Source code for pennylane.transforms.defer_measurements
# Copyright 2018-2022 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Code for the tape transform implementing the deferred measurement principle."""
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.measurements import CountsMP, MeasurementValue, MidMeasureMP, ProbabilityMP, SampleMP
from pennylane.ops.op_math import ctrl
from pennylane.queuing import QueuingManager
from pennylane.tape import QuantumScript, QuantumScriptBatch
from pennylane.transforms import transform
from pennylane.typing import PostprocessingFn
from pennylane.wires import Wires
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches, protected-access, too-many-statements
def _check_tape_validity(tape: QuantumScript):
"""Helper function to check that the tape is valid."""
cv_types = (qml.operation.CVOperation, qml.operation.CVObservable)
ops_cv = any(isinstance(op, cv_types) and != "Identity" for op in tape.operations)
obs_cv = any(
isinstance(getattr(op, "obs", None), cv_types)
and not isinstance(getattr(op, "obs", None), qml.Identity)
for op in tape.measurements
if ops_cv or obs_cv:
raise ValueError("Continuous variable operations and observables are not supported.")
for mp in tape.measurements:
if isinstance(mp, (CountsMP, ProbabilityMP, SampleMP)) and not (
mp.obs or mp._wires or is not None
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot use {mp.__class__.__name__} as a measurement without specifying wires "
"when using qml.defer_measurements. Deferred measurements can occur "
"automatically when using mid-circuit measurements on a device that does not "
"support them."
if mp.__class__.__name__ == "StateMP":
raise ValueError(
"Cannot use StateMP as a measurement when using qml.defer_measurements. "
"Deferred measurements can occur automatically when using mid-circuit "
"measurements on a device that does not support them."
samples_present = any(isinstance(mp, SampleMP) for mp in tape.measurements)
postselect_present = any(
op.postselect is not None for op in tape.operations if isinstance(op, MidMeasureMP)
if postselect_present and samples_present and tape.batch_size is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Returning qml.sample is not supported when postselecting mid-circuit "
"measurements with broadcasting"
def _collect_mid_measure_info(tape: QuantumScript):
"""Helper function to collect information related to mid-circuit measurements in the tape."""
# Find wires that are reused after measurement
measured_wires = []
reused_measurement_wires = set()
any_repeated_measurements = False
is_postselecting = False
for op in tape:
if isinstance(op, MidMeasureMP):
if op.postselect is not None:
is_postselecting = True
if op.reset:
if op.wires[0] in measured_wires:
any_repeated_measurements = True
reused_measurement_wires = reused_measurement_wires.union(
return measured_wires, reused_measurement_wires, any_repeated_measurements, is_postselecting
def null_postprocessing(results):
"""A postprocessing function returned by a transform that only converts the batch of results
into a result for a single ``QuantumTape``.
return results[0]
def defer_measurements(
tape: QuantumScript, reduce_postselected: bool = True, allow_postselect: bool = True
) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]:
"""Quantum function transform that substitutes operations conditioned on
measurement outcomes to controlled operations.
This transform uses the `deferred measurement principle
<>`_ and
applies to qubit-based quantum functions.
Support for mid-circuit measurements is device-dependent. If a device
doesn't support mid-circuit measurements natively, then the QNode will
apply this transform.
.. note::
The transform uses the :func:`~.ctrl` transform to implement operations
controlled on mid-circuit measurement outcomes. The set of operations
that can be controlled as such depends on the set of operations
supported by the chosen device.
.. note::
Devices that inherit from :class:`~pennylane.devices.QubitDevice` **must** be initialized
with an additional wire for each mid-circuit measurement after which the measured
wire is reused or reset for ``defer_measurements`` to transform the quantum tape
.. note::
This transform does not change the list of terminal measurements returned by
the quantum function.
.. note::
When applying the transform on a quantum function that contains the
:class:`~.Snapshot` instruction, state information corresponding to
simulating the transformed circuit will be obtained. No
post-measurement states are considered.
.. warning::
:func:`~.pennylane.state` is not supported with the ``defer_measurements`` transform.
Additionally, :func:`~.pennylane.probs`, :func:`~.pennylane.sample` and
:func:`~.pennylane.counts` can only be used with ``defer_measurements`` if wires
or an observable are explicitly specified.
.. warning::
``defer_measurements`` does not support using custom wire labels if any measured
wires are reused or reset.
tape (QNode or QuantumTape or Callable): a quantum circuit.
reduce_postselected (bool): Whether to use postselection information to reduce the number
of operations and control wires in the output tape. Active by default.
allow_postselect (bool): Whether postselection is allowed. In order to perform postselection
with ``defer_measurements``, the device must support the :class:`~.Projector` operation.
Defaults to ``True``.
qnode (QNode) or quantum function (Callable) or tuple[List[QuantumTape], function]: The
transformed circuit as described in :func:`qml.transform <pennylane.transform>`.
ValueError: If custom wire labels are used with qubit reuse or reset
ValueError: If any measurements with no wires or observable are present
ValueError: If continuous variable operations or measurements are present
ValueError: If using the transform with any device other than
:class:`default.qubit <~pennylane.devices.DefaultQubit>` and postselection is used
Suppose we have a quantum function with mid-circuit measurements and
conditional operations:
.. code-block:: python3
def qfunc(par):
qml.RY(0.123, wires=0)
m_0 = qml.measure(1)
qml.cond(m_0, qml.RY)(par, wires=0)
return qml.expval(qml.Z(0))
The ``defer_measurements`` transform allows executing such quantum
functions without having to perform mid-circuit measurements:
>>> dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=2)
>>> transformed_qfunc = qml.defer_measurements(qfunc)
>>> qnode = qml.QNode(transformed_qfunc, dev)
>>> par = np.array(np.pi/2, requires_grad=True)
>>> qnode(par)
tensor(0.43487747, requires_grad=True)
We can also differentiate parameters passed to conditional operations:
>>> qml.grad(qnode)(par)
tensor(-0.49622252, requires_grad=True)
Reusing and resetting measured wires will work as expected with the
``defer_measurements`` transform:
.. code-block:: python3
dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=3)
def func(x, y):
qml.RY(x, wires=0)
qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
m_0 = qml.measure(1, reset=True)
qml.cond(m_0, qml.RY)(y, wires=0)
qml.RX(np.pi/4, wires=1)
return qml.probs(wires=[0, 1])
Executing this QNode:
>>> pars = np.array([0.643, 0.246], requires_grad=True)
>>> func(*pars)
tensor([0.76960924, 0.13204407, 0.08394415, 0.01440254], requires_grad=True)
.. details::
:title: Usage Details
By default, ``defer_measurements`` makes use of postselection information of
mid-circuit measurements in the circuit in order to reduce the number of controlled
operations and control wires. We can explicitly switch this feature off and compare
the created circuits with and without this optimization. Consider the following circuit:
.. code-block:: python3
def node(x):
qml.RX(x, 0)
qml.RX(x, 1)
qml.RX(x, 2)
mcm0 = qml.measure(0, postselect=0, reset=False)
mcm1 = qml.measure(1, postselect=None, reset=True)
mcm2 = qml.measure(2, postselect=1, reset=False)
qml.cond(mcm0+mcm1+mcm2==1, qml.RX)(0.5, 3)
return qml.expval(qml.Z(0) @ qml.Z(3))
Without the optimization, we find three gates controlled on the three measured
qubits. They correspond to the combinations of controls that satisfy the condition
>>> print(qml.draw(qml.defer_measurements(node, reduce_postselected=False))(0.6))
0: ──RX(0.60)──|0⟩⟨0|─╭●─────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ╭<Z@Z>
1: ──RX(0.60)─────────│──╭●─╭X───────────────────────────────────────┤ │
2: ──RX(0.60)─────────│──│──│───|1⟩⟨1|─╭○────────╭○────────╭●────────┤ │
3: ───────────────────│──│──│──────────├RX(0.50)─├RX(0.50)─├RX(0.50)─┤ ╰<Z@Z>
4: ───────────────────╰X─│──│──────────├○────────├●────────├○────────┤
5: ──────────────────────╰X─╰●─────────╰●────────╰○────────╰○────────┤
If we do not explicitly deactivate the optimization, we obtain a much simpler circuit:
>>> print(qml.draw(qml.defer_measurements(node))(0.6))
0: ──RX(0.60)──|0⟩⟨0|─╭●─────────────────┤ ╭<Z@Z>
1: ──RX(0.60)─────────│──╭●─╭X───────────┤ │
2: ──RX(0.60)─────────│──│──│───|1⟩⟨1|───┤ │
3: ───────────────────│──│──│──╭RX(0.50)─┤ ╰<Z@Z>
4: ───────────────────╰X─│──│──│─────────┤
5: ──────────────────────╰X─╰●─╰○────────┤
There is only one controlled gate with only one control wire.
if not any(isinstance(o, MidMeasureMP) for o in tape.operations):
return (tape,), null_postprocessing
new_operations = []
# Find wires that are reused after measurement
) = _collect_mid_measure_info(tape)
if is_postselecting and not allow_postselect:
raise ValueError(
"Postselection is not allowed on the device with deferred measurements. The device "
"must support the Projector gate to apply postselection."
if len(reused_measurement_wires) > 0 and not all(isinstance(w, int) for w in tape.wires):
raise ValueError(
"qml.defer_measurements does not support custom wire labels with qubit reuse/reset."
# Apply controlled operations to store measurement outcomes and replace
# classically controlled operations
control_wires = {}
cur_wire = (
max(tape.wires) + 1 if reused_measurement_wires or any_repeated_measurements else None
for op in tape.operations:
if isinstance(op, MidMeasureMP):
_ = measured_wires.pop(0)
if op.postselect is not None:
with QueuingManager.stop_recording():
new_operations.append(qml.Projector([op.postselect], wires=op.wires[0]))
# Store measurement outcome in new wire if wire gets reused
if op.wires[0] in reused_measurement_wires or op.wires[0] in measured_wires:
control_wires[] = cur_wire
with QueuingManager.stop_recording():
new_operations.append(qml.CNOT([op.wires[0], cur_wire]))
if op.reset:
with QueuingManager.stop_recording():
# No need to manually reset if postselecting on |0>
if op.postselect is None:
new_operations.append(qml.CNOT([cur_wire, op.wires[0]]))
elif op.postselect == 1:
# We know that the measured wire will be in the |1> state if
# postselected |1>. So we can just apply a PauliX instead of
# a CNOT to reset
cur_wire += 1
control_wires[] = op.wires[0]
elif op.__class__.__name__ == "Conditional":
with QueuingManager.stop_recording():
new_operations.extend(_add_control_gate(op, control_wires, reduce_postselected))
new_measurements = []
for mp in tape.measurements:
if is not None:
# Update measurement value wires. We can't use `qml.map_wires` because the same
# wire can map to different control wires when multiple mid-circuit measurements
# are made on the same wire. This mapping is determined by the id of the
# MidMeasureMPs. Thus, we need to manually map wires for each MidMeasureMP.
if isinstance(, MeasurementValue):
new_ms = [
qml.map_wires(m, {m.wires[0]: control_wires[]}) for m in
new_m = MeasurementValue(new_ms,
new_m = []
for val in
new_ms = [
qml.map_wires(m, {m.wires[0]: control_wires[]})
for m in val.measurements
new_m.append(MeasurementValue(new_ms, val.processing_fn))
with QueuingManager.stop_recording():
new_mp = (
if not isinstance(mp, CountsMP)
else CountsMP(obs=new_m, all_outcomes=mp.all_outcomes)
new_mp = mp
new_tape = tape.copy(operations=new_operations, measurements=new_measurements)
if is_postselecting and new_tape.batch_size is not None:
# Split tapes if broadcasting with postselection
return qml.transforms.broadcast_expand(new_tape)
return [new_tape], null_postprocessing
def _add_control_gate(op, control_wires, reduce_postselected):
"""Helper function to add control gates"""
if reduce_postselected:
control = [control_wires[] for m in op.meas_val.measurements if m.postselect is None]
items = op.meas_val._postselected_items()
control = [control_wires[] for m in op.meas_val.measurements]
items = op.meas_val._items()
new_ops = []
for branch, value in items:
if value:
# Empty sampling branches can occur when using _postselected_items
new_op = (
if branch == ()
else ctrl(op.base, control=Wires(control), control_values=branch)
return new_ops
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