dtype=complex) >>> check_commutation(ops1, ops2, vspace2) True """ for o1 in ops1: for o2 in ops2: com = o1.commutator(o2) com.simplify() if len(com) != 0: if vspace.is_independent(com): return False return True
[docs]def check_all_commuting(ops: List[Union[PauliSentence, np.ndarray, Operator]]): r"""Helper function to check if all operators in ``ops`` commute. .. warning:: This function is expensive to compute Args: ops (List[Union[PauliSentence, np.ndarray, Operator]]): List of operators to check for mutual commutation Returns: bool: Whether or not all operators commute with each other **Example** >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import check_all_commuting >>> from pennylane import X >>> ops = [X(i) for i in range(10)] >>> check_all_commuting(ops) True Operators on different wires (trivially) commute with each other. """ if all(isinstance(op, PauliSentence) for op in ops): for oi, oj in combinations(ops, 2): com = oj.commutator(oi) com.simplify() if len(com) != 0: return False return True if all(isinstance(op, Operator) for op in ops): for oi, oj in combinations(ops, 2): com = qml.simplify(qml.commutator(oj, oi)) if not qml.equal(com, 0 * qml.Identity()): return False return True if all(isinstance(op, np.ndarray) for op in ops): for oi, oj in combinations(ops, 2): com = oj @ oi - oi @ oj if not np.allclose(com, np.zeros_like(com)): return False return True return NotImplemented
[docs]def check_cartan_decomp(k: List[PauliSentence], m: List[PauliSentence], verbose=True): r"""Helper function to check the validity of a Cartan decomposition :math:`\mathfrak{g} = \mathfrak{k} \oplus \mathfrak{m}.` Check whether of not the following properties are fulfilled. .. math:: [\mathfrak{k}, \mathfrak{k}] \subseteq \mathfrak{k} & \text{ (subalgebra)}\\ [\mathfrak{k}, \mathfrak{m}] \subseteq \mathfrak{m} & \text{ (reductive property)}\\ [\mathfrak{m}, \mathfrak{m}] \subseteq \mathfrak{k} & \text{ (symmetric property)} .. warning:: This function is expensive to compute Args: k (List[PauliSentence]): List of operators of the vertical subspace m (List[PauliSentence]): List of operators of the horizontal subspace verbose: Whether failures to meet one of the criteria should be printed Returns: bool: Whether or not all properties are fulfilled .. seealso:: :func:`~cartan_decomp` **Example** We first construct a Lie algebra. >>> from pennylane import X, Z >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import concurrence_involution, even_odd_involution, cartan_decomp >>> generators = [X(0) @ X(1), Z(0), Z(1)] >>> g = qml.lie_closure(generators) >>> g [X(0) @ X(1), Z(0), Z(1), -1.0 * (Y(0) @ X(1)), -1.0 * (X(0) @ Y(1)), -1.0 * (Y(0) @ Y(1))] We compute the Cartan decomposition with respect to the :func:`~concurrence_involution`. >>> k, m = cartan_decomp(g, concurrence_involution) >>> k, m ([-1.0 * (Y(0) @ X(1)), -1.0 * (X(0) @ Y(1))], [X(0) @ X(1), Z(0), Z(1), -1.0 * (Y(0) @ Y(1))]) We can check the validity of the decomposition using ``check_cartan_decomp``. >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import check_cartan_decomp >>> check_cartan_decomp(k, m) True """ if any(isinstance(op, np.ndarray) for op in k): k = [qml.pauli_decompose(op).pauli_rep for op in k] if any(isinstance(op, np.ndarray) for op in m): m = [qml.pauli_decompose(op).pauli_rep for op in m] if any(isinstance(op, Operator) for op in k): k = [op.pauli_rep for op in k] if any(isinstance(op, Operator) for op in m): m = [op.pauli_rep for op in m] k_space = qml.pauli.PauliVSpace(k, dtype=complex) m_space = qml.pauli.PauliVSpace(m, dtype=complex) # Commutation relations for Cartan pair if not (check_kk := check_commutation(k, k, k_space)): _ = print("[k, k] sub k not fulfilled") if verbose else None if not (check_km := check_commutation(k, m, m_space)): _ = print("[k, m] sub m not fulfilled") if verbose else None if not (check_mm := check_commutation(m, m, k_space)): _ = print("[m, m] sub k not fulfilled") if verbose else None return all([check_kk, check_km, check_mm])
[docs]def orthonormalize(basis: Iterable[Union[PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray]]) -> np.ndarray: r"""Orthonormalize a list of basis vectors. Args: basis (Iterable[Union[PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray]]): List of basis vectors. Returns: np.ndarray: Orthonormalized basis vectors. .. seealso:: :func:`~trace_inner_product`, :func:`~orthonormalize` **Example** >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import orthonormalize, check_orthonormal, trace_inner_product >>> ops = [qml.X(0), qml.X(0) + qml.Y(0), qml.Y(0) + qml.Z(0)] >>> check_orthonormal(ops, trace_inner_product) False >>> ops_orth = orthonormalize(ops) >>> check_orthonormal(ops_orth, trace_inner_product) True This works also for lists of dense matrices as inputs >>> ops_m = [qml.matrix(op) for op in ops] >>> ops_m_orth = orthonormalize(ops_m) >>> ops_m_orth.shape (3, 2, 2) """ if isinstance(basis, PauliVSpace) or all( isinstance(op, (PauliSentence, Operator)) for op in basis ): return _orthonormalize_ps(basis) if all(isinstance(op, np.ndarray) for op in basis): return _orthonormalize_np(basis) raise NotImplementedError( f"orthonormalize not implemented for basis of type {type(basis[0])}:\n{basis}" )
def _orthonormalize_np(basis: Iterable[np.ndarray]): basis = np.array(basis) gram_inv = np.linalg.pinv(sqrtm(trace_inner_product(basis, basis).real)) return np.tensordot(gram_inv, basis, axes=1) def _orthonormalize_ps(basis: Union[PauliVSpace, Iterable[Union[PauliSentence, Operator]]]): # We are generating a sparse pauli representation of the basis, where each entry of a basis vector corresponds to one of the Pauli words if isinstance(basis, PauliVSpace): basis = basis.basis if not all(isinstance(op, PauliSentence) for op in basis): basis = [op.pauli_rep for op in basis] if len(basis) == 0: return basis # Set up all unique pauli words in the basis all_pws = reduce(set.__or__, [set(ps.keys()) for ps in basis]) num_pw = len(all_pws) # map pauli words to indices and back _pw_to_idx = {pw: i for i, pw in enumerate(all_pws)} _idx_to_pw = dict(enumerate(all_pws)) # dense matrix representation of the basis in the sparse pauli representation _M = np.zeros((num_pw, len(basis)), dtype=float) for i, gen in enumerate(basis): for pw, value in gen.items(): _M[_pw_to_idx[pw], i] = value # orthonormalize dense matrix using QR decomposition def gram_schmidt(X): Q, _ = np.linalg.qr(X) return Q OM = gram_schmidt(_M) # make sure the resulting matrix is orthonormal assert np.allclose(np.tensordot(OM.T, OM, axes=1), np.eye(OM.shape[1])) # reconstruct orthonormalized operators generators_orthogonal = [] for i in range(len(basis)): u1 = PauliSentence({}) for j in range(num_pw): u1 += _idx_to_pw[j] * OM[j, i] u1.simplify() generators_orthogonal.append(u1) return generators_orthogonal
[docs]def check_orthonormal(g: Iterable[Union[PauliSentence, Operator]], inner_product: callable) -> bool: r""" Utility function to check if operators in ``g`` are orthonormal with respect to the provided ``inner_product``. Args: g (Iterable[Union[PauliSentence, Operator]]): List of operators inner_product (callable): Inner product function to check orthonormality Returns: bool: ``True`` if the operators are orthonormal, ``False`` otherwise. .. seealso:: :func:`~trace_inner_product`, :func:`~orthonormalize` **Example** >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import orthonormalize, check_orthonormal, trace_inner_product >>> ops = [qml.X(0), qml.X(0) + qml.Y(0), qml.Y(0) + qml.Z(0)] >>> check_orthonormal(ops, trace_inner_product) False >>> ops_orth = orthonormalize(ops) >>> check_orthonormal(ops_orth, trace_inner_product) True """ for op in g: if not np.isclose(inner_product(op, op), 1.0): return False for opi, opj in combinations(g, r=2): if not np.isclose(inner_product(opi, opj), 0.0): return False return True
[docs]def trace_inner_product( A: Union[PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray], B: Union[PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray] ): r"""Implementation of the trace inner product :math:`\langle A, B \rangle = \text{tr}\left(A B\right)/\text{dim}(A)` between two Hermitian operators :math:`A` and :math:`B`. If the inputs are ``np.ndarray``, leading broadcasting axes are supported for either or both inputs. Args: A (Union[PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray]): First operator B (Union[PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray]): Second operator Returns: Union[float, np.ndarray]: Result is either a single float or a batch of floats. **Example** >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import trace_inner_product >>> trace_inner_product(qml.X(0) + qml.Y(0), qml.Y(0) + qml.Z(0)) 1.0 If both operators are dense arrays, a leading batch dimension is broadcasted. >>> batch = 10 >>> ops1 = np.random.rand(batch, 16, 16) >>> op2 = np.random.rand(16, 16) >>> trace_inner_product(ops1, op2).shape (10,) >>> trace_inner_product(op2, ops1).shape (10,) We can also have both arguments broadcasted. >>> trace_inner_product(ops1, ops1).shape (10, 10) """ if getattr(A, "pauli_rep", None) is not None and getattr(B, "pauli_rep", None) is not None: return (A.pauli_rep @ B.pauli_rep).trace() if all(isinstance(op, np.ndarray) for op in A) and all(isinstance(op, np.ndarray) for op in B): A = np.array(A) B = np.array(B) if not isinstance(A, type(B)): raise TypeError("Both input operators need to be of the same type") if isinstance(A, np.ndarray): assert A.shape[-2:] == B.shape[-2:] # The axes of the first input are switched, compared to tr[A@B], because we need to # transpose A. return np.tensordot(A, B, axes=[[-1, -2], [-2, -1]]) / A.shape[-1] raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def change_basis_ad_rep(adj: np.ndarray, basis_change: np.ndarray): r"""Apply a ``basis_change`` between bases of operators to the adjoint representation ``adj``. Assume the adjoint repesentation is given in terms of a basis :math:`\{b_j\}`, :math:`\text{ad_\mu}_{\alpha \beta} \propto \text{tr}\left(b_\mu \cdot [b_\alpha, b_\beta] \right)`. We can represent the adjoint representation in terms of a new basis :math:`c_i = \sum_j T_{ij} b_j` with the basis transformation matrix :math:`T` using ``change_basis_ad_rep``. Args: adj (numpy.ndarray): Adjoint representation in old basis. basis_change (numpy.ndarray): Basis change matrix from old to new basis. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Adjoint representation in new basis. **Example** We choose a basis of a Lie algebra, compute its adjoint representation. >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import change_basis_ad_rep >>> basis = [qml.X(0), qml.Y(0), qml.Z(0)] >>> adj = qml.structure_constants(basis) Now we change the basis and re-compute the adjoint representation in that new basis. >>> basis_change = np.array([[1., 1., 0.], [0., 1., 1.], [0., 1., 1.]]) >>> new_ops = [qml.sum(*[basis_change[i,j] * basis[j] for j in range(3)]) for i in range(3)] >>> new_adj = qml.structure_constants(new_ops) We confirm that instead of re-computing the adjoint representation (typically expensive), we can transform the old adjoint representation with the change of basis matrix. >>> new_adj_re = change_basis_ad_rep(adj, basis_change) np.allclose(new_adj, new_adj_re) """ # Perform the einsum contraction "mnp, hm, in, jp -> hij" via three einsum steps new_adj = np.einsum("mnp,im->inp", adj, np.linalg.pinv(basis_change.T)) new_adj = np.einsum("mnp,in->mip", new_adj, basis_change) return np.einsum("mnp,ip->mni", new_adj, basis_change)
[docs]def adjvec_to_op(adj_vecs, basis, is_orthogonal=True): r"""Transform adjoint vector representations back into operator format. This function simply reconstructs :math:`\hat{O} = \sum_j c_j \hat{b}_j` given the adjoint vector representation :math:`c_j` and basis :math:`\hat{b}_j`. .. seealso:: :func:`~op_to_adjvec` Args: adj_vecs (np.ndarray): collection of vectors with shape ``(batch, len(basis))`` basis (List[Union[PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray]]): collection of basis operators is_orthogonal (bool): Whether the ``basis`` consists of orthogonal elements. Returns: list: collection of operators corresponding to the input vectors read in the input basis. The operators are in the format specified by the elements in ``basis``. **Example** >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import adjvec_to_op >>> c = np.array([[0.5, 0.3, 0.7]]) >>> basis = [qml.X(0), qml.Y(0), qml.Z(0)] >>> adjvec_to_op(c, basis) [0.5 * X(0) + 0.3 * Y(0) + 0.7 * Z(0)] """ assert qml.math.shape(adj_vecs)[1] == len(basis) if all(isinstance(op, PauliSentence) for op in basis): if not is_orthogonal: gram = _gram_ps(basis) adj_vecs = np.tensordot(adj_vecs, np.linalg.pinv(sqrtm(gram)), axes=[[1], [0]]) res = [] for vec in adj_vecs: op_j = sum(c * op for c, op in zip(vec, basis)) op_j.simplify() res.append(op_j) return res if all(isinstance(op, Operator) for op in basis): if not is_orthogonal: basis_ps = [op.pauli_rep for op in basis] gram = _gram_ps(basis_ps) adj_vecs = np.tensordot(adj_vecs, np.linalg.pinv(sqrtm(gram)), axes=[[1], [0]]) res = [] for vec in adj_vecs: op_j = sum(c * op for c, op in zip(vec, basis)) op_j = qml.simplify(op_j) res.append(op_j) return res if isinstance(basis, np.ndarray) or all(isinstance(op, np.ndarray) for op in basis): if not is_orthogonal: gram = trace_inner_product(basis, basis).real adj_vecs = np.tensordot(adj_vecs, np.linalg.pinv(sqrtm(gram)), axes=[[1], [0]]) return np.tensordot(adj_vecs, basis, axes=1) raise NotImplementedError( "At least one operator in the specified basis is of unsupported type, " "or not all operators are of the same type." )
def _gram_ps(basis: Iterable[PauliSentence]): gram = np.zeros((len(basis), len(basis))) for (i, b_i), (j, b_j) in combinations_with_replacement(enumerate(basis), r=2): gram[i, j] = gram[j, i] = (b_i @ b_j).trace() return gram def _op_to_adjvec_ps(ops: PauliSentence, basis: PauliSentence, is_orthogonal: bool = True): """Pauli sentence branch of ``op_to_adjvec``.""" if not all(isinstance(op, PauliSentence) for op in ops): ops = [op.pauli_rep for op in ops] res = [] if is_orthogonal: norms_squared = [(basis_i @ basis_i).trace() for basis_i in basis] else: # Fake the norm correction if we anyways will apply the inverse Gram matrix later norms_squared = np.ones(len(basis)) gram = _gram_ps(basis) inv_gram = np.linalg.pinv(sqrtm(gram)) for op in ops: rep = np.zeros((len(basis),)) for i, basis_i in enumerate(basis): # v = ∑ (v · e_j / ||e_j||^2) * e_j rep[i] = (basis_i @ op).trace() / norms_squared[i] res.append(rep) res = np.array(res) if not is_orthogonal: res = np.einsum("ij,kj->ki", inv_gram, res) return res
[docs]def op_to_adjvec( ops: Iterable[Union[PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray]], basis: Union[PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray], is_orthogonal: bool = True, ): r"""Decompose a batch of operators onto a given operator basis. The adjoint vector representation is provided by the coefficients :math:`c_j` in a given operator basis of the operator :math:`\hat{b}_j` such that the input operator can be written as :math:`\hat{O} = \sum_j c_j \hat{b}_j`. .. seealso:: :func:`~adjvec_to_op` Args: ops (Iterable[Union[PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray]]): List of operators to decompose basis (Iterable[Union[PauliSentence, Operator, np.ndarray]]): Operator basis is_orthogonal (bool): Whether the basis is orthogonal with respect to the trace inner product. Defaults to ``True``, which allows to skip some computations. Returns: np.ndarray: The batch of coefficient vectors of the operators' ``ops`` expressed in ``basis``. The shape is ``(len(ops), len(basis)``. The format of the resulting operators is determined by the ``type`` in ``basis``. If ``is_orthogonal=True`` (the default), only normalization is taken into account in the projection. For ``is_orthogonal=False``, orthogonalization also is considered. **Example** The basis can be numerical or operators. >>> from pennylane.labs.dla import op_to_adjvec >>> op = qml.X(0) + 0.5 * qml.Y(0) >>> basis = [qml.X(0), qml.Y(0), qml.Z(0)] >>> op_to_adjvec([op], basis) array([[1. , 0.5, 0. ]]) >>> op_to_adjvec([op], [op.matrix() for op in basis]) array([[1. , 0.5, 0. ]]) Note how the function always expects an ``Iterable`` of operators as input. The ``ops`` can also be numerical, but then ``basis`` has to be numerical as well. >>> op = op.matrix() >>> op_to_adjvec([op], [op.matrix() for op in basis]) array([[1. , 0.5, 0. ]]) """ if isinstance(basis, PauliVSpace): basis = basis.basis if all(isinstance(op, Operator) for op in basis): ops = [op.pauli_rep for op in ops] basis = [op.pauli_rep for op in basis] # PauliSentence branch if all(isinstance(op, PauliSentence) for op in basis): return _op_to_adjvec_ps(ops, basis, is_orthogonal) # dense branch if all(isinstance(op, TensorLike) for op in basis): if not all(isinstance(op, TensorLike) for op in ops): _n = int(np.round(np.log2(basis[0].shape[-1]))) ops = np.array([qml.matrix(op, wire_order=range(_n)) for op in ops]) basis = np.array(basis) res = trace_inner_product(np.array(ops), basis).real if is_orthogonal: norm = np.einsum("bij,bji->b", basis, basis).real / basis[0].shape[0] return res / norm gram = trace_inner_product(basis, basis).real sqrtm_gram = sqrtm(gram) # Imaginary component is an artefact assert np.allclose(sqrtm_gram.imag, 0.0, atol=1e-16) return np.einsum("ij,kj->ki", np.linalg.pinv(sqrtm_gram.real), res) raise NotImplementedError( "At least one operator in the specified basis is of unsupported type, " "or not all operators are of the same type." )