
field(attribute_type=<UnsetType.UNSET: 'UNSET'>, doc=None, py_type=None, **kwargs)[source]

Used to define fields on a declarative Dataset.

  • attribute_typeDatasetAttribute class for this attribute. If not provided, type may be derived from the type annotation on the class.

  • doc – Documentation for the attribute

  • py_type – Type annotation or string describing this object’s type. If not provided, the annotation on the class will be used

  • kwargs – Extra arguments to AttributeInfo


Return type


See also

Dataset, attribute()


The datasets declarative API allows us to create subclasses of Dataset that define the required attributes, or ‘fields’, and their associated type and documentation:

class QuantumOscillator(qml.data.Dataset, data_name="quantum_oscillator", identifiers=["mass", "force_constant"]):
    """Dataset describing a quantum oscillator."""

    mass: float = qml.data.field(doc = "The mass of the particle")
    force_constant: float = qml.data.field(doc = "The force constant of the oscillator")
    hamiltonian: qml.Hamiltonian = qml.data.field(doc = "The hamiltonian of the particle")
    energy_levels: np.ndarray = qml.data.field(doc = "The first 1000 energy levels of the system")

The data_name keyword argument specifies a category or descriptive name for the dataset type, and the identifiers keyword argument specifies fields that function as parameters, i.e., they determine the behaviour of the system.

When a QuantumOscillator dataset is created, its attributes will have the documentation from the field definition:

>>> dataset = QuantumOscillator(
...     mass=1,
...     force_constant=0.5,
...     hamiltonian=qml.X(0),
...     energy_levels=np.array([0.1, 0.2])
... )
>>> dataset.attr_info["mass"]["doc"]
'The mass of the particle'