Source code for pennylane.noise.conditionals

# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Contains utility functions for building boolean conditionals for noise models

Developer note: Conditionals inherit from BooleanFn and store the condition they
utilize in the ``condition`` attribute.

from functools import partial
from inspect import isclass, signature

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.boolean_fn import BooleanFn
from pennylane.measurements import MeasurementValue, MidMeasureMP
from pennylane.ops import Adjoint, Controlled
from pennylane.templates import ControlledSequence
from pennylane.wires import WireError, Wires

# pylint: disable = unnecessary-lambda, too-few-public-methods

[docs]class WiresIn(BooleanFn): """A conditional for evaluating if the wires of an operation exist in a specified set of wires. Args: wires (Union[Iterable[int, str], Wires]): Sequence of wires for building the wire set. .. seealso:: Users are advised to use :func:`~.wires_in` for a functional construction. """ def __init__(self, wires): self._cond = set(wires) self.condition = self._cond super().__init__( lambda wire: _get_wires(wire).issubset(self._cond), f"WiresIn({list(wires)})" )
[docs]class WiresEq(BooleanFn): """A conditional for evaluating if a given wire is equal to a specified set of wires. Args: wires (Union[Iterable[int, str], Wires]): Sequence of wires for building the wire set. .. seealso:: Users are advised to use :func:`~.wires_eq` for a functional construction. """ def __init__(self, wires): self._cond = set(wires) self.condition = self._cond super().__init__( lambda wire: _get_wires(wire) == self._cond, f"WiresEq({list(wires) if len(wires) > 1 else list(wires)[0]})", )
def _get_wires(val): """Extract wires as a set from an integer, string, Iterable, Wires or Operation instance. Args: val (Union[int, str, Iterable, ~.wires.Wires, ~.operation.Operation]): object to be used for building the wire set. Returns: set[Union[int, str]]: computed wire set Raises: ValueError: if the wire set cannot be computed for ``val``. """ iters = val if isinstance(val, (list, tuple, set, Wires)) else getattr(val, "wires", [val]) try: wires = set().union(*((getattr(w, "wires", None) or Wires(w)).tolist() for w in iters)) except (TypeError, WireError): raise ValueError(f"Wires cannot be computed for {val}") from None return wires
[docs]def wires_in(wires): """Builds a conditional as a :class:`~.BooleanFn` for evaluating if the wires of an input operation are within the specified set of wires. Args: wires (Union(Iterable[int, str], Wires, Operation, int, str)): Object to be used for building the wire set. Returns: :class:`WiresIn <pennylane.noise.conditionals.WiresIn>`: A callable object with signature ``Union(Iterable[int, str], Wires, Operation, int, str)``. It evaluates to ``True`` if the wire set constructed from the input to the callable is a subset of the one built from the specified ``wires`` set. Raises: ValueError: If the wire set cannot be computed from ``wires``. **Example** One may use ``wires_in`` with a given sequence of wires which are used as a wire set: >>> cond_func = qml.noise.wires_in([0, 1]) >>> cond_func(qml.X(0)) True >>> cond_func(qml.X(3)) False Additionally, if an :class:`Operation <pennylane.operation.Operation>` is provided, its ``wires`` are extracted and used to build the wire set: >>> cond_func = qml.noise.wires_in(qml.CNOT(["alice", "bob"])) >>> cond_func("alice") True >>> cond_func("eve") False """ return WiresIn(_get_wires(wires))
[docs]def wires_eq(wires): """Builds a conditional as a :class:`~.BooleanFn` for evaluating if a given wire is equal to specified set of wires. Args: wires (Union(Iterable[int, str], Wires, Operation, int, str)): Object to be used for building the wire set. Returns: :class:`WiresEq <pennylane.noise.conditionals.WiresEq>`: A callable object with signature ``Union(Iterable[int, str], Wires, Operation, int, str)``. It evaluates to ``True`` if the wire set constructed from the input to the callable is equal to the one built from the specified ``wires`` set. Raises: ValueError: If the wire set cannot be computed from ``wires``. **Example** One may use ``wires_eq`` with a given sequence of wires which are used as a wire set: >>> cond_func = qml.noise.wires_eq(0) >>> cond_func(qml.X(0)) True >>> cond_func(qml.RY(1.23, wires=[3])) False Additionally, if an :class:`Operation <pennylane.operation.Operation>` is provided, its ``wires`` are extracted and used to build the wire set: >>> cond_func = qml.noise.wires_eq(qml.RX(1.0, "dino")) >>> cond_func(qml.RZ(1.23, wires="dino")) True >>> cond_func("eve") False """ return WiresEq(_get_wires(wires))
[docs]class OpIn(BooleanFn): """A conditional for evaluating if a given operation exist in a specified set of operations. Args: ops (Union[str, class, Operation, list[str, class, Operation]]): Sequence of operation instances, string representations or classes to build the operation set. .. seealso:: Users are advised to use :func:`~.op_in` for a functional construction. """ def __init__(self, ops): self._cond = ops self._cops = _get_ops(ops) self.condition = self._cops super().__init__( self._check_in_ops, f"OpIn({[getattr(op, '__name__', op) for op in self._cops]})" ) def _check_in_ops(self, operation): xs = operation if isinstance(operation, (list, tuple, set)) else [operation] cs = _get_ops(xs) try: return all( ( c in self._cops if isclass(x) or not getattr(x, "arithmetic_depth", 0) else any( ( _check_arithmetic_ops(op, x) if isinstance(op, cp) and getattr(op, "arithmetic_depth", 0) else cp == _get_ops(x)[0] ) for op, cp in zip(self._cond, self._cops) ) ) for x, c in zip(xs, cs) ) except: # pylint: disable = bare-except # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( "OpIn does not support arithmetic operations " "that cannot be converted to a linear combination" ) from None
[docs]class OpEq(BooleanFn): """A conditional for evaluating if a given operation is equal to the specified operation. Args: ops (Union[str, class, Operation]): An operation instance, string representation or class to build the operation set. .. seealso:: Users are advised to use :func:`~.op_eq` for a functional construction. """ def __init__(self, ops): self._cond = [ops] if not isinstance(ops, (list, tuple, set)) else ops self._cops = _get_ops(ops) self.condition = self._cops cops_names = list(getattr(op, "__name__", op) for op in self._cops) super().__init__( self._check_eq_ops, f"OpEq({cops_names if len(cops_names) > 1 else cops_names[0]})", ) def _check_eq_ops(self, operation): if all(isclass(op) or not getattr(op, "arithmetic_depth", 0) for op in self._cond): return _get_ops(operation) == self._cops try: xs = operation if isinstance(operation, (list, tuple, set)) else [operation] return ( len(xs) == len(self._cond) and _get_ops(xs) == self._cops and all( _check_arithmetic_ops(op, x) for (op, x) in zip(self._cond, xs) if not isclass(x) and getattr(x, "arithmetic_depth", 0) ) ) except: # pylint: disable = bare-except # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( "OpEq does not support arithmetic operations " "that cannot be converted to a linear combination" ) from None
def _get_ops(val): """Computes the class for a given argument from its string name, instance, or a sequence of them. Args: val (Union[str, Operation, Iterable]): object to be used for building the operation set. Returns: tuple[class]: tuple of :class:`Operation <pennylane.operation.Operation>` classes corresponding to val. """ vals = val if isinstance(val, (list, tuple, set)) else [val] op_names = [] for _val in vals: if isinstance(_val, str): op_names.append(getattr(qml.ops, _val, None) or getattr(qml, _val)) elif isclass(_val): op_names.append(_val) elif isinstance(_val, (MeasurementValue, MidMeasureMP)): mid_measure = _val if isinstance(_val, MidMeasureMP) else _val.measurements[0] op_names.append(["MidMeasure", "Reset"][getattr(mid_measure, "reset", 0)]) else: op_names.append(getattr(_val, "__class__")) return tuple(op_names) def _check_arithmetic_ops(op1, op2): """Helper method for comparing two arithmetic operators based on type check of the bases""" # pylint: disable = unnecessary-lambda-assignment if isinstance(op1, (Adjoint, Controlled, ControlledSequence)) or isinstance( op2, (Adjoint, Controlled, ControlledSequence) ): return ( isinstance(op1, type(op2)) and op1.arithmetic_depth == op2.arithmetic_depth and _get_ops(op1.base) == _get_ops(op2.base) ) lc_cop = lambda op: qml.ops.LinearCombination(*op.terms()) if isinstance(op1, qml.ops.Exp) or isinstance(op2, qml.ops.Exp): if ( not isinstance(op1, type(op2)) or (op1.base.arithmetic_depth != op2.base.arithmetic_depth) or not qml.math.allclose(op1.coeff, op2.coeff) or (op1.num_steps != op2.num_steps) ): return False if op1.base.arithmetic_depth: return _check_arithmetic_ops(op1.base, op2.base) return _get_ops(op1.base) == _get_ops(op2.base) op1, op2 = qml.simplify(op1), qml.simplify(op2) if op1.arithmetic_depth != op2.arithmetic_depth: return False coeffs, op_terms = lc_cop(op1).terms() sprods = [_get_ops(getattr(op_term, "operands", op_term)) for op_term in op_terms] def _lc_op(x): coeffs2, op_terms2 = lc_cop(x).terms() sprods2 = [_get_ops(getattr(op_term, "operands", op_term)) for op_term in op_terms2] for coeff, sprod in zip(coeffs2, sprods2): present, p_index = False, -1 while sprod in sprods[p_index + 1 :]: p_index = sprods[p_index + 1 :].index(sprod) + (p_index + 1) if qml.math.allclose(coeff, coeffs[p_index]): coeffs.pop(p_index) sprods.pop(p_index) present = True break if not present: break return present return _lc_op(op2)
[docs]def op_in(ops): """Builds a conditional as a :class:`~.BooleanFn` for evaluating if a given operation exist in a specified set of operations. Args: ops (str, class, Operation, list(Union[str, class, Operation])): Sequence of string representations, instances, or classes of the operation(s). Returns: :class:`OpIn <pennylane.noise.conditionals.OpIn>`: A callable object that accepts an :class:`~.Operation` and returns a boolean output. It accepts any input from: ``Union[str, class, Operation, list(Union[str, class, Operation])]`` and evaluates to ``True`` if the input operation(s) exists in the set of operation(s) specified by ``ops``. Comparison is based on the operation's type, irrespective of wires. **Example** One may use ``op_in`` with a string representation of the name of the operation: >>> cond_func = qml.noise.op_in(["RX", "RY"]) >>> cond_func(qml.RX(1.23, wires=[0])) True >>> cond_func(qml.RZ(1.23, wires=[3])) False >>> cond_func([qml.RX(1.23, wires=[1]), qml.RY(4.56, wires=[2])]) True Additionally, an instance of :class:`Operation <pennylane.operation.Operation>` can also be provided: >>> cond_func = qml.noise.op_in([qml.RX(1.0, "dino"), qml.RY(2.0, "rhino")]) >>> cond_func(qml.RX(1.23, wires=["eve"])) True >>> cond_func(qml.RY(1.23, wires=["dino"])) True >>> cond_func([qml.RX(1.23, wires=[1]), qml.RZ(4.56, wires=[2])]) False """ ops = [ops] if not isinstance(ops, (list, tuple, set)) else ops return OpIn(ops)
[docs]def op_eq(ops): """Builds a conditional as a :class:`~.BooleanFn` for evaluating if a given operation is equal to the specified operation. Args: ops (str, class, Operation): String representation, an instance or class of the operation. Returns: :class:`OpEq <pennylane.noise.conditionals.OpEq>`: A callable object that accepts an :class:`~.Operation` and returns a boolean output. It accepts any input from: ``Union[str, class, Operation]`` and evaluates to ``True`` if the input operation(s) is equal to the set of operation(s) specified by ``ops``. Comparison is based on the operation's type, irrespective of wires. **Example** One may use ``op_eq`` with a string representation of the name of the operation: >>> cond_func = qml.noise.op_eq("RX") >>> cond_func(qml.RX(1.23, wires=[0])) True >>> cond_func(qml.RZ(1.23, wires=[3])) False >>> cond_func("CNOT") False Additionally, an instance of :class:`Operation <pennylane.operation.Operation>` can also be provided: >>> cond_func = qml.noise.op_eq(qml.RX(1.0, "dino")) >>> cond_func(qml.RX(1.23, wires=["eve"])) True >>> cond_func(qml.RY(1.23, wires=["dino"])) False """ return OpEq(ops)
def _rename(newname): """Decorator function for renaming ``_partial_op`` function used in partial_wires""" def decorator(f): f.__name__ = newname return f return decorator
[docs]def partial_wires(operation, *args, **kwargs): """Builds a partial function based on the given operation with all argument frozen except ``wires``. Args: operation (Operation, class): Instance of an operation or the class corresponding to the operation. *args: Positional arguments provided in the case where the keyword argument ``operation`` is a class for building the partially evaluated instance. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for the building the partially evaluated instance. These will override any arguments present in the operation instance or ``args``. Returns: callable: A wrapper function that accepts a sequence of wires as an argument or any object with a ``wires`` property. Raises: ValueError: If ``args`` are provided when the given ``operation`` is an instance. **Example** One may give an instance of :class:`Operation <pennylane.operation.Operation>` for the ``operation`` argument: >>> func = qml.noise.partial_wires(qml.RX(1.2, [12])) >>> func(2) qml.RX(1.2, wires=[2]) >>> func(qml.RY(1.0, ["wires"])) qml.RX(1.2, wires=["wires"]) Additionally, an :class:`Operation <pennylane.operation.Operation>` class can also be provided, while providing required positional arguments via ``args``: >>> func = qml.noise.partial_wires(qml.RX, 3.2, [20]) >>> func(qml.RY(1.0, [0])) qml.RX(3.2, wires=[0]) Finally, one can also use ``kwargs`` instead of positional arguments: >>> func = qml.noise.partial_wires(qml.RX, phi=1.2) >>> func(qml.RY(1.0, [2])) qml.RX(1.2, wires=[2]) >>> rfunc = qml.noise.partial_wires(qml.RX(1.2, [12]), phi=2.3) >>> rfunc(qml.RY(1.0, ["light"])) qml.RX(2.3, wires=["light"]) """ if not callable(operation): if args: raise ValueError( "Args cannot be provided when operation is an instance, " f"got operation = {operation} and args = {args}." ) args, metadata = getattr(operation, "_flatten")() if len(metadata) > 1: kwargs = {**dict(metadata[1]), **kwargs} operation = type(operation) fsignature = signature(getattr(operation, "__init__", operation)).parameters parameters = list(fsignature)[int("self" in fsignature) :] arg_params = {**dict(zip(parameters, args)), **kwargs} if "wires" in arg_params: # Ensure we don't include wires arg arg_params.pop("wires") op = partial(operation, **{**arg_params, **kwargs}) op_name = f"{operation.__name__}(" for key, val in op.keywords.items(): op_name += f"{key}={val}, " op_name = op_name[: -2 if len(op.keywords) else -1] + ")" @_rename(op_name) def _partial_op(wires, **model_kwargs): # pylint: disable = unused-argument """Wrapper function for partial_wires""" wires = getattr(wires, "wires", None) or ( [wires] if isinstance(wires, (int, str)) else list(wires) ) return op(wires=wires) return _partial_op