Source code for pennylane.ops.op_math.linear_combination

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LinearCombination class
import itertools
import numbers

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, protected-access, too-many-instance-attributes
import warnings
from copy import copy
from typing import Union

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Observable, Operator, Tensor, convert_to_opmath

from .sum import Sum

[docs]class LinearCombination(Sum): r"""Operator representing a linear combination of operators. The ``LinearCombination`` is represented as a linear combination of other operators, e.g., :math:`\sum_{k=0}^{N-1} c_k O_k`, where the :math:`c_k` are trainable parameters. Args: coeffs (tensor_like): coefficients of the ``LinearCombination`` expression observables (Iterable[Observable]): observables in the ``LinearCombination`` expression, of same length as ``coeffs`` simplify (bool): Specifies whether the ``LinearCombination`` is simplified upon initialization (like-terms are combined). The default value is `False`. Note that ``coeffs`` cannot be differentiated when using the ``'torch'`` interface and ``simplify=True``. Use of this argument is deprecated. grouping_type (str): If not ``None``, compute and store information on how to group commuting observables upon initialization. This information may be accessed when a :class:`~.QNode` containing this ``LinearCombination`` is executed on devices. The string refers to the type of binary relation between Pauli words. Can be ``'qwc'`` (qubit-wise commuting), ``'commuting'``, or ``'anticommuting'``. method (str): The graph colouring heuristic to use in solving minimum clique cover for grouping, which can be ``'lf'`` (Largest First), ``'rlf'`` (Recursive Largest First), ``'dsatur'`` (Degree of Saturation), or ``'gis'`` (IndependentSet). Defaults to ``'lf'``. Ignored if ``grouping_type=None``. id (str): name to be assigned to this ``LinearCombination`` instance .. seealso:: `rustworkx.ColoringStrategy <>`_ for more information on the ``('lf', 'dsatur', 'gis')`` strategies. .. warning:: The ``simplify`` argument is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead, you can call ``qml.simplify`` on the constructed operator. **Example:** A ``LinearCombination`` can be created by simply passing the list of coefficients as well as the list of observables: >>> coeffs = [0.2, -0.543] >>> obs = [qml.X(0) @ qml.Z(1), qml.Z(0) @ qml.Hadamard(2)] >>> H = qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, obs) >>> print(H) 0.2 * (X(0) @ Z(1)) + -0.543 * (Z(0) @ Hadamard(wires=[2])) The coefficients can be a trainable tensor, for example: >>> coeffs = tf.Variable([0.2, -0.543], dtype=tf.double) >>> obs = [qml.X(0) @ qml.Z(1), qml.Z(0) @ qml.Hadamard(2)] >>> H = qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, obs) >>> print(H) 0.2 * (X(0) @ Z(1)) + -0.543 * (Z(0) @ Hadamard(wires=[2])) A ``LinearCombination`` can store information on which commuting observables should be measured together in a circuit: >>> obs = [qml.X(0), qml.X(1), qml.Z(0)] >>> coeffs = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) >>> H = qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, obs, grouping_type='qwc') >>> H.grouping_indices ((0, 1), (2,)) This attribute can be used to compute groups of coefficients and observables: >>> grouped_coeffs = [coeffs[list(indices)] for indices in H.grouping_indices] >>> grouped_obs = [[H.ops[i] for i in indices] for indices in H.grouping_indices] >>> grouped_coeffs [array([1., 2.]), array([3.])] >>> grouped_obs [[X(0), X(1)], [Z(0)]] Devices that evaluate a ``LinearCombination`` expectation by splitting it into its local observables can use this information to reduce the number of circuits evaluated. Note that one can compute the ``grouping_indices`` for an already initialized ``LinearCombination`` by using the :func:`compute_grouping <pennylane.ops.LinearCombination.compute_grouping>` method. """ num_wires = qml.operation.AnyWires grad_method = "A" # supports analytic gradients batch_size = None ndim_params = None # could be (0,) * len(coeffs), but it is not needed. Define at class-level def _flatten(self): # note that we are unable to restore grouping type or method without creating new properties return self.terms(), (self.grouping_indices,) @classmethod def _unflatten(cls, data, metadata): return cls(data[0], data[1], _grouping_indices=metadata[0]) # pylint: disable=arguments-differ @classmethod def _primitive_bind_call(cls, coeffs, observables, _pauli_rep=None, **kwargs): return cls._primitive.bind(*coeffs, *observables, **kwargs, n_obs=len(observables)) def __init__( self, coeffs, observables: list[Operator], simplify=False, grouping_type=None, method="lf", _grouping_indices=None, _pauli_rep=None, id=None, ): if isinstance(observables, Operator): raise ValueError( "observables must be an Iterable of Operator's, and not an Operator itself." ) if qml.math.shape(coeffs)[0] != len(observables): raise ValueError( "Could not create valid LinearCombination; " "number of coefficients and operators does not match." ) if _pauli_rep is None: _pauli_rep = self._build_pauli_rep_static(coeffs, observables) if simplify: warnings.warn( "The simplify argument in qml.Hamiltonian and qml.ops.LinearCombination is deprecated. " "Instead, you can call qml.simplify on the constructed operator.", qml.PennyLaneDeprecationWarning, ) # simplify upon initialization changes ops such that they wouldnt be removed in self.queue() anymore if qml.QueuingManager.recording(): for o in observables: qml.QueuingManager.remove(o) coeffs, observables, _pauli_rep = self._simplify_coeffs_ops( coeffs, observables, _pauli_rep ) self._coeffs = coeffs self._ops = [convert_to_opmath(op) for op in observables] self._hyperparameters = {"ops": self._ops} with qml.QueuingManager.stop_recording(): operands = tuple(qml.s_prod(c, op) for c, op in zip(coeffs, observables)) super().__init__( *operands, grouping_type=grouping_type, method=method, id=id, _grouping_indices=_grouping_indices, _pauli_rep=_pauli_rep, ) @staticmethod def _build_pauli_rep_static(coeffs, observables): """PauliSentence representation of the Sum of operations.""" if all(pauli_reps := [op.pauli_rep for op in observables]): new_rep = qml.pauli.PauliSentence() for c, ps in zip(coeffs, pauli_reps): for pw, coeff in ps.items(): new_rep[pw] += coeff * c return new_rep return None def _check_batching(self): """Override for LinearCombination, batching is not yet supported.""" @property def coeffs(self): """Return the coefficients defining the LinearCombination. Returns: Iterable[float]): coefficients in the LinearCombination expression """ return self._coeffs @property def ops(self): """Return the operators defining the LinearCombination. Returns: Iterable[Observable]): observables in the LinearCombination expression """ return self._ops
[docs] def terms(self): r"""Retrieve the coefficients and operators of the ``LinearCombination``. Returns: tuple[list[tensor_like or float], list[.Operation]]: list of coefficients :math:`c_i` and list of operations :math:`O_i` **Example** >>> coeffs = [1., 2., 3.] >>> ops = [X(0), X(0) @ X(1), X(1) @ X(2)] >>> op = qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, ops) >>> op.terms() ([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [X(0), X(0) @ X(1), X(1) @ X(2)]) """ return self.coeffs, self.ops
[docs] def compute_grouping(self, grouping_type="qwc", method="lf"): """ Compute groups of operators and coefficients corresponding to commuting observables of this ``LinearCombination``. .. note:: If grouping is requested, the computed groupings are stored as a list of list of indices in ``LinearCombination.grouping_indices``. Args: grouping_type (str): The type of binary relation between Pauli words used to compute the grouping. Can be ``'qwc'``, ``'commuting'``, or ``'anticommuting'``. Defaults to ``'qwc'``. method (str): The graph colouring heuristic to use in solving minimum clique cover for grouping, which can be ``'lf'`` (Largest First) or ``'rlf'`` (Recursive Largest First). Defaults to ``'lf'``. **Example** .. code-block:: python import pennylane as qml a = qml.X(0) b =, qml.X(1)) c = qml.Z(0) obs = [a, b, c] coeffs = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] op = qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, obs) >>> op.grouping_indices is None True >>> op.compute_grouping(grouping_type="qwc") >>> op.grouping_indices ((2,), (0, 1)) """ if not self.pauli_rep: raise ValueError("Cannot compute grouping for Sums containing non-Pauli operators.") _, ops = self.terms() self._grouping_indices = qml.pauli.compute_partition_indices( ops, grouping_type=grouping_type, method=method )
@property def wires(self): r"""The sorted union of wires from all operators. Returns: (Wires): Combined wires present in all terms, sorted. """ return self._wires @property def name(self): return "LinearCombination" @staticmethod @qml.QueuingManager.stop_recording() def _simplify_coeffs_ops(coeffs, ops, pr, cutoff=1.0e-12): """Simplify coeffs and ops Returns: coeffs, ops, pauli_rep""" if len(ops) == 0: return [], [], pr # try using pauli_rep: if pr is not None: if len(pr) == 0: return [], [], pr # collect coefficients and ops new_coeffs = [] new_ops = [] for pw, coeff in pr.items(): pw_op = pw.operation(wire_order=pr.wires) new_ops.append(pw_op) new_coeffs.append(coeff) return new_coeffs, new_ops, pr if len(ops) == 1: return coeffs, [ops[0].simplify()], pr op_as_sum =, ops) op_as_sum = op_as_sum.simplify(cutoff) new_coeffs, new_ops = op_as_sum.terms() return new_coeffs, new_ops, pr
[docs] def simplify(self, cutoff=1.0e-12): coeffs, ops, pr = self._simplify_coeffs_ops(self.coeffs, self.ops, self.pauli_rep, cutoff) return LinearCombination(coeffs, ops, _pauli_rep=pr)
[docs] def compare(self, other): r"""Determines mathematical equivalence between operators ``LinearCombination`` and other operators are equivalent if they mathematically represent the same operator (their matrix representations are equal), acting on the same wires. .. Warning:: This method does not compute explicit matrices but uses the underlyding operators and coefficients for comparisons. When both operators consist purely of Pauli operators, and therefore have a valid ``op.pauli_rep``, the comparison is cheap. When that is not the case (e.g. one of the operators contains a ``Hadamard`` gate), it can be more expensive as it involves mathematical simplification of both operators. Returns: (bool): True if equivalent. **Examples** >>> H = qml.ops.LinearCombination( ... [0.5, 0.5], ... [qml.PauliZ(0) @ qml.PauliY(1), qml.PauliY(1) @ qml.PauliZ(0) @ qml.Identity("a")] ... ) >>> obs = qml.PauliZ(0) @ qml.PauliY(1) >>> print( True >>> H1 = qml.ops.LinearCombination([1, 1], [qml.PauliX(0), qml.PauliZ(1)]) >>> H2 = qml.ops.LinearCombination([1, 1], [qml.PauliZ(0), qml.PauliX(1)]) >>> False >>> ob1 = qml.ops.LinearCombination([1], [qml.PauliX(0)]) >>> ob2 = qml.Hermitian(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]), 0) >>> False """ if isinstance(other, (Operator)): if (pr1 := self.pauli_rep) is not None and (pr2 := other.pauli_rep) is not None: pr1.simplify() pr2.simplify() return pr1 == pr2 if isinstance(other, (qml.ops.Hamiltonian, Tensor)): warnings.warn( f"Attempting to compare a legacy operator class instance {other} of type {type(other)} with {self} of type {type(self)}." f"You are likely disabling/enabling new opmath in the same script or explicitly create legacy operator classes Tensor and ops.Hamiltonian." f"Please visit for more information and help troubleshooting.", UserWarning, ) op1 = self.simplify() op2 = other.simplify() op2 = qml.operation.convert_to_opmath(op2) op2 = qml.ops.LinearCombination(*op2.terms()) return qml.equal(op1, op2) op1 = self.simplify() op2 = other.simplify() return qml.equal(op1, op2) raise ValueError( "Can only compare a LinearCombination, and a LinearCombination/Observable/Tensor." )
def __matmul__(self, other: Operator) -> Operator: """The product operation between Operator objects.""" if isinstance(other, LinearCombination): coeffs1 = self.coeffs ops1 = self.ops shared_wires = qml.wires.Wires.shared_wires([self.wires, other.wires]) if len(shared_wires) > 0: raise ValueError( "LinearCombinations can only be multiplied together if they act on " "different sets of wires" ) coeffs2 = other.coeffs ops2 = other.ops coeffs = qml.math.kron(coeffs1, coeffs2) ops_list = itertools.product(ops1, ops2) terms = [[0], t[1], lazy=False) for t in ops_list] return qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, terms) if isinstance(other, Operator): if other.arithmetic_depth == 0: new_ops = [op @ other for op in self.ops] # build new pauli rep using old pauli rep if (pr1 := self.pauli_rep) is not None and (pr2 := other.pauli_rep) is not None: new_pr = pr1 @ pr2 else: new_pr = None return LinearCombination(self.coeffs, new_ops, _pauli_rep=new_pr) return, other) return NotImplemented def __add__(self, H: Union[numbers.Number, Operator]) -> Operator: r"""The addition operation between a LinearCombination and a LinearCombination/Tensor/Observable.""" ops = copy(self.ops) self_coeffs = self.coeffs if isinstance(H, numbers.Number) and H == 0: return self if isinstance(H, (LinearCombination, qml.ops.Hamiltonian)): coeffs = qml.math.concatenate([self_coeffs, H.coeffs], axis=0) ops.extend(H.ops) if (pr1 := self.pauli_rep) is not None and (pr2 := H.pauli_rep) is not None: _pauli_rep = pr1 + pr2 else: _pauli_rep = None return qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, ops, _pauli_rep=_pauli_rep) if isinstance(H, Operator): coeffs = qml.math.concatenate( [self_coeffs, qml.math.cast_like([1.0], self_coeffs)], axis=0 ) ops.append(H) return qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, ops) return NotImplemented __radd__ = __add__ def __mul__(self, a: Union[int, float, complex]) -> "LinearCombination": r"""The scalar multiplication operation between a scalar and a LinearCombination.""" if isinstance(a, (int, float, complex)): self_coeffs = self.coeffs coeffs = qml.math.multiply(a, self_coeffs) return qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, self.ops) return NotImplemented __rmul__ = __mul__ def __sub__(self, H: Observable) -> Observable: r"""The subtraction operation between a LinearCombination and a LinearCombination/Tensor/Observable.""" if isinstance(H, (LinearCombination, qml.ops.Hamiltonian, Tensor, Observable)): return self + qml.s_prod(-1.0, H, lazy=False) return NotImplemented
[docs] def queue( self, context: Union[qml.QueuingManager, qml.queuing.AnnotatedQueue] = qml.QueuingManager ): """Queues a ``qml.ops.LinearCombination`` instance""" if qml.QueuingManager.recording(): for o in self.ops: context.remove(o) context.append(self) return self
[docs] def eigvals(self): """Return the eigenvalues of the specified operator. This method uses pre-stored eigenvalues for standard observables where possible and stores the corresponding eigenvectors from the eigendecomposition. Returns: array: array containing the eigenvalues of the operator """ eigvals = [] for ops in self.overlapping_ops: if len(ops) == 1: eigvals.append( qml.utils.expand_vector(ops[0].eigvals(), list(ops[0].wires), list(self.wires)) ) else: tmp_composite = Sum(*ops) # only change compared to CompositeOp.eigvals() eigvals.append( qml.utils.expand_vector( tmp_composite.eigendecomposition["eigval"], list(tmp_composite.wires), list(self.wires), ) ) return self._math_op( qml.math.asarray(eigvals, like=qml.math.get_deep_interface(eigvals)), axis=0 )
[docs] def diagonalizing_gates(self): r"""Sequence of gates that diagonalize the operator in the computational basis. Given the eigendecomposition :math:`O = U \Sigma U^{\dagger}` where :math:`\Sigma` is a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues, the sequence of diagonalizing gates implements the unitary :math:`U^{\dagger}`. The diagonalizing gates rotate the state into the eigenbasis of the operator. A ``DiagGatesUndefinedError`` is raised if no representation by decomposition is defined. .. seealso:: :meth:`~.Operator.compute_diagonalizing_gates`. Returns: list[.Operator] or None: a list of operators """ diag_gates = [] for ops in self.overlapping_ops: if len(ops) == 1: diag_gates.extend(ops[0].diagonalizing_gates()) else: tmp_sum = Sum(*ops) # only change compared to CompositeOp.diagonalizing_gates() eigvecs = tmp_sum.eigendecomposition["eigvec"] diag_gates.append( qml.QubitUnitary( qml.math.transpose(qml.math.conj(eigvecs)), wires=tmp_sum.wires ) ) return diag_gates
[docs] def map_wires(self, wire_map: dict): """Returns a copy of the current ``LinearCombination`` with its wires changed according to the given wire map. Args: wire_map (dict): dictionary containing the old wires as keys and the new wires as values Returns: .LinearCombination: new ``LinearCombination`` """ coeffs, ops = self.terms() new_ops = tuple(op.map_wires(wire_map) for op in ops) new_op = LinearCombination(coeffs, new_ops) new_op.grouping_indices = self._grouping_indices return new_op
if LinearCombination._primitive is not None: @LinearCombination._primitive.def_impl def _(*args, n_obs, **kwargs): coeffs = args[:n_obs] observables = args[n_obs:] return type.__call__(LinearCombination, coeffs, observables, **kwargs)