Source code for pennylane.ops.op_math.linear_combination

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LinearCombination class
import itertools
import numbers

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, protected-access, too-many-instance-attributes
from copy import copy
from typing import Union

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Observable, Operator

from .sum import Sum

[docs]class LinearCombination(Sum): r"""Operator representing a linear combination of operators. The ``LinearCombination`` is represented as a linear combination of other operators, e.g., :math:`\sum_{k=0}^{N-1} c_k O_k`, where the :math:`c_k` are trainable parameters. .. note:: ``qml.Hamiltonian`` dispatches to :class:`~pennylane.ops.op_math.LinearCombination`. Args: coeffs (tensor_like): coefficients of the ``LinearCombination`` expression observables (Iterable[Observable]): observables in the ``LinearCombination`` expression, of same length as ``coeffs`` grouping_type (str): If not ``None``, compute and store information on how to group commuting observables upon initialization. This information may be accessed when a :class:`~.QNode` containing this ``LinearCombination`` is executed on devices. The string refers to the type of binary relation between Pauli words. Can be ``'qwc'`` (qubit-wise commuting), ``'commuting'``, or ``'anticommuting'``. method (str): The graph colouring heuristic to use in solving minimum clique cover for grouping, which can be ``'lf'`` (Largest First), ``'rlf'`` (Recursive Largest First), ``'dsatur'`` (Degree of Saturation), or ``'gis'`` (IndependentSet). Defaults to ``'lf'``. Ignored if ``grouping_type=None``. id (str): name to be assigned to this ``LinearCombination`` instance .. seealso:: `rustworkx.ColoringStrategy <>`_ for more information on the ``('lf', 'dsatur', 'gis')`` strategies. **Example:** A ``LinearCombination`` can be created by simply passing the list of coefficients as well as the list of observables: >>> coeffs = [0.2, -0.543] >>> obs = [qml.X(0) @ qml.Z(1), qml.Z(0) @ qml.Hadamard(2)] >>> H = qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, obs) >>> print(H) 0.2 * (X(0) @ Z(1)) + -0.543 * (Z(0) @ H(2)) The same ``LinearCombination`` can be created using the ``qml.Hamiltonian`` alias: >>> H = qml.Hamiltonian(coeffs, obs) >>> print(H) 0.2 * (X(0) @ Z(1)) + -0.543 * (Z(0) @ H(2)) The coefficients can be a trainable tensor, for example: >>> coeffs = tf.Variable([0.2, -0.543], dtype=tf.double) >>> obs = [qml.X(0) @ qml.Z(1), qml.Z(0) @ qml.Hadamard(2)] >>> H = qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, obs) >>> print(H) 0.2 * (X(0) @ Z(1)) + -0.543 * (Z(0) @ H(2)) A ``LinearCombination`` can store information on which commuting observables should be measured together in a circuit: >>> obs = [qml.X(0), qml.X(1), qml.Z(0)] >>> coeffs = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) >>> H = qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, obs, grouping_type='qwc') >>> H.grouping_indices ((0, 1), (2,)) This attribute can be used to compute groups of coefficients and observables: >>> grouped_coeffs = [coeffs[list(indices)] for indices in H.grouping_indices] >>> grouped_obs = [[H.ops[i] for i in indices] for indices in H.grouping_indices] >>> grouped_coeffs [array([1., 2.]), array([3.])] >>> grouped_obs [[X(0), X(1)], [Z(0)]] Devices that evaluate a ``LinearCombination`` expectation by splitting it into its local observables can use this information to reduce the number of circuits evaluated. Note that one can compute the ``grouping_indices`` for an already initialized ``LinearCombination`` by using the :func:`compute_grouping <pennylane.ops.LinearCombination.compute_grouping>` method. """ num_wires = qml.operation.AnyWires grad_method = "A" # supports analytic gradients batch_size = None ndim_params = None # could be (0,) * len(coeffs), but it is not needed. Define at class-level def _flatten(self): # note that we are unable to restore grouping type or method without creating new properties return self.terms(), (self.grouping_indices,) @classmethod def _unflatten(cls, data, metadata): return cls(data[0], data[1], _grouping_indices=metadata[0]) # pylint: disable=arguments-differ @classmethod def _primitive_bind_call(cls, coeffs, observables, _pauli_rep=None, **kwargs): return cls._primitive.bind(*coeffs, *observables, **kwargs, n_obs=len(observables)) def __init__( self, coeffs, observables: list[Operator], grouping_type=None, method="lf", _grouping_indices=None, _pauli_rep=None, id=None, ): if isinstance(observables, Operator): raise ValueError( "observables must be an Iterable of Operator's, and not an Operator itself." ) if qml.math.shape(coeffs)[0] != len(observables): raise ValueError( "Could not create valid LinearCombination; " "number of coefficients and operators does not match." ) if _pauli_rep is None: _pauli_rep = self._build_pauli_rep_static(coeffs, observables) self._coeffs = coeffs self._ops = list(observables) self._hyperparameters = {"ops": self._ops} with qml.QueuingManager.stop_recording(): operands = tuple(qml.s_prod(c, op) for c, op in zip(coeffs, observables)) super().__init__( *operands, grouping_type=grouping_type, method=method, id=id, _grouping_indices=_grouping_indices, _pauli_rep=_pauli_rep, ) @staticmethod def _build_pauli_rep_static(coeffs, observables): """PauliSentence representation of the Sum of operations.""" if all(pauli_reps := [op.pauli_rep for op in observables]): new_rep = qml.pauli.PauliSentence() for c, ps in zip(coeffs, pauli_reps): for pw, coeff in ps.items(): new_rep[pw] += coeff * c return new_rep return None def _check_batching(self): """Override for LinearCombination, batching is not yet supported.""" @property def coeffs(self): """Return the coefficients defining the LinearCombination. Returns: Iterable[float]): coefficients in the LinearCombination expression """ return self._coeffs @property def ops(self): """Return the operators defining the LinearCombination. Returns: Iterable[Observable]): observables in the LinearCombination expression """ return self._ops
[docs] def terms(self): r"""Retrieve the coefficients and operators of the ``LinearCombination``. Returns: tuple[list[tensor_like or float], list[.Operation]]: list of coefficients :math:`c_i` and list of operations :math:`O_i` **Example** >>> coeffs = [1., 2., 3.] >>> ops = [X(0), X(0) @ X(1), X(1) @ X(2)] >>> op = qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, ops) >>> op.terms() ([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [X(0), X(0) @ X(1), X(1) @ X(2)]) """ return self.coeffs, self.ops
[docs] def compute_grouping(self, grouping_type="qwc", method="lf"): """ Compute groups of operators and coefficients corresponding to commuting observables of this ``LinearCombination``. .. note:: If grouping is requested, the computed groupings are stored as a list of list of indices in ``LinearCombination.grouping_indices``. Args: grouping_type (str): The type of binary relation between Pauli words used to compute the grouping. Can be ``'qwc'``, ``'commuting'``, or ``'anticommuting'``. Defaults to ``'qwc'``. method (str): The graph colouring heuristic to use in solving minimum clique cover for grouping, which can be ``'lf'`` (Largest First), ``'rlf'`` (Recursive Largest First), ``'dsatur'`` (Degree of Saturation), or ``'gis'`` (Greedy Independent Set). **Example** .. code-block:: python import pennylane as qml a = qml.X(0) b =, qml.X(1)) c = qml.Z(0) obs = [a, b, c] coeffs = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] op = qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, obs) >>> op.grouping_indices is None True >>> op.compute_grouping(grouping_type="qwc") >>> op.grouping_indices ((2,), (0, 1)) """ if not self.pauli_rep: raise ValueError("Cannot compute grouping for Sums containing non-Pauli operators.") _, ops = self.terms() self._grouping_indices = qml.pauli.compute_partition_indices( ops, grouping_type=grouping_type, method=method )
@property def wires(self): r"""The sorted union of wires from all operators. Returns: (Wires): Combined wires present in all terms, sorted. """ return self._wires @property def name(self): return "LinearCombination" @staticmethod @qml.QueuingManager.stop_recording() def _simplify_coeffs_ops(coeffs, ops, pr, cutoff=1.0e-12): """Simplify coeffs and ops Returns: coeffs, ops, pauli_rep""" if len(ops) == 0: return [], [], pr # try using pauli_rep: if pr is not None: if len(pr) == 0: return [], [], pr # collect coefficients and ops new_coeffs = [] new_ops = [] for pw, coeff in pr.items(): pw_op = pw.operation(wire_order=pr.wires) new_ops.append(pw_op) new_coeffs.append(coeff) return new_coeffs, new_ops, pr if len(ops) == 1: return coeffs, [ops[0].simplify()], pr op_as_sum =, ops) op_as_sum = op_as_sum.simplify(cutoff) new_coeffs, new_ops = op_as_sum.terms() return new_coeffs, new_ops, pr
[docs] def simplify(self, cutoff=1.0e-12): coeffs, ops, pr = self._simplify_coeffs_ops(self.coeffs, self.ops, self.pauli_rep, cutoff) return LinearCombination(coeffs, ops, _pauli_rep=pr)
[docs] def compare(self, other): r"""Determines mathematical equivalence between operators ``LinearCombination`` and other operators are equivalent if they mathematically represent the same operator (their matrix representations are equal), acting on the same wires. .. Warning:: This method does not compute explicit matrices but uses the underlyding operators and coefficients for comparisons. When both operators consist purely of Pauli operators, and therefore have a valid ``op.pauli_rep``, the comparison is cheap. When that is not the case (e.g. one of the operators contains a ``Hadamard`` gate), it can be more expensive as it involves mathematical simplification of both operators. Returns: (bool): True if equivalent. **Examples** >>> H = qml.ops.LinearCombination( ... [0.5, 0.5], ... [qml.PauliZ(0) @ qml.PauliY(1), qml.PauliY(1) @ qml.PauliZ(0) @ qml.Identity("a")] ... ) >>> obs = qml.PauliZ(0) @ qml.PauliY(1) >>> print( True >>> H1 = qml.ops.LinearCombination([1, 1], [qml.PauliX(0), qml.PauliZ(1)]) >>> H2 = qml.ops.LinearCombination([1, 1], [qml.PauliZ(0), qml.PauliX(1)]) >>> False >>> ob1 = qml.ops.LinearCombination([1], [qml.PauliX(0)]) >>> ob2 = qml.Hermitian(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]), 0) >>> False """ if isinstance(other, (Operator)): if (pr1 := self.pauli_rep) is not None and (pr2 := other.pauli_rep) is not None: pr1.simplify() pr2.simplify() return pr1 == pr2 op1 = self.simplify() op2 = other.simplify() return qml.equal(op1, op2) raise ValueError( "Can only compare a LinearCombination, and a LinearCombination/Observable/Tensor." )
def __matmul__(self, other: Operator) -> Operator: """The product operation between Operator objects.""" if isinstance(other, LinearCombination): coeffs1 = self.coeffs ops1 = self.ops shared_wires = qml.wires.Wires.shared_wires([self.wires, other.wires]) if len(shared_wires) > 0: raise ValueError( "LinearCombinations can only be multiplied together if they act on " "different sets of wires" ) coeffs2 = other.coeffs ops2 = other.ops coeffs = qml.math.kron(coeffs1, coeffs2) ops_list = itertools.product(ops1, ops2) terms = [[0], t[1], lazy=False) for t in ops_list] return qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, terms) if isinstance(other, Operator): if other.arithmetic_depth == 0: new_ops = [op @ other for op in self.ops] # build new pauli rep using old pauli rep if (pr1 := self.pauli_rep) is not None and (pr2 := other.pauli_rep) is not None: new_pr = pr1 @ pr2 else: new_pr = None return LinearCombination(self.coeffs, new_ops, _pauli_rep=new_pr) return, other) return NotImplemented def __add__(self, H: Union[numbers.Number, Operator]) -> Operator: r"""The addition operation between a LinearCombination and a LinearCombination/Tensor/Observable.""" ops = copy(self.ops) self_coeffs = self.coeffs if isinstance(H, numbers.Number) and H == 0: return self if isinstance(H, LinearCombination): coeffs = qml.math.concatenate([self_coeffs, H.coeffs], axis=0) ops.extend(H.ops) if (pr1 := self.pauli_rep) is not None and (pr2 := H.pauli_rep) is not None: _pauli_rep = pr1 + pr2 else: _pauli_rep = None return qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, ops, _pauli_rep=_pauli_rep) if isinstance(H, Operator): coeffs = qml.math.concatenate( [self_coeffs, qml.math.cast_like([1.0], self_coeffs)], axis=0 ) ops.append(H) return qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, ops) return NotImplemented __radd__ = __add__ def __mul__(self, a: Union[int, float, complex]) -> "LinearCombination": r"""The scalar multiplication operation between a scalar and a LinearCombination.""" if isinstance(a, (int, float, complex)): self_coeffs = self.coeffs coeffs = qml.math.multiply(a, self_coeffs) return qml.ops.LinearCombination(coeffs, self.ops) return NotImplemented __rmul__ = __mul__ def __sub__(self, H: Observable) -> Observable: r"""The subtraction operation between a LinearCombination and a LinearCombination/Observable.""" if isinstance(H, (LinearCombination, Observable)): return self + qml.s_prod(-1.0, H, lazy=False) return NotImplemented
[docs] def queue( self, context: Union[qml.QueuingManager, qml.queuing.AnnotatedQueue] = qml.QueuingManager ): """Queues a ``qml.ops.LinearCombination`` instance""" if qml.QueuingManager.recording(): for o in self.ops: context.remove(o) context.append(self) return self
[docs] def eigvals(self): """Return the eigenvalues of the specified operator. This method uses pre-stored eigenvalues for standard observables where possible and stores the corresponding eigenvectors from the eigendecomposition. Returns: array: array containing the eigenvalues of the operator """ eigvals = [] for ops in self.overlapping_ops: if len(ops) == 1: eigvals.append( qml.math.expand_vector(ops[0].eigvals(), list(ops[0].wires), list(self.wires)) ) else: tmp_composite = Sum(*ops) # only change compared to CompositeOp.eigvals() eigvals.append( qml.math.expand_vector( tmp_composite.eigendecomposition["eigval"], list(tmp_composite.wires), list(self.wires), ) ) return self._math_op( qml.math.asarray(eigvals, like=qml.math.get_deep_interface(eigvals)), axis=0 )
[docs] def diagonalizing_gates(self): r"""Sequence of gates that diagonalize the operator in the computational basis. Given the eigendecomposition :math:`O = U \Sigma U^{\dagger}` where :math:`\Sigma` is a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues, the sequence of diagonalizing gates implements the unitary :math:`U^{\dagger}`. The diagonalizing gates rotate the state into the eigenbasis of the operator. A ``DiagGatesUndefinedError`` is raised if no representation by decomposition is defined. .. seealso:: :meth:`~.Operator.compute_diagonalizing_gates`. Returns: list[.Operator] or None: a list of operators """ diag_gates = [] for ops in self.overlapping_ops: if len(ops) == 1: diag_gates.extend(ops[0].diagonalizing_gates()) else: tmp_sum = Sum(*ops) # only change compared to CompositeOp.diagonalizing_gates() eigvecs = tmp_sum.eigendecomposition["eigvec"] diag_gates.append( qml.QubitUnitary( qml.math.transpose(qml.math.conj(eigvecs)), wires=tmp_sum.wires ) ) return diag_gates
[docs] def map_wires(self, wire_map: dict): """Returns a copy of the current ``LinearCombination`` with its wires changed according to the given wire map. Args: wire_map (dict): dictionary containing the old wires as keys and the new wires as values Returns: .LinearCombination: new ``LinearCombination`` """ coeffs, ops = self.terms() new_ops = tuple(op.map_wires(wire_map) for op in ops) new_op = LinearCombination(coeffs, new_ops) new_op.grouping_indices = self._grouping_indices return new_op
if LinearCombination._primitive is not None: @LinearCombination._primitive.def_impl def _(*args, n_obs, **kwargs): coeffs = args[:n_obs] observables = args[n_obs:] return type.__call__(LinearCombination, coeffs, observables, **kwargs) # this just exists for the docs build for now, since we're waiting until the next PR to fix the docs # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class Hamiltonian: r"""Returns an operator representing a Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian is represented as a linear combination of other operators, e.g., :math:`\sum_{k=0}^{N-1} c_k O_k`, where the :math:`c_k` are trainable parameters. .. note:: ``qml.Hamiltonian`` dispatches to :class:`~pennylane.ops.op_math.LinearCombination`. Args: coeffs (tensor_like): coefficients of the Hamiltonian expression observables (Iterable[Observable]): observables in the Hamiltonian expression, of same length as coeffs grouping_type (str): If not None, compute and store information on how to group commuting observables upon initialization. This information may be accessed when QNodes containing this Hamiltonian are executed on devices. The string refers to the type of binary relation between Pauli words. Can be ``'qwc'`` (qubit-wise commuting), ``'commuting'``, or ``'anticommuting'``. method (str): The graph colouring heuristic to use in solving minimum clique cover for grouping, which can be ``'lf'`` (Largest First), ``'rlf'`` (Recursive Largest First), ``'dsatur'`` (Degree of Saturation), or ``'gis'`` (Greedy Independent Set). Ignored if ``grouping_type=None``. id (str): name to be assigned to this Hamiltonian instance **Example:** ``qml.Hamiltonian`` takes in a list of coefficients and a list of operators. >>> coeffs = [0.2, -0.543] >>> obs = [qml.X(0) @ qml.Z(1), qml.Z(0) @ qml.Hadamard(2)] >>> H = qml.Hamiltonian(coeffs, obs) >>> print(H) 0.2 * (X(0) @ Z(1)) + -0.543 * (Z(0) @ Hadamard(wires=[2])) The coefficients can be a trainable tensor, for example: >>> coeffs = tf.Variable([0.2, -0.543], dtype=tf.double) >>> obs = [qml.X(0) @ qml.Z(1), qml.Z(0) @ qml.Hadamard(2)] >>> H = qml.Hamiltonian(coeffs, obs) >>> print(H) 0.2 * (X(0) @ Z(1)) + -0.543 * (Z(0) @ Hadamard(wires=[2])) A ``qml.Hamiltonian`` stores information on which commuting observables should be measured together in a circuit: >>> obs = [qml.X(0), qml.X(1), qml.Z(0)] >>> coeffs = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) >>> H = qml.Hamiltonian(coeffs, obs, grouping_type='qwc') >>> H.grouping_indices ((0, 1), (2,)) This attribute can be used to compute groups of coefficients and observables: >>> grouped_coeffs = [coeffs[list(indices)] for indices in H.grouping_indices] >>> grouped_obs = [[H.ops[i] for i in indices] for indices in H.grouping_indices] >>> grouped_coeffs [array([1., 2.]), array([3.])] >>> grouped_obs [[X(0), X(1)], [Z(0)]] Devices that evaluate a ``qml.Hamiltonian`` expectation by splitting it into its local observables can use this information to reduce the number of circuits evaluated. Note that one can compute the ``grouping_indices`` for an already initialized ``qml.Hamiltonian`` by using the :func:`compute_grouping <pennylane.ops.LinearCombination.compute_grouping>` method. .. details:: :title: Old Hamiltonian behaviour The following code examples show the behaviour of ``qml.Hamiltonian`` using old operator arithmetic. See :doc:`Updated Operators </news/new_opmath/>` for more details. The old behaviour can be reactivated by calling the deprecated >>> qml.operation.disable_new_opmath() Alternatively, ``qml.ops.Hamiltonian`` provides a permanent access point for Hamiltonian behaviour before ``v0.36``. >>> coeffs = [0.2, -0.543] >>> obs = [qml.X(0) @ qml.Z(1), qml.Z(0) @ qml.Hadamard(2)] >>> H = qml.Hamiltonian(coeffs, obs) >>> print(H) (-0.543) [Z0 H2] + (0.2) [X0 Z1] The coefficients can be a trainable tensor, for example: >>> coeffs = tf.Variable([0.2, -0.543], dtype=tf.double) >>> obs = [qml.X(0) @ qml.Z(1), qml.Z(0) @ qml.Hadamard(2)] >>> H = qml.Hamiltonian(coeffs, obs) >>> print(H) (-0.543) [Z0 H2] + (0.2) [X0 Z1] The user can also provide custom observables: >>> obs_matrix = np.array([[0.5, 1.0j, 0.0, -3j], [-1.0j, -1.1, 0.0, -0.1], [0.0, 0.0, -0.9, 12.0], [3j, -0.1, 12.0, 0.0]]) >>> obs = qml.Hermitian(obs_matrix, wires=[0, 1]) >>> H = qml.Hamiltonian((0.8, ), (obs, )) >>> print(H) (0.8) [Hermitian0,1] Alternatively, the :func:`~.molecular_hamiltonian` function from the :doc:`/introduction/chemistry` module can be used to generate a molecular Hamiltonian. In many cases, Hamiltonians can be constructed using Pythonic arithmetic operations. For example: >>> qml.Hamiltonian([1.], [qml.X(0)]) + 2 * qml.Z(0) @ qml.Z(1) is equivalent to the following Hamiltonian: >>> qml.Hamiltonian([1, 2], [qml.X(0), qml.Z(0) @ qml.Z(1)]) While scalar multiplication requires native python floats or integer types, addition, subtraction, and tensor multiplication of Hamiltonians with Hamiltonians or other observables is possible with tensor-valued coefficients, i.e., >>> H1 = qml.Hamiltonian(torch.tensor([1.]), [qml.X(0)]) >>> H2 = qml.Hamiltonian(torch.tensor([2., 3.]), [qml.Y(0), qml.X(1)]) >>> obs3 = [qml.X(0), qml.Y(0), qml.X(1)] >>> H3 = qml.Hamiltonian(torch.tensor([1., 2., 3.]), obs3) >>> + H2) True A Hamiltonian can store information on which commuting observables should be measured together in a circuit: >>> obs = [qml.X(0), qml.X(1), qml.Z(0)] >>> coeffs = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) >>> H = qml.Hamiltonian(coeffs, obs, grouping_type='qwc') >>> H.grouping_indices [[0, 1], [2]] This attribute can be used to compute groups of coefficients and observables: >>> grouped_coeffs = [coeffs[indices] for indices in H.grouping_indices] >>> grouped_obs = [[H.ops[i] for i in indices] for indices in H.grouping_indices] >>> grouped_coeffs [tensor([1., 2.], requires_grad=True), tensor([3.], requires_grad=True)] >>> grouped_obs [[qml.X(0), qml.X(1)], [qml.Z(0)]] Devices that evaluate a Hamiltonian expectation by splitting it into its local observables can use this information to reduce the number of circuits evaluated. Note that one can compute the ``grouping_indices`` for an already initialized Hamiltonian by using the :func:`compute_grouping <pennylane.Hamiltonian.compute_grouping>` method. """